The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)

SOCIAL THE HERALD-NEWS, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1956 Theresa Piela Jacqueline At a family dinner Thanksgiving Day, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Piela, 177 Prospect Street, Garfield, announced the engagement of their daughter, to Lewis Cirignano, of Passaic Miss Piela is with CurtissWright's spare parts division, Hackensack. Mr. Cirignano, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Ernest Cirignano, will be graduated from Seton Hall University in June. Arlene Reyngoudt Betrothal Dinner For Garfield Girl Party in Carlstadt Fetes Engaged Couple goudt, 3 37 Bond Street, Wallington, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Harriet, Arlene, to Ralph A. Peet, USAF, of Carlstadt. The betrothal was made known at a family given by Miss Reyngoudt's sister, Mrs.

John Tantillo. A party was given for the couple Saturday evening at Gardella's, Carlstadt. Miss Reyngoudt is with RevIon Company, Passaic. Her fiance, son of Mr. ar and Mrs.

Ralph Peet, 365 Broad Street, is stationed at Highlands. Joan Englander College Students' Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Samuel L. Englander, 196 Union Avenue, Rutherford, have announced the engagement of their daughter, Joan, to Burt Kaplan, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Leo A. Kaplan, 525 Gregory Avenue, Passaic. Miss Englander graduated from Kimberley School, Montclair, in June and now attends Wellesley College. Mr.

Kaplan is a senior at Hobart College, Geneva, N. Y. Surprise Party Honors Mr. and Mrs. Yamner Mr.

and Mrs. Sam Yamner, -50 Pleasant Avenue, Passaic, were guests Sunday 'at a surprise party to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Hosts were Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Garber, 199 Howard Avenue, Passaic.

The Yampers were married in New York City. They have two sons, Bernard, a graduate of New York University now in basic training at Fort Dix, and Morris, a freshman at Ohio State University. Daughter of Herald-News Copy Chief Wins Top Industrial Editors' Award nue, Clifton, annual institute sociation at the She is a senior University School Two Rutgers reseniors" ceived awards. They were based on advertising and editorial projects submitted by the students to promote the theme, "The Role of the Savings Bond in Our National Special The Herald-News Virginia L. Starke, 544 Passaic Avereceived the top award today at the 12th of the New Jersey Industrial Editors AsMilitary Park Hotel here.

in the Rutgers She attends Douglass College of of Journalism. the university. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.

Lee Starke. Her father is chief of the copy desk at The Herald-News. Competitive awards were established last spring by industrial editors as a means of encouraging interest on the part of students in the problem of industrial communication. This year's competition was limited to Rutgers students. Journalism students in other New Jersey colleges may be invited Virginia to compete in subsequent years.

Miss Starke re- Starke ceived a $100 prize. Other awards went to Michael U. Nelson, of Franklin Park, $100 savings bond, and Richard M. Glaubinger, of New Brunswick, $50 savings Miss Starke was a member of The Herald-News women's news staff during summer vacation. Just right GIFTS CRYSTAL DINNERWARE SILVER STEMWARE HANDBAGS ANTIQUES WALL ACCESSORIES Free Delivery! Free Gift Wrapping! Use Our Layaway Plan! FINE and ANTIQUE JEWELRY Necklaces! Bracelets! Pins! Earrings! Rings! Charms and Charm Bracelets! emma graubard GIFT SHOPPE 41-43 Broadway, Passaic PR.

9-9007 OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY NIGHTS! Ask about our merchandise club! DAR to Send Yule Gifts To Kentucky State Chairman To Speak on Work Of Approved Schools KAMPONTADORR B. state Rue, chairman, of will talk on the objectives and accomplishments of DAR approved schools, at a meeting of Acquackanonk Landing Chapter, at 2:30 tomorrow. Mrs. Nicholas L. Pedesen, 52 Greendale Road, Clifton, will be hostess to the chapter, with Mrs.

Frank Harwood assisting. Miss Marion Britten, chapter approved schools chairman, has requested members to provide gifts for the annual Christmas shower for Hindman (Ky.) Settlement School. Gifts suitable for both children and adults have been suggested. In urging membership support, Mrs. Louis I.

Kievit, regent, said: "In the southern mountain areas, many adults never have received 'a Christmas many children have reecived only gifts through school, Hindman endeavors, 1 not only to raise the living standards of the community, but to provide a measure of happiness for the underprivileged." Miss Britten, Mrs. Kievit and Miss Viola M. Stokes will serve on a pick-up committee. Rena Lampone Engaged Couple Honored at Dinner The engagement of Miss Rena Lampone, to Joseph Cannariato, both of Clifton, has been announced by her parents, Mr. and Joseph Lampone, 16 Fernwood Court.

A family dinner was held Saturday evening at Robin Hood Inn, Clifton, to honor couple. Miss Lampone and ther fiance are seniors at Clifton High School. She is with Garden State Credit Bureau, Clifton. Mr. Cannariato, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Lawrence Cannariato, 194 Rawland Avenue, is with Clifton. Clubwomen Deliver Articles to Hospital Mrs. Paul Witting, chairman of the American home department of the Lyndhurst Woman's Club, and Mrs. Joseph Jankowski, president, have delivered more 2,000 articles to Greystone Park Association for use during the holiday season at the hospital.

There were Christmas tree decorations, religious items, wall decorations, corsages, place mats, pocket books, toilet articles, scrap and other items. All, were made or purchased members of the American home and art departments. The women also took 666 articles made by the Stay at Home and Do who Good worked Club, a group of girls under the direction of Mrs. Witting. Angela Dolce is president of the club; Joy Divine, vice-president, and others who helped included Caryl Delbridge, Diane Herman, Barbara Hoeky, Elaine Imperiale, Barbara Januska, 'Antoinette Picitenti, Vivian Rizzo, Marcia Vorano, Helen Wisniewski and Joyce Yurkiewicz.

Thursday Mrs. Witting will speak to the welfare department of Wood-Ridge Woman's Club at an all-day meeting. She will tell how to make articles for Greystone and will show samples made in Lyndhurst. Here's news for Half-Size and Larger Women Visit Carens the only store in Passaie catering exclusively to the Half-Size and Larger Women! SIZES from to SIZES from 46 to 52! Perfectly Proportioned Coats, Dresses, Suits Carens 226 WASHINGTON. PLACE PASSAIC, N.

J. Roslyn Gelber (Miss Morton Gelber Schnabel At a family dinner in Gene Boyle's Restaurant, Mr. and Mrs. William Gelber, 127 Park Avenue, Passaic, announced the engagement of their daughter, lyn, to Morton Schnabel, of Englewood Cliffs. Miss Gelber attended Fairleigh Dickinson.

She is a cal technician with Dr. Seymour Taffet, of Bloomfield, and is a member of Passaic Councilettes, Her fiance, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Schnabel, 9 Kimhunter Road, is a junior at Fairleigh Dickinson where he is majoring in business administration. Advent Customs Topic For Mother's Guild Mrs.

Bernard Rowley, a member of the Mother's Guild of St. Nicholas School, will speak at its meeting at 8:30 tomorrow in the lower auditorium. Mrs. Rowley will explain the traditional liturgical and folk of Advent which have been handed down from generation generation from different parts of the world. She also will exhibit the new Advent wreath.

There will be a toy fair and demonstration of the latest toys from Santa's workshop. Hostesses will be Mmes. John Byank, Edward Richardson, Patrick Lennox, Adelbert Wilson, Edmund Cyganiewicz, Frank Joshua, Milton Donnelly, Laurence Lyons, SS. Peter-Paul's Men Elect Henry Opalka Henry Opalka was elected president of the Men's Association of SS. Peter-Paul's Polish National Catholic Church, Passaic, Sunday afternoon at the fifth annual meeting.

Others on the slate are William Anselmi, vice-president; Paul Rihlik, recording financial secretary; Kresen, secretary: Michael Andrey, corresponding secretary; Edward Rembish, treasurer; John Kubarewicz, ward sergeant Danowski, Marion and Szymczak and Alfred's Sudol, trustees. The Rev. Adam Walichiewicz, pastor, will install the officers at the December meeting. Membership in the association now Itotals 160. 50th Jubilee Mass for John Ferraros At Paterson Church Where They Wed family dinner was given Sunday to celebrate the golden wedding anniversary of Mr.

and Mrs. John 298 Paxton Avenue, Paterson." They attended jubilee mass Mr. and Mrs. John Ferraro Jacqueline Scaglione To Be June Bride The engagement of Miss Jacqueline Scaglione, of Garfield, to Charles R. Dolecki, of cl*tton, was made known at a family dinner Sunday by her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Louis Scaglione, 68 Jewell Street, Miss Scaglione and her fiance are with Hamersley Manufacturing Company. She is with the bookkeeping department. Mr. Dolecki, son of Mr.

and Mrs. Dolecki, 55 Doherty Drive, attends evening classes at Newark College Engineering where he is majoring in chemical engineering. A June wedding is planned. Phyllis Mueller Lyndhurst Couple's Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs.

'Charles A. Mueller, 247 Court Avenue, Lyndhurst, announce the engagement of their daughter, Phyllis Eileen, to Carl Steven Carini, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Carini, 308 Milburn Avenue, Lyndhurst.

Miss Mueller is with Public Service Electric and Gas Company, Newark. Her fiance is with Clark and Dodge, 62 Wall Street, New York City. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Friedman, 107 Palmer Street, Passaic, who observed their 25th wedding anniversary November 15, were honored at a surprise party Sunday evening.

Mirin sister, Friedman's Mr. brother, Mrs. Sloane Schweid, 96 Dawson Avenue, Clifton, were hosts. The Friedmans are parents of Mrs. David (Barbara) Rogers, of Rutherford, and William and Richard, at home.

Mrs. Friedman is the former Jean Rubin, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Rubin, of Passaic, and the late Mr. Rubin, Mr. Friedman owns Roseland Wines and Liquors, Passaic.

New England Women Plan for Christmas Thomas Friedmans Married 25 Years Mrs. Merton M. Weed, 44 Ridge Avenue, Passaic, was hostess recently to members of the Passaic Colony, National Society of New England Women. Dolls: will be presented to children in Passaic, General Hospital and of food for a needy family will be given at Christmas. Colored slides were shown by Mrs.

Sumner C. Fairbanks who visited France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy during the summer. Harvest Home Day At Orphan Home The annual Harvest Home Day for the Passaic Home and Orphanage Asylum will be held tomorrow at the home, 238 River Drive, when visitors will be welcome. The home will be open for inspection from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.

The auxiliary will be hostesses and refreshments will be served. Sunday morning in St. Michael's R. C. Church, Paterson, where they were married in 1906 by Rev.

Felice Cinci. "Dinner followed at the Casino de Charlz, Totowa. Another dinner was held in their honor, Thanksgiving Day at Goodwin's Restaurant, Paterson, The jubilarians are natives off Italy. Mr. Ferraro came to this country in 1903, and Mrs.

raro, the former Chiarina Scala, in 1906. They have lived in Paterson since coming to this country except for three years spent in Passaic. Mr. Ferraro, now retired, is former owner and operator of Ferraro's Bakery, Paterson. Hosts at the dinner their six children, their husbands and wives, Cloce, Mr.

of and Mrs. Jerry (Nancy) Passaic; and 1 Mrs. Michael (Anna) Cortese; Mr. and. Mrs.

Louis Ferraro; Mr. Mrs. Charles (Mae) Iascuzzo; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony (Lena) Ruggiero, and Mr.

and Mrs. Anthony Ferraro, all of Paterson. They also have 10 dren, Philip Cortese, Joan Grasso, Judy Cortese, Norman and John lacuzzo, Anthony and Gerald Cloce, Mary Ruggiero, John and Larry Ferraro. Mt. Carmel Closes by Dinner-Dance Bids Reservations have been closed for Mt.

Carmel Welfare Society and PTA's 15th annual dinner dance Saturday evening. The affair, highlighted by co*cktail hour before dinner, will be held in the school auditorium. Vocalist will be Bob Santa Maria. Music will be supplied by the Frank Philip's Ciolino, co-chairmen, have anSalvatore Motta and Banditred nounced proceeds will gO toward the Mt. Carmel School Building Fund.

Mrs. George Conover Berean Class Speaker Mrs. George Conover will address fellow members of the Berean Bible Class of the First Baptist Church at the November meeting at 8 o'clock this evening. Hostesses will Mmes. ward Mascuch, Filliam, Warren Field, Edward Mascuch, and Nathan Bried, There's magic color to make YOU more beautiful! HAIR COLORING 4.95 Shampoo and Set.

1.50 Heir Shaping 1.35 PERMANENT WAVES 6.85 and 9.85 No appointment necessary. If desired PHONE GR. 1-8656 The French Beauty Salon Joseph Paterno, Chief Stylist 255 Gregory Avenue (off Broadway) Passele Passaic Couple Mark 22nd Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rose, 478 Gregory Avenue, Passaic, celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary Saturday evening having dinner in New York City and attending a performance of "It's A Funny Accompanying them were Mrs.

Rose's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pruzansky, 153 Hamilton Avenue, Passaic, who marked their 41st wedding anniversary November 9, and her brotherin-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Schwartz, of the Hamilton Street address.

Mr. Schwartz' birthday was Friday, Mrs. Rose is the former Mildred Pruzansky. They have four children, Leonard, Jacqueline, Barbara and Cynthia. In addition to Mrs.

Rose and Mrs. (Anna) Schwartz, Mr. and Mrs. Pruzansky are 'parents of Bernard, Sidney, and Mrs. Michael (Ruth) Silvestri, all of Passaic.

They have 15 grandchildren. State Officer Guest Of Passaic Pythians Robert Schenker, supreme outer guard of New Jersey Knights of Pythias, paid an official visit to Passaic Lodge last night at Odd Fellows Hall. He was accompanied by Martin Myrowitz, of Liberty Lodge, Jersey City, who explained the fund Deborah campaign for the Sanatorium, Browns Mills. Morris Novick, of Passaic, heads the project locally. Arthur Bodner will be chairman of a Chanukah party, for children of Pythian members Sunday morning at 10:30 at Hillel Academy.

First nominations of officers was held with final nominations and election scheduled at the next session. card party followed the meeting with Harry Peltz in charge of hospitality. 1049 648 Bloomfield MAIN PASSAIC AVE. Clifton 5-10 STORE (STYERTOWNE). GO TO McCRORY'S FIRST FOR CI CHRISTMAS CARDS MAS mas ALL SELECT Cards FROM in the ONE made country.


$19 2. VERSES THAT THE ARE FIELD. WRITTEN You will BY find THE cards FINEST worded WRITERS IN EACH BOX CONTAINS UP TO 50 DIFFERENT CARDS just right for you to Mother, Father, Sweetheart, Brother, Sister, Relations or Friends. Verses for young and for the each designed for a particular need or person. You more mature.

McCRORY Cards have just the verse you can find just the card for each of your friends and want. relatives. McCRORY'S has boxes of Christmas. Scenes, Modern Slims, -Religious Cards, Humorous, Artistic, Parchment Cards, Children's Cards, etc. Compare and be convinced McCrory's has the finest at popular prices! McCRORY'S 648 Main Passaic 1049 Bloomfield Clifton (Styertowne).

The Herald-News from Passaic, New Jersey (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.