Pokémon Retold: Part 1 - The Indigo Adventures - Chapter 1 - ZDG_Studios (2024)

Chapter Text

Everyone holds a dream close to their heart. They feel it gives them purpose, a destiny to fulfill. Well, there is a world where creatures of incredible powers help make those dreams possible. This world is the world of Pokémon. Pokémon come in many shapes and sizes, each with its own special abilities. Much of the history of this world is lost to time, leaving to rumors and speculations, but humans and Pokémon peacefully inhabit this world. The world is divided into several regions, each with its exclusive Pokémon, and are aware of the other regions. Pokémon are often caught by humans as pets, but those who train these amazing creatures compete against other humans and their Pokémon in contests of strategy and skills. One day, the best of the best trainers can become Pokémon Masters. Let us turn our attention to one specific region, where it is the eve of a young boy's tenth birthday.

The boy's name was Ash Ketchum. Ash had black hair, his eyes were brown and had a tanned skin complexion. He stood in his green-walled bedroom with a blue floor and a golden-brown-colored door with matching frames and rims on the wall. Two single windows sat in the room, one was on the wall opposite the door with matching colors as the door. When walking into the room the second mirror was on the left-hand side. A dresser that was the same golden brown sat in the corner against the walls where the windows sat. Opposite the dresser, was a desk protruding from a suspended bed. Sitting on top of the dresser was a television set playing a live broadcast. The broadcast was of a Pokémon match where one trainer had recalled one of their Pokémon. Not a moment later, the trainer threw a red and white ball into the arena where it popped open, unleashing a blue light that was so pail, it was almost white. The light morphed into a long shape before disbursing into particles, revealing a large creature that looked like a snake but also looked like it was made of boulders at the same time.
"Alright, go get'em Onix," Ash chanted happily with a large grin on his face. "That'll be me someday. I just know it."
At the base of Ash's bed was an orb-like object which he grabbed and held firmly in his hand.
"I'm gonna become the next great Pokémon Master," Ash announced loudly. "Do you hear me Pokémon of the world? I'll be the next Pokémon Master!!"
"Ash Ketchum," yelled a female voice.
The voice caused Ash to lose his footing and throw the orb object by reflex. In the doorway was his mother, Delia Ketchum.
"It's eleven o'clock," she boomed as she opened the orb, revealing it to be a clock. "You should be in bed young man!"
"Aw, but mom," complained Ash. "I can't help it. I'm too excited to sleep. My mind's racing with which Pokémon to pick at Professor Oak's lab."
"Well..." sighed Delia. "You're not the only one. I remember being like that once too. Still, you should watch something to help you. I think there's a re-run of Professor Oaks' announcement now."

Delia grabbed the television remote and pressed the channel button until the screen showed a tanned man with brown-grey hair wearing a red shirt and a white lab coat holding a rod in his hands. Behind him was a bulletin board with three pictures. One picture resembled a turtle but it was standing on its hind legs and had a swirly tail. The second was an orange lizard standing on two legs and had a little fire on its tail. And the third was a quadrupedal creature with what looked like a flower bulb on its back.
"Good evening Pallet Town," said the man. "My name is Professor Oak. To those who turn ten years old tomorrow, you are eligible to receive your first Pokémon from my lab. Squirtle, Charmander, or Bulbasaur."
Ash was glued to the program with widened eyes as he sat in his chair while leaning forward.
"Okay, Ash, when the program is over, get changed and go to bed," Delia smiled as she patted Ash's shoulder.
Ash was listening, but he was captivated by what he was watching.
I'll be the next Master, Ash told himself.I'm going to be! I'm going!!

Later that night, Ash was sound asleep in his bed dreaming of the Pokémon he was supposed to pick from. As he slept, Ash muttered about the Pokémon, paraphrasing the information Professor Oak said on television. Such as, Bulbasaur being simple to train made him an ideal choice for beginners. While muttering, Ash nudged the head of his bed which caused the clock to fall into his open hand. A few minutes later, he was muttering again, but he accidentally threw the clock, smashing it in half.


It was about nine in the morning when a strange bird caw that sounded like three of the same birds at once echoed through the town. Ash was still sleeping when the cawing sounded, but he was not asleep for long. He woke up with a slight scream.
"W-What time is it," Ash panicked. "Oh no! I'm late!!"
Not even stopping to change his clothes, Ash put on his shoes and bolted out of the front door like a jackrabbit being chased by hunting dogs.
Squirtle, Charmander, Bulbasaur, he told himself.Just save one for me! Please!!
As his legs pumped like pistons, Ash reached the front door of Professor Oak's lab, but there was a crowd of people gathering there. An opening was made revealing a boy with brown hair, dark viridian eyes, a long-sleeved indigo shirt, deep blue pants, brown boots, and a yin-yang necklace around his neck. Ash crashed into the boy by accident because he could not slow down, and a moment later, the boy rose to his feet, but he was boiling mad under the collar.
"Alright, who's the wise guy that, oh..." He demanded before realizing who he was talking to.
"You must be Ash. Well, you know what they say,better late than never."
"What's that supposed to mean, Gary" Ash shouted in anger.
"Show some respect, you brat, it's Mr. Gary," barked Gary. "It helps when your grandfather is in the Pokémon business, 'cause I have my own Pokémon! Me and two others already came here to get ours. You snooze, you lose Ash. Just go back home and daydream of being a master! That's about your speed."

Gary stormed off with the crowd looking at Ash with a scornful look while he gritted his teeth and growled.
"I swear Gary I'm gonna," Ash muttered as Professor Oak came up behind him.
"Oh, there you are Ash," smiled the Pokémon professor.
"P-P-Professor Oak," Ash panicked as he stumbled to find his footing.
"I hope you're not going to train in your pajamas my boy," chuckled Oak.
"O-Oh, sorry professor I woke up without an alarm so I..." Ash stammered to speak.
"Relax Ash," Oak said. "Follow me."
Oak escorted Ash into his research lab. On the surface, it seemed like a fairly ordinary home with fancy furniture, bookshelves, and a computer in the corner. Ash looked around for a moment before he caught up to Oak, who was at a doorway.
"Right this way my boy," Oak said as he opened the door.
Walking down a set of stairs, a cluttered, yet functional laboratory was revealed. In the center was a table with a glass dome covering the top with three red and white balls with a white button in the middle, and a black band around it. Each of those balls had a little decal on them, a tree leaf, a drop of water, and a flame.
"Go ahead Ash," said Oak. "Which Pokémon will you pick?"
"I thought about this for a long time and...I made my choice," Ash said as he grabbed the ball with the water drop. "I choose Squirtle!"

The ball opened, but it was empty. Ash's eyes shrunk and his jaw dropped.
"Oh, right, an on-time trainer got that one," Oak explained.
"Alright then," Ash said as he put the opened ball and grabbed the one with the tree leaf. "I'll choose Bulbasaur!"
Once again, the ball was empty. Ash was panicking while his heart was racing and was on the brink of tears.
"Another early arrival," Oak said sadly.
"Charmander then," Ash said loudly as he placed the ball down and picked the last ball.
"Please, please, please!"
A third time, nothing came out.
"The early bird catches the wormas they say," Oak said while holding his chin.
Ash shook in place and dropped the ball onto the floor while sobbing. He pounded his head with the palms of his hand while muttering the wordstupidrepeatedly. Professor Oak immediately rushed over to Ash and tried to stop him, but Ash forced himself away from the professor's grasp.
"Ash, Ash, Ash," Oak called out. "Please, calm down."
"I missed my chance," Ash shouted through the crying and sobbing. "I'm sorry professor...I'll go home now..."
Ash rose to his feet and began heading for the stairs leading to the ground floor. Professor Oak's mind raced as he quickly rushed for Ash.
"Now hold on a minute young man," Oak announced. "There...There is another option. I don't normally offer this but...You're a special occasion."
"A-A fourth option," Ash asked. "But, Charmander, Squirtle, and Bulbasaur are my choices. And I..."
"Normally, my boy, normally" Oak retorted as he pressed a button on the table. "Like I said. You're a special occasion. And that deserves a special partner."
The center of the table opened up, and a miniature elevator moved up to reveal a fourth ball, this one with a lightning bolt decal. Ash gently reached for the new ball and inspected it before it opened. The ball popped open with a flashing yellow light that blinded Ash for a few seconds before the light subsided. When his vision was restored, Ash saw a creature that resembled a chunky mouse that was a little over a foot tall shaking its head and body like a wet. It had yellow fur covering its whole body, black button eyes, a tiny nose, rosy red cheeks, a large jagged tail with a brown patch, and long ears with black tips.
"This Pokémon is called Pikachu," explained Professor Oak.
"Pikachu," Ash repeated softly as his face was close to the yellow mouse. "Hey, little guy."
From his cheeks, Pikachu unleashed a yellow bolt of electricity, causing a lot of harm to Ash.
"Oh no, Ash," panicked Oak as he helped keep Ash standing. "Ash, Ash please talk to me."
"That was shocking," Ash said with a little bit of lightheadedness.
"I-I'm so sorry Ash," Oak said sadly as he held Ash's shoulders. "You see, Pikachu is known as theElectric MousePokémon. Usually, they're shy creatures, but sometimes, their personalities are...Electrifying."
"Noted," Ash responded.
"If you don't want to have this Pokémon, I understand."
"No professor! I'll take him."
"W-What? A-Ash?"

Ash got up to his feet and held Pikachu in his arms, with the lighting rodent not being satisfied, and sparked small lightning bolts out of his cheeks. Professor Oak grabbed a small device the size of a small notebook and five balls that were small versions of the ones on the circular table from a nearby desk.
"If that's the case," Oak said. "Here is your Pokédex, and five Pokéballs. You know how these work, right?"
"Yes professor," Ash answered. "Pokéballs are meant to capture Pokémon, and the Pokédex has information on every Pokémon."
"Very good Ash," smiled Oak and he handed the items to Ash.
When Ash touched the items, Pikachu sent out another shock. This time electrocuting Oak as well as Ash. It was not until a few moments later, that Pikachu was walking with Ash outside of Oak's lab and back home. By the time they got home, Delia was preparing Ash's backpack with snacks and changes of clothes.
"Mom," Ash called out. "I'm back!"
"I'm in your room Ashie," Delia replied.
Ash came into his room seeing his mother folding identical pairs of genes, shirts, and a few blue jackets.
"O-Oh, thanks Mom," Ash said.
"I'm almost done, sweetie," said Delia. "I just got to pack a few foods and you'll be good to go. So, which Pokémon did you pick? Squirtle?"
"N-No..." Ash answered hesitantly.
"No, not that one."
"Then...Charmander? Youwerealways fond of that one."
Ash did not answer, partially out of embarrassment, but mostly because he pictured his mother slapping him silly before leaving town. However, Pikachu climbed up onto Ash's bed and Delia understood what was going on.
"So this is your Pokémon," asked Delia.
"Y-Yeah, that's Pikachu," Ash answered.
"Wait, isn't he supposed to be in his Pokéball?"
"O-Oh I forgot," Ash said as he pulled out the ball Pikachu came in. "Come on Pikachu. Back in the ball."
Ash gently threw the ball at Pikachu, but the mouse Pokémon swatted it back with his tail. Confused, Ash threw the ball again, but Pikachu continued to swat the ball. This continued after a few more attempts, but it brought a smile to her face as it looked like the two were playing catch.

Delia exited the room chuckling as Ash stopped throwing after one last catch. Ash looked at the ball with the lightning bolt decal and felt his heart grow heavy. Pikachu looked at the young boy disinterestedly before digging under his blanket. Ash grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom to change. When he exited the bathroom, he went to the kitchen where he saw Delia packing snacks and rations.
"Hey Mom," Ash called out. "Do we have any rubber gloves?"
"I got a few pairs in the top cupboard," Delia answered. "Why do you ask?"
Ash did not answer. He opened the small door and pulled out a pair of pink dishwashing gloves. Delia fished packing while Ash grabbed a clothesline from a broom closet.


Pallet Town was well behind him now. He was about a half hour away from the town wearing regular clothes, a red and white baseball cap with a green marking, a green backpack, and a pair of pink dishwashing gloves. In one hand, Ash held a strap from his backpack, and in the other, a washing line for clothes with Pikachu attached. The little mouse was not happy about this, to say the least. There was visible discomfort displayed on his face. Outside of Pallet Town resembled a forest and meadow area with a dirt path between raised rocks on the road's sides. After a few minutes, Ash sighed and stopped walking with Pikachu just behind him.
"Okay Pikachu," Ash said as he sat to face the yellow rodent. "Why don't you like me?"
Pikachu cried out his name while turning away from Ash and scratching himself with his foot.
"Okay, that doesn't help..." Ash retorted. "But...Why don't you wanna be in your Pokéball? Isn't that what all Pokémon are meant to do?"
Ash pulled out the Pokédex Professor Oak gave him. He pressed a button on the side of the device, it opened up to reveal a small square screen that was about three by three inches. Around the screen was a white border with a green button on the lower left side. To the open side of the device, was a keypad of blue buttons.
"While being trained, a Pokémon usually stays inside its Pokéball," said a computer voice of the Pokédex. "However, some Pokémon hate being confined. Making for small exceptions."
Ash's resolve was cracking severely. Still, from what the Pokédex said, he realized that what he was doing was no better than forcing him inside the Pokéball. Slowly untying Pikachu, Ash put the clothesline in a pocket on his pack back and pulled off the pink gloves.
"There you go," said Ash, sadly. "I guess...You're free now..."
Pikachu was confused but was not complaining about being set free. However, one good look into Ash's face, and Pikachu's mind began changing. Instead of dashing as fast as he could into the unknown, he ran to and climbed up a nearby tree. When Ash first saw this, he was just as confused and sat under the tree Pikachu was sitting in.

Left with no real options left, Ash decided to consult the Pokédex again.
"To capture a Pokémon, a trainer usually has their own battle with the other," said the Pokédex.
"Maybe," Ash said somberly. "But I'd have to do everything on my own now."
Just then, a rustling in the bushes came from Ash's left. On a small hill, Ash saw a new Pokémon that was one foot tall. It had purple fur, a pail underbelly, red eyes, a long tail that curled at the end, a long whisker on each cheek, and large buck teeth on the outside of its face.
"What's that," Ask asked curiously.
He noticed that his Pokédex had a camera on the top and pointed it at the Pokémon before opening it.
"Rattata, the Rat Pokémon," said the Pokédex. "It likes cheese, nuts, fruits, and barriers. It often comes out into open feels to steal food from oblivious travelers."
"Hm, good to know," Ash said as he held his backpack closer to protect what food he had.

For about an hour, Ash sat under the tree pressing buttons and trying to find the basics of being a Pokémon trainer. Pikachu took note of this and was still trying to wrap his head around why Ash stayed. Not only did he electrocute him twice, but actively resisted him. Along with trying to understand why he was feeling like this. Pikachu then quietly leaped from tree to tree until he found an apple tree. Plucking one off of a branch, Pikachu began eating the apple, but memories began flooding through his mind. He remembered being in the forest, looking at the other Pokémon who were in their social circles. Whenever he would try to interact, he was met with hostility. He tried to fight back, but it made things worse, so he opted to run. It wasn't until he was discovered by a large Pokémon with a pouch similar to a kangaroo or a wallaby. The Pokémon had mostly brown skin that looked like lizard scales, yellow ears, a black crest on its head, an underbelly that was the same shade as its ears, red eyes, and a small blue version with brown eyes in its pouch. The Pokémon smiled at the young Pikachu and offered to carry him. Accepting the offer, the young Pikachu was very happy but was still met with hostility, but he did have his new mother figure to help him.

Before long, Pikachu remembered one fateful night. Pikachu and his new family were in a cave trying to sleep, but the young mouse could not get a wink of sleep. He left the cave under a full moon but before he left for good, the young Pikachu looked back at his family and glowed a bright light. He looked in a nearby puddle and was overjoyed to see his new appearance (which was how he looked today). Pikachu sighed again before he continued to eat his apple. As he ate, Professor Oak came to his mind, he remembered Oak saying 'Well hello there little one. It's okay, I'll take you somewhere safe. Maybe you can help out another trainer who'll need you.' Slowly, Pikachu returned to Ash who was still flipping through the Pokédex.
"You know Pikachu," said Ash as he looked at the device in his hands. "I dreamed of being a Pokémon Master. It's the title given to the greatest of all Pokémon trainers. I...I thought I would set out with a friend to help me accomplish that...I...I didn't have any people friends before so...I thought maybe I'd make friends with Pokémon."
Ash began to chuckle to try and hide his true emotions, but he was not having any luck with it. Pikachu jumped down and stood in front of Ash, who still had his Pokédex in hand. Pikachu looked at Ash and the two shared eye contact for a moment.

Just then, they were interrupted by rustling in the grass nearby. Ash and Pikachu turned to see it was a bird-like creature with yellowish bottom feathers, a top coat of brown feathers, small pink legs, a peak the same color as its feet, and black eyes with a white pupil.
"I-Is that..." Ash pondered as he pointed the Pokédex at the new Pokémon.
"Pidgey, the Tiny Bird Pokémon," said the Pokédex. "Among all of the flying Pokémon, it is the most gentle and easiest to capture. An ideal target for beginner Pokémon trainers to test their Pokémon's skills."
"Well, that's a good sign," Ash said. "If Pikachu was willing."
Pikachu tugged at Ash's pants and gave the boy a little smile. Ash smiled back at the little mouse and off to the Pidgey.

Pikachu jumped the Pidgey forcing it to engage in battle. Pidgey flapped its wings furiously, generating a lot of wind. Pikachu dug his feet into the ground but was pelted with fast-moving pebbles caught in the wind. Ash felt the receiving end as he crossed his arms and used them to cover his head.
"Pikachu," Ash called out. "THUNDER SHOCK!!"
Pikachu let out electricity from his cheeks and fired a blast at Pidgey, hitting it full force. The bird Pokémon flailed and cried out in pain as it fell to the ground, but was still able to move. Immediately after, Pidgey's speed increased miraculously, as it ran into Pikachu.
It must be Quick Attack, Ash told himself.
Pikachu tackled Pidgey to the ground, with the tiny bird becoming disoriented. Ash pulled out one of his Pokéballs and pressed the white button in the middle. The ball enlarged, and he threw it at the Pokémon, landing squarely on its wing. As the ball moved away, it opened and emitted a red light on the Pidgey, causing it to morph and be absorbed into the ball with a snap. Ash let out a fist pump as the ball landed, but he was counting his chickens before they hatched. The Pokéball's button was flashing red, it let out a wobbling sound and rocked from side to side. Pikachu looked at the ball intently, while Ash's nerves were on firing on all cylinders. For about three thirty seconds, the ball continued to wobble, until the ball let out a dinging sound while settling.
"ALRIGHT," Ash cried out as he jumped in the air while raising his fist.

Pikachu smiled and gave a peace sign with the digits on what appeared could only be described as hands. Ash picked Pikachu up and spun around hugging him, but instead of electrocuting Ash, the mouse Pokémon let out what sounded like a laugh and hugged him back. The two walked over to the ball containing Pidgey, and Ash was still on his adrenaline high when he looked wide-eyed at the Pokéball. Another rustling in the grass happened; Ash thought it was another Pidgey, or perhaps the Rattata from earlier. Pikachu let out a Thunder Shock in the direction of the Pokémon. Ash got closer but what he was, was not what he expected. It was an angry bird with a pure brown head, a black back, a pale yellowish underbelly, a pink beak, beady black eyes, and red wings with pink tips.
"What's that Pokémon," Ash asked softly as he pulled out his Pokédex once again.
"Spearow, the Tiny Bird Pokémon," Answered the Pokédex. "Unlike Pidgey, Spearow has a snappy attitude. It is very aggressive, and will sometimes attack other Pokémon, and humans."
"W-What," Ash panicked.
Ash ran as fast as he could and barely avoided the foul-tempered bird in flight. However, once Spearow caught sight of Pikachu, it turned its attention toward him. Once Ash realized this, he forced Pikachu down to the ground while offering himself as a meat shield. Pikachu gazed at Ash confusingly, but soon got himself together and jumped into the open, and let out another Thunder Shock, this time, causing the bird to crash to the ground.
"Nice shot Pikachu," Ash complimented.
A second later, Spearow was standing again, and it let out a loud cry. The sound echoed in the meadow until it landed on a large tree. The tree's leaves began to shake as more Spearow flew from the tree to assist their fallen comrade.

Realizing there were too many to handle at once, Ash and Pikachu turned their tails and ran as fast as their limbs could carry them. The flock of Spearow chased the duo endlessly as wild Pokémon watched. After a few minutes, Pikachu ran ahead, which scared Ash.
"No Pikachu," Ash called out. "Don't run ahead! The Spearow will-"
It was too late, a few of the Spearow caught up with Pikachu and furiously pecked him. Pikachu cried out in pain and this made Ash furious.
"GET AWAY FROM MY FRIEND," Ash yelled out as he scooped the lightning rat in his arms.
Ash ran faster now. The flock of Spearow was not far behind him, but he reached a dead end on a steep cliff. Grimacing, Ash jumped on the cliff and slid down the cliff. Crashing before reaching the bottom, Ash held Pikachu tighter.

Not wasting time, Ash immediately started running again. Thunder clouds began rolling in with thunder and sporadic strikes of lightning.
Come on Ash, remember,he told himself.While traveling, a trainer can get their Pokémon healed and looked after. But what was it...Oh, the Pokémon Center! Let's hope the next town or city has one.
For about an hour and a half, the flock caught up with Ash and Pikachu. Ash was pecked by the Spearow and bitten at the ears, shirt, and cheeks. Falling off of a small ledge, Ash fell on his back and Pikachu was laying on the ground in pain. While he crawled, rain began to pour down and the lightning became more frequent.
"P-Pikachu..." groaned Ash as he crawled to his Pokémon. "No, please, Pikachu! You have to get in your Pokéball. Please Pikachu, get in the ball. I know you don't like it, but it's the only safe place."
He pulled out the lightning decal ball and activated it before setting the ball next to Pikachu. Ash rose to his feet with his fists clenched to the point where he could have bled.
The angry birds cawed and screeched as they flew toward Ash at high speed.
"COME ON BIRD BRAINS," Ash taunted.
Pikachu watched as Ash protected him. As he did, Pikachu saw the Pokémon that had taken in the young Pikachu. With tears in his eyes, Pikachu stood on all fours and ran as fast as his mind would let him and crawled up Ash's back. Ash noticed Pikachu and saw him jump in front of the Spearow. When Pikachu leaped a bolt of lightning from the storm struck him, and with one attack, Pikachu unleashed a column of electric energy that pushed Ash back and harmed the Spearow flock. This lasted for about ten seconds until the light dissipated like a lightning bolt.

Ash awoke to see the rain had stopped, and Pikachu was lying next to Ash's face.
"Hey Pikachu," Ash said softly.
Pikachu responded by saying its name with a warm smile on his face. Ash slowly rose to his feet and gently scooped up Pikachu in his arms, and he did not forget Pikachu's Pokéball. It was a sentimental thing. A memento of Ash's Pokémon journey. While hiking through the forest, Ash came upon a clearing on a hill. When he looked at Pikachu, who was out cold, Ash began to cry.
"Gary was right," Ash sobbed. "Being the next Pokémon Master...Yeah, two injured Pokémon on the same day...Some Master. Maybe...Maybe I'll just go home..."
As Ash cried more and more, he looked up and saw a rainbow on the horizon. Overhead, Ash could see a bird that might have been thirteen feet tall. It was a golden Pokémon that had a head crest, a long beak, a giant wingspan, and long tail feathers. The sight was enough to ease Ash's heartache. The Pokémon was flying towards the rainbow, but Ash noticed it dropped a feather and it gently dropped onto Pikachu.
"W-What is that..." Ash asked.
"Data unavailable," said the Pokédex. "Many Pokémon have yet to be identified."

Gently taking the feather, Ash was fascinated by it. It sparkled like a diamond in the light. Ash had never seen something like this before, but he was interrupted when Pikachu awoke with a weak smile and licked Ash's cheek, trying to wipe his still-present tears. Ash continued on his hike. It was sunset when he and Pikachu were close to the next urban area.
"Hey, kid," called out a female voice.
Ash spun around to see a girl who was no younger than he was next to a red bike. She had orange hair, a pigtail on one side, blue eyes, teal daisy duke shorts with a wavy pattern, and a yellow crop top over a red bra.
"You heading to Veridian City," asked the girl.
"I-Is there a Pokémon Center there," Ash asked quickly.
"Yeah, why? Oh my gosh, your Pikachu!"
"I'll explain on the way," Ash answered as he took off running.
With the hope of saving his friend's life and the sight of a fantastically new Pokémon, Ash raced as fast as he could to Veridian City.


Gary Oak was alone in a field of wild Pokémon. He held a Pokéball in his hand as he smiled into the distance.
"Let's do this," he said as gave a peck on the Pokéball before throwing it.
Out of the Pokéball, came a Squirtle, who gave off a co*cky smile, the same as Gary. Squirtle began battling with other Pokémon, until, one particular Pokémon caught his eye. It was a bird Pokémon. Brown head, red feathers, Gary instantly knew what this was, and it was beyond angry. It attacked without warning, but Gary's levelheadedness and quick thinking saved his and Squirtle's necks.
"A Spearow, eh," Gary smirked. "Now he could be a good addition Squirtle, Water Gun!"
Without any interference, Squirtle shot a stream of water in the back of Spearow. The Spearow kept its composure and began pecking Squirtle, but the turtle Pokémon retreated into its shell. Spearow kept trying to fight, but it was weak. Gary pulled out another Pokéball and activated it before throwing it. The ball connected and for thirty seconds, the ball wobbled and made its bleeping noises before stopping.
That Spearow looked like it's seen some action,Gary thought as he picked up the ball.Must have been through quite the battle. Let's put this strength to the test.

Pokémon Retold: Part 1 - The Indigo Adventures - Chapter 1 - ZDG_Studios (2024)
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Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.