The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter 1: Royal Revelations


This is a story that has been on my mind for a while. The history and culture of my made up world for the characters is somewhat convoluted, but it will all be revealed in the story, just not at the same time. If anyone spots any typos that I've missed please let me know so I can fix them. I hope you enjoy the story. Feedback is welcome.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 1, Royal Revelations

Hariel Lilian Potter, known as Hariel, stood in the bustling heart of Diagon Alley, her emerald eyes reflecting a mixture of determination and curiosity. Having run away from the Dursley’s the night before, scarcely two weeks after she’d returned from Hogwarts due to blowing up Aunt Marge, she’d arrived at the Leaky Cauldron and almost immediately fallen into bed to sleep. Upon waking, the sunlit cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley guided her to the formidable entrance of Gringotts, the ancient goblin bank.

Steeling herself, Hariel entered the bank and looked around, noticing an empty counter. She’d never been to Gringotts on her own before. Approaching the counter with a sense of purpose, Hariel introduced herself to the goblin teller. “I need to collect money from my vault please, I have my key here.” Hariel stated while holding up the golden key to the goblin. A nod from the goblin indicated he listened but then he gestured to her.

“We have been expecting your arrival for some time Heiress Potter, please follow me. Your account manager has much to discuss with you.” The goblin said. Hariel frowned in confusion, opening her mouth to ask what he was talking about before the goblin climbed down from his chair and gestured to her to follow, before leading her through the labyrinthine halls of Gringotts, finally pausing at a tall, ornate door that depicted a grand bird flying high over valleys, leading storms in its wake.

The goblin knocked on the door, before stepping back as it opened slowly. He gestured for Hariel to enter and she did nervously, silently wondering why she was here.

"Ah, Hariel Potter, we've been expecting you,” A gravelly voice spoke from behind a grand desk of oak, an elderly goblin with greying hair and silver spectacles peering at her from behind it, frowning. “We have sent many letters regarding our need for a meeting Heiress Potter. I wonder now why you have chosen not to reply? I am Rangrok, I have been your families account manager and ally for many years now. Since your six times great grandfather, His Grace, Lord Henry Potter asked me to accept. He promoted me from cart driver to account manager in a single step, his family treating those of the goblin nation with respect. It has been my honour to see to their needs.

“However, I feel it remiss of me not to use an inheritance test to verify your identity.” Rangrok said as he leant back in his chair and folded his arms in front of him. Hariel stared, having learnt more of her family during Rangrok’s speech than in her entire life as Rangrok nodded his head for her to take a seat in the chair opposite him in front of the desk before something he said made her look up.

“An inheritance test?” Hariel asked, her brow furrowed.

“Having never stepped foot in the bank on your own before, we have not been able to verify your true identity Heiress Potter, usually there is no need, as Heirs are accompanied by their parents who vouch for them. With no parents yourself, we must resort to this.” Rangrok replied sternly, his expression forbidding an argument. Hariel nodded shakily. “It is a simple matter, you will take the dagger and prick the tip of your index finger. Allow 7 drops of blood to fall onto the enchanted parchment and then we wait.”

The atmosphere was laden with ancient magic as the ceremonial dagger made of goblin silver was presented. Hariel, both intrigued and wary, followed the ritual. Pricking her finger with nary a wince she allowed seven drops of her blood to fall onto the enchanted parchment, allowing for Rangrok to verify her identity.

As the parchment glowed white, Hariel leaned forward eagerly, her eyes widening as information she had never known before began appearing on the parchment.

Name: Heiress Hariel Lilian Dorea Brianna Potter

Father: James Charlus Henry Arthur Potter

Mother: Lilian Rose Potter Nee Evans (Squib born)

Paternal Grandfather: Charlus William Theodore Edward Potter

Paternal Grandmother: Dorea Imogen Calista Potter nee Black


duch*ess of Caernarfon (Potter) Upon 16th birthday (Paternal)

Countess of Emerald Cove (Peverell) Upon 16th birthday (Paternal)

Heir Presumptive of the throne of Albion(Paternal) Upon 16th Birthday. Last descendent of Arthur and Merlin Pendragon


Mage sight

Elemental (Earth, Air, Fire, Water)


Horcux attachment (Thomas Riddle Jr)

Hariel gaped at the information revealed to her, her eyes eagerly devouring the names of her parents and her paternal grandparents. Her brow furrowed as she saw her name, she had always assumed that her name was Hariel Lilian Potter, but it was a shock to see that wasn’t true, that she had actually been named after both her mother and grandmother, though she did wonder where Brianna had come from. Hariel’s jaw clicked shut when she got to the titles she was entitled to upon her 16th birthday. To see that the Potter’s held a Dukedom was unexpected. Hariel hadn’t realised that titles such as that existed in the magical world, and to learn that her family was a part of it made her mind go blank. That wasn’t the end to her surprise though, because seeing, in black and white on the parchment the words heir presumptive to the throne of Albion caused her to go a little faint. Everything else on the parchment was a blur, her mind whirling in circles as she kept seeing the words repeated back to her. Hariel slumped back against her chair.

As she slumped back, Rangrok’s eyebrows raised, which in the back of Hariel’s mind made her think that she was likely one of few who had seen a goblin shocked, as he leaned forward to grasp the parchment firmly in his hand. His eyes skimming over the parchment rapidly, Rangrok’s frown seemed to get heavier and heavier. Finally setting it down, Rangrok turned to her again.

“This is entirely unexpected Heiress Potter. You are the first Potter to take an inheritance test as far as Gringotts records go. Thus, there is information in this test that was unexpected. You are quite the enigma Heiress Potter.

“To start, let us go through with the expected. The Duchy of Caernarfon has been in the Potter family for over 1000 years. Gringotts records do not go back to the beginning, but you may find records going back in either the family vault or at Caernarfon manor. The title of duch*ess of Caernarfon will be yours on your 16th birthday. This is due to a last of line clause that we will go over in more depth later. The Potter family has always been small, and this leads into the Peverell family. The last of the Peverell’s married into the Potter’s some 700 years ago, and thus the Peverall family, despite being the older of the two, was the less prestigious as the Potter’s had been gifted the Duchy some 400 years previous and were the more prestigious family as a result. As you can see, the Earldom of Emerald Cove has stayed with the Potter’s since. Emerald Cove is a ruin now, as the Potter’s were happy at Caernarfon and so never had it restored. You may wish to do so, but it is not needed.” Hariel stared wide eyed as she listened to Rangrok explain a brief history of her family. It was all so fascinating and it made Hariel wonder why she had never looked into her family’s history before.

“Are there any books which may help me Rangrok? It’s all so much and I don’t know about any of this! Why has no one ever told me?” Hariel asked as she looked to Rangrok pleadingly, begging him with her eyes to help, to show her the way.

Rangrok sighed before replying, “I do not know why no one has deemed fit to inform you about your heritage Heiress Potter, but let me assure you there should be books within the vaults that you will be able to access and there is a list of books I can give you that will help. I will have someone take you down to the vault once we are finished.”

Hariel sighed in relief, “Thank you Rangrok, but please call me Hariel. You said that you had been an ally of my family for generations, I feel like it only proper to renew that with you now.”

Hariel could see a brief twitch at the side of Rangrok’s mouth before he cleared his throat and looked back at the parchment still in his hands. “The magical gifts that you have tend to be inherited. I know mage sight is a common gift in the Potter family, many have had the gift. There are books that can help you to tune in to it, but you have likely been doing that already and assume that everyone can see what you do.” Rangrok explained.

Hariel frowned again, she had a brief thought that she seemed to be doing that a lot, before saying, “What do you mean? I might be already doing this? What exactly is mage sight?”

“Exactly what it sounds like Hariel. Mage sight allows a wixen to see the magic and auras around them. For example, when you first saw Hogwarts, what did you see? Hogwarts is one of the most magical places in Albion due to the amount of magic that is used within it and how old it is, not to mentions the ley lines that meet at the centre of the castle.” Rangrok asked, leaning forward interested.

Hariel thought back for a moment and then, haltingly, began to tell Rangrok of her first sight of Hogwarts, “It was so bright, I thought I’d gone blind for a second before my eyes adjusted and then there were all these different colours, gold, silver, blue, red, purple. So many colours I couldn’t keep up. They all seemed to swirl together and move around each other with such ease, a sense of harmony. I just thought everyone saw that. Everyone else seemed to be looking around. It was similar when I first saw Diagon Alley, all these colours swirling around. Gringotts seems to glow gold when I look at it.”

“That is exactly what mage sight is, spells, charms, wards. Magic in general leaves behind a trace. With mage sight you are able to see the colours that it leaves behind. With practice you should be able to see the auras and magic of others, enough to give you an idea of their characters and the type of alignment their magic leans towards. It will help you as you grow.” Rangrok explained. Hariel nodded, thinking deeply.

“Are there any books that you know of that could help me?”

“There are, I will add them to the list. Now for the other gift, elemental. That is a rare one and links in with the revelation of you being the heir presumptive to the throne of Albion. Elementals, such as you, are rare. There is but one family where they consistently appear in the wixen world, not just Albion. The Royal House of Pendragon was known for its elementals. Each monarch of Albion was an elemental. The only question we have is why other Potter’s have not been elementals. We know that you are descended from the Pendragon’s through the Potter’s. Your mother, though squib born, is not from a noble family as it was not shown on the inheritance test.

“However, back to the topic at hand, elementals are exactly as they sound. They control the natural elements of the world: earth, air, fire and water. They have the ability to manipulate these elements as much as they like and tend to have an easier ability casting spells that require the elements. It is a rare gift, and it is a difficult gift to control. Elementals do not tend to show that they are one until their 13th birthday. This is due to a wixens first core expansion.”

“Core expansion? What does that mean?” Hariel interrupted, her voice curious as she leaned forward.

“Within the duration of a wixen’s life their magic goes through several stages of maturation and growth. The first is when the wixen is 5, this is when there tends to be an increase in accidental magic or the first signs of accidental magic depending on the size of the wixen’s core at birth. You, for example Hariel, had a fairly large core at birth and were doing accidental magic within the first 6 months of your life. I remember your father coming to a meeting brimming with pride about you.” Here Rangrok paused, watching the soft smile spread over Hariel’s face at hearing about her father. “The next core growth is at 13, where magical gifts, such as elemental, begin to show themselves as they require more magic to draw upon to use. As such they must wait for the wixen’s 13th birthday to develop. This is also when you begin to learn more advanced spells at school, your magic able to cope with the more powerful and advanced spells.

“The next core expansion happens at 16. This is when a wixen is starting to head down the path to adulthood. This leads to the ability to cast more complex magic in time for the NEWT’s. The final expansion happens on a wixen’s 21st birthday. This is when the magical core is fully mature and has grown to it’s full capacity.” Hariel listened to Rangrok explain this, things that she felt she should have been taught in her first year at Hogwarts, and was startled by how much she didn’t know. She knew she hadn’t been the best student, she had let Ron and Hermione guide her study habits as her first friends. Hermione, who tried to dictate and take over, had made Hariel dislike studying with the other girl while Ron, who hated studying, made it so Hariel had not done her best. She vowed that she would change this.

“So how do I learn how to use it?” Hariel asked interested.

Rangrok sighed, “I will have to send inquiries out to other countries. There are none, apart from you, in Albion who have the gift that I know of. If that fails we must hope that your ancestors left journals to help you learn to use and control this gift.” Hariel sighed and nodded dejectedly before looking up as Rangrok spoke again. “Before we get on to the most pressing issue, let us discuss the matter of the Horcrux.”

“What is a Horcrux? What does that have to do with Voldemort?” Hariel asked, her voice higher as she bit her lip anxiously.

“A Horcrux is black magic, it uses the vilest of rituals to split the soul. When you commit a murder with no remorse, which is harder than you would believe, to have no remorse at all, it creates cracks on your soul. The ritual takes those cracks and breaks the soul in half, which is then put into a vessel. This creates the possibility of immortality. Not true immortality, as, if your body is destroyed, as with what happened to Voldemort, then it requires black magic rituals to reunite your soul with a body. A Horcrux essentially binds your body to earth-“

“I have a piece of Voldemort’s soul in me?!” Hariel gasped, trembling. Her voice was horrified as she looked at Rangrok.

Rangrok sighed, his eyes showing sympathy before replying gently, “Yes, however we do have a ritual that can move a Horcrux to a different vessel. It has never been used on a living vessel however, and our curse breakers will need time to research it. I will have them start and I believe we will have a solution by the end of the summer. It will be painful Hariel, that Horcrux has been in you for a long time.”

“I don’t care, I don’t care if its the most painful thing I ever do! I want it out!” Hariel whispered, her voice cracking as tears slid down her cheeks.

“We will find a way Hariel, do not worry so. You have survived this long with it, how, I do not know, but you have and you are clearly still you, so another month is not going to make a difference.” Rangrok soothed Hariel, his gravelly voice calm and certain. Hariel took a deep breath and nodded, straightening her spine, a determined gleam in her eyes.

“Dumbledore told me it was due to a protection my mother put in place, that because she died for me, it created a barrier that protects me. It’s why I have to live with my relatives.”

Rangrok’s eyes flicked sharply to her, before slowly shaking his head, “The simple act of giving a life would not have done it. Many parents stood in front of their children to protect them and died for it with their children following shortly thereafter. It is likely that your parents did some kind of ritual to create a blood protection which was finalised with the death of your mother. A life given willingly in payment to save yours.”

Hariel looked down as she thought that over, biting her lip as she was reminded of how much her parents had loved her. Taking a deep breath she turned to Rangrok, “I suppose it’s time to talk about the elephant in the room.”

Rangrok grinned, his sharp teeth like blades and he let out a laugh that echoed around the room. “Indeed. You are the last descendant of a line that stretches back to the legendary King Arthur and his consort Merlin.

“A brief history of the monarchy of Albion is needed here. The last monarch, King Arthur VIII, ascended the throne in the year 1322. His reign continued to bring stability and unity to Albion, anchoring the ley lines that course through Albion as the monarchy had done since the time of King Arthur and Merlin. King Arthur VIII was a monarch of great wisdom and foresight, but he faced a challenge that would shape the face of magical history in Albion.” Rangrok began, his gravelly voice drawing Hariel into the tale he was weaving.

"King Arthur VIII, having ruled with distinction, found himself facing the inevitable fate that befalls us all – the approach of the end of his reign. However, the challenge lay in the fact that he had no known heir, no direct successor to carry on the Pendragon legacy," Rangrok continued, emphasising the weight of the monarch's predicament.

"Yet, King Arthur VIII, in his wisdom, had a keen understanding of the magical currents that flowed through Albion. Trusting in the ancient alliance with the Hoard, the goblin-folk, he believed that the next heir, though unknown, was out there, waiting to be found. In a profound act of trust, he tasked the Hoard with a sacred duty – to locate the hidden heir, protect them, and ensure their education in the ways of magic and leadership," Rangrok proclaimed, his words carrying the solemnity of the ancient oath.

"As a testament to his foresight, King Arthur VIII enacted laws to ensure the seamless succession of the magical throne. These laws, crafted with the intent of preserving Albion's magical heritage, included provisions for the identification, protection, and education of the next monarch, ensuring that the Pendragon legacy would endure," Rangrok explained, his narrative weaving through the corridors of time.

Hariel, absorbing the historical significance, felt the weight of her responsibility as the heir to this carefully preserved legacy. The speech, rich with historical threads, painted a picture of a monarch who, even in his passing, had set in motion a chain of events that would shape the destiny of magical Albion. "You, Hariel, are the heir to this legacy, the last descendant of a line that stretches back over 1000 years, to the legendary King Arthur and Merlin. The magical world has long awaited a new ruler, one who can once again anchor the ley lines and bring stability to our realm.”

Terrified and overwhelmed, Hariel questioned, "What does this mean for me and for the magical world? How will they react to a new monarch after centuries of absence?"

Rangrok responded with a measured tone, "They will be elated. For centuries, there has been no one to anchor the ley lines in Albion. With you, the magical world will find stability once more. The people will look to you as a beacon of hope, a leader who can guide them through the currents of magical existence and unrest. They will rejoice at once more feeling the bonds of the monarchy flow through them.”

Hariel, still terrified was beginning to contemplate the implications, and pressed further, "But what about the challenges I'll face? The responsibilities that come with being a monarch? What are the responsibilities of a queen. I’m 12!”

Rangrok acknowledged the weight of her concerns, "Indeed, being a monarch comes with its own set of challenges. But you are not alone. You will learn and grow. The magical world has its own way of providing support. You have time to prepare, you cannot ascend the throne until your 16th birthday. As the hoard have been bound to identify the heir, we will ensure you have guidance from the wise, know how to draw strength from within, and make sure you are prepared for the formidable challenges ahead. The legacy of Albion is in your hands Hariel, but remember that you are not alone.”

“Why me? What do I know of this world? I didn’t grow up in it. I don’t know anything!” Hariel exclaimed. It was all too much, she didn’t know how to lead anyone, she hadn’t even known her full name until today. So many questions buzzed around in her mind.

“Calm Hariel, you will have time to learn. It is admirable that you have trepidation on how to approach this, but remember you have both time to learn, and we will find people to help you. For now, let us focus on the immediacy of the issues. Part of the duty we undertook to identify the heir was to ensure their protection. Though I dislike the idea of you staying in the Leaky Cauldron, at least you are in the alley. Some goblins will be posted in disguise to keep an eye out while you are there.” Rangrok explained.

To shield Hariel more directly from potential harm, Rangrok handed her a protective amulet. "This will guard you against most spells and charms until we find a more permanent solution. It is our honour for the Hoard to provide you with such protections," he reassured.

Hariel smiled shakily, taking the amulet. It was a beautiful amethyst, covered in silver vines and leaves. Placing it over her head, as it settled against her chest she could feel a warmth emanating from it. “Thank you Rangrok.”

“Furthermore, your parents will has never been read. A meeting will be scheduled for next week to read its contents. You will also needs a new wardrobe. As Heiress Potter your clothes are unacceptable, but as a Princess of Albion you cannot continue dressing in this manner. Everything you do in public will be under scrutiny, so the best thing to do is to make sure there is nothing that can be criticised.

“House colours should be incorporated. Blue and silver for Potter, black and silver for Peverell and red and gold for Pendragon. The colours should be incorporated into your wardrobe. For now, focus mostly on Potter and Peverell. It is well known that those two belong to you. You can use Pendragon colours, it is helpful that Gryffindor colours are the same, but until closer to your 16th birthday stick to blue, black and silver for the most part with other colours blended in, purple for example, is a subtle way to indicate your status as historically it was seen as a royal colour.” Rangrok explained. Hariel nodded, looking down at the cast offs of Dudley’s that she was wearing. Even with access to Gringotts, she had never been given the time to shop and find new clothes. This summer would grant her that freedom. She had access to her money and time to shop.

"Once the will is read, we must inform your guardians to ensure your protection," Rangrok emphasised. “Your protection is paramount and your guardians, who have been unsuitable and will be replaced, need to know the kind of protections you will need going forward. It is not just wixen who are looking forward to having a monarch again. But do not be lured in with those who are happy, there will also be those who wish to harm, having become comfortable without the absolute rule of the monarchy.”

As Hariel absorbed Rangrok's words, though terrified, a sense of purpose and duty settled upon her. The path ahead was daunting, but the echoes of her ancestors whispered promises of strength and resilience. She was responsible for this and it was time to show everyone what Hariel Potter could do when she put her mind to it. A sense of anticipation filled the room, a new era of Albion was about to begin.

“We will leave it here for today Hariel, a meeting tomorrow afternoon has been arranged in order to discuss your finances and vaults. Here is a list of the books you should buy.” Rangrok said as he handed Hariel the list of books he had scrawled out. Scanning it quickly Hariel nodded before looking back to Rangrok when a small pop was heard. “I also took the liberty of having these books retrieved from your vaults. They are about mage sight and your elemental abilities.”

Eyes lighting up, Hariel quickly took the books, running her hands over them. Rangrok cleared his throat and Hariel looked up sheepishly. “This is a money poach that connects to your vault for smaller purchases. For larger purchases you can use your ring to pay, however we can go through that tomorrow after they have been retrieved. I have kept you here quite long enough.”

Expressing her gratitude, Hariel bid farewell to Rangrok, who offered her the traditional goblin thanks and greetings, reminding her to say, "May your gold continue to flow and your enemies fall," to goblins.

Exiting the bank, Hariel took a deep breath before embarking on a shopping spree, Hariel visited Twilfitt and Tattings, where Mr. Twilfit guided her through a selection of fabrics, colours, and styles that would befit her royal lineage, not that he was aware of that. He didn’t need to be, the sheer size of her order would have kept him from asking too many questions. Rangrok had suggested Twilfitt and Tattings as they catered to higher society and so had better quality fabric than Madam Malkin, while also creating clothes from scratch, as opposed to selling pre-made clothes and adjusting them. Dragonhide boots and carefully crafted dresses soon became part of Hariel’s wardrobe, and Mr. Twilfit assured her that the collection would be ready the next day.

Her next stop was Flourish and Blotts, where she gathered books to educate herself about her new role – Albion nobility, traditions and culture, etiquette, and the history of Albion.

As the day waned, she returned to the Leaky Cauldron, and into her room, thankful for the respite and determined to live in ignorance no longer. She had an immense task ahead. Hariel immersed herself in the books she had acquired. The tomes, filled with ancient wisdom and magical lore, offered a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of Albion's history. As she turned the pages, her eyes caught a passage that added a layer of understanding to the wixen world:

Magical society is polytheistic. In other parts of the world, such as Egypt, wixen may worship the Egyptian gods: Ra, Osiris, and Anubis, to name a few. In Albion, most worship the Celtic gods, with mother magic given additional worship as she was not attached to a specific pantheon but seen as an overriding deity that gifted magic to the world.

Fascinated, Hariel continued her exploration. Another book offered insights into the magical nobility of Albion, unraveling the complexities of her newfound status. The author's words painted a vivid picture of the intricate web of noble families:

In the realm of magical nobility, there exist twenty-one distinguished families, each with a heritage woven into the fabric of our history. The criteria for ascending to nobility are as stringent as they are venerable.

To qualify as Albion magical nobility, a family must meet three essential requirements. Firstly, they must reside within the borders of Albion. Secondly, they must prove blood kinship with an ancestor who bears the same surname. Third, they must have performed a service to the crown in order to be awarded their noble status.There are twenty-one families in Albion that meet the requirements for nobility in Albion, with a hierarchy within those twenty-one families.

The book delved deeper into the hierarchy within magical nobility, providing Hariel with a comprehensive understanding of her place in this ancient structure:

These twenty-one families are categorised into three distinct groups, each comprising seven noble houses. This tiered system added an extra layer of nuance to the already intricate hierarchy, reflecting the long-standing traditions within Albion.

At the foundational tier, we find the Noble Houses. The seven Lords of the Noble Houses—Lords Carrow, Flamel, Malfoy, Abbott, Ogden, Prince, and Urquhart—hold the esteemed status of barons. To claim a place among the Noble Houses, a family's lineage must span from 500 to 700 years prior to the year 1590 and to have performed a service to the crown.

Ascending to the second level, we encounter the Ancient and Noble Houses. The seven Lords —Dolohov, Flint, Lestrange, Parkinson, Prewett, Peverell, and Bones hold the elevated position of earls. For a family to attain this status, their lineage must have endured from 700 to 1000 years by the year 1590 and have performed a service to the crown.

"At the pinnacle of this venerable hierarchy stand the Most Ancient and Noble Houses, a designation earned by families in existence for 1000 or more years by 1590. The lords at this esteemed level—Lords Black, Longbottom, McLaggen, Ollivander, Nott, Greengrass and Potter—hold the revered position of dukes and to have performed a service to the crown.

As Hariel read she couldn’t help but wonder where she would fit into this hierarchy as both a noble from the top tier and a monarch. Determined, Hariel continued:

In addition to these noble houses, Albion also recognises the presence of the royal family, a lineage intertwined with the fabled Pendragon legacy.

The Pendragon family, stretching back to the legendary King Arthur, occupies a unique and revered position as the royal family. Their heritage is deeply entwined with the fate of Albion, and their influence extends beyond the conventional hierarchy of noble houses.

Hariel realised as the last descendant of the Pendragon legacy, she carried the weight of not only her noble heritage but also the weight of the throne of Albion.

The royal family, residing at Camelot Castle, is not just a symbol of Albion's magical heritage but also an integral part of the Wizengamot—the governing body that oversees magical law in Albion. The royal family were head of the Wizengamot, with the noble families and elected officials making up the rest. The power of the monarchy being absolute.

The revelation brought forth a new layer of complexity to Hariel's understanding of her role. Not only was she a noble heir with responsibilities to her ancestral lineage, but she also bore the potential to influence the direction of magical law and politics in Albion. The weight of her future position seemed to grow with each revelation, and Hariel realised that her journey was not just one of personal discovery but also of significant impact on the magical society she was destined to lead. The nuances of the magical world were revealing themselves, painting a portrait of tradition, lineage, and the enduring legacy of Albion's noble families.

As she continued her studies, a handwritten letter fell from the pages of one of the books. The elegant script conveyed a sense of urgency:


The path you tread is one of destiny and duty. Embrace the knowledge that unfolds before you, for Albion's fate rests on your shoulders. The ancient magic that courses through your veins carries the hopes of generations. Seek the guidance of the wise and the strength within. The challenges ahead are formidable, but the legacy of Albion is in your hands.

May the spirits of the past guide you on this journey.

Magic’s Blessings,

A Friend

In the quiet solitude of her room at the Leaky Cauldron, surrounded by the whispers of the past and the weight of her legacy, Hariel contemplated the words of the letter. The ancient tapestry of Albion beckoned her, and with each revelation, she moved closer to the realisation of her ascension to the throne.

Heaving a sigh, Hariel proceeded to move onto the next book, collecting an etiquette book she had picked up, expecting to need it. Etiquette in the magical world held a significance beyond the ordinary, steeped in tradition and formality. As Hariel delved into the books, the tomes unfolded a rich tapestry of social norms and customs, revealing the nuanced art of conducting oneself in the presence of nobility and royalty in Albion.

When meeting nobility, it is customary to offer a slight bow or curtsy, acknowledging the hierarchical structure that defines magical society. The depth of the bow or curtsy may vary based on the rank and status of the individual being addressed.

For royalty, the protocol is even more stringent. A deep bow or formal curtsy is expected, demonstrating profound respect for the royal lineage. Maintaining eye contact during such encounters is considered a sign of confidence and respect, while averting one's gaze may be interpreted as a gesture of deference.

Hariel noted these subtleties, realising that her encounters with dignitaries and other royals would require a delicate balance of grace and adherence to tradition. As she continued her studies, another unique aspect of magical etiquette captured her attention – hair lore.

In the wixen world, it was seen as uncouth and a sign of poor manners for a witch's hair to be seen down in public. Her hair should remain up except within the confines of her family or in the presence of her spouse. Witches traditionally kept their hair long as a symbol of pride, showcasing their magical heritage and imbuing it with their magic to showcase their talent and magical ability.

Frowning, Hariel made a mental note to tie her hair up at all times, grateful that she had already adhered to part of this custom unconsciously during her time in the wixen world due to the unruliness of it. She pondered the significance of this tradition and its deep-rooted connection to magic. She made a mental note to pick up a book on hair lore specifically so she could figure out how to imbue her hair with magic.

With each page turned, Hariel absorbed the knowledge that would guide her through the intricacies of magical society. The etiquette books revealed a world where gestures, postures, and even hairstyles carried profound meanings. As the future queen of Albion, she realised that mastering these nuances would be essential in navigating the delicate dance of social interactions.

In the quiet moments following the whirlwind of revelations and a break from her studies, Hariel's thoughts turned to her parents—James and Lily Potter- who died so she could live. Their legacy, known since she entered the magical world, with the knowledge of her heritage, added an additional layer of responsibility to her. She felt a profound desire to make them proud, to carry forward the torch of her family's honour and maintain their legacy.

The ancient tapestry of Albion whispered tales of her ancestors, each thread woven with the hopes and dreams of generations past. As the last descendant of the Pendragon lineage, Hariel recognised the weight of the expectations placed upon her. She pondered the pride her parents would feel if they could witness the path she was destined to tread. Wishing that they were there to help her with it and guide her.

A sense of determination welled up within her, fuelled by the desire to honour the sacrifices her family had made. The whispers of Magic's blessings, as mentioned in the letter she received, echoed in her ears, urging her to seek guidance from the wise and draw strength from within.

With each passing moment, Hariel embraced the responsibilities that came with her heritage. The prospect of anchoring the ley lines in Albion and bringing stability to the realm became not just a duty but a personal quest—a journey to make her family proud. To be the best monarch she could be.

As she delved deeper into the books and knowledge surrounding her lineage, Hariel carried the aspirations of her parents and the echoes of past monarchs. The determination to live up to the pride associated with the last magical monarch, King Arthur VIII, became a driving force, propelling her toward the challenges that awaited her.

In the quiet solitude of her room at the Leaky Cauldron, surrounded by the whispers of the past and the weight of her legacy, Hariel made a silent vow. She would honour her parents, the generations before her, and the expectations of a magical realm longing for stability. The path ahead might be formidable, but with each step, Hariel aimed to weave a new chapter in the grand tapestry of Albion—one that would make her family proud and bring hope to a world in need of a guiding light.


The following day, armed with this newfound understanding, Hariel embarked on her journey to meet the Hoard. Clad in her new robes that screamed her Potter heritage in silver and blue, hair intricately tied in plaits and pinned to the back of her head, she moved through Diagon Alley with a grace many would be unused to seeing on the small girl, having thought heavily on the revelations that she had the previous day. It would be an uphill battle, she knew, but already she could feel the weight of Albion’s magic beginning to settle on her shoulders now it knew where to go. She knew she had to reflect confidence, whether she felt it or not, and understood that she must project an image of her magical prowess and wear the weight of her lineage with pride. There would be no more slacking off at school, she had a whole country to lead and that would mean doing so by example. The vow she made the day before echoed in her head.

Entering Gringotts, the meeting with the Hoard unfolded with a seamless blend of formalities and respect. As she exchanged greetings with the goblin at the counter, Hariel incorporated the appropriate bow, recognising the importance of adhering to traditional customs. Guided through the echoing halls of Gringotts, she maintained a dignified posture, conscious of the expectations that accompanied her role.

The meeting with Rangrok delved into the intricate details of Hariel's family finances, a journey through vaults and investments that spanned centuries. Seated in the dimly lit office within the depths of Gringotts, the ancient goblin began by presenting a detailed overview of the Potter family accounts.

"Today, we delve into the intricacies of your family's finances, a realm that befits a duch*ess and future monarch," he remarked. “Your family's vaults, Hariel, are a testament to the wealth accumulated over generations," Rangrok stated, his voice resonating through the chamber. "Centuries of prudent investments and sound financial decisions have solidified the Potter name as one of the wealthiest in Albion."

The Potter account, stagnant for a decade, still boasted an impressive fortune, numbering in the hundreds of millions of galleons. Artefacts, rare magical items, and ancient tomes were housed within the vault, each carrying the weight of magical history.

"The age of the family plays a significant role in its wealth," Rangrok explained, his eyes narrowing as he reviewed the scrolls detailing the family's financial standing. "The Potter lineage dates back millennia and with that comes a legacy of financial prosperity. Assuming the family is prudent in their spending. Investments made by your ancestors have yielded returns that continue to grow.”

"Your family's wealth is considerable," Rangrok stated matter-of-factly. "In addition to the vast goblin-made investments, you have properties, magical artefacts, and a heritage that extends beyond mere gold. The Potters have been patrons of magical arts, contributing to the development of magical society."

Hariel, absorbing the opulence surrounding her, couldn't help but marvel at the legacy she now held. The weight of the Potter fortune, amassed over generations, bore witness to the family's influence and contributions to the magical world.

As they delved into the financial intricacies, Rangrok emphasised, "Understanding the wealth you possess is not just about counting galleons. It's about recognising the power and responsibility that comes with it. Your family's investments have supported magical institutions, magical creature reserves, and the conservation of ancient magical sites."

As they examined the list of the vault's contents, Hariel marvelled at everything. The wealth amassed by her forebears. The artefacts within, some dating back to the time of Merlin and Arthur, spoke of a family deeply entrenched in magical history.

"However," Rangrok continued, his gaze sharpening, "there are anomalies within the vault. Some items are missing, and a recall has already been initiated to ascertain their whereabouts. It seems that over the centuries, a few possessions have found their way into the hands of collectors or, in some cases, even black-market traders."

The revelation sparked a furrowed brow on Hariel's face. The intricacies of managing such a vast fortune were becoming apparent.

Rangrok leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with a shrewd intelligence. "Hariel, the Caernarfon Estate, your family's ancestral home, has been under a careful watch by the goblins since the unfortunate demise of your grandparents. We take great pride in safeguarding the properties entrusted to us, ensuring that the magical legacies within them remain intact."

He paused for a moment, emphasising the weight of his words. "The estate, as of our recent checks, remains in a state of preservation. Minor overgrowth on the grounds has been noted, but structurally and magically, the manor requires no immediate repairs. The ancient protections, set down by the first Potters, are standing strong."

Rangrok's tone carried a sense of respect for the traditions and enchantments woven into the Caernarfon Estate. "Your grandparents, Charlus and Dorea Potter, were vigilant in establishing further formidable wards and magical barriers. The Thunderbird, the emblem of your house, still soars overhead, a symbol of protection and strength."

His head nodded, acknowledging the potency of the ancestral magic that permeated the estate. "These protections, Hariel, are not just physical but imbued with the essence of the Potter lineage. They ensure that the legacy of your family remains untouched and undisturbed, awaiting the return of its rightful heir."

Rangrok's words painted a picture of an estate shrouded in magical history, patiently biding its time under the watchful eyes of the goblins. The Caernarfon Estate, with its overgrown but resilient grounds and the majestic Thunderbird soaring above, stood as a testament to the enduring power of the Potter family's enchantments and the goblins' unwavering commitment to their guardianship.

Moving from the Potter estate to the Pendragon estate, the discussion shifted to Camelot Castle and its uninhabited state. The town attached to the castle, however, remained a bustling magical hub.

"Camelot Castle, the seat of the Pendragon family, has remained uninhabited for centuries," Rangrok explained, his eyes glinting with the anticipation of unlocking the secrets within. "We are in the process of checking the castle, though the town surrounding it remains vibrant. The vaults have been reopened, and funds will be invested to ensure they grow."

The financial conversation extended to the treaty between magical Albion and the Hoard, which Rangrok assured was still intact. However, he emphasised the necessity of updating the treaty once Hariel ascended the throne.

"Your reign will mark a new era, and the treaty must reflect the changing dynamics," Rangrok affirmed, his tone firm. "The Hoard will continue to support and safeguard your interests, as we have done for generations."

The wealth and legacy that Hariel inherited were not merely symbols of opulence but also a responsibility. The Potter family's financial standing as well as their social standing was already great but, coupled with the historical ties to the Pendragon lineage, underscored the weight of her future role as monarch and how that would effect the world around her.

As the meeting progressed, Rangrok provided insights into the ongoing research regarding Hariel's family tree. A surprising revelation emerged – Arthur and Merlin's second son had married into the Potter family, adopting their name to ensure the survival of the Potter line as the Pendragon’s had been a strong, healthy family at the time. This crucial piece of information, lost over the centuries, now added a layer of complexity to Hariel's understanding of her lineage.

"The Potter family has a unique connection to the Pendragon legacy," Rangrok elucidated. "This knowledge, buried by the sands of time, resurfaces now in Albion’s time of need."

The discussion then shifted to the Pendragon vault and estate. Camelot Castle, despite its uninhabited state, held immense historical significance, and Rangrok was committed to restoring its former glory.

"Camelot Castle, once the heart of magical Albion, will be rejuvenated under your rule," Rangrok declared, his ancient eyes gleaming with determination. "The Hoard are overseeing the reinvestment of the Pendragon vaults, ensuring they flourish once more. They will also renew the wards that can be done, although as monarch there are some that only you may do, your highness.”

Hariel’s eyes widened at the address, the first time Rangrok had called her that. Despite knowing it was technically her title, hearing it for the first time sent a shock through her system.

As the conversation drew to a close, Rangrok emphasised the importance of creating a council of advisors for Hariel's upcoming reign. However, he cautioned that the formation of the council awaited the reading of her parents' will, which would determine her guardianship.

"In time, your highness, you will assemble a council that will guide you in matters of state," Rangrok assured. "But for now, we must await the revelations contained within the will, for it shall shape the trajectory of your reign and the advisors you choose, taking the council of those your parents trusted will help you learn who to trust yourself.”

The meeting continued with Rangrok expressing confidence in the ongoing research on the Horcrux issue. As Hariel thanked the goblin for his insights, she couldn't escape the realisation that her wealth, intertwined with centuries of magical history, carried with it not just prosperity but also the burden of stewardship.

The financial discussions had peeled back layers of her family's legacy, revealing both the glittering surface and the hidden complexities that awaited her on the path to the throne.

Hariel’s attention was drawn back to Rangrok as, with a sense of anticipation, he carefully placed three ornate ring boxes on the table before Hariel. The goblin's eyes glinted with a mix of solemnity and pride as he gestured for her to open them, unveiling the treasures within.

The first box, when opened, revealed a stunning ring adorned with a sapphire, flanked by white diamonds on either side. Above the gems, a Thunderbird, majestic and resplendent, soared with outstretched wings, encapsulating the jewels within its embrace. The motto inscribed on the band read, "Rydym yn gwneud yr amhosibl, yn bosibl" – "We make the impossible, possible."

Hariel, intrigued by the Welsh inscription, asked Rangrok about its meaning. The goblin, with a knowing smile, explained, "It is the Potter family motto. 'We make the impossible, possible.' Your family tends to achieve extraordinary feats when given the chance. Stubborn determination runs deep in the Potter blood – a refusal to accept 'no' and a penchant for proving others wrong."

Rangrok went on to clarify that the ring was her heirship ring, a symbol of her rightful place in the Potter lineage. It would be worn until she turned sixteen, at which point it would turn into the Lordship or, in her case, Ladyship ring.

Motioning to the next box, Rangrok's hands revealed a ring with an onyx gem at its centre. A Thestral, crafted with exquisite detail, wrapped around the band, its head resting at the top of the gem. The motto engraved on the band read, "Una cum morte ambulamus" – "We walk hand in hand with death." This, Rangrok explained, was the Peverell family motto, reflecting the intertwined fate of the Peverell family with the enigmatic forces of life and death.

Finally, the third box held a regal ring featuring a large ruby surrounded by a dragon, its scales aflame with shades of scarlet and gold. The dragon, curled protectively around the gem, exuded a sense of determination and strength. The motto inscribed on the band read, "Adnabod Dy Hun" – "Know Thyself."

Rangrok, with a profound nod, explained the significance of this particular ring. It bestowed upon Hariel the title of Crown Princess of Albion, a designation she would hold until the age of sixteen.

Then, Rangrok leant forward with a sagacious gleam in his eyes, delved into the intricacies of the age laws surrounding the last of the line. His gravelly voice resonated around the office, "In Albion, the 'last of the line' clauses holds profound significance. As the only living descendant, you inherit early to ensure the continuation of the family magics and lineage."

He gestured towards the regal ring with the large ruby, signifying Hariel's status as the Crown Princess of Albion until she came of age. "These laws are crafted with the foresight of preserving the magical essence and strength of the family. It allows the heir to access their familial magic, learn the responsibilities entwined with their lineage, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead. They were crafted by King Arthur VIII when he realised he would leave Albion without a reigning monarch, in the hope when one was discovered these laws would help to prepare the heir for the great task set before them.”

Rangrok continued, "For the Potters, it ensures that the family magic, bound by centuries of tradition and power, is not dormant for an extended period. Your early inheritance is not just a matter of tradition; it's a magical necessity, a way to sustain the vibrancy and potency of the Potter bloodline."

As Hariel absorbed the significance of the last of the line clauses, she understood that her early inheritance was not merely a formality but a magical imperative. The ancient laws, woven into the fabric of Albion, were designed to safeguard the continuity of magical legacies, ensuring that each heir could carry the mantle of their ancestry with strength and purpose to ensure that the legacy left was nurtured and preserved for the generations that would follow.

As the rings gleamed in the light, each telling a story of heritage and destiny, Hariel absorbed the weight of her lineage and the responsibilities that awaited her. The goblin's words resonated, guiding her through the intricate tapestry of her magical heritage. The Potter heirship ring, the symbol of her present; the Peverell ring, a reminder of the intertwined threads of life and death; and the Pendragon ring, a promise of the future yet to unfold. The journey ahead, marked by these rings, was one that would intertwine the past, present, and future of the Potter legacy. Hariel’s hand trembled as she placed first the Peverell ring on her right little finger, the ring adjusting to the size, then the Potter ring onto her left index finger and finally the Pendragon ring onto the right index finger.

“Unless you want them to be visible, tap the rings you don’t want anyone to see, in this case the Pendragon ring, and it will be hidden from everyone but you. You should always wear them because of the protections on them.” Rangrok explained. Hariel nodded and gently tapped the Pendragon ring with her finger, a slight tingle of magic went through it before Rangrok nodded gravely, “Good, you can no longer see the ring. That will hold unless you want it to be visible again purposefully.” Hariel nodded in understanding, looking back down at the rings before turning her attention back to Rangrok.

Rangrok then cleared his throat and in the dimly lit chamber of Gringotts, the ancient goblin unveiled a set of ornate crown boxes before Hariel. The anticipation in the air heightened as the goblin urged her to open each one, revealing the symbols of her Pendragon heritage.

As the first box was opened, revealing the breathtaking crown adorned with sapphire-blue gems and white diamonds, Rangrok explained the craftsmanship behind this exquisite piece. The Welsh dragon, with scales gleaming in an otherworldly sheen, curled gracefully around the band, its wings outstretched in a display of regal magnificence. The dragon seemed to embody ancient wisdom, and its eyes, capturing the essence of time, followed every move with a knowing presence.

Rangrok, in his gravelly voice, shared the significance of the motto inscribed on the band – "Adnabod Dy Hun” – “Know Thyself." He explained that the Hoard, in honouring Hariel's Potter heritage, had created a crown and chosen colours reminiscent of the Potter family while the motto remained the Pendragon’s, to show the merging of the two ancient lines in the last descendent. The sentience within the crown, he elaborated, was a living connection to the familial magic of both the Potter and Pendragon lineage. The dragon's eyes, he assured, would adapt to her preferences, creating a unique and personalised connection between the wearer and the crown. As the crown rested in Hariel's hands, she could sense the weight of history and the powerful bond between the family magics of Potter and Pendragon.

As the second box was opened, it unveiled a crown adorned with an onyx gem at its centre. A Welsh dragon, crafted with meticulous detail, elegantly wrapped around the band. The dragon's wings, delicate yet powerful, framed the dark gem at the heart of the crown, and its head rested at the top, expressing an ancient understanding that transcended the boundaries of mortal existence. The motto of the Pendragon’s, "Adnabod Dy Hun” and the gem on the onyx spoke of the intertwined fate of the Peverell and Pendragon families.

Rangrok, with a nod of solemn acknowledgment, explained the significance of this crown. The choice to merge the Peverell and Pendragon legacies in a single piece symbolised the unity of two powerful bloodlines. The dragon, representing the Pendragon lineage, embraced the onyx gem, symbolising the Peverell connection to the mystical realm of mortality and beyond. It was a testament to the harmonious coexistence of life and death within the storied history of Hariel's Peverell heritage. The sentience within the crown resonated with the tales of generations past, serving as a silent guardian of the Pendragon legacy, a reminder that the threads of destiny wove a complex tapestry connecting the realms of magic and mortality.

Upon opening the third box, a crown of unparalleled beauty was revealed, featuring a large ruby surrounded by a majestic Welsh dragon. The dragon's scales shimmered with hues of scarlet and gold, as it curled protectively around the gem. Its gleaming red eyes conveyed a sense of determination and strength that resonated with the magical heritage of Albion. The motto inscribed on the band echoed the sentiment of self-awareness, "Adnabod Dy Hun" – "Know Thyself."

Rangrok, with a reverent tone, shared the extraordinary tale behind this crown. Crafted by Merlin himself out of pure magic, this crown had once adorned Arthur, the legendary King. It was a symbol of loyalty, created during a pivotal moment in history when Camelot lifted the ban on magic. Arthur, in embracing his own magical abilities, had earned the unwavering support of Merlin, and this crown stood as a testament to that alliance.

As Rangrok spoke, the Welsh dragon on the crown seemed to come alive, its fiery gaze carrying the echoes of a bygone era. The crown, now in Hariel's possession, held the weight of Albion's magical legacy. Its sentience surpassed the others, adapting to her preferred style for formal events. The fiery Welsh dragon, an embodiment of the magical heritage, seemed to breathe life into the crown, as if it carried the echoes of the past within its majestic presence.

As Hariel marvelled at the craftsmanship and symbolism within each crown, she couldn't help but feel a profound connection to the Welsh dragons that adorned them. The dragons, guardians of magical Albion, were more than mere embellishments; they were living embodiments of the Pendragon legacy.

With the crowns carefully nestled back into their boxes, Rangrok proceeded to describe Camelot Castle. The stones of Camelot resonated with the magic of Albion itself, he explained. Though the castle stood uninhabited, its spires reached towards the sky, bearing witness to centuries of Pendragon rule.

As Hariel left the dimly lit chambers of Gringotts, the weight of the crowns and the visions of Camelot accompanied her. The path to her future unfolded, adorned with the regality of her Pendragon heritage and the watchful gaze of the Welsh dragons that would guide her through the challenges of her reign as the future ruler of magical Albion.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (1)

These from left to right are: Hariel Potter,


I appreciate any feedback, some of the inspiration for this work has come from JayColin and his amazing works that I've been reading for years. Other inspirations have come from Ellory, whose work I fell in love with years ago. I hope everyone enjoyed the first chapter, more should be coming soon!

Chapter 2: Will Readings and Exploration


Hope you enjoy this chapter. Things are beginning to unfold.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 2- Will Readings and Exploration

The following week unfolded like a well-crafted spell, with Hariel immersing herself in the rich tapestry of magical knowledge and tradition. The Leaky Cauldron became her haven, and the books her guides through the corridors of magical history. As the pages turned, she discovered the intricacies of Albion's magical society, its noble families, and the delicate dance of etiquette that governed their interactions.

In her pursuit of understanding, Hariel delved into the fascinating world of ancient runes. The tomes she acquired explained the importance of these symbols and their profound influence on warding and enchantment. The elegant curves and lines of runic inscriptions captured her imagination, and she found herself drawn to the artistry and elegance that formed them.

Her exploration of Diagon Alley continued, each step unveiling hidden gems and treasures. She no longer needed glasses, having had her eyes fixed at ‘Occulus’ For All Occasions’. The world around her sparkled with newfound clarity, and she revelled in the details of the alley. The shops whispered tales of ancient magic, and every purchase added another layer to her growing collection of knowledge.

Books, the faithful companions of her journey, lined the shelves of her room at the Leaky Cauldron. Ancient runes, magical creatures, and the history of Albion beckoned her, offering glimpses into realms both mystical and mundane. The anticipation of the unknown fuelled her curiosity, and every turn of the page brought revelations that fuelled her understanding of the magical world.

One particular subject that captivated her attention was the intricate art of warding. In her readings, she discovered the delicate balance between runes and intent, the foundation upon which protective enchantments were woven. The ancient runes, once mere ink on parchment, became a language of power that resonated with innate magical gifts.

As the days unfolded, Hariel's collection of books grew, each volume a testament to her thirst for knowledge. Etiquette, too, became a focal point of her studies. She learned the nuanced dances of the magical elite, the formalities that governed interactions between noble families, and the subtle language of gestures and expressions that spoke volumes in the refined circles of Albion.

Her exploration of wixen society extended beyond the pages of books. Hariel sought out conversations with the inhabitants of Diagon Alley, absorbing their stories and experiences. The diverse tapestry of magical beings and their perspectives enriched her understanding, providing insights that transcended the boundaries of academia.

The narrow streets of Dragon Alley echoed with the vibrant chatter of magical folk, and Hariel found herself drawn to the rich tapestry of stories that unfolded.

One sunny afternoon, she ventured into Slug and Jiggers apothecary, where a gregarious wizard named Garrick shared anecdotes of his travels to distant lands. His eyes sparkled with the memories of the Egyptian pyramids and the bustling bazaars of Morocco. "Magic," he mused, "is a language spoken in a myriad of accents across the world. Each country, each culture, weaves its own unique spells."

At the Leaky Cauldron, Hariel struck up a conversation with a seasoned witch named Seraphina, whose travels had taken her to the heart of magical Europe. Seraphina spoke of the enchanting festivals in France, where wixen danced beneath the stars, their wands illuminating the night in a symphony of colours. "Every region," she noted, "imbues magic with its own flavour, its own rhythm."

A group of jovial goblins in a corner of Gringotts were willing to share their tales with the hidden princess of Albion, of their underground cities and the intricate caverns that stretched beneath Albion. One particularly spirited goblin, Grinok, recounted the wonders of their ancestral homeland, the Iron Hills. "Our kin across the world," he explained, "each clan has its own customs, its own way of forging magic into gold."

In Quality Quidditch Supplies, Hariel found herself in a lively discussion with a wizard from Transylvania, where Quidditch tournaments took on an ethereal quality beneath the shadow of ancient castles. He had said that it added an extra quality to the already magical game, adding in further excitement.

As she explored the diverse corners of Diagon Alley, Hariel encountered magical beings from various backgrounds, each contributing a unique thread to the fabric of the wixen world. The tales of a nomadic enchantress who wandered the deserts of Arabia, the wisdom of a centaur who had roamed the Forbidden Forest for centuries, and the whimsical stories of house-elves who journeyed across continents with their bonded families—all wove together to form a rich mosaic of magical life.

Through these conversations, Hariel discovered the kaleidoscope of magical traditions that painted the global wixen community. The variations in magical practices, customs, and folklore reflected the beauty and diversity within the magical realm. The experiences shared by her newfound acquaintances broadened her perspective, allowing her to appreciate the vastness of the magical world beyond Albion's borders.

As Hariel delved into her vaults at Gringotts, she embarked on a journey through the storied history of the Potter family. Among the ancient tomes and scrolls, she discovered extracts detailing the prowess of the Potters in the magical arts. Her family had carved a name for themselves in potions, warding, and enchantment, with each generation contributing to the legacy of magical excellence. Some of the famous Potters mentioned in the family chronicles included Emeric the Enchanter, renowned for his groundbreaking work in protective spells, and Gideon Potter, a master potion-maker whose creations were still used centuries later.

In another section of the vault, the history of the Peverell family unfolded. The tales spoke of the legendary Cloak of Invisibility and its connection to the fabled story of the three brothers in Beedle the Bard's tales. The realisation struck Hariel with awe as she traced the lineage of the Cloak through generations. It had been a cherished heirloom passed down through the Peverell family until the union of the last Peverell with the Potters. The cloak, a symbol of ancestral magic and protection, now draped over Hariel's shoulders, embodying the intertwining destinies of the Potters and the Peverells.

In the hallowed pages of the family records, Hariel delved deeper into the enchanting tale of King Arthur and Merlin, whose friendship transcended into an extraordinary love that would echo through the corridors of magical history.

The narrative began with the chance meeting of Arthur, a young and spoiled heir to the throne of Camelot, and Merlin, a humble peasant gifted with extraordinary magical abilities. Merlin's keen intellect and stubborn determination to give only respect to those who earned it quickly captured Arthur's attention, and a deep bond of friendship slowly formed between them. As time unfolded, their connection deepened, transforming into a love that defied the boundaries of tradition.

The love between Arthur and Merlin became a guiding force in their lives, and Camelot flourished under their joint rule until eventually they were able to unite all the kingdoms of Albion under one rule. The legacy of each king of Albion was marked not only by their magical prowess but also by the virtues they embodied—wisdom, compassion, empathy, and resolute determination. These virtues were more than just guiding principles; they were oaths sworn by each monarch to safeguard the realm and its people.

The oaths bound the kings to the well-being of Albion, ensuring that their rule was characterised by justice, fairness, and a deep understanding of the magical world. The monarchs, in turn, were supported by their trusted advisors, with Merlin standing as the paragon of magical wisdom and counsel. Together, Arthur and Merlin navigated the complexities of ruling a magical realm, facing challenges with bravery and a commitment to the betterment of their subjects.

As the love between Arthur and Merlin blossomed, so did the legacy of the Pendragon line. Merlin, despite his initial role as a servant, proved to be an essential and equal partner in the realm's governance. Their union bore heirs who would carry forward the Pendragon lineage, each inheriting not only the magical prowess of their ancestors but also the profound sense of duty to Albion.

The tales spoke of the great Arthurian kings, each leaving an indelible mark on the magical tapestry of Albion. Their reigns were characterised by a harmonious balance of magic, fostering unity and understanding within Albion. The oaths that bound them became a beacon of stability, ensuring that Albion thrived under the benevolent rule of monarchs who understood the sacred responsibility placed upon their shoulders.

As Hariel absorbed these tales, she felt the weight of her lineage, the echoes of the oaths that had resonated through centuries. The love between Arthur and Merlin, the virtues of each monarch, and the sacred oaths that bound them would serve as guiding lights in her own journey as the next monarch of Albion.

As Hariel absorbed the tales of her ancestors, she felt the weight pressing down on her but she took comfort in the stories she read. They intertwined with her own, creating a narrative that spanned centuries—a narrative she was now poised to continue. In the quiet solitude of the vaults, surrounded by the echoes of the past, Hariel embraced the legacy of the Potter’s, Peverell’s, and Pendragon’s, finding strength in the stories that had shaped her family and that would shape her into the leader she needed to become.

In the quiet moments, surrounded by the whispers of magical lore and the scent of ancient parchment, Hariel Potter prepared for the unveiling of her parents' will. The anticipation hung in the air, and the weight of her heritage bore down upon her shoulders. The following week promised revelations that would further shape her future, and as she navigated the streets of Diagon Alley, Hariel embraced the journey that unfolded before her, step by enchanted step.


As Hariel entered the solemn halls of Gringotts the next day, she felt a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. The appointed hour approached, and she was led into a meeting room deep within the labyrinthine structure by the goblin escort. Seated at a polished oak table awaited William Blackwood, the Potter family solicitor, who had been tirelessly searching for her for the past twelve years.

"Heiress Potter, a pleasure to finally meet you," William Blackwood greeted with a warm yet solemn smile, rising from his seat as a gesture of respect.

"The pleasure is mine, Mr. Blackwood," Hariel replied, reciprocating the gesture. "I must admit, the revelations of the past week have been overwhelming, and I am eager to understand the details of my family's affairs."

William Blackwood nodded, understanding the weight of the moment. “My family have been the Potter family solicitors for generations, and it has been my solemn duty to seek out the last living descendant and execute the wills of your parents, Lord James and Lady Lily Potter."

Hariel's gaze met his, a silent acknowledgment of the gravity of their conversation. "Before we delve into the specifics, Heiress Potter, may I ask where you have been residing for the past twelve years?"

A flicker of frustration crossed Hariel's face as she recalled her years under the Dursleys' guardianship. "I've been living with my aunt and uncle in Little Whinging, but I was kept in the dark about my heritage and the wixen world."

William Blackwood's eyes betrayed a flash of anger at the revelation. "I assure you, Heiress Potter, your parents' wills contained provisions for your care and education. The fact that you were kept in such circ*mstances is regrettable and will be addressed accordingly."

With a composed demeanour, he transitioned into the details of the Potter estate. "Your family possesses several properties, the primary one being Caernarfon Manor. It is a historic estate with a rich magical history, located in the heart of magical Albion. The manor is accompanied by vast grounds, protected by ancient wards and the symbol of your house, the thunderbird."

Hariel listened intently as William Blackwood continued, detailing the other properties in her possession. "In Emerald Cove, there is the ruin of Peverell Manor, a property with significant historical value. The Peverell family, intertwined with the Potters, adds to the richness of your heritage."

"Aside from these, you have villas scattered across the world, the Potter’s enjoyed exploring different countries and cultures. These properties are not only residences but also symbols of the Potter legacy."

He paused, allowing the information to sink in before moving on to the solicitor's own endeavours. "For the past twelve years, my primary focus has been locating you and ensuring the protection of your family's assets. I have faced numerous challenges, including attempts by Dumbledore and supporters of You Know Who to gain proxy of your seats on the Wizengamot.”

Hariel interrupted Blackwood then, “Could you tell me what you mean by that sir? I’m afraid I don’t know how the Wizengamot is run.”

William Blackwood nodded and began to explain the intricacies of the Wizengamot. "In the magical governing body, seats are allocated based on the nobility level of the families. The lowest band, the Noble Houses, have two seats. The second band, which includes Ancient and Noble Houses, have three seats. The Most Ancient and Noble Houses, the highest level, have four seats. The royal family, naturally, holds six seats. Elected officials have one seat each."

Hariel absorbed the information, realising the political complexities she was now a part of. William Blackwood continued, "Your family's legacy extends beyond just property. It holds a significant presence in the governance of the magical world, and your seats on the Wizengamot must be safeguarded.”

Curiosity sparkled in Hariel's emerald eyes as she sought to unravel the intricacies of the magical governance system. "Mr. Blackwood, could you elaborate on how the Wizengamot functions? I'm eager to understand its workings."

The solicitor nodded, appreciating Hariel's desire for knowledge. "Certainly, Heiress Potter. The Wizengamot is the highest wixen court in Albion and serves as both a legislative and judiciary body. At its helm is the Chief Warlock, an elected position, who is responsible for presiding over the sessions and ensuring the orderly conduct of affairs."

He continued, "The Wizengamot votes on matters such as new laws, trials, and other significant affairs of the magical state. In the absence of a reigning monarch, which has been the case for quite some time, it plays a crucial role in the governance of the magical community."

A thoughtful expression crossed Hariel's face as she processed the information. The realisation of her family's involvement in these affairs added another layer to her newfound responsibilities. "And how are decisions reached within the Wizengamot? Is it a majority vote, or are there other factors at play?"

William Blackwood nodded in affirmation. "Indeed, decisions are typically reached through a majority vote. However, it's not merely a numerical count. The influence and opinions of the Most Ancient and Noble Houses carry substantial weight. The level of nobility of a family determines the number of seats they hold and, consequently, their impact on the decisions made."

He paused, gauging Hariel's understanding before concluding, "Your family's involvement in the Wizengamot is significant, Heiress Potter, and it will be crucial for you to understand its dynamics as you step into this role."

As Hariel absorbed this knowledge, she concluded what she already knew, the path ahead was not just about reclaiming her family's estate but navigating the intricate political landscape that awaited her in the magical world.

As Hariel settled into the ornate chair next to William Blackwood, she felt a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Rangrok stood nearby, a silent sentinel, while Blackwood prepared to shed light on the purpose of their gathering.

"Heiress Potter," began Blackwood, his tone measured, "we are here today to read the last will and testament of your parents, His Grace, Lord James and Her Grace, Lady Lily Potter. It is a solemn occasion, and I will strive to provide you with the necessary information before we proceed."

He explained the legalities and formalities surrounding will readings, emphasising the significance of the occasion. Hariel listened attentively, recognising the gravity of the moment.

“Wills are always read within the confines of Gringotts to allow for goblin witnesses, who ensure the sanctity of this process. Their impartiality is crucial in the magical world, and their role is to ensure the fair execution of your parents' wishes," Blackwood continued, his words echoing with a sense of reverence for goblin traditions.

Rangrok inclined his head in acknowledgment, reaffirming the importance of the goblin role in such proceedings. “We, the Hoard, take great pride in upholding the sanctity of contracts and wills. Your parents' wishes will be honoured with the utmost respect."

Once the procedural details were clarified, Blackwood delved into the grim reality that had unfolded in the wixen world. "I must also bring to your attention, Heiress Potter, that Sirius Black, your godfather, is currently on the run. He has escaped Azkaban and is wanted for the betrayal of your parents to Voldemort."

William Blackwood, with a somber expression, continued to unravel the intricate web of betrayal that had ensnared Hariel's past. "Heiress Potter, there is a critical detail regarding the events leading to your parents' demise. Contrary to popular belief and the accusations against Sirius Black, your parents named Peter Pettigrew as their Secret Keeper, not Mr. Black."

The revelation hung in the air, a stark contradiction to the narrative that had persisted for years. Blackwood's words carried the weight of a long-kept secret, a truth buried beneath layers of deception.

"Sirius Black's escape from Azkaban and the subsequent accusations were based on a false premise. The true traitor, Peter Pettigrew, betrayed your parents to Voldemort, leading to their tragic end," Blackwood explained, his voice measured but an angered inflection could be heard.

Rangrok, ever vigilant, acknowledged the significance of this revelation. "Deceptions and betrayals weave a complex tapestry in the wixen world. We, the Hoard, shall ensure that justice is sought for the true culprits, and the legacy of your family remains untarnished.”

In a voice laden with regret, Blackwood continued, "It pains me to admit that the knowledge of Sirius Black's innocence only came to light a week ago, when I gained access to the sealed portion of your parents' will. With the Wizengamot sealing your parent’s will for your safety, it was only able to be unsealed when you came looking for information at Gringotts last week.”

He cast a glance toward Rangrok, acknowledging the pivotal role the goblins played in uncovering the truth. "The will, sealed with powerful protective enchantments, concealed the identity of the Secret Keeper. It is a travesty that the Wizengamot had a Most Ancient and Noble family head’s will sealed. There will be outrage when the truth is revealed to the general public.”

Hariel absorbed this revelation, a mix of relief and sorrow swirling within her. The shadows of a distorted past were gradually dissipating, making way for the emergence of a more accurate narrative. The weight of innocence restored to Sirius Black lingered in the air, a bittersweet realisation of how she might have grown up.

As the truth unfurled, Hariel grappled with the implications of this revelation. The weight of misplaced blame and the realignment of allegiances within her family's history added more layers to her journey.

"Despite the complexities surrounding Sirius Black, our focus today is on honouring your parents' memory and fulfilling their wishes. Are you prepared to proceed with the reading of the will, Heiress Potter?" Blackwood asked, his gaze respectful yet discerning, as if gauging her readiness for the revelations that awaited her.

Hariel met Blackwood's discerning gaze with a determined nod. "I am ready," she replied, her voice steady, betraying neither the turmoil within nor the anticipation for the revelations that lingered in the air.

"Very well, Heiress Potter. I will now call in the beneficiaries," Blackwood announced. He signalled to a goblin attendant who, with a swift bow, exited the room to usher in those who held a stake in the testament left by James and Lily Potter.

As the beneficiaries entered the room, a mixture of emotions danced across their faces, reflecting the complexity of their relationships with the departed Potters. Remus Lupin, the worn visage of a seasoned werewolf and trusted friend, wore an expression that betrayed both sorrow and a readiness to face the revelations.

Augusta Longbottom, a formidable dowager duch*ess, entered with her grandson, Neville Longbottom, by her side. Andromeda Tonks, along with her husband Ted Tonks, brought an aura of quiet strength and familial loyalty into the room, their expressions somewhat confused but determined.

The beneficiaries took their seats, forming a somber assembly on one side of the table, their collective gaze shifting between Blackwood, Rangrok, and Hariel. The gravity of the moment hung palpably in the air, a shared acknowledgment of the responsibility they bore as witnesses to the unraveling legacy of the Potters.

"I must also inform you, Heiress Potter," Blackwood continued, his voice carrying a grave undertone, "that Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, will be in attendance. Her presence is not only due to her status as a beneficiary but also to address certain inconsistencies in the execution of your parents' will."

The door swung open once more, and Amelia Bones entered with an air of authority. Her gaze, a blend of professionalism and genuine concern, locked onto Hariel. As the beneficiaries took their seats, the room fell into a hushed silence, awaiting the unraveling of the Potter family legacy.

Blackwood, standing at the head of the table, cleared his throat and began, "Ladies and gentlemen, we are gathered here to read the joint will of Lilian Rose Potter nee Evans and James Charlus Henry Arthur Potter. As they departed this world within minutes of each other, their final wishes are encapsulated in this testament."

The room settled into a profound silence, as the words of the will, laden with the hopes, dreams, and directives of the departed couple, were about to be unveiled.

Blackwood began to read the intricate details of the will, his voice steady as he unveiled the testament of Lady Lilian Rose Potter nee Evans and Lord James Charlus Henry Arthur Potter.

Being of sound mind and body this is the last will and testament of Lady Lilian Rose Potter nee Evans and Lord Jame Charlus Henry Arthur Potter. All other wills and directives are invalid and any besides this one should not be considered right or honourable.

In the case that one of us predeceases the other then all parts of guardianship and regency of our estate pass to the surviving spouse with the exceptions of the following bequests.

In the case that my wife, Lady Lilian Rose Potter, and myself, Lord James Charlus Henry Arthur Potter pass away together, the following bequests are given:

To Sirius Black, my brother sealed in blood, we gift you 5 million galleons. We know you don’t need it, but consider it a gift to ensure the best life for our daughter, your goddaughter. Be the parent she will need without us, teach her everything she needs to know Sirius. Don’t allow anyone to manipulate her.

To Remus Lupin, a dear friend and brother, we gift you 5 million galleons, It’s not charity Remus, we have valued the loyalty and friendship you have given us over the years and we want to make sure you will always be able to have a roof over your head and food to eat..

To Lady Alice Longbottom, a dear friend and a sister, we gift you 5 million galleons. You have been the greatest friend we could have asked for. We ask that you look after our daughter, your goddaughter, and be a guiding influence for her.

To Lord Frank Longbottom, a dear friend and brother, we gift you 5 million galleons. You have been like an older brother since we were young and accepted Lily without question. Keep an eye on our daughter and help her to learn everything she needs to.

To Peter Pettigrew, a dear friend, we leave the sum of 5 million galleons on the provision that he did not betray our location to Voldemort as our secret keeper. Should this have happened, the 5 million galleons shall be returned to the estate and the sum of 1 Knut is given and Peter Pettigrew is named an oathbreaker to House Potter.

Blackwood began, listing the chosen recipients of the Potter couple's generosity. The bequest was substantial, with each named individual set to receive 5 million galleons. However, a sudden interruption came from Augusta Longbottom.

"Due to the condition of my son and daughter-in-law as long-term patients at St Mungo's, they are unable to accept this bequest. I ask that this money be put in trust for my grandson, Neville," Augusta interjected, her voice firm and resolute, no hint of a tremor at the fate of her family.

The will, sensitive to Augusta's plea, adjusted the arrangement, allocating the sum meant for the Longbottom’s into a trust for Neville's future. The testament then proceeded:

To my godmother, Augusta Longbottom, we leave the sum of 1 million galleons. Thank you for accepting Lily so completely and looking out for the both of us after my parents died. Please do the same for our daughter.

To Andromeda Tonks, we leave the sum of 1 million galleons, we know we didn’t know you well, but the support and advice you gave to us after Hariel was born cannot go unacknowledged, as well as the familial attachment you kept with Sirius. Thank you.

To Amelia Bones, we leave the sum of 1 million galleons. A strong friendship was formed after we left Hogwarts and joined the Wizengamot. Thank you for helping us navigate through those storms, we ask that, if you are able, you help our daughter navigate those treacherous waters as well.

To our godson Neville Longbottom, we leave the sum of 10 million galleons to be accessible upon his 13th birthday in time for his third year at Hogwarts. Our account manager Rangrok is to over see the trust. A limit of 100 galleons a month to be withdrawn has been set, the perfect amount for pocket money. We hope that you and Hariel continue to grow the friendship that you have now and we’re sorry that we’re not there to see it.

Finally, to our daughter Hariel Lilian Dorea Brianna Potter, our little star. We leave the rest of both our personal possessions and the Potter and Peverell estates. We’re so sorry we aren’t there to guide you little star, but know that we love you so much and that we leave you in the care of the following guardians with the knowledge that they will love and care for you in our place now that we’re gone.

The guardians appointed for our daughters care are as follows, if the first names are not available then the next available guardians are chosen:

Sirius Black, Hariel’s godfather, who will have regency over the Potter and Peverell estates until Hariel comes of age at 16.

Frank and Alice Longbottom, Hariel’s godmother and her husband, who will have regency over the Potter and Peverell estates until Hariel comes of age at 16.

Augusta Longbottom, a trusted family friend and godmother to Lord James Potter, who will have regency over the Potter and Peverell estates until Hariel comes of age at 16.

Andromeda Tonks, a trusted friend, who will have regency over the Potter and Peverell estates until Hariel comes of age at 16.

Amelia Bones, a trusted friend, who will have regency over the Potter and Peverell estates until Hariel comes of age at 16.

In the event that all of these individuals are unavailable, Remus Lupin is to be consulted before any decisions are made regarding custody of Hariel and regency of House Potter and Peverell goes to Remus Lupin. Should Remus be unavailable, Hariel is to be placed with a wixen family, who are approved by our solicitors, Blackwood and Co, who will love her and teach her everything she needs to know to be the duch*ess of Caernarfon. At this point regency will fall to our solicitors, Blackwood and Co, to look after the estate until Hariel turns 16.

Under no circ*mstances is Hariel to be placed with muggles, particularly with Lady Lilian Potter’s muggle sister, Petunia Dursley, and her husband, Vernon Dursley. Petunia Dursley despises magic and will not hesitate to make those feelings clear to Hariel.

We ask that whomever has guardianship that they love and support Hariel, guiding her in our place on her responsibilities in wixen society.

So concludes the last will and testament of His Grace, Lord James Charlus Henry Arthur Potter and Her Grace, Lady Lilian Rose Potter.

As the last echoes of Blackwood's voice faded, the room held a subdued silence, the weight of the last wishes of the Potters laying heavily on their shoulders.

Following the reading of the will, Amelia Bones, the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, rose from her seat with a sense of purpose. "I need to attend to the situation with Sirius Black immediately," she declared, a tone of urgency in her voice. However, when she inquired about Hariel’s current residence, and the name "the Dursleys" left Hariel's lips, a palpable tension filled the room.

Amelia, usually composed and diplomatic, found herself unable to conceal her shock. She sank back into her chair, the news hitting her hard. "Sirius Black will have to wait," she stated firmly, her gaze fixed on Hariel.

The room then became a stage for a discussion on the pros and cons of various individuals taking custody of Hariel. Sirius Black, despite being Hariel's godfather, was currently on the run and faced serious accusations. The Longbottom’s were undergoing their own challenges with Augusta's son and daughter-in-law being long-term patients at St Mungo's. Andromeda, though a capable and caring individual, had her hands full with her own family and career.

The debate continued, weighing the merits and drawbacks of each potential guardian. Remus Lupin, being a trusted friend, emerged as a contender. Frank and Alice Longbottom's situation was a point of concern, as was the fact that Augusta already had her grandson to look after. The tension in the room heightened as the fate of Hariel's guardianship hung in the balance, with each suggestion carrying its own set of complexities and implications.

As the debate over Hariel's guardianship unfolded, Remus interjected with a suggestion that Augusta could take custody of Hariel if she was agreeable. He pointed out that Neville was already present, and this arrangement would provide a temporary resolution to the matter. However, Remus admitted that due to Ministry laws regarding werewolves, he himself was unable to take custody.

"I believe Augusta would provide a stable and caring environment for Hariel in the interim," Remus asserted, glancing towards Augusta with a hopeful expression. "I hope to visit often," he added, directing his gaze to Hariel.

Hariel, nodding in response, spoke hesitantly, "I look forward to getting to know my parents' friends, and I appreciate any help and guidance you can provide."

The room, still charged with the weight of the discussions, found a tentative resolution in Remus's proposal. Augusta, though surprised, nodded her agreement, signalling the beginning of a new chapter for Hariel in the care of her guardianship.

"As we have finalised my guardianship, at least temporarily, there are some more details to go over," Hariel spoke, her gaze hesitantly shifting towards Rangrok. A nod from him affirmed her decision to delve into the intricacies that had been discovered.

She continued, "Considering that everyone in this room was trusted by my parents, I believe it's essential that we address certain matters together. Rangrok, if you would assist in explaining the discoveries?"

Rangrok, ever stalwart in his commitment, nodded in agreement. The room now poised for further revelations, anticipation hung in the air as the ensemble prepared to unravel the intricacies bound within the legacy of the Potters.

Hariel, flanked by Rangrok, commenced her revelation with measured words, a sense of gravity underscoring her disclosure. "Ladies and gentlemen, what I am about to share is of utmost importance and must be treated with the utmost discretion. I have recently undergone an inheritance test conducted by the goblins, revealing a lineage that traces back to King Arthur and Merlin Pendragon."

As she spoke, she delved into the intricacies of the goblin inheritance test, describing her trepidation, the weight of the knowledge she now had, and the burdensome responsibility now placed upon her shoulders as the Crown Princess of Albion. "The goblins, masters of obscure magic, have also uncovered something called a Horcrux embedded within my scar. A Horcrux, for those unfamiliar, is a fragment of a dark wizard's soul preserved through a black magic ritual."

Her narrative continued with a description of the goblins' plan to extract the Horcrux—a complex ritual involving ancient runes, potent incantations, and the unique expertise of goblin magic. "Rest assured, this is not a task to be taken lightly. The goblins are confident in their abilities, but there is the risk as they have never removed one from a living vessel.”

In the aftermath of her revelation, a stunned silence hung in the air, as the weight of Hariel's destiny settled upon the room. Neville, sitting nearby, absorbed the revelation with wide-eyed astonishment. The gravity of Hariel's words echoed in the room, and Neville found himself grappling with the newfound knowledge of his friend's extraordinary lineage.

"Hariel," he stammered, his voice reflecting a mix of awe and concern, "I had no idea. This is... I mean, it's incredible, but it sounds like a lot to bear. Are you alright?"

His words carried a genuine curiosity and a touch of worry. The revelation had not only unveiled Hariel's heritage but had also reshaped Neville’s perception of Hariel. She stood tall and composed, though he could see a subtle tremor in her hands.

Augusta collected herself and spoke with unwavering determination, "What has been shared here does not leave this room. We now stand at the precipice of a significant journey. Preparations must commence promptly to ready Hariel for the throne at the age of sixteen. The responsibilities are immense, and every step must be taken with the utmost care."

As the weighty implications of Hariel's revelation settled in the room, Amelia, a seasoned and pragmatic figure, broke the ensuing silence.

"First things first," she began, her gaze sweeping across the room. "We need to assemble a council of advisors, individuals well-versed in magical law, politics, and the intricacies of Albion's history. I'll help with defence and combat training. Hariel needs to be able to protect herself."

Andromeda, her eyes thoughtful, spoke next. "We must also consider tutors for Hariel – experts in various magical disciplines, etiquette, and governance. Comprehensive education will be crucial for her role."

Remus, despite his initial surprise, nodded in agreement. "We should ensure a balance between theoretical and practical knowledge. The magical world can be treacherous; Hariel needs to be prepared for anything."

Augusta, ever the matriarchal figure, spoke with a regal air. "I'll oversee her etiquette lessons personally. We must present Hariel as the true heir to Albion, polished in every aspect."

Rangrok, ever loyal and perceptive, suggested, "We must also consider magical heritage and lineage. Understanding the Pendragon legacy will be key."

Amelia, directing her attention to Hariel, stated, "I'll look into the legal aspects surrounding your ascension and the situation with Sirius Black. We can't afford any legal uncertainties."

Hariel, absorbing the discussions, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you all. Let's reconvene at Longbottom Manor tomorrow to iron out the details. Everyone present here will play a crucial role."

With a collective nod, the group agreed on the plan. As the room buzzed with discussions, plans began to take shape for Hariel's preparation to assume her destined role.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (2)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (3)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (4)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (5)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (6)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (7)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (8)

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (9)

From left to right: Remus Lupin, Neville Longbottom, Augusta Longbottom, Amelia Bones, Andromeda Tonks, Ted Tonks, William Blackwood.

Authors note: Thank you for the comments, I really appreciate this. I've been mulling this story over for a couple of years, editing and reworking it as I go. Hope everyone enjoys this next chapter. I'm going to aim to update at the weekends but it honestly depends on where I'm up to in the editing process. I'm currently working on chapter 7, hoping to finish that and chapter 8 today, but we'll see.


Thank you all for the amazing comments, I'm glad you are enjoying it so far.

Chapter 3: Discussions and Friendship


So 1, sorry about how late it is. I meant to put it up earlier and then thought I should reread it quickly and ended up spending ages editing it. This then brings me to my next point, I read through my first and second chapter earlier this week and I'm not entirely happy with them. I just feel there's some things I've missed out so I'll be editing them this coming week, so look out for that. Also should mention, Hariel escapes the Dursley's at basically the beginning of the summer holidays. Didn't intend to do it this way, but turned out that way. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter Text

Chapter 3- Discussions and Friendship

The grandeur of Longbottom Manor embraced those who entered, its halls adorned with the verdant embrace of living magic. Tapestries, meticulously woven with enchantments, depicted the storied history of House Longbottom, each thread resonating with the vibrancy of the earth itself. Moss-covered stone walls, emanating a gentle hum of ancient magic, cradled the council in a sanctuary of wisdom.

Assembled under the watchful gaze of magical portraits capturing generations past, the council members found their seats around a polished oak table, its surface intricately carved with runes that pulsed with an earthy glow. Overhead, a chandelier of interwoven vines and luminescent magical blossoms bathed the room in a soft, natural light.

Surrounding those gathered were towering bookshelves filled with volumes on herbology, magical flora, and ancient earth-based enchantments. In the corners, potted magical plants with vibrant leaves and petals breathed life into the room, attesting to the Longbottoms' deep connection to earth magic.

The atmosphere was one of symbiosis, where the magic of the Manor intertwined with the purpose of those present. Augusta Longbottom, embodying the legacy of her family, presided over the meeting with an air of authority, her presence a testament to the enduring strength of earth magic within the Longbottom lineage.

As discussions unfolded, the very essence of the Manor seemed to respond, its magic pulsating in harmony with the plans being woven. The grand tapestry of living greenery and ancient enchantments bore witness to the plans made to shape Hariel into the princess that she was and the queen she would need to be, all within the embrace of Longbottom Hall.

Around the polished oak table, the council of advisors and allies convened, each member playing a vital role in shaping Hariel's path. Amelia Bones, the formidable Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, brought her expertise in governance and legal matters. Augusta Longbottom, the dowager duch*ess of House Longbottom, represented not only the connection to Hariel through her son, but her own connection through Hariel’s father, as well as a wealth of experience in navigating the intricate tapestry of magical society and politics.

Remus Lupin, trusted friend of Hariel's parents, provided insight into the challenges of the magical world and the intricacies of life as a wizard. Rangrok, the ancient goblin advisor, brought centuries of wisdom and a unique perspective, his keen eyes observing the proceedings with a shrewd intelligence.

William Blackwood, the Potter family solicitor, contributed legal acumen and a commitment to honouring the wishes of Hariel's parents. Andromeda Tonks and Ted Tonks, allies with familial ties, offered their support and expertise, their presence a testament to the unity forged by destiny.

Neville Longbottom, standing by Hariel's side, symbolised loyalty and shared history, his unwavering support a grounding force in the midst of the unfolding discussions.

As the council delved into the details of Hariel's education, the development of her magical abilities, and the complexities of her future role, the atmosphere in Longbottom Hall resonated with purpose. Each member, bound by a common cause, contributed their unique strengths to ensure Hariel's journey was guided with wisdom, care, and an unwavering commitment to the magical legacy she carried.

In the midst of their discussion, the echoes of the previous day's will reading reverberated, each revelation influencing the direction of Hariel's educational journey.

Amelia, contemplating the complexities of magical law enforcement, noted, "Given the inheritance laws and the intricacies of noble families, Hariel needs a solid grounding in magical law. I suggest we enlist the assistance of seasoned legal minds and experienced magical diplomats.”

Her suggestion sparked a thoughtful discussion among the council of advisors. Each member contributed their insights, weighing the pros and cons of potential experts.

Remus, his eyes reflecting the weariness of his experiences, spoke first, "Legal matters are intricate, and navigating the magical legal system requires a keen understanding of both its nuances and the broader political landscape. For this, we need someone with experience, however I do not think it wise to bring other people into this council at this point. To protect Hariel, it is important that it does not become known that she is the heir to the Pendragon throne. We need more pieces in place first.” Remus spoke as he looked around at the others at the table.

Andromeda, drawing from her own experiences, added, “I agree with you Remus, Hariel is too young to have all the wixen in Albion looking to her. She has enough already with being The Girl Who Lived. Let us not add more fuel to the fire yet. This all means that we need tutors we can trust, ideally from those of us here and if we absolutely must ask someone else then it should simply be stated that Hariel needs the extra tutoring in preparation to take up her title."

“That is an excellent idea, let’s not put Hariel into harms way if we can help it. I would suggest however, that we consider pulling in Mad Eye. I think just for Hariel’s protection and education he would be an excellent choice to ensure that she knows everything she needs to in order to be able to protect herself should she require it at some point. We can hope she won’t, but the world is a dangerous place and it only gets more dangerous the higher up you are in it at times. Moody is known for his unwavering commitment to justice, which could balance the legal expertise of another, perhaps you Amelia and William, while providing Hariel the practical skills she needs.” Ted remarked thoughtfully. The others looked thoughtful.

Augusta interjected, "Regardless of the expert we choose, we must ensure that they understand the intricacies of noble families and the unique challenges that Hariel might face. Magical diplomats with experience in both the legal and political arenas could provide a holistic approach."

Amelia nodded in agreement, "Indeed. That will be a vital skill for Hariel to learn, perhaps for now, while we are keeping this close to our chests you could help with that Augusta. You have been the proxy for the Longbottom seat in the Wizengamot for years and, if I may say so, are a formidable opponent. Not many would choose to go up against you. That kind of expertise is what Hariel will need. I can help, being the proxy for the Bones seat, but will not have as much time to give her the commitment she needs. We can find other experts at a later time. We have 3 years, this year should be about beginning to introduce Hariel to these concepts, not throw her in the deep end and hope she swims. That is what we are here for after all.” Augusta hummed thoughtfully, narrowing her eyes as she thought before nodding her agreement.

"Goblin representation in magical law should not be overlooked. Griphook is a respected goblin advocate with extensive knowledge of magical contracts and laws affecting magical beings. His inclusion could bring a unique and valuable perspective to Hariel's education. I also believe that it is important that Hariel begins to think about how she wants Albion to run when she ascends the throne. While many may not agree, Goblins have more to offer than merely to run a bank.” Rangrok added, frowning.

“That is important for Hariel to think about, you are absolutely right Rangrok. Too many laws have been passed that shouldn’t, traditions lost due to an influx of muggleborns with no one to teach them about the world they are entering because they believe they should be comfortable.” Andromeda added, nodding decisively. It was something that was near and dear to her heart. Having grown up celebrating the Celtic festivals and worshipping magic it was hard to see these traditions being pushed to the side because muggleborns were uncomfortable. No one took the time to teach them anymore, no traditions class at Hogwarts, pureblood’s not talking about it to peers because of how personal it was. This was a chance for change. Andromeda and the others could see that, they needed to guide Hariel to the best of their abilities in order to create a fairer world.

As the discussion unfolded, the council weighed the merits and drawbacks of bringing in an expert, considering what they knew of their reputation, expertise and whether they could be trusted enough, though no disclosure would be made to them at this point. The goal was to provide Hariel with a comprehensive understanding of magical law, blending theoretical knowledge with a practical approach that considered the unique challenges she might face as a noble and heir presumptive to Albion.

The council continued their discussion, delving deeper into the nuances of selecting an expert in magical law for Hariel. Remus, leaning forward, added, "We must also consider the educational aspect. Whoever we choose should be able to tailor their teachings to Hariel's level of understanding and gradually introduce her to the complexities of magical law."

Andromeda, the quiet strength in her gaze, nodded in agreement. "Education is not just about providing information; it's about fostering understanding. That is vital, otherwise, for a dull subject like law, Hariel is not going to be engaged and so will not pay attention to what she needs to.”

Ted chimed in, “Whoever it is needs to be able to simplify complex subjects to make them accessible. Hariel needs to not only learn, but comprehend the intricacies of the subjects she learns."

Augusta emphasised, "This is not just about acquiring knowledge; it's about preparing Hariel for her role in the magical world. We need someone who can instil in her a sense of responsibility, someone like Amelia, who has firsthand experience in both the legal and law enforcement aspects."

Amelia, humbled by the acknowledgment, nodded. "Teaching Hariel is more than just conveying information; it's about guiding her to become a wise and just leader. I'm willing to take on this role and provide her with the knowledge and values she needs."

As the discussion reached its zenith, the council began to lean towards a multifaceted approach, considering not only the legal expertise but also the educational and ethical dimensions. It was at this moment that William Blackwood, Hariel's solicitor, who had been quietly observing the discourse, cleared his throat and spoke up.

"I believe we should also consider the legal framework surrounding Hariel's inheritance. I have contacts within the Wizengamot and the Ministry who can offer valuable insights into the current political climate and potential challenges Hariel might face. Let me collaborate with Amelia in structuring an integrated approach that combines legal education, practical insight, and ethical guidance."

The council, appreciating the comprehensive perspective that William brought to the table, collectively agreed that a combination of legal expertise, educational proficiency, and practical insight was the optimal strategy for Hariel's magical law education.

Augusta, her gaze thoughtful, emphasised, "Herbology and care for magical plants, creatures and potions are an essential tool Hariel will need, more than what she will learn at Hogwarts. Pomona Sprout at Hogwarts is renowned for her expertise in herbology, though not well known she also possesses a mastery in the care of magical creatures and potions as well. We should arrange for Hariel to receive tutelage from her. It is also beneficial that she can be trusted when the times comes.”

Remus spoke of the need for practical duelling and defensive magic. “I believe you are right Ted, Moody, with his years as an Auror, could provide invaluable insights. We can arrange private sessions for Hariel to hone her skills. Mad Eye may be suspicious, but as long as he does not see or hear something that he has an issue with, he will leave it alone.”

Rangrok suggested, "Magical history and the intricacies of goblin culture are best taught by Goblin scholars. I shall arrange for appropriate tutors. If understanding the intricacies of goblin culture is of interest, a visit to Gringotts would be beneficial. I can arrange for Hariel to meet with goblin scholars who can provide insights into the history and customs of the goblin community to enrich her education.”

Andromeda nodded and expanded on that proposal, “You are absolutely right Rangrok, in addition to academic knowledge, exposure to various magical cultures is paramount. Hariel needs firsthand experiences, a chance to immerse herself in different magical communities, and forge connections that will serve her well in the future."

Remus, intrigued by the suggestion, queried, "Andromeda, any specific magical communities in mind?"

Andromeda considered the question before responding, "I suggest starting with Hogsmeade. It's a diverse community with wixen and magical creatures living harmoniously but not inconveniently located, easy to get to and Hariel will not have been yet. Hariel could meet individuals from various backgrounds, from shopkeepers to magical beings. It's an excellent way to begin her journey into understanding the richness of magical culture."

Amelia added, "We could also arrange visits to the magical districts of major cities like Diagon Alley or the magical Bazaars in Cairo and Morocco. These places are hubs of magical commerce and cultural exchange, exposing Hariel to a myriad of magical practices."

Andromeda nodded in agreement, "Furthermore, connections with magical beings such as centaurs, house-elves, and magical creatures should not be overlooked. These interactions can offer unique perspectives and foster cooperation between the wixen and non-wixen communities."

Ted, considering the broader perspective, remarked, "Cultural understanding is a two-way street. Perhaps we could plan for Hariel to host events where representatives from various magical communities are invited to share their traditions, creating a platform for dialogue and collaboration.”

Andromeda, appreciating the foresight in Ted's suggestion, added, "Ted brings up a crucial point. While exposure to different magical cultures is essential, it should be done strategically. Hosting events where representatives from various communities share their traditions can indeed create a platform for dialogue and collaboration. However, we must ensure it aligns with the timing of Hariel's ascension to the throne at 16. Until then, perhaps smaller-scale interactions and visits can lay the groundwork."

Ted nodded in agreement, "Absolutely, Andromeda. We wouldn't want to overwhelm Hariel with the responsibilities of hosting large-scale events before she's fully prepared. A gradual approach, starting with informal gatherings and visits, will allow her to build genuine connections and understanding."

Amelia, considering the logistics, remarked, "We can work on a timeline that balances Hariel's educational needs, her responsibilities as a noble, and the gradual expansion of her network. This way, when the time comes for larger events, she'll be well-prepared and confident in her role as a cultural liaison."

Ted remarked, "Physical fitness and self-discipline are vital. Perhaps Hariel should begin with a workout regime to help with duelling in the morning.” The adults all looked thoughtful before nodding their agreement. There was some basis for the theory of a healthy body, healthy magic.

Augusta, recognising the utmost importance of etiquette and secrecy in Hariel's education, interjected, "In addition to these, we must emphasise the refinement of Hariel's social skills. Etiquette and decorum will be crucial, given the position she will inhabit. I believe I would be best to tutor Hariel in this. I do not believe we need to engage tutors at this time.”

She continued, "Hariel needs to navigate not only the intricacies of magical law and diverse cultures but also the social fabric that accompanies her noble status. A future queen must be well-versed in diplomatic interactions, formal events, and the art of conversation. These skills will not only serve her in her role as the heir to Albion but also in forming alliances and garnering support when the time comes."

Augusta's words carried the weight of her own experiences in high society, and the council, understanding the importance of this aspect of Hariel's education, nodded in agreement. As they continued to deliberate on the details, the threads of magical education, cultural understanding, and social refinement began to weave together, creating a comprehensive plan for Hariel's preparation for the challenges that lay ahead.

Amelia concluded, "A diverse range of tutors, each of us contributing with only minimal outside help needed will contribute to Hariel's holistic education. We can structure a timetable for the summer holidays that incorporates these lessons, ensuring a well-rounded curriculum.”

Neville timidly spoke up, "Um, excuse me, but as Hariel's godbrother, I... well, I think I need to learn all these things too, right?" He glanced around nervously, the genuine concern evident in his eyes.

The room fell silent for a moment, the advisors exchanging thoughtful glances. Augusta, sensing the sincerity in Neville's words, nodded approvingly. "Of course, Neville," she declared, "It makes perfect sense. Hariel and Neville should share this educational journey. It'll provide a solid support system for both of them."

Amelia, recognising the potential strength in forging bonds, added, "Indeed. A solid circle of friends will be essential for Hariel as she prepares for her future role. It's not just about learning from tutors but also about cultivating relationships with those who will stand by her side."

"Friendship and unity will be their greatest strength. It's not just about learning magic but understanding the importance of camaraderie and loyalty.” Remus, his worn face softening into a smile, spoke in agreement. His thoughts briefly carrying him away to mischief made in a castle with boys who were more like brothers. Shaking his head, Remus brought himself back to the present.

Rangrok nodded in agreement. "Shared experiences and alliances will fortify them against the challenges that lie ahead. I shall ensure that the goblin tutors understand the importance of Heir Longbottom's involvement."

Andromeda added, "Family isn't just about blood. It's about those who stand with you in times of need. Neville, you're family to Hariel, and that means you're an integral part of this journey too."

"Hariel and Neville, you both have each other's backs. That's a bond that can't be replaced.” Ted said with a warm smile.

The discussion then shifted towards creating a supportive circle of friends for Hariel, ensuring that she had trustworthy allies to accompany her on this remarkable journey. The advisors began brainstorming ways to foster these connections, recognising the strength that unity and friendship would bring to the future queen of Albion.

The council, in agreement, began to weave a strategic plan that would not only enrich Hariel's understanding of magical cultures but also ensure that she entered her role as the heir presumptive to Albion with a well-rounded perspective and a network of allies from diverse backgrounds. The careful consideration of timing and scale would be vital in shaping Hariel's journey toward cultural diplomacy, ensuring that Hariel's understanding of magical cultures was not confined to textbooks but enriched by real-life experiences and meaningful interactions. This would all be done while keeping her status as the heir to the throne a closely guarded secret. The summer holidays promised not a period of relaxation but of intense learning and preparation for the future queen of Albion.

Leaving the adults to their preparation into what would prove to be a gruelling summer, Hariel and Neville snuck off for the afternoon, making their way onto the grounds of Longbottom hall towards the greenhouse.

In the serene ambiance of the greenhouse, Hariel and Neville found themselves surrounded by a vibrant display of magical plants, their lush greenery reflecting the deep ties of the Longbottom family to earth magic.

Hariel, taking a moment to absorb the beauty around her, turned to Neville with a sincere expression. "Neville, I've been a bit rubbish at being a friend these past couple of years, haven't I?" She scratched her head, a hint of apology in her eyes.

Neville, tending to a particularly robust-looking Mandrake covered in soil, looked up and chuckled. "Well, yeah, a bit. But we're here now, aren't we? That's what matters."

Hariel's gaze softened, and she nodded. "I'm sorry, Neville. I've been so caught up with everything else, and I haven't made the effort I should have. But I want to change that. I want to be a better friend."

"No need to apologise, Hariel. We all have our stuff going on. And hey, it's never too late to start being a good friend.” Neville grinned, his eyes reflecting the warmth he was feeling.

Encouraged by Neville's understanding, Hariel smiled. "Thanks, Neville. I appreciate that. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better and being your friend."

Neville returned to his Mandrake, nodding. "Likewise, Hariel. We've got plenty of time ahead of us."

As they continued their work in the greenhouse, the air between them lightened, and a sense of camaraderie began to bloom—a promising start to a renewed friendship.

They spent the next few moments navigating the rows of magical plants, sharing stories and discovering the surprising number of interests they had in common. The conversation flowed easily, with laughter punctuating the air as they realised the shared quirks that made their friendship inevitable.

As the talk meandered into more personal territory, Neville cast a concerned glance at Hariel. "You're dealing with a lot, aren't you? I mean, with everything you found out this summer.”

Hariel sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, it's a lot to take in. I had no idea about my heritage, the horcrux thing, or the whole Queen of Albion deal. It's overwhelming, to be honest."

Neville nodded, understanding etched on his features. "But you're handling it well."

A wry smile tugged at Hariel's lips. "Handling it well? I feel like I'm juggling a dozen magical creatures, and they all want my attention at the same time. I just... I want to make my parents and ancestors proud. They left so much for me, and I don't want to let them down."

Neville placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "You won't. And hey, you're not alone in this. We'll figure it out together. You and me, I’ll be here to support you the whole way Hariel.”

Hariel couldn't help but grin. “Thanks Neville, its just all so overwhelming. I didn’t even know that Albion had a monarchy or nobles before last week. I'm going to need a lot of help. My upbringing didn't exactly prepare me for this."

Neville chuckled, his tone light but determined. "Don't worry. We'll navigate this together. Hogwarts might be on summer break, but clearly that won’t stop the council in there."

Their laughter echoed through the greenery as Hariel and Neville playfully speculated about the impending busyness of their summer schedules. Neville, with a mock frown, bemoaned the potential scarcity of moments he'd get to spend among his beloved magical plants.

"Looks like I'll be seeing less of my leafy friends and more of those tutors," Neville remarked, feigning a sigh.

Hariel chuckled, then shifted the conversation. "Speaking of friends, who else do you hang out with? I feel terrible that I don’t know. I’ve been far too insular these last two years. Anyone interesting?"

Neville's face brightened as he thought about his other companions. "Well, there's Susan. She's Amelia's niece, and she's been living with Amelia since her parents... well, you know, You Know Who." He hesitated briefly, the mention of the dark wizard's name casting a shadow over the conversation.

"Ah, I see," Hariel responded, her tone gentle. "And who else?"

Neville continued, "Because of my position as the future Duke of Green Hill Meadow, I also spend time with some Slytherins – Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, and Theodore Nott. We tend to keep it quiet at school because of Malfoy, they don’t want the hassle in the common room, but we’ve been friends for years. Gran set it up, mostly Daphne and Blaise but Theo started tagging along when he was visiting Blaise. It’s not as easy for Theo to get here. Does that surprise you?”

Hariel raised an eyebrow, genuinely intrigued. "Slytherins, huh? That’s interesting, I suppose I’ve always been wary because all I’ve ever heard is that they are dark and evil. I should know not to take everything said to me at face value, but I was so overwhelmed when I entered the wixen world that I didn’t push, and then I met Malfoy, and well, you know how that went! No offence.”

Neville laughed, shaking his head. "None taken. But you know, Hariel, there's a lot more to Slytherin than the stereotypes suggest. You need to remember that Slytherin stands for ambition and cunning. Sure, some can be dark and evil, but that’s just the same as any sorted into other houses have that capacity as well. Ambition isn't a bad thing and doesn’t equal evil. It's about setting goals and being determined to achieve them. And cunning? Well, sometimes you need to be clever and cunning to outsmart the challenges life throws at you."

Hariel pondered Neville's words, realising that she had taken the bias Hagrid and Ron had spoken, and the behaviour Malfoy had shown her, and just gone with that without looking deeper. It was unusual for her, but having her first friend in Ron, she hadn’t wanted to upset him. The nuances of the houses at Hogwarts were more complex than just what they stood for, she knew that, but she hadn’t ever really looked deeper. It was showing a side of herself she wasn’t sure she liked.

Hariel leaned against one of the sturdy workbenches in the greenhouse, her expression contemplative. "You know, I should really know better than to listen to the bias, I suppose my excuse is that Ron was my first friend and Malfoy didn’t exactly make a good first impression. I’ve let others colour my perception. Not really something I’m proud of. Maybe its time to branch out a little and worry less about what others may think.”

Neville nodded in understanding, his eyes reflecting a depth of experience beyond his years. “I don’t think your entirely at fault. Slytherins do stick together at school. It's like a survival tactic, given the house dynamics. But outside of Hogwarts, it's a whole different story. They're more open, not necessarily laid back, but more relaxed I suppose. Maybe it’s because I’ve known them for years that I see that side of them. For them, it’s about being ambitious and resourceful. Those traits are valued, not just in Slytherin, but in life."

Hariel absorbed Neville's perspective, realising how much the wixen world painted everything with broad strokes, overlooking the individual shades of each person's character. "I guess I have a lot to learn about the magical world, beyond what they teach you in Hogwarts. It's like there's a whole hidden side that you only discover when you step outside those castle walls."

Neville grinned, "Welcome to the real magic, Hariel. It's a lot more nuanced than the textbooks would have you believe."

Hariel turned to Neville, a hint of curiosity in her eyes, "Do you think your friends might want to meet me? Not because of the whole royal and Albion thing, I mean, just as me. I'd like to get to know them, and, well, it'd be nice to have a circle of friends who don't see me as the heir to a throne when everything does eventually come out. I don’t think I trust anyone else to know yet, but maybe in time. After they’ve got to know me and I know and trust them.”

Neville smiled warmly, "Absolutely, Hariel. They're a good bunch, and they'd be interested in meeting you just as you are. You don't have to worry about titles with them, at least, not after the first introduction.”

Encouraged, Hariel continued, "And about Hermione and Ron... do you think I've been at a disadvantage, you know, letting them monopolise so much of my time?"

Neville considered her question before responding, "Well, they're good friends, but I guess it's about finding a balance. You should have the freedom to explore different friendships and not feel tied down. It's your life, after all."

Hariel nodded thoughtfully, appreciating Neville's perspective. "You're right, Neville. I need to find that balance and make choices that feel right for me. Thanks for being honest."

Neville grinned, "Anytime, Hariel. Friends help each other find their way."

Hariel looked at Neville with a thoughtful expression, "Neville, how do you think Hermione and Ron will react when I lay down some boundaries and want to spend time with other people? I mean, it's not that I don't value our friendship, but, like you said, I need to explore and branch out."

Neville considered her question carefully before responding, "Well, it might be a bit challenging for them at first. You've been through a lot together, and letting go of that kind of bond is never easy. But true friends should understand and respect your need for space and growth. If they can't accept that, then maybe they're not the kind of friends you need."

Hariel nodded, absorbing Neville's insight, "You're right. I need to communicate my feelings and set boundaries. If they're genuine friends, they'll understand. And if not, well, it might be time to reassess."

Neville smiled in support, "Exactly. Your journey is your own, and true friends will stand by you through every twist and turn.”

Hariel smiled and then asked teasingly, “Is there any other secret friends you’ve been keeping from me?”

Neville chuckled, "Well, there's a few others, not many. Mostly just those who have been added on from my original group after we started Hogwarts. There's Hannah Abbott, who’s Susan’s best friend, Padma Patil, who’s a good friend of Susan’s as well and Pavati sometimes comes, although not as often because she likes to hang out with Lavender. Tracey Davies because she comes with Daphne. We tend to meet in the library."

Hariel smiled, intrigued, "That sounds like quite the group! Do you think your Hufflepuff friends would want to meet me? I mean, considering the whole Chamber of Secrets situation this year. Some of them weren’t particularly kind.”

Neville frowned, “Oh, well, they know the true story now and besides, I know what they did, I told them off when I heard what they had been doing. I’ll talk to them, but I’m sure they’ll be excited to get to know you.”

Hariel nodded appreciatively, "Great! I'd love to meet them and expand my circle of friends. Thanks, Neville.”

They continued to talk about other areas of interest, Neville telling Hariel about the different plants that he had in the greenhouse, the properties they had and what they could be used for before Hariel raised an eyebrow, her gaze following Neville's as he looked back toward Longbottom Hall. "So, when do you think we might actually have some free time during the summer?" she asked with a playful tone.

Neville snorted, a wry grin on his face. "Probably never. Looks like they're scheduling our every minute in there." He gestured toward the grand manor.

Hariel chuckled, "Well, I guess we should get used to the idea of being busy then."

Neville nodded in agreement, "Seems like it. But hey, at least we'll be learning a lot, right?"

Hariel smirked, "True. We'll be experts by the end of summer, whether we like it or not."

Neville laughed, "Exactly! Maybe we'll even sneak in a bit of time in the greenhouses when they're not looking."

Hariel grinned, "Now that sounds like a plan. A bit of rebellion amidst all the tutoring."

Neville playfully rolled his eyes, "Rebellion by plant care, who would've thought?"

Hariel shrugged, "Hey, it's your kind of rebellion. I’m just piggybacking off it. Besides, it does involve dirt and leaves."

Neville chuckled, “True, I can get behind that."

Neville motioned towards the grand manor with a tilt of his head. "We should probably head in for supper. The adults will be wondering where we've disappeared to."

Hariel nodded, a playful smile on her face. "Can't have them thinking we've run off on some secret adventure without them. Lead the way, Neville."

As they strolled back to the manor, the fading sunlight painted the surroundings in warm hues. Neville initiated a light-hearted conversation, "So, what's your take on all this magical nobility and heir presumptive business?"

Hariel chuckled, "It's a lot to take in, for sure. I never imagined my family tree had so many magical branches. What about you? Any surprises in the Longbottom lineage?"

Neville grinned, "Oh, nothing too fancy as far as I know. Just a long line of gardeners and Herbology enthusiasts. The earth magic is strongly tied to the family magic, so it tends to guide us toward herbology and cultivation.”

Hariel laughed, "Well, you're in the right place for it. Plenty of green space here, the ground is practically teeming with life! Mind you, Hogwarts is similar. I'm just hoping I don't get lost in any more secret passages this year."

Neville teased, "No promises. Hogwarts has a way of revealing its secrets when you least expect it. But hey, at least you'll have me to rescue you, right?"

Hariel smirked, "Lucky me. I've got my very own knight in shining armour. Who needs a map when I have Neville Longbottom?"

Their banter continued, with Hariel and Neville becoming more comfortable with each other and better friends as they approached the manor, ready to join the adults for supper.

As Hariel and Neville entered the family dining room, the atmosphere was filled with a blend of camaraderie and purpose. The adults, seated around a long, polished table, looked up from their discussions as the young duo joined them.

Amelia gestured for them to take their seats. "Sit down, you two. Supper is served, and we have much to discuss."

The room was adorned with magical tapestries depicting the history of the Longbottom family, casting a warm and majestic ambiance. The aroma of a sumptuous meal wafted through the air, enticing the senses.

Once seated, Hariel and Neville were treated to a feast that they looked forward to eating, they’d worked hard in the greenhouse that afternoon. Meanwhile, the adults began outlining the detailed schedule for the upcoming week.

Augusta took charge. "Starting tomorrow, your mornings will begin with a run around the grounds for exercise before Herbology tutelage from Professor Sprout. We've arranged for private sessions in the greenhouse, focusing on magical plants and their properties."

Remus continued, "Afternoons will be dedicated to practical duelling and defensive magic. Alastor Moody, a seasoned Auror, will be your instructor. He's agreed to conduct these sessions in a secure environment."

Rangrok's absence was noted, but the adults pressed on. Andromeda spoke next. "To understand diverse magical cultures, we've arranged visits to various magical communities. You'll learn customs, traditions, and build connections that may prove invaluable in the future."

Amelia concluded the overview, "A diverse range of tutors, each an expert in their respective fields, will contribute to your holistic education. Lessons will conclude by 6 in the evening, with lunch breaks provided. This intensive schedule will begin to prepare you for what lays ahead. It is imperative that the both of you learn as much as you can as quick as you can. We may have three years, but honestly, it is not enough to teach you what you should have grown up knowing.”

As they went through schedule further, it was detailed to include subjects like Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, Runes, and Arithmancy, the room buzzed with a sense of purpose. The young heirs absorbed the wealth of information, envisioning a week of work and very little time for relaxation.

“Amelia, can you tell me any news about Sirius?” Hariel asked, eager to hear more about anything that would help her godfather.

Amelia responded with a measured tone, "I've conducted a thorough investigation, and the evidence against Sirius Black is questionable at best. Shockingly, I found no trial transcripts, and the case seems shrouded in secrecy. However, I have petitioned the Wizengamot for a trial, and Aurors are actively searching for him. A notice has been issued in the newspapers, urging Sirius to present himself for the trial he was denied."

The adults in the room exchanged knowing glances, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. Amelia continued, "The news is spreading across Albion, and many are questioning the Ministry's actions. It's a delicate situation, and we are doing our best to rectify the mistake made years ago."

The conversation shifted to Hariel's social endeavours, the adults emphasised the importance of building a trustworthy and supportive circle of friends. Neville and Hariel exchanged significant looks before turning to the adults, Hariel saying, “Neville made mention of introducing me to some of his friends and we were wondering when the best time for this would be?”

Amelia looked thoughtful, her gaze focused on the schedule in front of her. "I believe this Saturday would be suitable. It allows Hariel and Neville to settle into their lessons and routines during the week, while leaving the weekends free."

Augusta nodded in agreement. "Agreed. It's crucial for them to find a balance between their studies and social activities."

Hariel, eager to engage with Neville's friends, spoke up. "I'm excited to meet everyone. What if we have something casual, like a small gathering?"

Neville chimed in, "Yeah, nothing too formal. Just a chance for everyone to get to know each other."

Andromeda, with a thoughtful expression, suggested, "How about a garden party at Longbottom Manor? It could be a pleasant and relaxed setting."

Ted added, "A garden party sounds splendid. We can arrange for some entertainment and refreshments."

"I like the idea. It's a good way for them to socialise without feeling overwhelmed.” Remus remarked.

"Garden party it is, then. We'll make the necessary arrangements. A perfect blend of relaxation while also beginning to introduce Hariel to others who share her social sphere.” Amelia concluded.

The decision was met with unanimous approval, setting the stage for a delightful gathering in the lush gardens of Longbottom Manor.

As supper drew to a close, Augusta turned her attention to Neville. "Neville, could you show Hariel to her room in the family wing?"

Neville nodded, a warm smile lighting up his face. "Of course, Gran. Right this way, Hariel."

The grandeur of Longbottom Manor unfolded as they strolled through its opulent halls. Neville, ever the gracious host, pointed out various rooms with a casual flourish.

"That over there is the ballroom," he gestured towards a set of ornate double doors. "We rarely use it these days, but it's quite stunning for special occasions."

As they continued, Neville indicated a vast library filled with shelves of ancient tomes and obscure texts. "This is the library. If you ever need a quiet place to read or study, it's perfect."

The drawing room, adorned with exquisite artwork and plush furnishings, garnered a mention. "This is where we usually gather for more intimate family discussions."

Ascending a grand staircase, Neville led the way to the family wing. He opened a door and gestured inside. "This is the family sitting room. We use it for casual meetings or just to relax. Your room is just down the hall, this way."

The family wing, unlike the rest of the manor, was done in soothing shades of calming greens and browns. Neville stopped at a door and opened it, revealing Hariel's designated room.

"This will be your room while you're staying here," he explained. "I hope you find it comfortable. My room is just across the hall."

With a courteous nod, Neville bid her goodnight. "Rest well, Hariel. If you need anything, just let me know."

Left alone in the tranquility of her new surroundings, Hariel took a moment to absorb the elegance and history that surrounded her. The air carried a sense of familiarity and welcome, and as she settled into her room, she couldn't help but feel content with where she had ended up. This was proving to be her best summer ever, even with all the complications that had come her way.

Suddenly, parchment appeared on Hariel's bedside table, seemingly materialising out of thin air. Its surface bore no distinctive markings or sender's name, an enigma in itself. Intrigued, she carefully unfolded the parchment, revealing a message written in elegant, swirling ink that seemed to dance across the surface:

Dearest Hariel,

In the quiet moments between dreams and reality, when the magic of the night is at its peak, I extend to you words that carry both guidance and mystery. Your journey, like the ebb and flow of a thousand destinies, is uniquely yours. Embrace the challenges, for they shall sculpt the essence of who you are meant to become.

Trust in the path that unfolds before you, even when obscured by shadows. Within the tapestry of time, your threads are woven with the legacies of the past and the promises of the future. Each step you take resonates in the echoes of magical history, creating ripples that extend far beyond the visible horizon.

Continue to unravel the threads of your destiny, for in the weaving, you shall discover the intricate patterns that shape the magic within you. Let the whispers of the ancient magic guide you, and remember, the journey is as significant as the destination.

With every sunrise, a new chapter unfolds. Embrace it with courage, for you are destined for greatness.

Trust the magic within,

A Friend

As the ink settled on the parchment, the message left Hariel with a sense of wonder and anticipation. The words carried a weight of wisdom and mystery, urging her to embark on the journey with an open heart and a readiness to face what came next.

Placing the note into the drawer of her bedside table, Hariel settled down to sleep. Wrapped in the soft embrace of the comfiest bed she had ever experienced, Hariel drifted into a peaceful slumber. The cares and worries that had plagued her for so long seemed to fade away in the secure haven of Longbottom Manor. For the first time she could remember, a sense of comfort and safety enveloped her, promising a restful night's sleep.

As dreams danced on the periphery of her consciousness, Hariel found solace in the knowledge that, in this magical realm of family, friends, and destiny, she was not alone. The next chapter of her journey had begun, and with each breath, she ventured further into the tapestry of her extraordinary legacy.

Chapter 4: Garden Parties and Updates


So, sorry about the rather late update. I was editing again and it took way longer than expected. REALLY IMPORTANT, I edited chapters 1 and 2, chapter 1 the most. There aren't any significant changes to the plot, rather more detail in that first chapter. It's not necessary to re-read, but it does just add a little extra I think.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 4- Garden Parties and Updates

The next morning bathed Longbottom Hall in a soft glow as Hariel and Neville, armed with a sense of purpose, made their way to the Herbology greenhouse for the first lesson of the intensive week ahead. The air was thick with anticipation as they stepped into the lush, magical haven where Professor Pomona Sprout awaited them.

Professor Sprout, a lively and experienced witch with a deep love for magical plants, greeted them with a warm smile. "Good morning, Hariel, Neville! Welcome to the greenhouse. Today, we'll delve further into the intricate world of Herbology, exploring the magical properties of some well-known plants that we haven’t looked at yet at Hogwarts."

The greenhouse, a sprawling space filled with a rich variety of magical flora, emitted an enchanting fragrance that lingered in the air. As they strolled through the rows of vibrant plants, Professor Sprout began discussing their uses in potion-making, spell casting, and even the healing arts.

Hariel and Neville found themselves engaged in conversations about Dittany, a powerful healing herb, and its applications in wixen medicine. Professor Sprout demonstrated the proper way to harvest Dittany leaves, emphasising the need for precision and care.

Neville, drawing from his experiences at Hogwarts, shared stories of his struggles with Shrivelfigs during previous Herbology classes. The group laughed as he recounted how he mistakenly watered them with a Sleeping Draught instead of the recommended Fertilising Elixir, resulting in a temporary dozing off of the entire crop.

A discussion about Asphodel and Aconite brought forth the importance of careful handling, as these plants were key ingredients in various potions. Professor Sprout explained the alchemical properties of each and the significance of their combination in the brewing of complex elixirs.

Amidst the lessons, the trio also touched upon the properties of many of the other magical fauna in the greenhouse, expanding on the uses and how to harvest them. The magical plants seemed to respond to the lively conversation, their energies harmonising with the learning atmosphere.

As the morning sun filtered through the enchanted glass of the greenhouse, casting a kaleidoscope of colours on the plants, Hariel and Neville felt a sense of camaraderie with Professor Sprout that they hadn’t been able to gain at Hogwarts in classes. The lesson provided valuable insights into Herbology.

Exiting the greenhouse, the trio continued their discussions, weaving together the practical knowledge gained at Hogwarts with the deeper insights offered by Professor Sprout. The Herbology lesson, marked by laughter and the fragrance of magical plants, set the tone for the rich educational journey that awaited them at Longbottom Hall.

The week's schedule unfolded with precision, each lesson providing Hariel and Neville with a wealth of knowledge. Under the watchful eyes of different teachers, each a master in their respective fields, Neville’s and Hariel's education in defensive and offensive magic unfolded like a well-choreographed dance. In the realm of this magic, Alastor Moody took the lead. Moody's grizzled appearance and no-nonsense demeanour set the tone for the rigorous training sessions. The afternoons were dedicated to honing their skills in spell casting, counter-curses, and strategic thinking. Moody's emphasis on constant vigilance and practical application ensured that they not only learned the spells but understood the real-world scenarios where they might be needed. He had also been the catalyst for Neville acquiring his own wand when he found out Neville had been using his fathers. He’d marched straight to Augusta and, while Neville and Hariel didn’t know what was said, after Augusta and Moody came out of the silenced study Augusta had taken Neville to get his own wand, his spell casting becoming much better and his confidence growing as he found casting magic easier.

As the days progressed, the focus shifted to the intricacies of magical law. Amelia and William guided Hariel and Neville through the complex web of rules and regulations governing the magical community. Detailed discussions delved into the historical precedents that shaped these laws, the consequences of breaking them, and the delicate balance between maintaining order and preserving individual freedoms. Hariel and Neville found themselves navigating the legal landscape with a newfound appreciation for the intricacies that governed magical society.

Cultural diplomacy, another essential aspect of Hariel's education, opened the doors to understanding the diverse magical communities within Albion. Andromeda, Amelia and Augusta shared their insights and experiences in the cultures of the countries they had visited. The afternoons became a journey through the rich tapestry of magical diversity, exposing Hariel to customs, traditions, and belief systems that shaped different magical societies. This understanding laid the groundwork for her future role as a diplomatic leader.

In the refined halls of Longbottom Manor, etiquette lessons added a layer of sophistication to Hariel's education. Led by Augusta, these sessions focused on the art of social grace, formal gatherings, and the nuances of polite conversation. The importance of building alliances, maintaining a diplomatic demeanour, and navigating the delicate intricacies of magical society were all woven into the fabric of Hariel's education.

The afternoons, filled with a diverse array of subjects, began sculpting Hariel into a well-rounded heir to the throne. The synergy between defensive prowess, legal acumen, cultural understanding, and refined etiquette was carefully crafted by the expert hands of her teachers. Each lesson was a brushstroke, contributing to the masterpiece that would be Hariel's destiny as a leader in the magical world. The education at Longbottom Manor, guided by skilled mentors, not only imparted knowledge but shaped the very essence of Hariel’s journey to be ready to take the throne.

The presence of the council of advisors, including Amelia, Augusta, Remus, and Rangrok, ensured that Hariel received guidance from seasoned minds. The collaboration of these diverse perspectives made each lesson not only informative but also a stepping stone toward Hariel's destiny.

As the week progressed, the bond between Hariel and Neville deepened. Their shared experiences and the long lessons they attended created a friendship that deepened as the days passed. The greenhouse, the library, and the various rooms within Longbottom Hall became witness to their growing friendship.

By the end of the week, as the council of advisors gathered once more, they could see the transformation in Hariel. Her understanding of magical law had expanded, her grasp of etiquette had become refined, and her interactions with Neville and the advisors showcased a newfound confidence. The changes weren’t just in Hariel however, Neville had begun to blossom as a result of his lessons and his new wand, his confidence built more with the firm friendship from Hariel and the approval he could see from his grandmother and the other members of the council.

The weekend approached, bringing with it the promise of a social gathering. As Hariel and Neville prepared to welcome Neville's friends, the air buzzed with excitement. The council of advisors, recognising the importance of forging connections outside the structured lessons, eagerly looked forward to this informal yet significant event.

On the much-anticipated Saturday, the enchanting gardens of Longbottom Hall played host to a gathering of Neville's friends. The atmosphere would be filled with the laughter of friendships beginning to be formed as Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Padma and Parvati Patil, Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, Blaise Zabini, and Theo Nott arrived for the garden party.

Stepping forward, Neville with a warm smile to his friends, turned back to Hariel and gestured her forward, Hariel coming to stand at his side. Starting the introductions, a formal dance of social grace and etiquette began as he started the introductions with Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass, as the most prestigious heirs besides Hariel and Neville themselves.

Neville, with practiced elegance, gestured towards Theodore Nott with a respectful nod. "Hariel, allow me to introduce Heir Theodore Nott, heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Nott.”

Theodore inclined his head graciously, acknowledging the introduction before turning his attention to Hariel with a polite smile.

Moving on, Neville turned to Daphne Greengrass, her appearance noble. "And this is Heiress Daphne Greengrass, heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Greengrass."

Daphne offered a graceful nod in greeting, her demeanour poised and composed as she acknowledged Hariel with a polite smile.

"May I present Heiress Susan Bones, heiress the Ancient and Noble House of Bones.”

Susan met Hariel's gaze with a friendly smile, her demeanour radiating warmth and sincerity as she bowed her head in greeting.

Continuing with the introductions, Neville turned to Hannah Abbott, whose presence exuded a quiet strength and dignity. "And here we have Heiress Hannah Abbott, Heiress to the Noble House of Abbott."

Hannah nodded graciously, her expression serene as she exchanged a polite greeting with Hariel.

Neville then gestured towards Blaise Zabini, who was of Italian nobility. "And this is Heir Blaise Zabini, heir to the distinguished Marchese di Alessandria.”

Blaise inclined his head in acknowledgment, his demeanour confident and refined as he greeted Hariel with a courteous nod.

Neville gestured to Tracey this time, introducing her as. “This is Tracey of House Davies.” Tracey bowed lower than the others as she had no noble title, but was from a respected house in Albion that was old, but not ancient.

As the introductions concluded, Neville turned to Parvati and Padma Patil, whose familial ties were bound in India. "And finally, we have Parvati and Padma of House Patil.”

Parvati and Padma offered warm smiles of welcome, the presence of Parvati at least, familiar to Hariel, having shared a dorm room with her for the past two years.

Turning back to Hariel, Neville then introduced her, “This is Heiress Hariel Potter, heiress to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter.” Standing poised, Hariel inclined her head towards the group of Neville’s friends watching her, trying to make sure she remained poised as Augusta had shown her.

“Please, Hariel is fine. We are here for an enjoyable afternoon I hope, perhaps we could drop the formal titles?” Hariel asked as she looked over the group, the others looking at each other and nodding in agreement.

As the introductions finally finished, the tension in the air seemed to ease some as Neville and Hariel led the group into the gardens. The group settled into the festivities, enjoying a delightful picnic set by the greenhouse. The tables, adorned with magical flowers and a plethora of wixen treats, creating an inviting space for conversations and laughter.

As the surprise among Neville's friends transformed into curiosity, they began to welcome Hariel and became warmer as they spoke to her. The group found a cozy spot at the picnic tables near the greenhouse, surrounded by magical flowers and an array of wixen treats. The atmosphere was beginning to be filled with the sounds of laughter and friendly chatter.

Susan, sipping on a butterbeer, initiated the conversation. "Hariel, I’m surprised to see you here. It’s well known that you don’t hold to the customs and traditions befitting your heritage. Neville's been talking about you, but you’ve never seemed interested in meeting anyone other than Weasley and Granger. What’s changed?"

Hariel, settling into the conversation, replied, “Oh, well, I suppose the easiest answer to explain my lack of knowledge is that I didn’t know about my heritage until this summer. Neville’s mum was my godmother and my parents were his. Augusta was kind enough to invite me to stay for the summer once she found out I’d been staying in The Leaky Cauldron. And I guess, no one really seemed interested in getting to know me, so I kind of just stuck to Ron and Hermione.”

Hannah, adjusting the brim of her hat, leaned forward. “What do you mean you didn’t know about your heritage? That’s absurd! You’ll have significant influence when you reach your majority!”

The others looked startled as well, looking at each other with wide eyes, Hariel sighed as she shared a look with Neville. “I grew up with my mother’s sister who’s a muggle, I didn’t know about any of the things I should have grown up knowing. I didn’t even think to look into it to be honest, I was so overwhelmed with trying to navigate classes and everything else. It wasn’t until this summer I had the time to go and look into things more.”

There was a silence as they all absorbed what Hariel had said. Hariel could see the frowns forming on the others faces at the information she had provided.

“That’s criminal! You should have been educated about your role and heritage as soon as you could understand, no matter where you were living, no wonder you never joined us when we offered.” Parvati exclaimed, her lips curling as she thought back to the many offers she had made to try and include Hariel, but having no idea what they were talking about, Hariel had politely declined.

“Well, I for one, am glad you know now. And as for no one being interested in getting to know you. Well, that’s mostly because Weasley and Granger would keep you away from anyone trying to get close to you, drag you off. It made it impossible for anyone to try and get to know you and eventually we gave up.”

Hariel bit her lip, taken aback by the frank admission from Hannah. “I hadn’t realised they did that. I was overwhelmed by the wixen world when I entered it, and Ron was my first friend. I should have made more of an effort, Neville’s already helped me realise that, which is why he invited you here today.”

Daphne, stirring her pumpkin juice thoughtfully, looked at Hariel and shared, "Well, I suppose better late than never, I am glad that you have learnt how to dress though Heiress Potter, your previous clothes were a disgrace!”

Hariel’s cheeks flushed red and Neville glared at Daphne, reaching over to squeeze Hariel’s hand. He knew there was more than she was saying about her life with her relatives, but until she shared he was going to respect her privacy.

“Daphne!” Tracey exclaimed, shocked.

Daphne, looking up and seeing Hariel’s embarrassed face bit her lip before looking at Hariel apologetically. “I apologise Heiress Potter, that was rude. What I should have said is that those robes are gorgeous and they complement your skin tone beautifully. Sometimes I am too blunt for my own good I’m afraid.”

Hariel looked down at her light blue and silver robes and smiled back tentatively. “It’s okay, I know my clothes were awful, until this year I’ve never had the opportunity to go shopping. Thank you for the compliment. Having found out more about my family, it was suggested that I get robes in my familial colours, it just so happens that those colours work well for me, which was a relief! But please, call me Hariel. I would like us to be friends.”

“Then you must call me Daphne and we can forget about my awful first impression!” Daphne exclaimed, her face brightening into a grin, blonde hair dancing gently in the breeze. Hariel smiled brightly in return and nodded shyly.

Padma, intrigued, interjected, “It’s nice to see you embrace your heritage Hariel. I have to say there were conversations where we worried about why you showed no recognition about the role you have. Its good to see you beginning to embrace the wixen world more.”

Hariel nodded, a wry smile on her face. "Yeah, having been able to actually look into things more, I find it all fascinating, especially history and the history of my family. Turns out my family history is a bit more complicated than I thought. But hey, its given me a reason to change my wardrobe."

The group chuckled, appreciating the transformation in Hariel's style and her ability to forgive Daphne’s faux pas. Parvati, with a grin, added, "About time. Those muggle clothes were awful, Lavender and I had a plan to burn them this year if you still had them. Glad you decided to get rid of them before we had to do that."

Susan, with a twirl of her hair, turned the conversation towards hobbies. "So, Hariel, besides discovering your magical heritage, what else are you into? Any hobbies or plans for the summer?"

Blaise, leaning back, added with a smirk, "And don't tell us you're spending it all buried in dusty books. We've got a reputation to uphold as the cool crowd.”

Susan's inquiry about hobbies prompted Hariel to consider her interests beyond the revelations of her magical heritage. With a thoughtful smile, Hariel replied, "Well, aside from navigating the intricacies of my family history, I do enjoy a bit of flying on my broom. It's liberating, you know?” Hariel then turned to look at Blaise and gave a smirk, “If you are the cool crowd I’m afraid Neville forgot to mention it, didn’t you say you all meet in the library Nev?” Hariel asked, her finger tapping her lip.

Laughing, Neville replied, “Not Blaise, you wouldn’t catch Blaise in the library unless someone has dragged him there!” The others laughed in agreement, nodding while Blaise smirked.

“You’re just jealous that you all have to work for your grades while I have natural talent!” Blaise jested.

Tracey, rolling her eyes at Blaise, chimed in, "Flying is the best stress-reliever. We should go flying sometime."

Hariel's eyes lit up at the idea. "That sounds brilliant. I've been meaning to get back to flying, I haven’t been able to this summer, I have been too busy studying the aforementioned tomes. Count me in."

Blaise, wearing a smirk, leaned back, his tone playfully mocking. “Ooooh, so you are spending your time amongst the dusty books. I knew it, we clearly need to save you from yourself Hariel!”

The group laughed as Hariel shook her head, “If you want to tell Lady Longbottom that I shouldn’t study be my guest, but she has Neville and I on a scheduled lesson cycle for the summer, helping me catch up on all the things I should have grown up knowing. Neville has agreed to suffer with me.”

The group burst into laughter at the widening of Blaise’s eyes, and Hariel grinned knowing she had won that round.

Hannah interjected then, “Well, that’s very noble of you Neville. Expected behaviour of a Gryffindor.”

“You can’t let the summer slip by without doing anything but studying, that’s a travesty!” Parvati rejoined, smiling as the others laughed.

Hariel, considering the question, replied, "Well, considering the whirlwind of revelations lately, I'm open to suggestions. Any recommendations from the self appointed cool crowd?”

Padma's mischievous glint turned into an enthusiastic spark as she proposed, "How about we plan a visit to the Albion History Museum? I love going there. There’s so much information about the history of Albion. I always find something new whenever I go, you never know what we might find!”

Daphne, fully onboard with the idea, nodded and added, "That sounds like a fantastic plan. Exploring the history of Albion would be amazing, I’ve always wanted to go. Count me in for the museum visit.”

“Trust the Ravenclaws to plan something educational!” Parvati sighed, rolling her eyes with a grin twitching at the corners of her lips as her sister turned in mock outrage. Seeing the expression both girls burst into giggles with the others joining in soon after.

“I’ll thank you to remember I’m a Slytherin!” Daphne sniffed imperiously, grinning when the others laughed.

“In all seriousness, that sounds incredible! I didn’t even know such a place existed!” Hariel exclaimed, her face seemingly etched into a smile. She hadn’t realised how insular she had kept herself, but she was really enjoying expanding her friendship possibilities.

The group embraced the suggestion, envisioning a day spent surrounded by the magical artefacts and historical wonders of Albion. The conversation then turned to wixen towns, and Blaise, always the one with a flair for names, suggested, "How about we visit a town in Éire? It’s called 'Tír Draíocht,' which means 'Land of Magic' in Irish. It’s a beautiful place, filled with great stalls and some fantastic book stores for those who want them.” He winked at Hariel as he said this and she mock scowled at him before grinning.

The name 'Tír Draíocht' resonated with the group, and they eagerly discussed the potential wonders and unique magical practices they might encounter in the enchanting Irish town. The prospect of exploring both the history of Albion and the magical mysteries of Ireland added an extra layer of anticipation to their summer plans.

The groups discussion continued, bringing laughter into the garden and the atmosphere became more relaxed as they got more comfortable with Hariel and Hariel with them. The day's entertainment continued seamlessly, with conversations flowing freely. Neville's friends, now embracing Hariel as one of their own, shared stories, exchanged jokes, and created a vibrant tapestry of camaraderie beneath the magical ambiance of Longbottom Hall.

As the afternoon unfolded, Hariel couldn't help but notice Theodore Nott, who preferred to go by Theo. His tall form moved with a certain grace, catching her attention. His deep mahogany hair framed his face, and sapphire blue eyes held an intensity that drew her gaze. Sharp, handsome features adorned his countenance, creating an impression of quiet confidence.

As Hariel observed Theo from a distance, she found herself intrigued by the enigmatic aura that surrounded him. The lively conversations and laughter of the garden party provided a vibrant backdrop, but Theo seemed to carry a subtle air of mystery, making him stand out in the crowd.

Lost in her thoughts, Hariel contemplated the intriguing presence of Theo, wondering what stories and experiences lay behind those captivating sapphire eyes. The garden party continued around them, but in that moment, the world seemed to narrow, focusing on the magnetic pull of Theo Nott and the allure of the unknown.

As the garden party began to wind down, the group of friends exchanged promises and cheerful farewells, discussing plans for their upcoming meet-ups. In the midst of the lively chatter, Hariel found herself engaged in a conversation with Neville, Susan, and Daphne about the future outings.

Neville, with his characteristic warmth, exclaimed, "That was brilliant! We should definitely plan another gathering soon."

Susan, nodding in agreement, added, "Absolutely. How about we finalise the details for our visit to Éire and the Albion History Museum?"

Hariel, excited about the prospect, chimed in, “Éire sounds fascinating! And I'm curious to explore the Albion History Museum as well. When should we plan these outings?"

Daphne, known for her organisation, suggested, "Perhaps we could schedule the Éire trip in a couple of weeks, giving everyone enough time to prepare. As for the museum, we could aim for the following month. What do you all think?"

Neville and Susan nodded in approval, and plans began to take shape. Details about travel arrangements, potential activities, and the overall itinerary were discussed, creating an atmosphere of anticipation for the upcoming adventures. Amidst the laughter and the soft rustle of the wind, Hariel found herself standing alone for a moment. It was then that Theodore Nott, Theo, approached with a calm demeanour and a quiet confidence that seemed to emanate from him.

Hariel, feeling a bit nervous but determined to engage in a conversation, offered a polite smile. "It was really great meeting everyone. I'm looking forward to our next gathering."

Theo nodded, his sapphire eyes holding a certain depth. "Indeed. I'm sure we'll have more opportunities to enjoy each other's company. Until then, Lady Hariel, may your days be blessed with magic and grace."

With a swift and practiced motion, Theo bowed his head and took Hariel's hand, brushing his lips against it in a traditional gesture of farewell for a noble lady. The touch was gentle, and the gesture held a quiet elegance that seemed to be second nature to him.

Hariel, taken aback by the formality but appreciating the gesture, replied, "Thank you, Theo. I'll look forward to our next meeting."

As the friends dispersed, Hariel couldn't help but ponder the brief but intriguing interaction with Theo. There was a sense of mystery and a touch of old-world charm in the way he conducted himself, typical for the wixen world, but somehow more. The garden party may have come to an end, but the anticipation of future gatherings and the enigma of Theodore Nott lingered in the air.

As the last echoes of laughter and footsteps faded with the departure of their friends, Hariel turned to Neville with a grateful smile. "Neville, thank you for inviting everyone. I had a brilliant time. It was fantastic meeting new people and spending time with such a diverse group of friends."

Neville chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Glad you enjoyed it, Hariel. You seemed particularly distracted by a certain tall, sapphire-eyed guest, didn't you?"

Blushing slightly, Hariel playfully nudged Neville. "Oh, stop it! Theo is just... interesting. I mean, he didn’t really say much but he was so polite and charming. That's all!”

Neville winked, teasingly responding, "Sure, sure. Polite and charming indeed."

Hariel, still wearing a grin, retorted, "Well, it's not my fault if interesting people catch my attention. Besides, he treated me like a lady, what girl wouldn’t like that?”

Neville laughed, shaking his head. "Fair point. Who said chivalry is dead?”

Hariel nudged him back. "You're incorrigible, Neville Longbottom. I'm looking forward to our future plans. It'll be a refreshing change from the usual routine."

Neville nodded, his expression turning thoughtful. "Well, I'm just happy you had a good time and got along with everyone. They all liked you, you know. It's nice seeing you relax and enjoy yourself. You’ve always seemed so tense and worried at school, I’m happy you’re beginning to relax."

As they approached Longbottom Hall, the conversation shifted to lighter topics. They shared anecdotes from the day, laughed about the playful banter during Gobstones, and reminisced about the amusing chess moves. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the estate.

Hariel, feeling a sense of camaraderie with Neville, admitted, "Thanks again, Neville. I really needed this. And not just for the magical museum plans or the garden party. It's... the company, you know? It feels like I'm finally finding my place in this world."

Neville grinned, "You're always welcome, Hariel. We're in this together, I’ll support you every step of the way Hariel. You have a huge burden on your shoulders and I’ll help shoulder it in any way I can. Besides, who knows, maybe by the end of the summer, you'll have a whole new circle of friends that you might be able to rely on."

The two friends continued their banter, weaving through the halls of Longbottom Hall. The echoes of laughter, shared secrets, and newfound connections lingered, promising an ease in the burdens undertaken.

As Neville and Hariel made their way to the drawing room, the glow of the setting sun painted the grand halls of Longbottom Manor in hues of warm gold. The echoes of their laughter lingered in the air as they continued to discuss the day's events.

"So, which outing are you looking forward to the most?" Neville asked, a playful glint in his eyes.

Hariel considered the question, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Honestly, the museum visit sounds fascinating. But exploring the magical town in Éire also has its charm. I can't decide; both seem like incredible experiences."

Neville nodded in agreement. "True, true. I'm excited about both, but I think the visit to Éire might be a bit more interesting. Who knows what kind of things we'll discover there?"

Their conversation flowed seamlessly as they approached the drawing room. Upon entering, Augusta and Remus were waiting, their expressions a mix of curiosity and warmth.

Augusta, her piercing gaze softened by a fond smile, spoke first. "Well, how did the garden party go? Any interesting developments?"

Neville grinned, glancing at Hariel. "It was a success, Gran. Everyone got along, and plans for future outings are in the works."

Hariel chimed in, "Neville's friends are quite an interesting bunch. We're planning a visit to the Albion History museum and exploring a magical town in Éire soon."

Remus nodded approvingly. "Sounds like a splendid way to spend the summer. Building connections and exploring the wixen world, all while enjoying the company of friends."

Augusta added, "I'm pleased to hear it went well. Establishing these connections is crucial, especially given your position, Hariel. It seems you're adapting to your role quite smoothly."

Hariel, feeling a sense of accomplishment, replied, "It's been a day of surprises and discoveries. I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience it all."

As they settled into the comfortable chairs of the drawing room, the conversation delved into the details of the garden party, the interactions with Neville's friends, and the excitement for the upcoming trips. The warmth of the room mirrored the budding bonds of friendship, setting the stage for the next chapter of Hariel's journey in the magical realm of Albion.

Neville, unable to resist a teasing grin, added, "Oh, and Hariel seemed to have found something to admire as well. Who would've thought?"

Hariel, caught off guard, blushed and playfully nudged Neville. "Oh, stop it! Just discussing plans, that's all."

Augusta and Remus exchanged a significant look, their expressions cautious. Augusta spoke with a gentle yet serious tone, "Choosing a partner is a significant decision, Hariel. Make sure you consider the implications carefully."

Remus added, "You need to be cautious and ensure that your choices align with your values and responsibilities."

Hariel, taking their advice to heart, nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Augusta, Remus. I'll keep that in mind."

Augusta, her gaze thoughtful, added, "Remember, dear, proper courting age doesn't begin until a wixen is at the very least 15. You're still very young, and there's much time ahead for such considerations. No courting will be happening until you reach that age.”

Hariel, wanting the subject to be over, smiled and nodded. The conversation continued, blending moments of laughter and family as everyone relaxed from the long day.

Entering the drawing room with a sense of urgency, Amelia’s unexpected presence caught them by surprise. The group turned their attention towards her, anticipation etched on their faces.

"I have important news," she began, her voice carrying a mix of gravity and reassurance. "Sirius Black has turned himself in this evening. His case is moving forward, and he will be tried in front of the Wizengamot tomorrow."

A hushed silence fell over the room, the news sinking in. Amelia continued, her tone steadying, "I've spoken to Sirius, and I believe the trial will go in his favour. There's a good chance he'll be released after it. However, he'll need a visit to St Mungo's for a check-up."

Turning to Augusta, Amelia posed a request, "Augusta, considering all that's happened, Sirius has been particularly concerned about Hariel. He's been asking about her since turning himself in. Would you mind having an additional house guest for a short while? I believe it would ease his mind, and he's genuinely worried about Hariel's well-being."

Augusta, though surprised by the unexpected turn of events, nodded with understanding. "Of course, Amelia. We'll make arrangements for Sirius. Hariel, how do you feel about this?"

Hariel, still processing the news, replied with a mixture of concern and empathy, "If it helps Sirius, he's welcome. I hope everything goes well for him at the trial."

Amelia, appreciating the support, offered a nod of gratitude. "Thank you. I'll make sure he gets the care he needs."

Feeling a sense of responsibility and solidarity, Amelia added, "I think it would mean a lot to Sirius if some of you could be present at the trial. Your support could make a significant difference during this challenging time. Attending and showing that he has a circle of friends who believe in him will bolster his courage as he faces his trial tomorrow."

In the midst of these discussions, Augusta, with a thoughtful expression, addressed Hariel directly, "Hariel, attending the trial is a significant step, but there's another matter we must consider. You are not yet of age to vote in the Wizengamot. It is too late for a proxy to be chosen for Sirius’ trial, however, you'll need to choose a proxy to vote in your stead in future decisions until you reach the eligible age."

Hariel nodded, acknowledging the responsibility that came with her current status. "I understand. I'll need to choose someone trustworthy to represent my interests. Someone who will ensure that my voice is heard during the proceedings."

Neville, chiming in with a supportive tone, added, "We'll help you find someone reliable, Hariel. Someone who understands the importance of this decision and will advocate for Albion the way you would."

The group then continued their conversation, weighing the significance of the trial and the necessity of having a trusted proxy for Hariel.

As the group gathered in the drawing room, the atmosphere was charged with a sense of responsibility. They delved into a thorough discussion about who would be the most suitable proxy for Hariel in the Wizengamot.

Augusta added to the discussion, "Choosing a proxy is not a decision to be taken lightly. We need someone with a deep understanding of both magical law and the intricacies of the situation. Someone who can navigate the complexities of the Wizengamot."

Amelia, with her background in magical law enforcement, concurred, "Agreed, Augusta. We need someone who can not only advocate for Hariel's interests but also Albion’s. It's a delicate balance."

Remus, thoughtful and reserved, added, "Considering how important it is to keep Hariel’s identity as the future Queen of Albion a secret, it needs to be someone we can trust who will keep the secret. Someone who can comprehend the nuances of the history of the royals."

Neville, a steadfast friend, chimed in, “Someone who will understand the importance and not use it for their own means, maybe someone willing to take a vow to only vote in the way Hariel would want.”

Hariel nodded to Neville, mulling over the suggestions, spoke up, "It needs to be someone who understands Albion’s histories and can effectively convey my vision for Albion. Someone who can bridge the gap between us and the formalities of the Wizengamot until I can do so myself."

After a thoughtful pause, Remus proposed, "What about William Blackwood? He's an accomplished wizard, well-versed in magical law, and is within our trusted circle who knows how important Hariel’s role will be."

The idea resonated with the group. Augusta, recognising the merit in the suggestion, nodded approvingly. "William Blackwood is an excellent choice. He has the experience, the knowledge, and the understanding of the situation."

Amelia, considering the practical aspects, remarked, "William's reputation in the magical legal community is solid. His presence could indeed make a significant impact on the proceedings."

Neville, showing his agreement, said, "And he's known for his fairness and impartiality. I believe he would do everything in his power to ensure Hariel’s vision for Albion is protected until she can do it herself..”

With a shared consensus reached, the group decided to approach William Blackwood and discuss the possibility of him serving as Hariel's proxy in the Wizengamot.

As the night unfolded and the following day loomed with the weight of Sirius Black's trial, the atmosphere in Longbottom Hall was a mix of tension and purpose. The group gathered in the drawing room discussed the trial and the days that would follow.

Augusta, her expression a blend of concern and determination, began, "The trial is a serious matter, and we need to approach it with the utmost diligence. Amelia, could you provide more details about the proceedings?"

Amelia, who had experience in navigating the intricacies of the magical legal system, explained, "The trial will take place at the Wizengamot, the high court. Sirius will be presented with the charges, and Veritaserum will be used to ensure the truth is revealed. The members of the Wizengamot will then deliberate on the verdict."

Hariel, absorbing the information, asked, "Is there anything specific I need to prepare for, or be aware of, during the trial?"

Amelia reassured her, "Your role is more observational at this stage. The trial will primarily focus on Sirius and the evidence presented. Your presence, along with the support of his friends, will be a source of comfort for him."

Neville, taking Hariel's hand, added, "We'll be there for you, and for Sirius. No matter what happens, you won't face it alone."

With the trial discussion concluded, Augusta shifted the focus to the upcoming schedule. "In the days following the trial, we must maintain a balance between necessary lessons and moments of respite. Hariel, Neville, it's essential to give yourselves time to recuperate."

Remus suggested, "How about we schedule the more demanding lessons in the mornings, leaving the afternoons open for relaxation? That way, you can approach your studies with a fresh mind and still have time to unwind."

Hariel, appreciating the thoughtful planning, agreed, "That sounds like a sensible approach. The trial will undoubtedly be emotionally taxing, and having a well-structured schedule will help us manage our responsibilities."

Neville added, "And we can use the afternoons to explore the gardens or maybe indulge in some games."

As the group finalised the schedule, they ensured that Hariel and Neville had a balanced routine that accommodated both their academic responsibilities and the need for relaxation. The upcoming days held a delicate mix of serious preparations, magical studies, and moments of respite.

The night before the trial ended with a sense of purpose and anticipation.

With the discussions and preparations concluded, Hariel bid the group goodnight and made her way to her room in Longbottom Hall. The corridors were dimly lit, and the hush of the night enveloped her as she walked, lost in her thoughts.

Entering her room, Hariel couldn't shake the weight of the impending events. Sirius Black's trial and the responsibilities that awaited her in Albion loomed over her like a cloud. She found herself contemplating what might change in the next few days.

The events of the garden party and the unexpected news about Sirius had shifted the trajectory of her summer. The wixen world, with its complexities and challenges, now felt more tangible than ever. Hariel wondered how these experiences would shape her journey and the relationships she was forging.

As she prepared for bed, the soft glow of magical candles casting gentle shadows across the room, Hariel reflected on the bonds she had formed at Longbottom Hall. Neville's steadfast friendship, Augusta's guidance, and the camaraderie with Neville's friends had added layers and confidence to her person.

The uncertainty of Sirius's trial lingered in her mind, but amidst the apprehension, there was also a glimmer of hope. The support of friends and the resilience that had carried her through challenges so far reassured her.

With these thoughts swirling in her mind, Hariel slipped under the covers, allowing the tranquility of the night to envelop her. The journey ahead was uncertain, but she was determined to face it with courage and the newfound connections that had blossomed in the magical haven of Longbottom Manor. The next few days held the promise of change, and Hariel closed her eyes, ready to embrace it.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (10)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (11)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (12) The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (13)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (14) The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (15) The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (16)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (17)

From left to right top: Theo Nott, Daphne Greengrass, Susan Bones, Hannah Abbott, Blaise Zabini, Padma and Parvati Patil, Tracy Davies, Hariel Potter


Hope you enjoyed it! And don't worry, there will be more interaction between Hariel and Theo in the future. It's a slow burn though, as in really slow! Added a new picture of Hariel, it's different because I couldn't find the one I did before but I think it looks similar.

Chapter 5: Trial


I've edited the first 4 chapters a little, not loads and there isn't any plot changes with the exception of less friends for the garden party in chapter 4. I realised I'd gone a little overboard, so I've just taken some of the characters who werent really going to be a part of the main story out. Hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm quite proud of it. Although warning, the only courtroom knowledge I have is from tv shows and films so its definitely not accurate. Having said that, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 5- Trial

As the morning sunlight bathed Longbottom Manor in a warm glow, Hariel couldn't shake the nervous flutter in her stomach. The impending trial of Sirius Black loomed over her thoughts, and anxiety gripped her like an unyielding hand. Hariel found herself anxious over the outcome of the trial and the idea of meeting her godfather made it feel like a hand was squeezing her heart.

The weight of her parents' trust in Sirius, a man she had never met, added to her unease. The stories of camaraderie and shared adventures that had painted her parents' youth that Remus had shared with her were vivid in her mind.Yet, the person behind those stories, the man who had been a close friend to her parents, remained a mystery to her.

Hariel paced the halls of Longbottom Manor, her emerald green eyes reflecting the turbulence within. Neville, sensing her apprehension, approached with a comforting smile. "Hey, everything will be fine. I’m sure Sirius is a good man, he must be if Uncle James and Aunt Lily trusted him to care for you. We’ll be there to support him, and if it turns out Sirius isn’t the good man everyone seems convinced he is, he’ll return to Azkaban and I’ll be here for you. The only change that will occur today is if Sirius is good and to be trusted. We're all in this together."

Hariel nodded, appreciating Neville's reassurance. "I know, it's just... I wish I had known him before all this. It feels strange, supporting someone I've never met, based on my parents’s will and the stories Remus has shared."

Neville, understanding the complexity of the situation, placed a reassuring hand on Hariel's shoulder. "I get it. But sometimes, trust goes beyond what we know. It's about the connections our parents had, the friendships they cherished. We're here to honour that trust and support Sirius through this trial."

The words offered some solace, but Hariel couldn't shake the lingering anxiety. The responsibility of being a link to her parents' past, standing beside Sirius in his moment of trial, weighed heavily on her young shoulders.

As they prepared to leave for the Ministry of Magic, Hariel took a deep breath, gathering her courage. The bustling streets of magical London awaited them, each step echoing with the anticipation of the trial. Hariel steeled herself for the unknown, determined to fulfil the trust her parents had placed in Sirius Black and stand beside him, hoping he wouldn’t let her down.

Augusta, with an air of authority, led the group towards the check-in desk at the Ministry of Magic. The wizard behind the desk seemed preoccupied, his attention divided between paperwork and the hustle and bustle of the atrium. Augusta waited patiently until the wizard finally acknowledged her presence.

When he did look up, it was with a lazy glance, and he nonchalantly asked for Augusta's wand and the purpose of her visit. Augusta, with a firm but measured tone, handed over her wand. "Business concerning the Black case," she stated succinctly, her gaze unwavering.

The wizard behind the desk took the wand, a habitual routine for him. He ran a practiced eye over the wand, ensuring its authenticity and safety. His demeanour, however, remained indifferent.

Augusta, maintaining her composure, awaited patiently for her wand to be finished being checked, accepting it when it was handed back to her.

The wizard, in a routine manner, began checking the wands of the individuals accompanying Augusta. Remus stepped forward first, presenting his wand for inspection. The wizard's gaze, seemingly indifferent, swept over the wand, ensuring its legitimacy.

Andromeda and Ted followed suit, the wizard scrutinising each wand with a practiced eye. The atmosphere in the Ministry of Magic's atrium buzzed with activity, but for the group awaiting their turn, the tension was palpable.

Neville, casting a nervous glance towards his grandmother, approached next. He handed his wand to the wizard, who went through the motions of the security check. The routine continued.

Finally, it was Hariel's turn. Anxious and tense, she stepped forward, presenting her wand to the distracted wizard. He seemed preoccupied until he looked up and, with a casual air, asked for her name. However, as his eyes caught sight of Hariel's scar, his demeanour shifted dramatically.

Eyes widening, the wizard jumped up from his seat, exclaiming, "Merlin, you're Hariel Potter!" The wizard's startled reaction reminded Hariel of how famous her name was in wixen society and the stories that had circulated about the Girl-Who-Lived since that fateful night when Voldemort had killed her parents.

The wizard's exclamation echoed through the Ministry of Magic's atrium, drawing the attention of everyone nearby. Hariel, caught off guard by the sudden scrutiny, blushed and instinctively tried to hide her face. Neville, sensing her discomfort, stepped protectively beside her.

Augusta, shooting a stern glare at the wizard who had inadvertently caused the commotion, moved quickly to shield Hariel from the curious gazes. The other adults in the group closed ranks, forming a protective barrier around her. They were determined to keep Hariel out of the spotlight and shield her from the prying eyes that had turned their way.

The atrium, which had been a bustling hub of activity, now held a momentary pause as the onlookers processed the unexpected revelation of Hariel Potter's presence. The tension in the air lingered, but the protective stance of those around her created a shield against the intrusive stares.

Augusta, her stern gaze sweeping across the atrium, declared, "Having had our wands checked, we will head to the courtrooms." The group moved briskly, leaving the check-in wizard calling for them to wait, his hand reaching out as if to grab Hariel's arm. The rest of the party hurried away, with Remus shooting the persistent wizard a blistering glare.

In the confines of one of the Ministry lifts, as the atmosphere gradually lightened, the adults turned their attention to Hariel. Augusta asked, "Are you alright, my dear?" The concern echoed in her voice.

Hariel nodded, a faint smile playing on her lips. "I'm fine, just wish people wouldn't recognise me so easily."

Neville, ever ready to tease his god-sister, chimed in with a mischievous grin, "Well, eventually, they'll recognise you for an entirely different reason." He couldn't resist adding, "Just imagine, the Girl-Who-Lived turning heads for something other than a lightning scar."

Hariel couldn't help but shoot him a playful glare, the tension of the earlier situation giving way to a moment of calm amongst the group as they waited for the lift to open. The lift carried them deeper into the Ministry of Magic, where Sirius Black's trial awaited, with each member of the party carrying their own mix of anticipation, anxiety, and determination.


As Hariel entered the courtroom, a wave of awe washed over her as she took in the vastness of the space. The room was filled with numerous witches and wizards, creating a hum of anticipation. Her gaze was drawn to the circular arrangement of Wizengamot seats, each tier telling a story of the magical hierarchy.

The elected seats, placed at the lowest level, stood out with their simplicity. Crafted from dark brown wood, they represented a foundation of governance. Hariel couldn't help but feel a sense of gravity in the room, the weight of magical decisions made by those occupying these unadorned seats.

Ascending from the elected seats, the Noble tier introduced a touch of grandeur to the courtroom. Each seat displayed an ostentatious design, adorned with the prominent house crests sitting proudly at the top. The magical tapestry of history and lineage was woven into the fabric of these noble seats, signalling the influence and heritage each house brought to the Wizengamot.

Above the noble seats, the Ancient and Noble tier took opulence to new heights. Elaborate patterns and intricate details adorned these seats, reflecting the accumulated wealth and history of the ancient houses. The stories of magic and power seemed to whisper from the ornate carvings, creating a visual spectacle that captivated those gazing upon them.

Yet, the apex of this magical hierarchy was reserved for the Most Ancient and Noble seats. Positioned at the highest level, these seats emanated pride. The house crests and colours stood out boldly, their magic pulsating through the air. Hariel's eyes were drawn to the Potter seat, feeling an undeniable connection to the history and legacy it represented.

However, even the allure of the Most Ancient and Noble seats, couldn’t keep Hariel's gaze from being irresistibly drawn to the final seat. Elevated above the rest, it boasted opulent rubies in red and gold, with the majestic house crest of the Welsh Green Dragon proudly perched at the top of the backrest. The ruby eyes of the dragon glinted with a lifelike quality as it shifted its head, surveying the room. As Hariel watched the dragon, its head shifted in her direction and its ruby eyes locked onto Hariel’s, the rubies boring into her until the dragon bowed its head and settled down on the seat, its gaze never leaving Hariel’s.

In that moment, Hariel felt overwhelmed. The grandeur of the seat spoke of authority, of a legacy waiting to be embraced. The Welsh Green Dragon, a symbol of strength and sovereignty, symbolised the responsibility that came with presiding over the judicial body of the wixen world and she knew that the dragon had recognised her as the heir. The way it stared at her spoke volumes. Glancing over the throne again, for that was what it was, Hariel knew, deep within, that one day, she would ascend to this seat, overseeing the Wizengamot in times of trials and judgments. Even if only to herself, she knew she was terrified.

Taking a deep breath, Hariel made her way towards the chairs set aside for the public to view the trial, trying to ignore the gaze of the dragon. Amidst the grandeur of the courtroom, her eyes were drawn to a stark and ominous sight at the centre of the room—a hideous chair, pitch black, with loose chains coiling around it. The mere sight of the chair sent a shiver down her spine, evoking a sense of discomfort that lingered in the air.

It was a stark contrast to the regal seats of the Wizengamot, a symbol of authority and justice. This chair, in its darkness and the presence of unbound chains, hinted at a darker aspect of the wixen world—a reminder of the consequences that awaited those who strayed from the path of law and order.

As Hariel took her seat among the onlooking public, the unsettling aura of the ominous chair added a layer of tension to the already charged atmosphere of the courtroom. The trial was about to begin, and the symbolism of the contrasting chairs hinted at the dual nature of justice—one that upheld order and another that awaited those who dared to disrupt it.

As Augusta left, Hariel and Neville found themselves in the company of Remus, Andromeda, and Ted. The weight of the impending trial hung in the air, and Augusta's departure emphasised the importance of what this day would bring.

Remus, with a reassuring smile, spoke, "We're here to support Sirius. Augusta will take her place as the Longbottom proxy, ensuring the family's representation in Neville's absence."

Andromeda added, "The Wizengamot values justice, and Augusta's presence there ensures the Longbottom voice is heard. Now, let's focus on being here for Sirius."

Neville, though still nervous, nodded appreciatively. "Thanks, Remus, Andromeda. It means a lot."

As they settled into their seats, the anticipation in the courtroom grew. The magical air hummed with tension, and the grandeur of the surroundings added to the solemnity of the occasion. They awaited the beginning of the trial, knowing that the events about to unfold would shape the course of Sirius Black's fate.

The heavy doors swung open, revealing the entrance of the courtroom, and a wave of anticipation swept through the gathered wixen. Remus, who had shared a deep connection with Sirius, seemed to take a deep breath. The weight of emotions was palpable; this trial wasn't just about the innocence of Sirius Black but also the potential revival of a cherished friendship.

Hariel, understanding the significance of the moment for Remus, reached over and gently grasped his hand. The gesture conveyed not only support but also a shared understanding of the emotions tied to this trial. Remus smiled sadly at Hariel, appreciating the silent reassurance.

The atmosphere in the courtroom tensed as Sirius Black entered, his hands shackled, chains restraining his movements. The clinking of metal echoed in the room as he shuffled, accompanied by two Aurors. Andromeda leaned in, her voice barely audible in the hushed courtroom. "That's Kingsley Shacklebolt," she said, indicating the tall and broad Auror, "and the sneering one is John Dawlish.”

As he sat, the chains wrapped tightly around his arms and body, securing him in place. The weight of his confinement seemed to settle on him, and to Hariel, it appeared that Sirius was defeated, harbouring no expectation that anything in his life would change anytime soon. The air in the courtroom hung heavy with tension as the trial prepared to unfold, casting a shadow over the fate of the accused.

The Chief Warlock, Albus Dumbledore, rose from his seat with a benign smile, his twinkling eyes surveying the courtroom. "Ladies and gentlemen of the Wizengamot, esteemed guests, we gather here on this day, the 25th July 1993 to address a matter of great importance. Sirius Black, a name known to many, stands accused of grave offences that have left an indelible mark on our world."

Dumbledore's voice carried a weight of solemnity as he continued, "He is charged with the betrayal of Lord James and Lady Lily Potter, the murder of thirteen Muggles with a blasting curse, and the complete obliteration of Peter Pettigrew."

The gravity of the accusations hung in the air, and the eyes of those present turned toward Sirius, his demeanour reflecting the weight of the charges levied against him. The trial had officially commenced, and the fate of one of the wixen world's most notorious figures rested in the hands of the Wizengamot.

Dumbledore, continuing with the proceedings, addressing Sirius with a question that hung heavily in the courtroom. "Sirius Black, have you engaged a solicitor for your defence?" The question echoed through the room, anticipation building.

Unexpectedly, the courtroom doors opened, and a figure stepped forward. It was William Blackwood, who declared, "I stand in defence for the accused." Sirius, who had been gazing downward, looked up for the first time, a flicker of disbelief crossing his features. The entrance of a new advocate signalled a shift in the dynamics of the trial, introducing an element of surprise that had the entire courtroom on edge.

As the events unfolded in the courtroom, Hariel couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that settled within her. She observed a scowl that briefly flashed across Dumbledore's face, too swift for certainty but leaving a lingering impression. The look Dumbledore gave to William Blackwood carried a calculating gleam in his eyes, a sight that stirred a sense of discomfort within Hariel.

It reminded her that Dumbledore, as the head of the Wizengamot during the time of her parents' death, had wielded his influence to seal their will. His actions had diverted the course of her life, placing her where she was never supposed to be, and now, being the sole reason they found themselves in this courtroom over a decade later than they should have. The intricate web of influence and power that Dumbledore seemingly wove unsettled Hariel, leaving her wary of the forces at play in this trial.

Dumbledore, with a gracious nod, handed over the proceedings to Amelia Bones, the head of Magical Law Enforcement. "Madam Bones," he said, his voice carrying the weight of both experience and respect, "the floor is yours."

Amelia Bones stepped forward, her expression determined and focused. "Thank you, Chief Warlock. We are here today for the trial of Sirius Black. The charges are steep but in the course of my investigation I found a grave injustice that must be overturned. Sirius Black was sent to Azkaban with no trial. Whatever the outcome of this trial may be, we shall be righting a great wrong for no one should be deprived of the chance to defend themselves. The charges have already been read. Accused, how do you plead?"

Sirius, his voice firm, declared, "Not guilty to all charges."

William Blackwood, Sirius's defence solicitor, stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of the courtroom. "Madam Bones, esteemed members of the Wizengamot, I stand before you to defend Sirius Black, a man who has been denied his right to a fair trial for far too long. Today, we will unravel the truth behind these accusations and seek justice for a man wrongly imprisoned."

Amelia inclined her head, signalling for Blackwood to proceed.

"Firstly," Blackwood began, "I present the Last Will and Testament of Lord James and Lady Lily Potter. In it, they explicitly name Peter Pettigrew as their Secret Keeper. This crucial detail challenges the very foundation of the charges against Sirius Black."

He produced a parchment, worn with time but carefully preserved. "This document, dated prior to the events in question, clearly indicates that Sirius Black was not the Secret Keeper. It is paramount to understand that the accused was not the one who betrayed the Potters' trust."

A murmur of surprise rippled through the courtroom as the members of the Wizengamot examined the document. Amelia, her expression contemplative, allowed the moment to settle before speaking.

"This evidence is indeed significant. The trial will proceed with the understanding that we are reevaluating the circ*mstances surrounding the betrayal of the Potters. Mr. Blackwood, will your client submit to the use of Veritaserum to affirm the truth of his statements?”

Blackwood, after a brief pause, responded, "Madam Bones, while we acknowledge the importance of seeking the truth, we must also be mindful of the limitations and potential for manipulation associated with Veritaserum. However, to demonstrate Sirius Black's commitment to the truth, he is willing to answer specific questions with the use of the serum, provided it is done under the scrutiny of this esteemed court."

Amelia considered his response, acknowledging the delicate balance between seeking truth and preserving the integrity of the trial. "Very well, Mr. Blackwood. We shall proceed without the use of Veritaserum for now. Continue with your defence."

Blackwood nodded, "Thank you, Madam Bones. Now, let us explore the events that unfolded on the night in question. We will show that Sirius Black was not only innocent of the betrayal of the Potters but also a victim of a calculated move to frame him.”

Blackwood, addressing the court with a measured tone, continued to narrate Sirius Black's perspective on the tragic night of October 31st, 1981.

"On that fateful evening, Sirius Black, bound by bonds of magic and brotherhood, sensed an unsettling disturbance in the magical connection he shared with his god-daughter, Heiress Hariel Potter, and his dear friend, Lord James Potter. Recognising the urgency, Sirius set out to investigate."

The courtroom listened intently as Blackwood painted a vivid picture of Sirius's journey. "His first destination was the residence of Mr. Pettigrew, a crucial member of their tight-knit group. Contrary to the agreed plan to lie low, Pettigrew was nowhere to be found.

“Realising the gravity of the situation, Sirius hurried to Godric's Hollow, where the Potter family resided. What he discovered was a scene of devastation. James Potter lay dead at the foot of the stairs, and ascending, he found Lily Potter, laid in front of the crib, protecting her infant daughter, also lifeless. Amidst the tragedy, a faint sound of crying led him to young Hariel, miraculously unharmed in her crib."

Blackwood detailed how Sirius, in his grief, healed Hariel's injuries as best as he could before ensuring her immediate needs were met. As he left the ruined house with Hariel, he encountered Hagrid, who claimed to be acting on Dumbledore's orders to take the child to Hogwarts for safety.

“Assuring Hariel he would return, Sirius embarked on a mission to find Pettigrew and unravel the truth. His pursuit led him to a Muggle street, where Pettigrew, upon sighting Sirius, accused him of betrayal, launching a blasting curse down the street. In the chaos, Pettigrew cut his own finger, disappeared, and accused Sirius of heinous crimes.

“Overwhelmed by the night's events, Sirius,” Here Blackwood paused before continuing, “Responded with a hysterical laugh, a reaction borne out of grief and the disbelief at what had happened” The courtroom remained in rapt attention as the defence unfolded the layers of Sirius Black's story, challenging the narrative that had held for years.

Madam Bones listened intently to Blackwood's narrative. Once he concluded, she raised her hand, calling for a crucial step in the pursuit of truth.

"In light of this defence, I call for the administration of Veritaserum to verify the authenticity of Mr. Black's account," Amelia declared, her voice resonating through the courtroom.

The court's Potion Master entered the room with a vial of Veritaserum, a powerful truth serum. Moving towards Sirius Black, he carefully placed three drops of the potion on Sirius's tongue. The courtroom held its collective breath, awaiting the revelations that the truth serum might unveil.

Amelia, with a sense of gravity, took control of the proceedings. "To verify the authenticity of the testimony, I will ask a few basic questions. Mr. Black, could you please state your full name?"

Sirius, under the influence of Veritaserum, responded promptly. "Sirius Orion Arcturus Black."

Amelia proceeded to the next question. "What was your house at Hogwarts?"

"Gryffindor," Sirius answered.

"Can you share your birthdate, Mr. Black?" Amelia inquired.

"3rd November 1959," Sirius replied.

Amelia nodded, satisfied. "The Veritaserum appears to be working correctly. Now, let's revisit the events of that night. Mr. Black, what led you to Godric's Hollow on the night of October 31st, 1981?"

Sirius, influenced by the truth serum, responded, "I felt a disturbance in the magical bond with my goddaughter, Hariel Potter, and the magical brotherhood bond with James Potter. It was a sense that something was terribly wrong."

Amelia delved further, "And what did you do upon feeling that?"

Sirius explained, "I went to Peter’s flat first, only to find him missing. Realising the severity of the situation, I hurried to Godric's Hollow, where I discovered the Potters' house in disarray. James was dead, and Lily was dead as well, lying in front of her daughter's crib. I found Hariel alive and well. After ensuring her immediate needs were met, I left the ruined house with her."

Amelia prompted, "What happened after you handed Hariel to Hagrid?"

Sirius recounted, "I assured Hariel she would be safe with Hagrid, and I needed to find Pettigrew to understand what happened. I traced Pettigrew to a Muggle street, but before I could confront him, he shouted that I had betrayed the Potters, blew up the street and disappeared, leaving me in shock."

Amelia, checking to make sure Sirius was still within the confines of the Veritaserum-induced truth, continued her questioning. "Why did you laugh, Mr. Black?"

Sirius replied soberly, "I couldn't believe that Peter Pettigrew, who always needed help in school from us, had managed to get the best of me. The laughter was a hysterical reaction to the grief I felt at the loss of my family and the realisation that someone close had turned against us."

Amelia, with a decisive tone, called for the antidote to be administered. The court potions master promptly delivered three drops of the antidote to Sirius, and his eyes gradually cleared from the Veritaserum's influence.

Blackwood, representing Sirius, spoke up. "Having heard the testimony from the accused, corroborated by both will and truth serum, it's evident that a great injustice has been done to Sirius Black. A decade of his life has been unjustly taken, and the strain on his bond with his goddaughter is a testament to the toll this wrongful imprisonment has taken on him."

Blackwood continued passionately, "There was no proper investigation. Sirius was simply sent to Azkaban with no further thought, left to rot. I implore the Wizengamot to right this injustice, to give Sirius his life back. The evidence presented today speaks for itself, and it's high time we rectify the grievous error that has been committed against him."

Amelia called for attention, her voice resonating through the courtroom. "The Wizengamot will now deliberate their verdict." As she uttered these words, a blue dome manifested over the Wizengamot, marking the beginning of the decision-making process.

As the Wizengamot began deliberating, Hariel took a deep breath. She first turned her gaze toward her companions, who wore expressions of shock mixed with profound relief. A silent understanding passed between them, acknowledging the gravity of the situation and the potential for justice to prevail.

Her eyes then scanned the rest of the spectators in the courtroom, noting the mix of shock and outrage on their faces. The revelation had unraveled a narrative that disturbed many, leaving them troubled by the events that had transpired.

Finally, Hariel's gaze settled on Sirius. He looked back at her with an expression of shock, the weight of the past decade seemingly lifted from his shoulders. In response, Hariel offered him a small smile, a gesture of understanding and support. The exchange seemed to lighten the burden on Sirius, and he returned her smile, grateful for the connection forged in that moment of shared understanding.

Unbeknownst to Hariel, Dumbledore's attention had shifted toward her, and he scrutinised her every move with a keen intensity. His eyes flashed with anger as he observed the bonds being reforged between Hariel and Sirius. The unspoken connection, the shared understanding, and the small exchange of smiles did not escape his notice.

Dumbledore's displeasure grew as he perceived the strengthening ties in the courtroom. The resurrection of a bond that had once connected the Potters, Sirius, and now Hariel was a force beyond his control. The consequences of this newfound connection were unpredictable, and Dumbledore, ever the manipulator, found himself facing a shift in the currents of destiny that he might not be able to control.

At that moment the Wizengamot concluded their deliberations, and the blue dome descended. Dumbledore, addressing the assembly, inquired if a verdict had been reached. Augusta, stepping forward as the spokesperson for the Wizengamot, confirmed in a firm voice, "Yes, we have."

Dumbledore, seeking clarity, asked, "And what is the verdict?"

Augusta replied with conviction, "The Wizengamot has decreed that Sirius Black is not guilty and is hereby freed of all charges." She continued, her voice resonating in the courtroom, "Furthermore, the Wizengamot recognises the grave injustice done to Mr. Black. As a measure of reparation, we have decided to award him 500,000 galleons. We understand that this compensation cannot fully make up for the lost years, but we hope it provides a solid foundation as he returns to his life."

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with anger, though his smile remained in place as he thanked the Wizengamot for their time. Turning to Sirius, he announced, "You are free to go."

As Dumbledore uttered these words, the chains from the chair fell away, and the magic of the courtroom banished the shackles that had held Sirius captive. The weight of a decade's imprisonment seemed to lift from him, and the courtroom was silent in the wake of this profound moment.

Dumbledore, addressing Sirius again, asked, "Is there anything you would like to say to this esteemed body?"

Sirius, trembling slightly as he stood free for the first time in over a decade, addressed the court. "While I appreciate finally receiving a trial, what I want now is to rest and begin putting my life back together. I ask for privacy and the chance to get to know my god-daughter again and the friends I have been separated from." The plea carried a genuine sincerity that resonated throughout the courtroom.

Hariel's heart lifted as she, accompanied by Andromeda, Remus, Ted, and Neville, made their way toward Sirius. He had been watching her approach, a genuine smile on his face, though it couldn't completely mask the lingering anxiety. The weight of the trial's outcome and the prospect of freedom had left its mark on him.

As they closed the distance, Hariel couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions. Relief for Sirius, who had finally been granted the justice he deserved, and anticipation for the renewed connection with the man who had once been her parents' closest friend.

Reaching Sirius, Hariel offered a warm but slightly nervous smile. She bit her lip, a habit she had when feeling a bit anxious, and looked up at Sirius. In a soft voice, she expressed her feelings, "I'm so glad to finally meet you, Sirius. Remus and Andromeda have shared stories with me, but it's amazing that I'll get to know you myself now. I've been looking forward to this." Her words carried a mix of excitement and apprehension, a genuine desire to build a connection with the man who had been an important part of her parents' lives.

Sirius responded with genuine warmth, "I'm so happy to see you as well bambi. It's long overdue, but I'm thrilled to have the chance to get to know you and, well, look after you as I should have been doing from the start." His words held a mixture of regret and determination, acknowledging the lost time but expressing a strong commitment to being there for Hariel moving forward.

Sirius and Remus turned to each other, their eyes meeting in a moment of shared understanding. The room seemed to hush, a palpable tension in the air. Remus took the first step, closing the distance between them and enveloping Sirius in a heartfelt embrace. In a quiet whisper, barely audible to the others, Remus spoke, "I should have known, Padfoot. I should have known you would never betray Lily and James. I was a fool for ever believing it in the first place." The words carried a weight of regret, a realisation of misplaced doubt, and a sincere apology for the years of misunderstanding.

Sirius, still held in Remus's embrace, responded with a voice filled with understanding and forgiveness. "Moony, it's alright. I understand. All is forgiven," he said. The weight of years seemed to lift in that moment as the two friends reconciled. Sirius continued, "We'll find Pettigrew, and we'll move forward, just like we always planned. Raising Hariel as James and Lily would have wanted." The commitment to their shared goal of protecting and nurturing Hariel brought a sense of purpose to the reunion, setting the stage for the challenges and triumphs that lay ahead.

Sirius, with a roguish charm, turned his attention to Andromeda. "Andie, my favourite cousin, I must say, you still look as beautiful as ever," he teased, a playful glint in his eyes. With a wink, the light-hearted comment added a touch of humour to the emotional reunion, creating a moment of warmth and familiarity.

Andromeda, rolling her eyes, responded in a teasing tone. "Oh, stop flattering me," she said, playfully dismissing Sirius's remark. Then, with a sly grin, she pulled him into a tight hug. However, as they embraced, she discreetly delivered a light slap to the back of his head. "And that's for going off without a plan," she scolded, her tone affectionate yet firm. "Leave your idiotic Gryffindor head behind and use the Slytherin cunning I know you have more often." The mixture of humour and affection showcased the familiarity and banter that defined their relationship.

Ted, laughing at the banter between his wife and Sirius, clapped Sirius on the back. "Good to see you again, Sirius," he said with a warm smile.

Sirius responded in kind, his own smile reflecting genuine happiness. "Good to see you too, Ted," he replied, understanding that sometimes, words weren't necessary between old friends. The unspoken camaraderie spoke volumes, bridging the gap created by years of separation.

Amelia and Augusta then approached, their presence commanding attention. Amelia greeted Sirius with a warm smile, to which Sirius responded with a flirtatious remark, saying, "How beautiful you look, Amelia." He then added more seriously, "I really appreciate you organising this trial."

Amelia, shaking her head gently, placed a reassuring hand on Sirius's shoulder. "It was my duty to ensure that justice was served," she said, her tone reflecting relief at the positive outcome.

Augusta, stepping in, suggested, "We should depart. Sirius needs to be checked by a healer, and I can see Dumbledore making his way over to us." The group, acknowledging Augusta's wisdom, prepared to leave the courtroom.

They swiftly departed, leaving Dumbledore behind with a face full of frustration at being avoided. The group moved purposefully toward the Floo network in the Ministry atrium. With quick motions, they threw the Floo powder into the fireplace, watching as the flames turned vibrant green. The destination "Longbottom Hall" was called out, and in an instant, they disappeared from the Ministry, reappearing in the familiar surroundings of Green Hill Meadows.

The sense of relief and accomplishment filled the air as they emerged, leaving the tense atmosphere of the courtroom behind. The warmth of Longbottom Manor embraced them, offering solace and comfort after the emotionally charged events they had just experienced. The journey back home marked the beginning of a new chapter for Sirius, and the group was determined to support him in reclaiming the life that had been unjustly taken from him.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (18).The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (19)

From left to right: Sirius Black, Albus Dumbledore


I will stop writing so many of these at some point, probably when I stop editing previous chapters when I post. Anyway, I'm trying to figure out how to play Ron and Hermione. I'm of two minds because I genuinely can't figure it out. I've got two chapters with completely conflicting views. I will say this though, if they don't support Hariel, the likelihood is that they may come back later down the line and just not really appear in the story in much of a capacity until then. So, if you have any opinions just put it in the comments. I'd appreciate it.

Thank you for all the support so far, its amazing that so many are enjoying this story that I started on a whim.

Chapter 6: Healing and Godfathers


Here is the next chapter. I have been editing again, but this time I promise it is the last time. I went through properly and corrected some spelling errors and what not this weekend. Literally taken me all weekend. I also added and changed some things to do with the Noble titles in the first chapter. Just because I realised that some of it didn't work when I was writing chapter 12. See the end for more notes.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 6- Healing and Godfathers

The return to Longbottom Manor after Sirius Black's triumphant acquittal brought a mix of emotions to the group. As they stepped out of the fireplace, the warmth of the familiar surroundings enveloped them, creating a sense of security that had been absent during the tense moments at the Ministry.

They all found themselves in the cozy living room of Longbottom Manor. The atmosphere was filled with a mixture of relief, joy, and the lingering weight of the recent trial.

Everyone took a seat as Augusta began. "Sirius, we'll have a healer check on you shortly. In the meantime, feel free to relax."

Sirius, though grateful, couldn't fully shake off the weight of the years spent in Azkaban. His eyes scanned the room, taking in the portraits adorning the walls, each a testament to the noble history of the Longbottom family. He seemed almost hesitant, as if unsure how to navigate the newfound freedom he had just been granted.

Amelia, with a gentle smile, approached Sirius. "I know this must be overwhelming. If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to ask. We're here for you."

Sirius nodded appreciatively, the gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, Amelia. It's been a long time since I've been able to appreciate the comforts of a home."

Remus, who had been quietly observing, chimed in with a supportive smile. "You'll find your feet again, Sirius. We're here to help you every step of the way."

As the conversation flowed, Augusta suggested, "Once the healer gives you a clean bill of health, Sirius, we can discuss your plans. You will want some time to reconnect with Hariel and get to know each other."

Hariel, who had been listening attentively, nodded in agreement. "I'd like that. It's strange to think we're family, and yet we're meeting for the first time."

Sirius, genuine warmth in his eyes, replied, "I've missed so much, but I'm determined to make up for lost time.”

“I believe the healer should be arriving soon so I shall go and escort him here,” Augusta said as she began to sweep from the room.

Sirius, appreciating the guidance, nodded. "Thank you, Augusta. I appreciate all you've done for me.” Augusta nodded and left the room, returning shortly with a tall figure in green healing robes. Sirius stood as they entered.

Healer Able, a calm and composed figure, offered a reassuring smile. "Mr. Black, I will do my best to ensure your recovery. If you would follow us, we'll get started on the assessment."

Augusta led the way, guiding Sirius and Healer Able through the corridors of Longbottom Manor. The walls echoed with the history and magic of the noble house, creating an ambiance of comfort and stability. As they reached the designated room, Augusta opened the door, revealing a well-appointed space with large windows overlooking the expansive grounds. The room was light and airy, in soothing tones of blue to create a calming and reassuring atmosphere.

"Here we are," Augusta announced. "Make yourself comfortable, Sirius. Healer Able will take it from here."

Healer Able gestured for Sirius to take a seat. Augusta lingered for a moment, her gaze filled with a mix of concern and determination.

"I'll leave you to it, then," Augusta said, her tone conveying a sense of support. "If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

Sirius nodded, grateful for the privacy and the prospect of healing. Augusta closed the door behind her, leaving Sirius in the capable hands of Healer Able.

Healer Able, with a gentle demeanour, began the assessment by casting diagnostic spells on Sirius. As the magic unfolded, revealing the toll Azkaban had taken, Healer Abbot spoke with a mix of empathy and professional concern.

"Lord Black, the conditions at Azkaban are indeed appalling. The lack of proper nourishment is a grave issue. I understand you were given watered down stew and a slice of bread once a day?"

Sirius nodded, a grim expression on his face. "Yes, that's right. It was barely enough to sustain a person. Many prisoners wasted away."

Healer Able sighed, his gaze filled with compassion. "Malnutrition can have severe consequences on both the physical and mental well-being. We'll need to address that aspect as part of your recovery plan. Now, let's discuss the Dementors. Long-term exposure to their presence can lead to a range of issues."

As Healer Able continued, Sirius listened intently.

"The Dementors are known to cause shaking, trouble retaining body heat, and lingering nightmares. The soul-draining impact can also make individuals prone to depression. It's crucial that we work on alleviating these symptoms. I'll prescribe potions to help fortify your body and mind, and we'll incorporate mind healing to address the psychological aspects."

Sirius, weary from the ordeal, nodded as he thought over the lingering effects Azkaban had on him, despite months on the run and away from their influence, he still felt like he was living through a fog. "I just want to feel like myself again. To be able to live without feeling cold and remembering all of my worst memories as opposed to the happy ones."

Healer Able nodded understandingly. "We'll work towards that goal, Mr. Black. Recovery is a process, but with the right approach, you can regain your health and reclaim your life."

The discussion between Sirius and Healer Able delved deeper into the specifics of the treatment plan. The healer outlined a careful balance of magical and medicinal interventions, emphasising the importance of balancing the two for Sirius's well-being.


Back in the living room, the atmosphere was hushed as the group waited for news of Sirius's condition. Augusta returned, her expression unreadable. She addressed the group, "Healer Able will be working with Sirius for a while. We need to give them the time they require."

Neville, sensing the gravity of the situation, suggested, "Perhaps we could check on the gardens, give them some space?"

As the group meandered through the serene gardens of Green Hill Meadows, Neville observed the subtle tension lingering within Hariel. Concerned for his friend, he gently approached her, mindful of the weight of recent events.

"Hariel," Neville began, his voice soft with empathy, "how are you holding up? This must be a lot to take in, especially with Sirius being your godfather."

Hariel offered a small, grateful smile. "It's a mix of emotions, Neville. I'm excited to finally meet Sirius, someone my parents trusted so much. But there's also this underlying trepidation. What if things don't go as smoothly as we hope?"

Neville nodded understandingly, his concern evident in his expression. "We'll support you through it, Hariel. Whatever happens, you're not alone."

Taking a deep breath, Hariel appreciated Neville's reassurance. "Thank you, Neville. It means a lot."

As they strolled through the gardens, the conversation gradually shifted to lighter topics. Neville, ever keen on lifting the spirits, mentioned, "You know, our birthdays are only a day apart. Yours on the 31st and mine on the 30th of July."

Hariel's eyes lit up with a spark of excitement. "That's true! I never really celebrated my birthday, but maybe this year we could do something special. A joint celebration, what do you think? Although I think I’d prefer something smaller for my actual birthday. Maybe the celebration on yours?”

Neville grinned at the idea. "I love it! A joint birthday party on the 30th sounds fantastic. We could invite everyone, make it a memorable day.”

Excitement bubbled within the group as they delved into the details of the upcoming joint birthday celebration for Hariel and Neville. The lush gardens of Green Hill Meadows provided the perfect backdrop for their enthusiastic brainstorming session.

Hariel, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, suggested, "How about a magical garden theme? We could enhance the natural beauty of Green Hill Meadows with enchantments and create a whimsical atmosphere."

Neville nodded in agreement, his enthusiasm matching hers. "That sounds brilliant! We could have floating candles, charmed flowers, and maybe even some of the creatures who live on the estate may wander by to add to the theme."

Andromeda, always the voice of practicality, chimed in, "Don't forget about the guest list. We should invite friends, perhaps the group you had over this week? Some of your extended family Neville? Hariel, my daughter Nymphadora is a few years older but I’m sure she would enjoy coming and what about your friends from school? It'll be a chance for everyone to come together and celebrate.”

Hariel smiled warmly at Andromeda's suggestion, "I would be delighted to meet Nymphadora, Andromeda. As for my friends, Ron and Hermione, they're away for the summer. The Weasleys won a prize in the Daily Prophet, a thousand galleons, and went on holiday to Egypt to visit Ron’s eldest brother Bill. Hermione, on the other hand, is in the south of France with her parents until the end of August. But I'm sure they'd love to hear all about the celebration when they return."

Remus, who had been quietly contemplating, added, "I could assist with some magical entertainment. Maybe some illusions or a magical firework display to light up the night."

Andromeda nodded approvingly, "Excellent choices. It's shaping up to be quite a gathering. Let's make sure to send out the invitations well in advance.”

Neville, with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, suggested, "And what about a bit of friendly competition? We could organise magical games, duelling matches, or even a scavenger hunt within the gardens."

With plans solidifying, the group continued to discuss the finer details of the birthday celebration. The excitement in the air was palpable, a stark contrast to the somber events of the past few days. As they navigated through the gardens, the anticipation for the upcoming celebration blended seamlessly with the magical aura of Green Hill Meadows. Laughter echoed through the gardens as they envisioned a magical evening filled with joy, camaraderie, and the creation of cherished memories.

Hariel, looking around at her newfound friends and family, felt a sense of gratitude. "I never thought birthdays could be so exciting. Thank you all for making this possible.”

As the group gathered and heading back towards Longbottom Hall for supper, excitement danced around them.

Entering the informal dining room they observed Sirius and Augusta engaged in conversation before Augusta looked up and welcomed them all to take a seat.

Taking her place at the head of the table, Augusta began, "I believe it's time we discuss the revelations that have unfolded in the past few weeks. Sirius, I'm sure you have questions, and we're here to provide answers as best as we can."

Sirius nodded appreciatively, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and curiosity. "I do have a lot of catching up to do, and I'm eager to understand the events that led to my release."

Augusta nodded, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Well, it all began when Hariel went to Gringotts to access some funds. There, she was taken to her account manager Rangrok, who informed her that she needed to take an inheritance test. The results were quite astonishing."

Sirius, still adjusting to the revelations, leaned forward. "Inheritance test? Unusual, the Hoard don’t usually require one of those. What did it reveal?"

Hariel began to recount the events with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. "The test revealed that I am the heir presumptive to the Albion throne and the last descendant of Arthur and Merlin Pendragon. The future Queen of Albion."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, mouth falling open, his shock evident. "Queen of Albion? Are they quite sure? James never mentioned anything like that.”

“Rangrok said that an inheritance test hadn’t been done on any Potters in his memory, that they always visited with parents and so there was never a need.” Hariel explained, watching as Sirius calmed himself and nodded thoughtfully.

Neville chimed in then, "But it gets even more interesting. Rangrok explained that when King Arthur VIII died without an heir, he charged the Hoard to search and identify the last Pendragon. The goblins looked for centuries, waiting for the true heir to appear. And, well, that heir is Hariel."

Sirius, having composed himself but showing signs of worry, sought more details. "So, how did this lead to my release?”

Hariel continued, “Due to going to Gringotts and taking an inheritance test while taking control of my heir rings,” Here Hariel pauses to show her right hand to Sirius, where upon her ring finger sat the Pendragon ring, the Potter ring on her middle finger and the Peverell ring on her index finger. “After taking control I was able to request the unsealing of the will and so the reading was called for the following week. Due to it never having been read, no one knew that mum and dad had put who was the secret keeper in the will.”

Augusta interjected, “Amelia immediately took action to investigate your arrest and looked through the records, upon discovering there was no trial she pushed the Wizengamot for one."

Sirius, with a sense of understanding, said, "So, that's how the trial came about."

Hariel nodded. “Exactly. I only wish that the will had never been sealed in the first place. It shouldn’t have been.” Here Hariel frowned and the adults looked at each other, Augusta replying to Hariel.

“That is something we are looking into Hariel. That the Lord of a Most Ancient and Noble House’s will was sealed is troubling. Rest assured Amelia, William and I fill find out why.” Hariel nodded as she looked over at Augusta, glad that they were looking into it.

Sirius, his eyes reflecting a mix of gratitude and relief, responded, "I can't thank you all enough for fighting for me. But there's still much to catch up on, it seems."

The atmosphere during supper was one of reflection. The aroma of roasted duck filled the air as the group allowed Sirius the time to mull over the profound revelations that had unfolded earlier. The tender and flavourful roasted duck, accompanied by crispy roasted potatoes and a variety of fresh vegetables, provided a comforting backdrop to the weighty discussions.

Sirius, seated at the table, was deep in thought, occasionally glancing at Hariel as if trying to reconcile the newfound knowledge about her future with his memory o a mischievous fifteen month old baby she had been when he had last seen her. Augusta, ever the gracious host, ensured that the meal continued smoothly, encouraging small talk and light-hearted conversation to ease the tension.

Neville, realising the need for a change in atmosphere, initiated a discussion about Quidditch, asking Sirius about his favourite teams and players. The conversation gradually shifted to lighter topics, creating a more relaxed environment. Remus shared anecdotes from his time with Sirius before his imprisonment, aiming to reconnect the friendship they once shared.

Andromeda, with her characteristic warmth, steered the conversation towards fond memories, recalling stories from their Hogwarts days. Ted, chiming in with his own experiences, added a touch of humour, lightening the mood around the table.

Hariel, sensing the need for a break from the weighty discussions, shared a few stories from her recent adventures, including her encounters at Gringotts and the peculiarities of the wixen world she was just beginning to explore.

As laughter and conversation flowed, the warmth permeated the air, cradling those at the table in comfort and family. Breaking the lull in conversation, Sirius asked, "So, what has been done to begin preparing Hariel?”

Augusta spoke first. "Hariel is receiving comprehensive tutoring in various subjects to ensure she is well-prepared for her ascension. Remus, Ted, Amelia and Andromeda have been instrumental in organising this."

Remus, with a warm smile, continued, "We've established a rigorous schedule covering subjects crucial to her role. Neville and Hariel are delving into magical theory, world history, and diplomacy. We've also incorporated lessons on Albion's history, culture, and traditions to better prepare her for her future responsibilities."

Neville, nodding in agreement, added, "We're working closely with experienced tutors to provide a well-rounded education. It's essential for Hariel to have a deep understanding of both the magical and non-magical aspects of her future role. It’s been drummed into us enough.” Here, Neville muttered the last part, Hariel hiding a grin behind her napkin. They certainly had been reminded how important these subjects were. Neville and Hariel were almost looking forward to returning to Hogwarts, they’d actually have more free time when they did. Not that they were going to mention that to the adults.

Andromeda cut in then, "In addition to magical subjects, we're ensuring Hariel receives guidance in leadership skills, etiquette, and politics. Being a queen involves more than just magical prowess; it requires a keen understanding of the complexities of ruling."

Amelia, contributed, “William Blackwood and myself have arranged for a rigorous schedule to provide her insight into magical law, governance, and the responsibilities that come with being a leader. A thorough understanding of these aspects will be invaluable as she takes on her role."

Ted, with a supportive smile, mentioned, "We've also included physical training sessions to ensure Hariel remains in peak condition. The demands of ruling can be physically taxing, and we want her to be prepared for any challenges that may arise."

As the group shared their contributions to Hariel's education, it became evident that a well-rounded approach was being taken to prepare her for the complexities of her future role as the Queen of Albion.

Sirius, nodding in agreement, remarked, "It sounds like a comprehensive plan. Progress might slow down when she's back at Hogwarts, but I'm sure with the right support, she'll manage well."

He then shifted the conversation, suggesting, "We should also consider visiting Caernarfon Manor and Camelot. There might be resources or knowledge in those places that could further aid Hariel in her preparations."

The idea was met with thoughtful nods from the group. Augusta Longbottom, considering the logistics, said, "We will see when we can plan a visit to Caernarfon Manor and Camelot. It may not be until Yule break however. But I agree, it would be beneficial for Hariel to explore her heritage and the historical significance of those locations."

Hariel, feeling a surge of excitement, chimed in, "That sounds amazing! I'm eager to learn more about my family history and I can’t imagine the kind of information we might find in those places!”

Neville added, "It would be a fantastic opportunity to deepen our understanding of Albion's history. I'm sure there's valuable knowledge waiting to be uncovered.”

The conversation then shifted to planning the visit, considering the logistical details. The prospect of exploring Caernarfon Manor and Camelot together added a sense of anticipation to the already exciting plans.

Sirius, listening to the excitement of the young heirs, interjected, "And at some point, I need to visit Gringotts and claim the Black family magics and title. Healer Able called me Lord Black, which I will be, but I have not claimed it yet. That is a priority. We don’t need others getting a hold of the Black family knowledge. No matter how much I despise most of my family. The Black’s have been left without direction since my grandfather's death two years ago." He paused, a thoughtful expression on his face, before continuing, "It's time to restore the legacy.”

Andromeda, intrigued, entered the conversation, saying, "I thought you were disowned at 16."

Sirius shook his head, a hint of defiance in his gaze. "My mother tried, but grandfather refused to disown me. He saw through her attempts. So, legally, I'm still a Black, and it's time to reclaim what's rightfully mine.”

Sirius, with a determined glint in his eyes, addressed Andromeda, saying, "When I claim the Black family title, consider yourself restored to the family. It's time to clear house for some who have disgraced the name." He didn't elaborate further, but the intensity of his words made his sentiments clear.

Andromeda, moved by the gesture, felt tears welling up. Trembling, she responded, "Thank you, Sirius. I appreciate it more than words can express. It means a lot to me." The weight of not having access to the family magics had been the hardest part for Andromeda when she was disowned. She would never regret marrying Ted, but the hole left where her family magic should be ached fiercely. The possibility of it being restored brought tears to her eyes.

Sirius, eager to shift the conversation to lighter topics, asked with a grin, "So, Hariel, Neville, what are your plans for the birthday bash? Anything exciting in the works?”

Hariel, her eyes sparkling with excitement, began, "Well, we were thinking of having a joint birthday party on the 30th. Neville and I are only a day apart, so it just made sense!"

Neville added, "Yeah, and we thought it would be a great way to celebrate with friends. We were thinking of inviting some of my friends that Hariel has met this week and maybe even our extended family."

Sirius nodded, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Sounds like a plan! What else do you have in mind? Any specific theme or activities?"

Hariel grinned, "We're still deciding on the theme, but we want it to be magical and fun. As for activities, maybe some magical games, music, and of course, lots of delicious food!"

Neville chimed in, "And we can use the gardens at Green Hill Meadows. They're beautiful, and it'll be a perfect setting for a celebration at this time of year."

Sirius nodded appreciatively, "Sounds like a fantastic idea. Count me in for the festivities! Now, let's make it a birthday to remember!"

After the last bite had been taken and the final pleasantries exchanged, the group dispersed, each member heading off to their respective activities. Neville and Hariel, with the excitement of the upcoming joint birthday party lingering, shared a glance filled with anticipation. They were eager to dive into the preparations for the celebration.

As the others dispersed, Sirius stood up, a twinkle in his eyes. "Hariel, would you mind showing me around a bit? Maybe we can find a cozy spot to chat."

Hariel smiled warmly, "Of course, Sirius. I'd be happy to show you around Longbottom Manor." Together, they made their way to the family sitting room, a cozy space adorned with plush chairs and warm colours.

The family sitting room embraced Sirius and Hariel with its comforting ambiance. Plush chairs invited them to settle in, and the flickering light of the fireplace cast a warm glow, creating an intimate atmosphere. Hariel couldn't help but feel a sense of ease in Sirius's company as they began their conversation.

Sirius, his eyes reflecting the warmth of the fire, continued sharing tales of Hariel's early days. "I remember the first time Lily and James introduced me to you. You were just a tiny bundle, and they were beaming with pride. Your laughter echoed through their home, a sound that became synonymous with joy for all of us."

Hariel listened intently, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "I wish I could remember those moments. It sounds like they were truly happy."

Sirius nodded, understanding the bittersweet nature of their conversation. "They were, Hariel. Lily and James were devoted parents. I remember James conjuring little golden snitches to flutter around your crib, trying to catch your attention. And Lily, well, she would sing to you, beautiful lullaby’s that never failed to send you to sleep, your accidental magic was extraordinary as well. I remember Lily telling me that you could make your favourite stuffed animals dance to a tune only you could hear."

Hariel's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "They sound amazing. What else do you remember?"

Sirius leaned back, recalling the cherished memories. "Your first word was 'da.' James was over the moon. He rubbed it in everyones faces. You mum ended up hexing him to get him to stop and I remember you crying out ‘ma’ in response with a giggle. Your dad, he was convinced you’d be a Quidditch star, your mum used to roll her eyes, even while you whizzed around the house on the toy broom I got you for your first birthday Lily nearly murdered me for that one, James thought it was brilliant. He stopped thinking that when he ended up chasing you all over the house and garden. Lily and I hadn’t laughed so hard in a long time, watching you lead your dad on a wild chase, your mum thought it served James right, bit of karma for him. Lily couldn't stop talking about your love for magical creatures. You'd spend hours in the backyard, watching Lily charm the butterflies to follow you. Giggling when they followed you everywhere. You used to find the most interesting creatures in the back yard, how I’ll never know. You found a niffler once. That caused absolute chaos until your parents could get it to a sanctuary.”

Hariel chuckled, enchanted by the image painted by Sirius's words. "I always felt a connection to magical creatures. It's as if they could sense the magic within me."

Sirius nodded in agreement. "That's the Evans blood in you. Lily had a way with magical creatures, and it seems you've inherited that gift."

Their conversation meandered through the tapestry of memories, each story painting a vivid portrait of a family filled with love and laughter. Sirius shared anecdotes of Lily's prowess in charms, James's mischievous escapades, and the countless evenings spent in laughter. As the tales unfolded, the family sitting room became a haven of shared history, bridging the gap between the past and the present.

Hariel, leaning forward with eagerness, asked, "Tell me more about their time at Hogwarts. What were they like as students?"

Sirius grinned, the twinkle in his eyes reminiscent of mischief long past. "Oh, Lily was the brightest witch of her age, no doubt about it. Head Girl, top of her class, and a fierce duelist, no one wanted to be on the end of her wand. James was similar, top of the class, brilliant at transfiguration and Runes, but his true passion lay with the development and execution of pranks. He used his brilliance in different areas of magic to create some masterpieces of mischief. The Marauders – James, Remus, Pettigrew, and myself – we were infamous for our escapades."

Hariel's eyes widened with fascination. "The Marauders? I've heard the name mentioned by the Weasley Twins, but didnt’s understand what it was. I suppose it was more who they were,” she laughed.

Sirius chuckled, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "We created the Marauder's Map, a magical parchment that showed the entire layout of Hogwarts. James and I were the masterminds behind it, we wanted something that would allow us to sneak around easily, it saved us from many a close call with Filch and his cat. Peter managed to get it confiscated in our final year, we never bothered making another one.”

The room resonated with laughter as Sirius recounted tales of their Hogwarts years. The friendship amongst the Marauders, the daring adventures, and the deep bonds forged in the halls of Hogwarts painted a vivid picture of an era long gone.

The family sitting room was enveloped in a comfortable silence, the soft crackling of the fireplace providing a soothing backdrop. The day's events, filled with revelations, celebrations, and shared stories, had taken their toll on Hariel. A subtle yawn escaped her, and she quickly covered it with a delicate hand.

Sirius, perceptive to her weariness, caught the yawn and felt the weight of fatigue settling on his own shoulders. With a gentle smile, he suggested, "I think it's time we head to bed, Hariel. It's been a long day for both of us."

Hariel nodded in agreement, appreciating the unspoken understanding. Together, they rose from their seats, the comfortable silence between them speaking volumes. As they made their way to the corridor, each step creating a comfortable familiarity between them, rebuilding the bonds that had been lost.

Parting ways to enter their respective rooms, which were just a hallway apart, Hariel turned to Sirius and whispered, "Goodnight." In a moment of impulsive warmth, she pulled him into a hug, the familial bond between them strengthening with the embrace.

Sirius, taken by surprise but deeply moved, closed his eyes, savouring the connection. A solitary tear made its way down his cheek as he held the closest person he had to a daughter with utmost care. In a soft, whispered tone, he reciprocated, "Goodnight, little star."

They slowly parted, a shared smile lingering between them. Hariel, feeling a newfound sense of familial warmth, bid him goodnight once more before heading to her room. Sirius, touched by the emotional exchange, entered his own space, the echoes of the day's events mingling with the quiet anticipation of the days yet to come.

With a final glance and a shared understanding, they headed to bed, ready to embrace the dreams that awaited in the realm of slumber.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for all the ideas you gave me. I think I've pretty much decided how I'm going to characterise Ron and Hermione. At some point I'll make a brief history of Albion to attach to the series, but I haven't gotten around to it yet.

Chapter 7: Gifts and Birthday Parties


First, thank you for all the comments and support. It's been great seeing how many of you are enjoying this story.

Second, a lot of you have asked about why there are three crowns. I'm gonna be honest, I got carried away. But think of them as less formal tiaras. The Pendragon one would be the one used during the coronation like St Edwards crown in the UK and for really formal occasions. The goblins decided to gift Hariel with others that she could wear more often as a gift reaffirming their alliance with the crown. It's essentially adding them to the crown jewels she'll have when she finally gets to Camelot.

Third, there were a couple of comments asking if Theo would become king if and when they married. The answer being no, he would gain the title of Prince Consort with Hariel becoming Queen Regnant.

Fourth, sorry loads of things today, this chapter goes a lot into celtic/gaelic mythology. I want to add that I am A) not an expert by any means of the imagination and so if things are wrong please let me know. B) I have put my own twist on it as well so it was never going to be accurate according to mythology so please bear that in mind. C) I've combined it with the Old Religion from Merlin and I did this quite late tonight, so if it doesn't completely make sense let me know. I have edited it, but honestly, its been a busy week and busy weekend and I could have missed something important. D) I've used some aspects of how I am representing the gods from the Percy Jackson verse but it is not a crossover. Those gods will not even appear, it's more along the lines of its kinda the same or similar aspects of the gods but different name. And that the pantheon's coexist, if not peacefully, well they can ignore each other.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter. A further note at the end of the chapter.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 7- Gifts and Birthday Parties

In the days that followed, the atmosphere at Longbottom Manor was filled with a bustling yet lighthearted energy. Hariel and Neville diligently attended their lessons, absorbing knowledge like sponges eager to soak up every drop. Sirius, with each passing day, was regaining strength and vitality, the effects of Azkaban slowly but surely dissipating under the care of Healer Able.

Augusta, with her characteristic poise, guided Hariel and Neville through lessons in etiquette. The grandeur of their future roles necessitated a certain level of sophistication, and Augusta was determined to impart the necessary skills.

One sunny afternoon, as the summer breeze gently rustled the leaves outside, Augusta announced, "It's time for a different kind of lesson. We'll be learning the art of ballroom dancing."

Hariel and Neville exchanged glances, groaning quietly with anxiety flickering in their eyes. Augusta led them to the spacious ballroom with polished wooden floors, its walls adorned with mirrors that reflected the grace of the impending lesson.

The trio stood in the centre of the room, Augusta addressing them with a warm smile. "Ballroom dancing is an essential skill for social events, and Hariel, as queen, you'll find yourselves attending many formal engagements. Neville, in your role of Duke of Green Hill Meadows, attending functions such as balls will be common so it is important that you both are attentive during these lessons so as not to embarrass yourselves in the future. It's not just about the dance; it's about portraying confidence, elegance, and grace. Neville, you'll be leading Hariel in our lesson today."

Neville, though slightly apprehensive, nodded with determination. It was not a well kept secret that Neville tended towards clumsy, especially when nervous. Augusta began to explain the basic steps and the importance of maintaining proper posture and positioning. "Your arms should be held gracefully, and your focus should be on the music and each other. The steps are important, but the connection you establish with your partner is equally vital."

As the music started to play, Neville took a deep breath, leading Hariel onto the dance floor. Augusta offered gentle guidance, instructing them with a mix of encouragement and constructive feedback.

"Remember, it's a dance, not a race," Augusta advised, watching as Neville and Hariel gracefully moved in harmony. "Feel the rhythm, and let it guide your steps. And don't forget to maintain eye contact. Communication through dance is as much about your expressions as it is about your movements."

Neville, concentrating on the steps, led Hariel through the dance with increasing confidence, though not without a few mishaps. Hariel was sure her feet would be quite sore by the end of the lesson, although she didn’t think Neville’s would be much better, biting her lip as she trod on his toes again because her thoughts had wandered. The lesson continued, Augusta’s words acted as a gentle soundtrack, guiding them through the intricacies of ballroom etiquette.

As the dance concluded, Augusta applauded their efforts. "Well done, both of you. Ballroom dancing may seem like a luxury, but it's a language spoken in high society. You'll find yourselves at events where this skill will set you apart and make a lasting impression."

Hariel, a glint of mischief in her eyes, grinned at Neville. "We make a good team, Neville."

Neville, blushing slightly, returned the smile. "Yeah, not bad for a first attempt.” Whispering quietly to Hariel, “‘I’m amazed I only stepped on your toes 10 times!”

“Well, it’s not like I missed yours either!” Hariel whispered back. Laughing together quietly, both straightened when Augusta cleared her throat.

Augusta, with a twinkle in her eye, added, "Practice makes perfect. And remember, these skills are not just for show. They symbolise your readiness to lead, to engage with others on a level beyond words."

The ballroom dancing lessons would become a regular part of their routine, a more practical interlude amid the intense subjects they were studying. As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow across the manor, the trio left the ballroom.

In the evenings, after lessons and activities had concluded, the group would often gather in the family sitting room. Conversations flowed freely, laughter mingling with the soft crackling of the fireplace.

The morning of the 30th of July dawned with a vibrant sun casting its golden glow over Green Hill Meadows. Neville and Hariel, anticipating the joint celebration of their birthdays, were in high spirits. In the privacy of her room, Hariel discovered three parcels that had arrived the previous evening, each holding a special gift from her friends.

Hariel paused, thinking to herself that she should wait until the next day, her actual birthday, before deciding to open them, it had been ages since she had heard from her friends after all. Hariel eagerly unwrapped the parcels that had arrived the previous evening, revealing thoughtful gifts from her friends. The first package, from Ron, held a Pocket Sneakoscope. Alongside the magical device was a letter, written in Ron's distinctive handwriting.

Dear Hariel,

Happy birthday! I hope this Sneakoscope comes in handy. It's brilliant – spins and lights up if someone or something dodgy is nearby. Thought you could use it to keep an eye out at Hogwarts.

Egypt's been mental. We’ve been exploring pyramids with Bill. Fred and George tried to lock Percy in a tomb. You should've seen the look on his face! Hilarious. Though mum yelled at them when she saw. Bill’s been showing us around the magical bazaar in Cairo – it's massive! Loads of weird stuff. Oh, and Scabbers isn't feeling well. He's been a bit off lately.

Anyway, I hope your birthday is fantastic! I heard you were away from the muggles, good for you! See you in Diagon Alley at the end of August.



Hariel couldn't help but smile at Ron's vivid descriptions of their misadventures in Egypt. His words transported her to the bustling bazaar and the amusing escapades with Percy and the twins. The Sneakoscope, now in her hands, felt like a connection to Ron's mischievous spirit, even from afar. Excitement for the upcoming joint birthday celebration grew as she moved on to the next parcel.

The second parcel, a broomstick servicing kit from Hermione, held not just practical tools but also a letter brimming with Hermione's tales of her holiday in France. Hermione's meticulous handwriting painted vivid pictures of her experiences, making it feel like Hariel was there with her..

Dear Hariel,

Happy Birthday! I hope this broomstick servicing kit comes in handy for your Quidditch adventures. I know how much you love flying on your broom.

France is incredible, we’ve been exploring Paris and it’s so different to London. The museums are amazing! My parents and I visited the Louvre, tried all sorts of different pastries. I wonder if the wizarding world has different ones? I’ve had a brilliant time. On another note, have you done your homework yet? I have, I found Professor Snape’s essay about the ingredients for the strengthening solution really interesting! I had no idea of some of the properties of the ingredients. Anyway, I hope you’re taking advantage of being in Diagon Alley and working on your homework. I can look over it on the train.

I can't wait to hear all about your summer! Have a great birthday Hariel!



Lastly, Hariel unwrapped the third parcel to find the Monster Book of Monsters that Hagrid had sent. A letter from the gentle giant explained that the book was a required text for Care of Magical Creatures that year.

Dear Hariel,

Happy Birthday Hariel! I hope the muggles are treating you right. Here's the Monster Book of Monsters – it's the required text for Care of Magical Creatures this year.

Speaking of creatures, we've got some interesting new arrivals in the Forbidden Forest. Took in a trio of hippogriffs last week. Interesting creatures, those. I'm sure you'd love to meet them.

Hope you're having a blast on your birthday! Enjoy the book!



As she picked up the book, it sprung to life, snapping its teeth and attempting to eat everything in its vicinity. Dropping it in alarm, Hariel watch as it raced across the room to find something to chew on. Reacting swiftly, Hariel lunged for it, tackling the monster book to the ground.

After a brief struggle, Hariel managed to subdue the terrifying tome and tied a belt securely around it to keep it closed. Chuckling at the chaotic encounter, and the typical Hagrid type present, to not even warn her about the biting book.

As Hariel read through the letters, a sense of warmth enveloped her. The thoughtful gifts and heartfelt words bridged the physical distance between her and her friends, making the celebration feel even more special. With the Monster Book of Monsters now safely restrained, Hariel couldn't help but look forward to the day's festivities, where laughter, friendship, and shared stories would abound and she would have her first ever birthday party, even better that she could share the day with Neville.

As Hariel descended the grand staircase in Longbottom Hall, the elegant purple dress she wore flowed gracefully around her. The high neckline added a touch of sophistication, and the dress ended at her knees, allowing her to move with ease. Paired with delicate white shoes, she exuded a timeless charm that matched the occasion.

Entering the breakfast room, she found the French doors wide open, allowing the warm embrace of the late July sun to fill the space. The room was adorned with a simple yet refined charm, reflecting the grace of the Longbottom estate.

Around the table, Augusta, Remus, Sirius, and Neville were already seated, engaged in conversation and enjoying the pleasant ambiance. The clinking of silverware and the gentle murmur of conversation created a soothing backdrop.

Augusta, dressed in a tasteful ensemble, looked up and smiled warmly as Hariel approached. "Good morning, dear. You look absolutely radiant. Sit, join us."

Taking her place at the table, Hariel felt a sense of warmth and belonging. The atmosphere was filled with anticipation for the day's festivities, and the bond between the occupants of Longbottom Hall continued to strengthen.

Hariel, seated across from Neville, offered an excited smile. "Happy birthday, Neville. May this day be as magical as you deserve."

Sirius, beside Remus, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. A day of joy and celebration."

Neville, already dressed for the day's events, beamed at Hariel. “Thank you! You look fantastic, Hariel. Ready for the party?"

Hariel returned the smiles, grateful for the warmth surrounding her. "Thank you all. I'm more than ready. Let the celebration begin."

As they continued with breakfast, the sun cast a golden glow on the room, setting the stage for a day filled with magic, joy, and the shared moments that would become cherished memories.

Under the gentle caress of the mid-morning sun, the group ventured into the gardens of Green Hill Meadows to put the final touches on the preparations for Hariel and Neville's joint birthday party. The air was alive with excitement as they worked together.

Levitating garlands and lights, Augusta, Remus, Sirius, Neville, and Hariel moved around the garden, adorning it with a tapestry of colours. The soft hum of conversation mixed with laughter and the occasional flick of a wand, creating a harmonious symphony of preparation.

Neville, holding a string of enchanted lights, grinned at Hariel. "You know, I've always been good with Herbology, but I think I'm getting the hang of this decorating business."

Hariel, levitating a garland of vibrant flowers, chuckled. "Well, Neville, I guess it's time for you to add 'master decorator' to your list of skills. Who knew Herbology and party decorating could be so closely related?"

Neville mockingly bowed. "I aim to surprise. But let's not forget who's the brains behind the scavenger hunt, shall we?"

Hariel, gathering a cluster of floating candles, raised an eyebrow. "Oh, please. It's not a competition. Besides, you'll be thanking me when everyone's having a blast trying to solve the riddles."

Neville smirked. "We'll see about that. Maybe I'll surprise you with my exceptional riddle-solving skills."

As they bantered back and forth, the atmosphere remained light and filled with a calm that Hariel enjoyed. Transfiguring and summoning flowers and plants, placing bowls of treats for the creatures of the estate, and creating an atmosphere of enchantment, the group worked seamlessly together.

Sirius, watching the banter unfold, joined in with a playful grin. "Well, I must say, it's quite a party you two are organising. I haven't been this involved in party preparations since my Hogwarts days."

Remus, placing a lantern on a tree branch, nodded in agreement. "It's a wonderful way to celebrate. The garden looks splendid, and I'm sure your friends will appreciate the effort you've put into it."

Augusta, overseeing the preparations with a content expression, added, "You've done well, both of you. Now, let's make sure everything is perfect for the celebration."

With the final touches in place, the garden transformed into a magical haven, ready to embrace the joyous occasion. The banter, laughter, and shared moments during the preparations only added to the anticipation of the upcoming festivities.


As the clock struck midday, the front of Longbottom Hall became a lively scene, bathed in the golden glow of the summer sun. Hariel and Neville stood at the entrance, ready to welcome their friends. The air buzzed with excitement as the guests began to arrive.

Daphne, with a graceful demeanour, approached Neville and offered a warm smile. "Happy Birthday, Neville! Wishing you all the best on your special day."

Neville, grateful for the greeting, replied, "Thanks, Daphne! It means a lot."

Meanwhile, Hariel received warm wishes from the arriving guests for her upcoming birthday.

Hannah, with a friendly grin, said, "Hariel, happy early birthday! May your day be as fantastic as this party promises to be."

Blaise, nodding in agreement, added, "Indeed! Looking forward to celebrating with you."

Theo's playful twinkle turned into a charming grin as he took Hariel's hand and pressed a delicate kiss on it. Hariel, caught off guard, blushed at the unexpected gesture. "Thank you, Theo," she said, her voice carrying a shy and appreciative tone.

Neville, observing the exchange, couldn't resist a mischievous grin. He caught Hariel's eye and, with a subtle wiggle of his eyebrows, conveyed an unspoken message. The silent exchange between Neville and Hariel added a touch of lightheartedness to the moment, a shared understanding between friends.

Theo, seemingly unaware of the silent communication, continued to banter, "May your year be filled with magic and adventure, Hariel. And, of course, unforgettable moments."

Hariel, still blushing from the unexpected gesture, chuckled nervously, "I'm sure it will be, Theo. Thanks again." The playful atmosphere continued to unfold as more friends arrived.

The air was filled with laughter and the joyful chatter of well-wishers. Susan, Padma, Pavati, and Tracey all took turns extending their greetings and birthday wishes.

Susan, with a warm smile, said, "Hariel, happy early birthday! I hope it's everything you wish for and more."

Tracey, with a jovial tone, added, "Cheers to another year of friendship and adventures Neville. Happy early birthday, Hariel!"

The atmosphere was alive with the spirit of celebration, the sun casting a gentle glow on the gathering of friends. As the guests continued to arrive, the anticipation for the joint birthday party reached new heights.

As the last of their guests arrived, Andromeda, Ted, and their daughter Nymphadora joined the festivities. Neville and Hariel greeted the Tonks’ enthusiastically.

"Hello, Andromeda! Ted! It's great to see you," Neville exclaimed, a warm smile on his face.

Andromeda returned the smile, "Neville, Hariel, lovely to be here. Allow me to introduce our daughter, Nymphadora."

Nymphadora, or Tonks as she preferred, made a face at the mention of her full name. "Ugh, Mum, you know I hate it when you call me that."

Andromeda chuckled, "Darling, it's your name. Embrace it. Now, say hello to Hariel and Neville."

Tonks scrunched up her face even more but extended a friendly greeting nonetheless. "Hi," she said, her tone carrying a mix of reluctance and humour. "But seriously, if you won't call me Tonks, at least call me Dora."

Neville and Hariel exchanged amused glances and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Dora," Neville said.

Hariel added with a grin, "Pleasure, Dora. Welcome to the party!" The exchange set a light and friendly tone, adding another layer to the diverse gathering of friends and family in the vibrant gardens of Green Hill Meadows.

As they walked back into the gardens, Dora, Neville, and Hariel split off from the adults to join their friends. Dora began changing her hair colour and style. Hariel watched with wide eyes, captivated by the mesmerising display.

"Holy Merlin, that's incredible, Dora! How do you do that?" Hariel asked, her fascination evident.

Dora grinned, her hair shifting into vibrant shades of blue. "It's a Black family gift, passed down through my mother's side. I’m what’s called a Metamorphmagus, basically means I can change my appearance at will. Hair, eyes and skin colour are easy, but more complex things like changing height, facial structure and more take practice before you can do it seamlessly. Comes in handy, though, especially as I’m training to be an auror."

Neville, chuckling, added, "She can look like anyone or anything she wants. It's both amazing and a bit unnerving."

Dora winked at Hariel, her hair now a striking shade of emerald green. "You'll get used to it. It's all in good fun!" The trio continued chatting and laughing, the atmosphere of the party enhanced by Dora's ever-changing appearance.

The group of children, including Dora, huddled together to discuss the details of the party, their animated voices filling the air.

Neville, grinning, said, "The scavenger hunt is going to be brilliant. I've hidden some tricky items. Let's see who can find them all!"

Hariel, excitement evident in her eyes, added, "And we've got surprises along the way. It's going to be so much fun!"

Dora, her hair now a vibrant shade of turquoise, chimed in, "I love a good scavenger hunt. Gives me a chance to show off my skills."

Blaise, with a mischievous glint in his eye, remarked, "I heard there are enchanted treats hidden too. Wonder if they'll be as ingenious as the ones from the Weasley twins."

Hannah, eagerly looking around at the garden, asked, “Did you do all this yourself? It’s amazing!”

Neville nodded, “Yeah, Gran, Sirius and Remus helped but Hariel and I did a lot of it. Gave us a chance to practice the spells we’ve been taught over the summer. It’s lucky the trace doesn’t work on warded properties like Longbottom Hall. We wanted a specific look for the garden. It was all made to look like a faerie glen."

Susan, admiring the surroundings, said, “Didn’t you tell us there was an enchanted fountain on the grounds Neville? we’ve never been down that far, I’d love to see it today."

Theo, winking at Hariel, teased, "And I hope the music is as magical as the decorations. Maybe some dancing later?"

Neville snickered quietly as he watched Hariel blush in response to Theo causing Hariel to nudge Neville back hard causing him to stumble, before responding to Theo. "Maybe. But no making fun of my dance moves, okay?”

Theo laughed as he nodded, smirking as Hariel blushed again. She was beginning to think he was purposefully doing this to make her blush, it’s all she seemed to do around him.

As the children continued to discuss the intricacies of the party, the vibrant energy of their voices set the tone for a day filled with laughter, surprises, and magical moments.

As the group of children set off on the scavenger hunt, Hariel and Theo found themselves trailing behind, allowing for a quiet conversation amidst the chatter and laughter of their friends. Hariel, curious about Theo's summer adventures, asked with interest, "So, Theo, what have you been up to since the summer holidays began?"

Theo, walking alongside her, shared, "I went to Italy with my grandfather. We explored ancient ruins, and I got to learn about the beliefs of the Italian wixen community. They believe and worship the Roman gods, you know, a bit different from what we're used to."

Hariel, intrigued, responded, "That sounds fascinating! I've been curious about different magical traditions and cultures since I started learning about Albion’s, I’ve spent this summer learning all about the traditions and beliefs in Albion but I want to start looking into cultures and wixen society beyond Albion soon. I know that we, in Albion, tend to follow more Celtic traditions. And deities connected to that pantheon.”

Theo raised an eyebrow, engaging in a friendly debate, “For the wixen raised this is certainly true, I’ve celebrated Celtic holidays my whole life, nevertheless I find the Roman gods quite intriguing. Different cultures, different magic.”

Hariel considered his words before sharing, "In Albion, we have druidic traditions that are deeply connected to nature and the cycles of the land. The belief in the Old Ways and the reverence for the natural world has always resonated with me. There's a certain tranquility and power in drawing magic from the earth itself."

Theo, intrigued by her perspective on his beliefs, responded, “The way you captured the belief and respect that so many in Albion practice was beautiful, I’ve never heard it worded quite like that, it sounds beautiful. Celebrating the wheel of the year and thanking nature and Mother Magic for her blessing. Lughasadh approaches and I always look forward to merry making during the festivals. At times you can feel Mother Magic’s presence and that of the gods. Nature has its own magic. Have you ever celebrated any of the festivals?”

Hariel was shaking her head nearly before Theo had finished speaking, “I’ve never had the opportunity. I’m hopeful that this year that will change. I know that Augusta and the others have begun planning for the festival of Lughnasadh in a few days and I am greatly looking forward to that. Ever since I was small pagan religions have fascinated me, learning that there are truths in the myths this summer, its made me even more excited to participate.”

“Then I hope you enjoy your first festival. What’s your take on the different beliefs around the world?” Theo asked smiling, intrigued by the conversation he was having with Hariel, having never expected her to have these ideas from his observations at Hogwarts the last two years.

Hariel pondered for a moment before expressing her perspective, "Well, I think there's beauty in diversity. Each tradition has its own strengths and unique practices. It's about finding what resonates with you. In Albion, our connection to the land and nature is profound due to Merlin and the druids, they have practised and celebrated nature and he natural order of the world for millennia and they have passed those connections to other wixen as a result, but I can appreciate the rich history and traditions of other magical communities. It’s interesting to look at the similarities across cultures though.

“For example, we follow the Old Religion with Mother Magic’s name being interchanged with the Triple Goddess and The Morrigan in the Celtic pantheon. But I know Mother Magic’s name in Greece, for example is Hecate, who is also seen as a triple goddess because of her three forms to represent crossroads.” Hariel said, looking at Theo as she said it.

Theo nodded thoughtfully, before adding, “True, the different pantheon’s coexist, with Mother Magic taking different names in each as different wixen believe in different things. We know the gods exist, they show themselves in subtle ways, but they do show themselves and Mother Magic, we feel her presence when we perform rituals and celebrate the wheel of the year. Wixen are different to muggles, Mother Magic is a part of nature, she flows through every little thing, as wixen we can sense these things with enough practice, those blessed with mage sight can see her in her most basic form.” Here Hariel blinked in surprise, looking around at the garden and seeing the vague wisps of magic echos she was used to, not used to thinking that this was actually apart of Mother Magic, although it made sense as she was where they got their magic from. Turning her attention back to Theo, he continued talking.

“Wixen are more sensitive to nature and the deities that effect it, which means we can sense the presence of the gods, even when they choose not to reveal themselves. For muggleborns, who have never really experienced this, they don’t understand what they are feeling and so, without proper instruction and understanding, they shrug it off and ignore it. The gods are blessing and involving themselves in mortal affairs less and less because of it. The lack of faith is spreading, the alters with offerings not as fruitful.” Hariel bit her lip as she thought.

“What do you think will happen then?” Hariel asked tentatively.

Theo sighed before looking at her, shaking his head sadly. “As far as I’m concerned, its only a matter of time before they abandon wixen altogether, my grandfather worries about it, he says their presence is less now than it has ever been. Unless something changes, at least in Albion, then the likelihood is the gods will just observe.”

“What will that mean for us? Surely nothing good!” Hariel exclaimed, her eyes wide.” What about other countries? Do they have the same problems?”

“It’ll probably mean a slow retreat of magic from Albion, of course I’m only speculating, but it’s why we worship the gods you know? Mother Magic gifts us with magic, but in turn, the gods bless us with the different gifts. The Pendragon’s were known for their control over the four natural elements, earth, air, fire and water. This was gifted to them by four of the gods, Áine gave them fire, hot as the sun on a summers day. Anu gave them the power over the earth, to grow and to destroy. Manannán gave them the power over water, to manipulate as they will. The Dagda gifted them the power over air, drawing from his control of the weather to give them the power to conjure the gentlest breeze, or the violence of a storm. Other countries have families blessed with such gifts from their own deities, but the TuathaDé Danann have only given that particular gift to one family. As for other countries, I know they don’t have the same problems because they have different systems to introduce muggleborns into their society.” Theo explained.

“So why does Albion have a problem then? What are we not doing that others around the world are?” Hariel asked, fascinated. She hadn’t thought her ability to control the elements was a gift from the gods, it made her want to learn how to do it all the more. So far she had had very little success. She hadn’t been able to find anything in the Pendragon vault, Rangrok saying the books or journals may well be at Camelot which they hadn’t been able to visit yet.

“For Albion, it all comes back to the lack of a monarch. Albion has been without one for so long, and the ministry is unable to and unwilling to try to ensure muggleborns are integrated into our society as they should be. Instead they bring their own ideas, values and beliefs and spread them, which is not to say it’s wrong, but when our own traditions and rituals are banned because of it, that’s when it causes a problem.” Theo said as his hands gesticulated as they walked, showing the passion he had for the subject at hand.

“What do you mean our traditions are being banned?” Hariel asked alarmed. This was the first she had heard of that. She knew Neville and Augusta celebrated the wheel of the year, Sirius had said her parents did as well.

“The festivals are not banned yet, but they are frowned upon by those who have chosen to forget or ignore the religion, beliefs and traditions our country was founded upon.” Theo sighed before expanding, “There are certain factions in the Wizengamot that have been taken in by the words of muggleborns and those who support more integration into the muggle world, forgetting what life was like for wixen before the Statue of Secrecy and before King Arthur and Merlin completely separated Albion from muggle Briton. They have been gaining more support. It’s only a matter of time now.”

Hariel frowned, thinking over Theo’s words, looking over at him and thinking on what she could do in the not too distant future, before nudging him and asking how the Pendragon’s had helped, noting that none of what he had told her had appeared in her books so far.

“The Pendragon’s bridged the gap between the gods and us. They weren’t deities themselves, but because they were descendants of Merlin, who was crafted from pure magic by the Triple Goddess in response to Uther’s purge, they held a larger connection to the gods, and through the anchoring of the ley lines, which are pathways for magic to flow and for the gods to use to intervene and bless those they regard as worthy when they need to. The ley lines still exist of course, but without a monarch to anchor them they aren’t stable. Magic can’t flow properly around Albion because of this, it gets stuck, which also means messages that the gods may intend to send get stuck as well.The Pendragon’s, through their power and connection to the ley lines and the gods, anchored the ley lines and allowed magic to flow free and unrestrained throughout Albion. It made magic stronger, it boosted the cores we are born with and allowed them to grow more easily, adapting to the higher level of ambient magic in the air.

“I’m not explaining it right, but without a monarch, that connection is lost, and for muggleborns, who don’t have the ancestral memory that familial magic provides, they’ve never even felt an echo of that connection, and so they shrug it off when its mentioned and ignore it, which weakens that tenuous connection further.” Hariel nodded as she thought more, Theo had explained the reason for the ley lines and why the monarch anchored them much better than any of her books, actually giving her a reason why it was important. It made much more sense this way.

Theo smiled at Hariels response, beginning to close their conversation as they reached the others, “It’s interesting how different cultures find magic in various aspects of life. It's like a reflection of their values and beliefs."

Their discussion wound down as they reached the rest of their friends, magic seemed to sparkle more in the air in response to the richness of their discussions—a place where ideas, like blossoms, flourished in the fertile soil of curiosity and mutual respect.

Rejoining the lively group, Hariel and Theo enthusiastically joined the conversation before teaming up for the scavenger hunt. As they all ventured into the garden, laughter echoed amidst the blooming flowers and enchanted surroundings. The playful banter between the friends added an extra layer of excitement to the hunt.

In the midst of the search, voices rang out across the garden in playful competition.

Dora, her hair shifting colours with each step, called out, "Come on, Hariel! If you want to find the prize, you'll have to keep up!"

Hariel, determined and with a mischievous grin, retorted, "Oh, you better watch out, Dora! I've got Theo on my side, and we're unstoppable!"

Theo, playing along, added, "That's right! Our team is taking the lead. Better luck next time, Neville!"

Neville, not one to back down, responded with a grin, "We'll see about that! Team Gryffinpuff is on the hunt, and we're not afraid of a little friendly competition!”

“That is not a good name Neville! It sounds like a disease!” Hariel giggled as she ran past him, Neville grinning and shrugging in response.

The playful banter continued as they followed the clues, their voices blending with the rustling leaves and the magical hum of the garden. The air was filled with the joyous energy of friendship and the thrill of the hunt, making the scavenger hunt an unforgettable part of their shared birthday celebration.

As the children followed the clues, the scavenger hunt eventually led them back to the main garden where the adults had been enjoying their tea and pleasant conversation. Hariel and Theo, leading the way, couldn't contain their excitement as they ducked behind the greenhouse, discovering the hidden prize.

Hariel's eyes lit up with delight as she held up two small animated figurines—one of a Welsh Green Dragon and the other of a Chinese Fireball. Grinning at Theo, they exchanged triumphant glances before proudly showcasing their find to the rest of their friends.

Hariel, with an air of playful bragging, announced, "Well, it seems Team Slytherdor has proven once again that we're the champions of the scavenger hunt!” Here Hariel paused, wrinkling her nose, “That’s not a good name either! We’ll have to think of a better one for next time.”

Theo laughing, nodded his head before adding to the boast, "Absolutely! No challenge is too great for us. The Welsh Green Dragon and the Chinese Fireball are now under our expert care."

Their friends, though playfully rolling their eyes, couldn't help but join in the laughter and applause. The animated figurines fluttered and flapped their wings, adding a touch of whimsy to the celebration.

As the children revelled in their victory, the adults, having witnessed the lively escapade, shared amused smiles. The scavenger hunt had been a good idea, it had entertained the teenagers for hours. Memories had certainly been made, it would be brought up in years to come. Calling the teenagers to come and eat, the adults resumed their quiet conversation.

Seating themselves for lunch, the lively banter among the teenagers continued, filling the air with laughter and the warmth of camaraderie. The table was adorned with a delightful spread of magical treats, and as they enjoyed their meal, the conversation flowed.

Blaise initiated a debate, "Alright. What's your favourite subject at Hogwarts?”

Daphne, sipping her pumpkin juice, chimed in, "Charms, without a doubt. There's something so satisfying about mastering a spell and making things happen with just a flick of your wand."

Neville, in between bites, added, "Herbology for me. I love working with magical plants. They're fascinating, and Professor Sprout makes it even more enjoyable."

Theo, with a smirk, interjected, “I enjoy potions, hands down. It’s methodical, there’s a reason for each step, but Ancient Runes is better. They are captivating to study. What about you, Hariel?"

Hariel, contemplating her answer, replied, "I find Ancient Runes intriguing, I’ve not studied it yet of course, but I’ve read a couple of books this summer and have become fascinated. The history and magic intertwined in those symbols make it an alluring subject. Which reminds me, I need to write a letter to Professor McGonagall to change my electives for next year.”

The conversation then veered towards Quidditch, with Tracey eagerly asking, "Favourite Quidditch team, everyone?"

Amidst the lively discussion of Quidditch teams and the merits of each, the children also shared their dreams of magical places they'd like to visit. From the bustling Moroccan street stalls to the ancient markets of Greece, each destination sparked excitement, curiosity and debates.

As the lunch progressed, the energy gradually shifted. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the garden. With satisfied bellies and content smiles, the children began to bid farewell to one another.

Hannah, giving Hariel a warm hug, remarked, "Thanks for the wonderful party, Hariel. It was magical!”

Blaise, shaking hands with Neville, added, "Great job, Neville. You and Hariel sure know how to throw a celebration.”

Theo, falling into step beside Hariel, seized the opportunity for a private moment. With a playful twinkle in his eye, he remarked, "You know, Hariel, today was truly enchanting. And your party planning skills are impeccable."

Hariel, feeling a subtle warmth in her cheeks, chuckled nervously, "Oh, well, it was a joint effort with Neville. But I'm glad you enjoyed it, Theo."

Theo, taking a moment to appreciate her blush, continued, "I must say, though, there's something about you. It's like watching magic unfold."

Hariel, a bit taken aback, replied with a shy smile, "Thank you, Theo. I suppose I’ve just started throwing myself into the world to which I belong to. I’ve just become so fascinated with everything.” Hariel’s eyes shone with passion and Theo watched, charmed and enchanted at the same time.

Theo, ever the charmer, took Hariel's hand in a friendly gesture, planting a light kiss on it. "Well, consider me enchanted, Lady Hariel. Your magic is truly captivating."

Hariel, her blush deepening, playfully nudged him, “Thank you, I… I feel like I’ve developed a deeper understanding of magic this summer.”

Theo chuckled, “You can tell, Mother Magic dances around you in waves. Its beautiful.” This caused Hariel to blush again, the compliment sinking into her with a touch of genuine admiration, especially considering the subject of some of their conversation that day.

As Theo and Hariel shared their private moment, the chemistry between them became palpable, and the atmosphere didn't go unnoticed by the observant group of friends. Blaise, Daphne, Susan, and Neville, in hushed whispers, exchanged curious glances as they began to take notice of the budding connection between Theo and Hariel.

Blaise, smirking, leaned towards Daphne, "Looks like something magical is happening there, don't you think?"

Daphne, her eyes narrowing playfully, replied, "Oh, absolutely. Lady Hariel seems to have cast a spell on Theo, and he's falling for it."

Susan, overhearing their banter, chimed in, "Well, who wouldn't? Theo's always been a charmer, but Hariel's got something special about her."

Neville, trying to play it cool but unable to hide a grin, added, "It's like watching Theo be faerie struck. Do you think they'll end up dancing under the stars by the end of the summer?"

Their whispered dialogue added an amusing layer to the enchanting atmosphere, turning the garden into a stage where the dynamics of friendship and budding romance played out under the watchful eyes of friends.

As they reached the entrance their friends bid them all farewell and as he left Theo bid them farewell with a wink, disappearing into the night. Hariel and Neville, still enveloped in the magic of the evening, exchanged knowing glances. The joint birthday celebration had been a success, and the bonds of friendship deepened.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (20)

Nymphadora Tonks


Hope you liked it. I promise they will get to Hogwarts at some point, but it took me far longer than I thought to get them there.

Chapter 8: Festivals and Gringotts Rituals


Thank you fall all the amazing comments, it still amazes me that people are enjoying this so much. Brief note today, I want to restate that I am not in any way, shape or form an expert in pagan festivals, rituals or religions. I am using ideas that I know and have researched a little, and am changing them to fit the story. Please do not take this representation as fact.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Chapter 8- Festivals and Gringotts Rituals

In the hush of her room, Hariel continued a tradition that had woven itself into the fabric of her birthdays since childhood. As the clock's hands converged on midnight, the candles in her room flickered bathing her surroundings in a warm glow, a letter materialised before her. Surprised, Hariel read the mysterious words etched across the parchment:

Dear Hariel,

On this auspicious night, as the clock chimes to herald the day of your birth, I extend my heartfelt wishes for a joyous birthday. May the gods shower their magic upon you, and may the path ahead be lit with the brilliance of your potential. Remember, every dawn brings new possibilities, and every midnight, a chance for renewal.

With anticipation for the wonders your future holds,

A Friend

A soft smile played on Hariel's lips as she read the letter, savouring the enigmatic connection she shared with this mysterious well-wisher. She thought she should probably be more concerned about this letters than she was, somethings about the magic felt familiar to her. Tucking the letter away like a cherished secret, she let the warmth of the words accompany her into a peaceful slumber.

The next morning, the air in Longbottom Manor buzzed with anticipation. Hariel, dressed in a flowing gown that echoed the colours of dawn, descended to the breakfast room.

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Her newfound family greeted her with cheerful voices. Augusta, a twinkle in her eye, exclaimed, "Happy birthday, Hariel! May this day be as bright as your spirit."

Remus, raising his tea cup in a toast, added, "To another year of magic’s blessings, Hariel.”

Hariel, genuinely touched by the warmth surrounding her, responded with gratitude, "Thank you, everyone. Your presence alone makes this day mean more to me than I could possibly express."

As they sat down for breakfast, the table was adorned with an array of dishes, from flaky pastries to freshly squeezed juice. Amidst the animated chatter, gifts were presented with heartfelt sentiments.

Neville, with a cheeky grin, handed her a potted Mimbulus mimbletonia. "I thought it might be some good practice for you, you know, because you nearly dropped one in the greenhouse earlier this week.”

Hariel laughed as she took the plant, mock scowling at Neville as his eyes twinkled. She had rather made a fool of herself in their herbology lesson that week, dropping the mimbulus mimbletonia and causing the stinks to be released and cover both her and Neville.

Augusta gifted her an antique locket in delicate silver. “A locket, made from the finest goblin silver and by their best metalsmith, enchanted to hold items and not just photos, I wish you a wonderful birthday, dear."

Sirius, ever the mischievous one, presented a magically enchanted mirror. "For those times when you need to check if your crown is perfectly straight.” He said grinning, before adding, “It’s a two way mirror, you have one and you can communicate with whoever has the matching pair by just saying their name. Much easier and cleaner than the floo.

Remus smiled, before handing her a leather-bound journal. “Your dad once told me it was traditional for each head of the family to keep a journal documenting their life. I thought you would like to start your own.” Hariel smiled, tears pricking at the corner of her eyes as she looked at the beautifully decorated cover. A welsh dragon was curled up around an ancient castle, a majestic thunderbird flying high above it while a thestral grazed nearby. It was a beautiful merging of the three ancient houses she belonged to.

After receiving each gift, Hariel expressed her heartfelt thanks, feeling the weight of their meaning. The day unfolded with a series of joyful activities—a stroll through the gardens, a friendly game of wizard chess, and afternoon tea on the terrace overlooking Green Hill Meadows.

As evening descended, they gathered in the family rooms, sharing tales. Remus shared tales of his adventures abroad, Augusta reminisced about her days as a youth, and Sirius wove stories of the Marauders' adventures. The room echoed with laughter, and Hariel, surrounded by those who had become her cherished family, felt a warmth in her heart that warmed her entire being. She looked around and smiled, this was what having a family meant.

As the night drew to a close, they ventured outside for a display of fireworks under the starlit sky. The bursts of colour and light mirrored the joy that filled Hariel's heart.

And so, surrounded by love, laughter, and the magic that flowed through her veins, Hariel celebrated her birthday in a way she had never experienced before—a day marked not just by the passage of time but with family and a feeling of belonging that spread warmth through her heart.

As dawn painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, a new day unfolded—the 1st of August, the beginning of Lughnasadh. Those residing in Longbottom Hall made their way to their beds, the adults determined to rest so as to ensure that Hariel’s first foray into the ancient traditions and festivals celebrated in Albion would be extraordinary.


As twilight settled over Green Hill Meadows, Augusta, a venerable figure with a quiet authority, stepped forward, cradling a sickle in her weathered hands. The rustling of the grain in the evening breeze seemed to harmonise with the hush that fell over the gathering.

Augusta's eyes, wise and weathered by years, met those of her council members, and with a solemn nod, she began to cut the first sheaf of grain. Each stroke of the sickle was deliberate, a ceremonial offering to the gods for the promise of a bountiful harvest. The group, assembled beneath the canvas of the evening sky, observed the ritual with a quiet reverence.

In the soft glow of twilight, corn dolls, intricately crafted with strands of golden wheat, adorned the table like silent guardians of prosperity and protection. Their presence spoke of a connection to the earth, a ritualistic dance between magic and nature.

A murmured incantation from Augusta accompanied each step of the ritual, the words weaving into the air like a spell, invoking the blessings of the gods on Albion's fertile soil. The air hummed with magic as the sun dipped below the horizon, and the first stars peeked through the darkening canvas.

The ritual seamlessly transitioned into a celebration of dance. The melody of traditional tunes, played on enchanted instruments, filled the air as they swayed gracefully to the rhythm. Amidst the laughter and music, Hariel found herself twirling in the joyous dance, her heart light and her spirit lifted by the enchanting atmosphere.

In the glow of lanterns scattered across the gardens, conversations melded with the soft rustling of leaves, and the aroma of the feast mingled with the magic of the night. Conversation and laughter flowed freely, exchanging tales of past Lughnasadh celebrations, sharing dreams, and revelling in the connection they all shared.

Augusta, still at the centre of it all, looked upon the scene with a smile that spoke of a lifetime immersed in tradition. She approached Hariel, the symbolic torchbearer of the younger generation, and spoke with a mixture of wisdom and warmth, "Hariel, may this Lughnasadh mark the beginning of a season of abundance and joy for you and all those you hold dear."

Hariel, caught in the dance and the camaraderie, responded with a genuine smile, "Thank you, Augusta. Tonight feels like nature has been dancing with us, the flowers, leaves and trees seem to have come alive as we’ve celebrated!”

And so, beneath the canvas of starlight, the celebration of Lughnasadh unfolded. Giving thanks to the gods for the bountiful harvest and a prosperous summer, to nature for thriving throughout the year and nurturing the soil, and to Mother Magic, the Triple Goddess, whose touch was widespread, a spark in every living thing, giving thanks to her for the gift she had generously bestowed on those gathered.


As the golden days of summer unfurled their warmth, Neville and Hariel found themselves immersed in a whirlwind of learning, eager to absorb as much knowledge as possible before embarking on their third year at Hogwarts.

The sprawling library of the manor became their haven, filled with ancient tomes and spellbooks that held the secrets of generations past. Neville, once timid and unsure, now stood tall, his confidence growing with each successful spell he cast.

Sirius, recovering from the shadows of Azkaban, found solace within the walls of Longbottom Manor. Sirius and Remus slowly began to reforge the lost friendship they had enjoyed in their youth, rebuilding the trust that war had torn asunder and reminiscing of days long past.

One evening, as the stars painted the night sky, the group gathered in the garden to view the constellation filled heavens. Augusta, with her vast knowledge of the cosmos, pointed out constellations and shared stories of wixen who had left their mark among the stars. The night air hummed with magic, and for a moment, the weight of the wixen world seemed distant.

Theo, with his charm and wit, continued to be a presence that added an extra spark to the group. His interactions with Hariel had evolved into a dance of words, an exchange that left others wondering about the magic that lingered in the air whenever they were near.

Their journey took them beyond the confines of Longbottom Hall and into the heart of the emerald isle of Éire.

In the famous bustling marketplace of Éire, Hariel, Neville, and their friends found themselves surrounded by a kaleidoscope of colours, enchanting aromas, and the lively hum of wixen commerce. The air was thick with the scent of exotic herbs, and the myriad of stalls offered a dazzling array of magical wares.

The first stall they encountered displayed intricately carved wands, each crafted from rare and unique wand woods. The wandmaker, a wizened wixen with a long beard, shared stories of the magical properties of each wood. Hariel, her curiosity piqued, marvelled at the craftsmanship and wondered about the wand that had chosen her.

Next, they stumbled upon an apothecary emporium, where shelves lined with jars held the rarest and most potent components. A bewitching array of colourful powders, shimmering liquids, and elusive roots beckoned to the aspiring potion-makers in the group. Neville, with a keen interest in Herbology, couldn't resist exploring the variety of magical plants and seeds on offer.

As they navigated through the crowded marketplace, the group discovered a stall specialising in animated creature figurines. Tiny glass terrariums showcased miniature versions of Hippogriffs, Bowtruckles, and even a Phoenix. The creatures moved within their confines, seemingly content in their magical habitats. Daphne, always drawn to the mystical allure of magical creatures, couldn't resist purchasing a small, ethereal faerie that fluttered its wings in a tiny crystal enclosure.

Their journey through the marketplace led them to an antique bookstore, its shelves stacked with dusty tomes and ancient scrolls. Theo, ever the avid reader, eagerly sifted through the volumes, uncovering rare tomes, magical theories, and tales of legendary wixen.

Amid the bustling marketplace, the friends sampled magical treats from Sweetman’s Sweet Emporium. They indulged in Chocolate Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, and other delectable confections. Laughter echoed as they experienced the whimsical surprises concealed within each treat.

The marketplace in Éire, a tapestry of wonders and delights, offered something for everyone. As the day unfolded, Hariel, Neville, and their friends had departed with treasures, the enjoyment of the day continuing to deepen their friendships

In the myriad of exhibitions they explored in the Museum of Albion's History, one particular display captured Hariel's fascination. It showcased the evolution of magical transportation throughout the ages, from ancient enchanted carriages to the more recent advancements in broomstick technology.

The exhibition featured a rare collection of flying carpets, each intricately woven with spells to navigate the skies. One carpet, in particular, had an enchanting tale attached to it. It was said to have belonged to a legendary witch who traveled across continents, collecting magical artefacts and fostering cross-cultural understanding among wixen communities.

Hariel, drawn to the concept of magical connections transcending geographical boundaries, found herself captivated by the tales of this adventurous witch. The idea of travelling to different countries and wixen communities to explore the cultures there and helping to bridge the gaps between them to build strong alliances resonated with her.

As August drew to a close, preparations for the upcoming school year at Hogwarts began to take shape. The young wixen, now a tightly knit group, eagerly discussed their expectations for the coming term. Quidditch matches, harder spells, new subjects and the excitement of visiting Hogsmeade were common topics of conversation.


Days before the planned outing to get their school supplies from Diagon Alley and the must anticipated reunion between Ron, Hermione and Hariel, Hariel received a summons in the form of a letter from Rangrok. The missive, sealed with the emblem of the bank, bore the weight of importance. It read:

You highness,

Our curse breakers have determined the final pieces needed for the ritual. I ask that you come to Gringotts at your earliest convenience to rid yourself of the parasite attached to you. Come to my office so we can discuss matters further.


Potter, Peverell and Pendragon Account Manager and Chief Liaison for Gringotts

The ink on the parchment seemed to carry a certain urgency, and the words were stark and to the point. It was an undeniable call to face the looming darkness within Hariel and confront the remnants of Voldemort's twisted magic.

Upon reading the letter, a mixture of emotions stirred within Hariel—apprehension, determination, and a flicker of hope. With the weight of Albion pressing upon her, she knew she had to heed the call and arrive at Gringotts swiftly. The time had come to sever the final tie Voldemort had on her person and hopefully begin to sever the rest of him as well.

Hariel carefully folded the letter from Rangrok and made her way to find Sirius, wandering Longbottom Hall before eventually finding him in the library, the weight of the contents of the letter heavy on her mind. Upon entering, she found Sirius engrossed in a book, and she hesitated for a moment before clearing her throat to capture his attention.

"Sirius," she said, her voice steady but carrying a hint of tension.

Sirius looked up, concern flickering in his eyes as he noticed the serious expression on Hariel's face. "What's wrong, Hariel?"

In response, she handed him the letter, allowing him to read the words etched on the parchment. As Sirius perused the contents, his brow furrowed in understanding. The room fell into a contemplative silence before Hariel spoke up.

"I have to go to Gringotts," she explained, her gaze fixed on the floor. "They've figured out how to remove the Horcrux. Rangrok wants me to come to discuss the ritual."

Sirius closed the letter and set it aside, a somber expression replacing the initial concern. "We knew this would happen, little star, better to face it now and be done with it than leave it to fester any longer."

Hariel nodded, her eyes meeting Sirius's with a mix of determination and vulnerability. "I need you with me, Sirius."

Without a moment's hesitation, Sirius stood up and embraced Hariel. "You have it, Hariel. Always."

Feeling the gravity of the situation, Sirius called for Augusta. As she entered the room, he explained the urgency and the need for them to accompany Hariel to Gringotts. Augusta listened attentively, her sharp eyes analysing the situation.

After a brief discussion, they collectively decided that the sooner they confronted this challenge, the better. The trio—Hariel, Sirius, and Augusta—would make their way to Gringotts immediately. As they prepared to depart, the weight of what would happen hung in the air, but all understood the urgency and need to leave quickly to liberate Hariel from Voldemorts clutches once and for all.


In the dimly lit chambers of Gringotts, Hariel, Sirius, and Augusta found themselves standing before Rangrok. The air in the room was heavy with anticipation as Rangrok, with a measured tone, addressed them.

“Your highness, Lord Black, Lady Longbottom, we have successfully devised a ritual to remove the Horcrux from Princess Hariel’s soul," Rangrok spoke, his gravelly voice echoing in the chamber. "The process will be arduous and undoubtedly painful, but it is a necessary step to sever the dark magic that binds you to the fragment of the Dark Lord's soul."

Hariel met Rangrok's gaze, determination in her eyes. "I understand the risks, and I am prepared for it. When can it be performed?"

Rangrok nodded, acknowledging her resolve. "The ritual is ready, and the sooner it is done, the better. Better to have it removed sooner than later, no need to give the Horcrux the opportunity to potentially get stronger."

Sirius, standing beside Hariel, exchanged a concerned glance with Augusta. In a hushed conversation, they debated the optimal timing for the ritual, considering Hariel's well-being and the potential consequences.

Augusta, her voice firm, spoke to Hariel in a low tone, "Child, this won't be easy, but we must do what is necessary. If the goblins say it's ready, then let's proceed. The longer we delay, the greater the risk."

Sirius added, his concern evident, "Hariel, you're not alone in this. We'll be right there with you, every step of the way."

Hariel, taking a deep breath, nodded in agreement. "Let's do it. I want this behind me, and I trust that we have the best experts here."

Rangrok, satisfied with their decision, motioned for them to follow. "Come, the ritual chamber is prepared. Brace yourselves, Your highness. The path to liberation is often paved with pain, but it leads to a brighter future."

With determination in their steps, the trio followed Rangrok to the ritual chamber, Hariel ready to face the challenge that awaited her—a challenge that would free Hariel from the lingering shadow of Voldemort's malevolence.

The ritual chamber in Gringotts was an intricately designed space, adorned with ancient runes and surrounded by the hum of magic. As Hariel, Sirius, Augusta, and Rangrok entered, the room buzzed with anticipation. Gringotts cursebreakers moved purposefully around, preparing for the ritual.

Rangrok, standing at the centre, addressed Sirius and Augusta with a stern expression. "You two, over there," he commanded in a deep, gravelly voice, pointing to a corner. "You must not interrupt the ritual in any way. The consequences for the princess will be severe."

Sirius, his brow furrowed in concern, exchanged a glance with Augusta before nodding in reluctant understanding. They moved to the designated corner, their gaze unwavering as they watched over the proceedings.

Turning his attention back to Hariel, Rangrok spoke, "Now, Princess, you must change into the ritual gown for the ceremony." He gestured toward a screen set in a corner for privacy.

Hariel, feeling a mix of nerves and determination, moved behind the screen to change. Changing quickly, she emerged in a flowing gown covered in runes of all sorts, obscure and common, they melded together to create a complexity that had Hariel’s head spinning, the fabric whispering against the stone floor.

Joining Rangrok, he explained, with a serious tone, the next steps. "You will lay in the centre of the pentagram. Five wixen will take their positions at each point, representing the natural elements: earth, air, fire, water, and the fifth, magic itself.

"The ritual will be intense and undoubtedly painful. However, once completed, the Horcrux will be severed, and you will be free from its grasp."

Hariel met Rangrok's gaze with unwavering determination, though the weight of what was about to happen terrified her. The wixen took their positions, the room hushed in anticipation as the ritual that would decide Hariel's fate began to unfold.

Laying down at the centre of the pentagram, Hariel felt a mix of anxiety and trepidation. The cursebreakers took their positions at each point, and a haunting chant in Gaelic began to fill the chamber. The air seemed to crackle with magic, and a tingling sensation started in Hariel's hands and feet, gradually spreading throughout her body.

The initial tingling turned into a prickling sensation, and soon after, it escalated into a sharp, stabbing pain that seemed to penetrate every fibre of her being. The pain centred at the scar on her forehead, and a burning agony ripped through her head. Hariel, unable to contain it, let out a piercing scream as her body convulsed involuntarily.

The ritual was in full swing, the magical forces at work surging through Hariel, tearing at the Horcrux lingering within her. The intensity of the pain was overwhelming, and Hariel's screams echoed through the chamber, a testament to the profound struggle between the cursebreakers' magic and the malevolent forces that sought to bind her.

In the corner, Sirius and Augusta watched with a mixture of concern and helplessness, their expressions reflecting the anguish they felt for Hariel. The room itself seemed to respond to the magical turbulence, the air vibrating with an energy that spoke of the profound battle being waged within the young witch.

In the heart of the ritual, as the magic surged towards its apex, Hariel let out a blood-curdling scream as the torture intensified. The Horcrux, sensing the impending expulsion, fought back with a malevolent ferocity. Its grip on Hariel tightened, and waves of excruciating agony surged through her like a relentless tide. The pain, unbearable already, intensified, each wave sharper and brighter than the last.

Hariel's body convulsed on the floor, her back arching in a desperate attempt to escape the searing pain. The sensation was beyond anything she had ever imagined—bright, stabbing, and merciless. Her head felt as if it were being split in two, the intensity of the pain reaching an unbearable crescendo.

The cursebreakers, though beginning to buckle under the strain, continued their incantations, determined to wrest the dark magic from its unwilling host. The struggle between the forces of cleansing magic and the lingering remnants of Voldemort's twisted soul played out in the agonising symphony of Hariel's screams and the pulsating magic of the ritual.

Feeling the weight of the magical struggle, the wixenredoubled their efforts. Sweat glistened on their brows as they chanted with increased urgency, their wands tracing swift patterns in the air as they brought the tips down to the points of the pentagram. Magic flowed from their cores, a powerful current coursing through the lines of the intricate symbol. Their collective efforts converged around Hariel, the brilliance of their combined magic forming a blinding barrier that obstructed her from view.

Within the radiant cocoon of energy, Hariel's screams echoed around the chamber, muffled by the overwhelming intensity of the magical clash. The ritual had become a battlefield, a confrontation between the forces seeking liberation and the remnants of Voldemort's malevolent influence. The chamber pulsated with the raw power of the conflicting magics, the air heavy with tension as the cursebreakers poured their skill and determination into the struggle for Hariel's freedom.

In the culmination of the intense magical clash, just when it seemed that Sirius couldn't endure another moment of witnessing Hariel's torment, a blinding light erupted from the centre of the pentagram. The chamber trembled with the release of magical energy as a black mist spiralled out from Hariel's scar, an ethereal manifestation of the Horcrux that had lingered within her. Black ooze continued to flow from her scar, a final struggle against the force of the ritual.

The cursebreakers, their strength depleted, slowed their chanting before coming to a complete stop. Collapsing on the floor, they panted heavily, their faces etched with exhaustion. The chamber, once filled with the cacophony of magical incantations and Hariel's anguished cries, now settled into an eerie silence.

The black mist, once a malevolent presence, was now captured by a gem strategically placed next to Hariel. The gem glowed with a faint, pulsating light as it absorbed the remnants of the Horcrux. The air in the chamber felt lighter, the residual darkness dissipating.

Sirius, watching the proceedings with bated breath, took a hesitant step forward. His eyes remained fixed on the gem as the last traces of the black mist were absorbed. The weight that had burdened Hariel for so long had finally been lifted, and the room, though still, carried an air of profound relief.

As Hariel lay in the centre of the pentagram, the room held a heavy silence, the echoes of her earlier screams still lingering in the air. The magical residue from the ritual glistened faintly on her forehead, a testament to the intense and intricate process that had just taken place.

Sirius and Augusta, expressions etched with concern, rushed forward, their footsteps echoing through the chamber. They knelt beside Hariel, carefully observing her as she lay silent, a stark contrast to the earlier tumultuous moments. Her features, usually radiant and full of life, were now pale, and a sheen of sweat adorned her forehead.

Sirius, with a touch filled with paternal care, brushed a strand of hair from Hariel's face. Augusta's gaze was steady, her concern mirrored in her eyes. Rangrok, observing from a respectful distance, nodded solemnly, acknowledging the toll the ritual had taken on the young witch.

Sirius, carefully picking Hariel up and holding her in his arms, looked toward Rangrok with a mixture of concern and determination. In the dimly lit chamber of Gringotts, he addressed the goblin, his voice low but filled with urgency, "Is there anywhere we can place her to recover?"

Rangrok, the seasoned goblin with a demeanour of authority, nodded in understanding. With a gesture, he motioned for Sirius and Augusta to follow him. The trio navigated through the winding passages of Gringotts, the echoes of their footsteps resonating against the stone walls.

Leading them into his office, Rangrok pointed to a comfortable sofa in the back corner of the room. The office, adorned with intricate goblin-made artefacts, offered a semblance of quietude compared to the ritual chamber they had just left.

"Place her there," Rangrok advised, his words resonating with a sense of wisdom acquired through centuries of goblin knowledge. "She will wake soon, but expect her to be exhausted and sore for a few days. The best thing you can do is let her rest."

Sirius and Augusta, guided by the goblin's instructions, gently laid Hariel on the sofa. The room held an air of hushed anticipation, as if waiting for the moment when Hariel would awaken, her ordeal behind her. Rangrok, observing the trio with a stoic demeanour, offered a final piece of advice before leaving them to attend to the guardian of Albion.

"Once she wakes," Rangrok spoke, his voice carrying the weight of experience, "take her home. Let her rest and recover in familiar surroundings. That is the best remedy for the toll this ritual has taken on her."

The trio formed an island of collective worry, waiting for Hariel to awaken from the excruciating ritual she had endured. The air was thick with anticipation, and the room seemed to hold its breath, as if nature itself awaited the next chapter in the unfolding saga of Albion's guardian.

As Hariel stirred and let out a soft whimper, the room's occupants—Sirius, Augusta, and Rangrok—turned their attention to her. Sirius, a reassuring presence, stood and moved to kneel beside her. He whispered in a soothing tone, his words meant to comfort and reassure, "You're alright, little star. The Horcrux is gone. Just rest now."

Sirius, with gentle care, reached over to brush a few strands of hair away from Hariel's face. His touch conveyed a sense of warmth and protection, a silent promise that the darkness she had carried within her was now vanquished. Augusta and Rangrok observed with a mixture of relief and anticipation, knowing that Hariel had just undergone a significant and challenging ordeal.

Hariel, nestled in the cocoon of their support, allowed herself to drift back into a more peaceful slumber.

Rangrok, observing that Hariel had drifted back into a peaceful slumber, picked up a small, metallic object from his desk. In a low and resonant voice, he informed Sirius and Augusta, "This is a Portkey. It will take you back to Longbottom Hall."

The weight of the moment hung in the air as they prepared to transport back to the safety and familiarity of their home. With a shared understanding, Sirius and Augusta positioned themselves to use the Portkey, ready to transport Hariel from the depths of Gringotts to the comforting embrace of Longbottom Hall. As the magical device activated, they disappeared in a swirl of magical energy, leaving behind the solemn atmosphere of the goblin's office.

Entering Longbottom Hall with Sirius gently cradling Hariel, Augusta accompanying them, they made their way to Hariel's room. Once inside, Augusta a switching spell to charm Hariel's clothes into comfortable pyjamas, ensuring she was snug for her rest. Sirius, with a tender touch, tucked her into bed, the soft linens enveloping her form.

Before leaving the room, Sirius leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss upon Hariel's forehead, a silent reassurance that she was safe. Augusta, with a nod of acknowledgment, followed Sirius out, leaving the door slightly ajar. In their wake, a few flickering candles added a warm and soothing glow to Hariel's room as she peacefully slept, the magical ambiance embracing her in a cocoon of tranquility that became a sanctuary where the guardian of Albion could recover from the remnants of Voldemort's malevolent magic.


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I promise they will get to Hogwarts soon. Diagon Alley and the long awaited reunion with Ron and Hermione next chapter and then chapter 10 they head to Hogwarts. I will say that despite this chapter being fairly short, the chapters from here on out seem to be getting longer. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and I'll update next week!

Also if you're wondering where I'm getting my pictures from, I make them using Copilot Designer. It was honestly amazing when I found it. You have to be really specific when using it, and I have had A LOT of trial and error, but I like it when stories have pictures of the characters, helps me to visualise them a little better and I thought you might appreciate it. Also may be a little obsessed with it, hence the extra photo today.

Chapter 9: Electives and Reunions


Hey all, thanks for all the amazing comments! I love reading them all. This is a whopper of a chapter, I thought about splitting it into 2 chapters but decided not to in the end.

I'm going to preface this by saying that I don't like Mrs Weasley, so that does come across in the story, I'm not going to say it's bashing, maybe mild? Because honestly, this is probably going to be one of the very few times she appears in the story. I think I've read too many fanfics and it's coloured my view of her character.

There is also so brief references to abuse in this chapter, it doesn't go into detail but here's a pre-warning.

Also, used some Irish in this chapter, I do not speak it, if anyone does, please let me know if I've translated it wrong because I did use good translate, mind you it was only two words so hopefully its okay!

I hope you enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the days passed, Hariel's recovery from the harrowing ritual at Gringotts was gradual but steady. She spent most of her time resting in her room, under the watchful eyes of Sirius and Augusta, who ensured she lacked for nothing during her convalescence. Despite the physical pain lingering as a reminder of the ordeal, there was a newfound lightness in Hariel's demeanour, a sense of liberation now that the dark shadow of the Horcrux had been lifted from her.

As Hariel rested in bed, recovering, Neville sat by her side, a concerned expression etched on his face. Neville kept her company during the free moments of his time as he continued with their lessons.

“Are you feeling any better today, Hariel?" Neville asked softly, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Hariel managed a weak smile, her eyes fluttering open to meet Neville's gaze. "A little," she replied, her voice barely above a whisper. "It still hurts, but it is getting better as the days go by. I imagine I will be back to normal by the end of the week."

Neville nodded, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. "I'm glad to hear that. I was really worried about you."

Hariel's smile grew slightly wider at Neville's words. "Thank you, Neville. I'm lucky to have you as a friend."

Neville's cheeks flushed pink at the compliment. "You're welcome, Hariel. You’re my godsister and I know you’ll be there for me should I need it. I was worried when Sirius and gran brought you back.”

Hariel's smile softened at Neville's words, appreciating his worry and want to look out for her. Their friendship had deepened over the summer, as they now regarded each other as siblings. It was a relationship that Hariel knew she would cling to with all her might, she knew that Neville would always be by her side, no matter what, but she knew she also had to reassure him that she would be there as well. "I'll always be here for you, Neville. Just like you're here for me now."

Neville's blush deepened, but he met her gaze with sincerity. "Thanks, Hariel. You’re my sister, we should have grown up together but I’m glad that I’ve been able to get to know you this summer. I feel like a part of me is finally healing, having my little sister near me.” Neville squeezed Hariel’s hand as he said this, the sincerity in his gaze was overwhelming to Hariel and the warmth spread through her body at the family she had now. But she couldn’t let what he said slide.

“Little sister! I’m a day younger than you!” Hariel laughed, pushing at Neville’s shoulder weakly as he laughed and dodged her hand.

“But still younger Hariel! You’ll never manage to catch me up with that day!” Neville laughed again, their joking and laughter ringing through the halls.

Their conversation was interrupted by a soft knock on the door, and Augusta entered the room, her expression a mixture of concern and amusem*nt. "How are you feeling, dear?" she asked, her voice gentle as she approached the bedside.

Hariel shifted slightly, wincing as she tried to get comfortable. "I'm getting there, Augusta," she replied, her voice still tinged with pain. "It's just going to take some time."

Augusta nodded understandingly, her eyes flickering to Neville before returning to Hariel. "Well, you take all the time you need, sweetheart. We're here for you."

Neville nodded in agreement, offering a reassuring smile. "We'll take care of you, Hariel. You just focus on getting better."

Hariel felt a surge of gratitude for the people surrounding her, their unwavering support a source of strength during her recovery. With her family by her side, she knew she would soon overcome this hurdle and emerge stronger than ever. And as she drifted off to sleep once more, she found solace in the knowledge that she was not alone.


Meanwhile, the summer days began to melt into autumn hues, signalling the approach of a new school year at Hogwarts. Hariel recovered from the Horcrux removal and the anticipation of returning to the hallowed halls of the castle stirred within Hariel and Neville, mingled with the eagerness to reunite with their friends.

Hariel had finally heard from Ron and Hermione again, their letters sharing they would be at Diagon Alley on the 31st August so they could accompany her to the station. This made Hariel furrow her brow in thought as she realised they didn’t know she hadn’t been at The Leaky Cauldron since the beginning of the summer. Her heart skipped a beat as she read this, but excitement and concern mingled at the expectations for her to be there in the letter.

Heya Hariel,

Hope this letter finds you okay! We’ll be back from Egypt soon and mum and dad have said that we can spend the night at the Leaky Cauldron with you before heading to the station on the 1st. We’re only going to get to London late on the 30th so we’ll meet up with you in the morning so we can get our school supplies together. Although you might have done that already given you’ve been in the alley for ages!

Mum would never let any of us do that. How’s it been having no adults around? I would have spent all the time at Fortescue. Anyway, we can’t wait to see you. Mum's been going on about it for days, saying that it was too dangerous for you to stay alone at the alley, you know how she is.

Scabber’s hasn't been doing too well lately. He’s been acting strange, not eating properly and all. I’m worried about him, when we get to alley I need to go to the menagerie, hopefully they’ll have something. Fingers crossed.

Anyway, can't wait to see you again and hear all about your summer adventures!


Hariel read through the letter, smiling and rolling her eyes at parts of it. She worried her lip as she thought about what to tell Ron and Hermione. It was clear something had happened to her over the summer, hopefully they’d just chalk it up to learning more about her Potter heritage. She wasn’t ready for anyone else to know yet, soon, but not yet. Sighing she turned her attention to Hermione’s letter.

Dear Hariel,

I hope your okay! I’ve had an amazing time in France, it was all so interesting. I’ve always enjoyed going to France, we spent so much time in the museums in Paris and I found so many interesting books. I’m only sorry that I didn’t manage to find the entrance to the French magical district, but after spending an afternoon attempting to locate it mum and dad said we didn’t have the time to spend longer trying to find it. They did promise that we would come back when I know the location. I’m determined to look through books in the library once we’re back at Hogwarts.

Speaking of which, I can’t wait to start our new electives. It’s all so exciting. Arithmancy and Ancient Runes sound fascinating, but I’m also eager to see what the other subjects are like, it will be interesting to see the wizarding perspective on muggles in muggle studies. I really think you should have considered taking Arithmancy and Ancient Runes Hariel, they are both far more useful.

Anyway, I heard from Ron that his family will be going to Diagon Alley on the 31st and will be staying at The Leaky Cauldron that night before going to the train. I convinced my parents to let me stay as well so we’ll be able to go shopping for school supplies together. I also want to visit the menagerie. I’ve been meaning to get an owl of my own, I've been researching different breeds and I can't wait to choose one. It'll be such a help with communication, my parents want to be able to send more regular letters.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,



Hariel smiled as she read Hermione’s letter, all of it so typical of the muggleborn, she’d have to arrange to go to Diagon Alley on the 31st but she knew she wouldn’t be staying the night, none of her council would allow that. They had been horrified to find out that she had stayed there for just over a week, some what mollified by Rangrok’s assurance of protection but horrified nevertheless. Hermione had brought up some good points though.

Hariel had chosen to take Divination and Care of Magical Creatures as her electives but given her intensive summer, she had discovered a passion for Ancient Runes and she knew Arithmancy was important.

Tucking the letters away she left her room to go and find Sirius and Augusta. They were usually around at this time of the day, Remus was occasionally but he was preparing his lesson plans for the year as the new defence professor at Hogwarts so he tended to be quite busy during the day and had asked not to be disturbed unless it was urgent.

Entering the main drawing room, Hariel found all those she was looking for seated and engaged in quiet conversation. They turned to her as she entered, and a soft smile lit Sirius' face as she came to sit beside him, curling up against his shoulder. The relationship between her and Sirius had grown over the summer as he told her stories of her parents, and they built their relationship up to make up for the missing years they should have had. He was the closest she was ever going to get to a father, and she enjoyed the parental affection he showered her with.

"Hey there, little star," Sirius greeted, wrapping an arm around her. "You feeling better today?"

Hariel nodded, leaning into his embrace. "Yeah, a lot. Thanks to you and Augusta for taking care of me."

Augusta nodded in acknowledgment, a hint of concern still etched on her features. "Of course, dear. We're just glad you're on the mend."

As the conversation lulled, Hariel hesitated for a moment before speaking up. "I've been thinking about my electives for this year. I'm not sure if I want to take Divination and Care of Magical Creatures."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, curious. "Oh? And what do you have in mind instead?"

Hariel glanced around at the assembled group before replying, "I've been considering Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. They seem more... practical."

Augusta interjected, her tone stern. “Divination can be useful, but from what I understand the Professor at Hogwarts focuses on teaching aspects of seeing the furture, as opposed to those skills that everyone can learn, such as scrying, cartomancy, and the other aspects of Divination that almost anyone wixen is capable of.” Here Augusta and Sirius shared a meaningful look and Hariel looked between them in confusion before Augusta continued, “While I believe that Care of Magical Creatures is important, I do not believe to need to necessarily take the class to understand it, as it is, your lessons will continue next summer and during your school holidays and will include instruction on magical creatures. It is important that you know all about them, but I believe it is not necessary for you to take the subject at Hogwarts. You would be more sensible taking Ancient Runes and Arithmancy.”

Sirius nodded in agreement. “Augusta's makes a sound argument. Ancient Runes and Arithmancy are the wisest choices you could take with your electives. Plus, you could always self-study Care if you're interested. You may not get many practical lessons doing it that way, but we can accommodate that during the holidays. ”

Hariel considered the opinions that Augusta and Sirius had and nodded, she knew she definitely wanted to take Ancient Runes, she’d found a passion for it over the summer and loved learning more about it, and Augusta and Sirius were right, Arithmancy was far more useful as well, especially id they would teach her about Care during the holidays.

After considering their advice, Hariel turned back to the group, her expression determined. "Alright, then. I'll go with Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. But how do I go about changing my electives?"

Augusta responded without missing a beat. "I'll send a letter to Professor McGonagall immediately to request the change. As your guardian, I have the authority to do so."

With that settled, Augusta exited the room muttering under her breath about the lack of guidance given to children on subject selection. The others couldn't help but hide their smiles at her grumbling, Sirius in particular seemed to have a wider smirk than Hariel.

As the tension eased, Hariel decided to change the topic. "Speaking of school, I received letters from Ron and Hermione. They'll be at Diagon Alley on the 31st of August. I think it would be a good time to go and get the Ancient Runes and Arithmancy texts I'll need for my new classes."

Sirius nodded in agreement, and plans were quickly made to visit Diagon Alley the following week on the 31st. Hariel felt a sense of excitement building within her as she looked forward to the new school year and the opportunities it would bring. She had already expanded her friendship circle and she was determined to keep it up throughout the year. She had enjoyed getting to know Neville’s friends who were now hers as well, she wasn’t going to go back to being as insular as she had her first two years at school.

With the matter settled, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, and Hariel felt a sense of relief knowing she had made a decision that felt right for her.

As the days dwindled down to the eve of their departure for Hogwarts, Hariel found herself grappling with conflicting emotions. Part of her longed for the familiarity of the castle walls, the camaraderie of her peers, and the thrill of the feeling of magic that Hogwarts was made of. Yet, another part hesitated, not wanting to leave the comfort and safety she had found at Longbottom Hall, surrounding by the care provided by her council.

She couldn’t help but reflect on all the changes that had taken place this summer. From learning of her heritage, to Sirius’ release. To the care that her council provided her with. It all left her with a warm feeling. Biting her lip, she considered one of the biggest changes was her relationship with Sirius.

Sirius had been determined to rebuild the relationship he had with Hariel, he had spent as much time as he could with her, between her lessons and recovery, to his own recovery and responsibilities after he had taken control of the Duchy the Blacks held. Sirius had dived head first into all of it as he recovered, and it hadn’t taken him long to notice things that he didn’t like about how Hariel had grown up.

Sirius, more than anyone except perhaps Neville, knew how much she disliked physical contact. He had noticed it not long after his release. She might be away from the Dursley’s but she didn’t think the after effects would ever really leave her. It had made him suspicious and so Sirius had given the council and Hariel a non-negotiable directive in regards to her care. He had insisted that Hariel needed sessions with a mind healer, similar to the ones he had with his own.

Her first session had been booked without her approval and when she had blown up after being informed he had calmly waited until she was finished and raised an eyebrow before saying,

‘If you think that display would convince me you don’t need a mind healer, I can assure you it has done the exact opposite. Hariel, while I may not have official custody of you yet due to my own healing, I assure you, with how much my sessions have helped me, I know you need them and as much as you may dislike it, you are a child. You’re parents would never forgive me if I didn’t do everything in my power to help you.

‘This is non negotiable. I know the signs of an unhappy childhood Hariel, I lived it. It breaks my heart to see those signs in you. You are my daughter in all but blood, you have a huge burden on your shoulders, mind healing would have come up at some point simply to help you manage that, but you need it for this as well. I know your Hogwarts years haven’t exactly been trauma free either. This is happening.’

Hariel had stared at him as he relaxed on the couch, his eyes calm, before her own eyes welled with tears and she’d burst into sobs, curled up in his arms. This had been early in the summer, only a few weeks after Sirius’ release, when they’d only just starting to really bond. She’d had her first few sessions, which were scheduled to continue each Saturday after she returned to Hogwarts, Although she still disliked the sessions immensely, grudgingly she’d admitted that they were helping, they hadn’t yet delved into the Dursley’s though, just her years at Hogwarts.

That argument with Sirius had been eye opening. She’d never acted like that before in her life, but the idea of talking to anyone about the Dursley’s was terrifying. She was away from them, she didn’t need to talk about them. Sirius though, all he’d done with the tantrum she’d thrown was raise an eyebrow and wait for it to be over, before calmly speaking and then comforting her when everything had caught up. It had made her feel safe, he wasn’t angry.

Sirius had admitted later that his own mind healing had helped him begin to deal with issues that he never had before Azkaban. That he didn’t just talk about his imprisonment, but things that he hadn’t ever talked to anyone about but her father. Admitting that it was helping him more than he ever thought it would had allowed Hariel to take her own sessions seriously, especially when he had added that he only wanted the best for her and this was that.


As the last day of August dawned, Hariel felt a mixture of nervousness and excitement stirring within her. She dressed carefully, choosing her attire with more thought than usual due to her nerves, knowing that the day ahead held significance. Downstairs in the breakfast room, she found Neville and Sirius already seated, the anticipation palpable in the air.

"Good morning, Hariel," Neville greeted, offering her a warm smile. "Are you ready for today?”

It still astonished her to see how much Neville’s confidence had grown over the summer, he wasn’t the shy, stumbling, stuttering boy that he was at Hogwarts. He was growing up, he’d lost a lot of the baby fat he’d had due to their lessons over the summer and his posture showed his building confidence. It was amazing to witness his transformation, for however much Hariel herself had changed, and she knew she had, Neville seemed to have changed ten times more. Their friends had commented on it over the summer. It was why she was worried about seeing Ron and Hermione, she knew how different both her and Neville were, and she also knew how much they had both grown and changed. She worried that Ron and Hermione wouldn’t understand it.

Hariel nodded, a hint of nerves flickering in her eyes. "As ready as I'll ever be, I suppose."

Sirius chimed in, his voice reassuring. “It’ll be just fine, Hariel. We're here to support you every step of the way."

The trio engaged in conversation as they enjoyed their breakfast, discussing the plans for the day and the anticipated meet-up with Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the Weasleys at Diagon Alley.

"So, what's the game plan for today?" Sirius asked, leaning back in his chair.

Neville glanced at Hariel before responding. "I thought we’d start by meeting up with the Weasley’s and Hermione? That’s mostly why we’re going right?”

Hariel nodded in agreement. "That sounds good to me. I just need to grab the Runes and Arithmancy textbooks, I’m sure we’ll head to Flourish and Blotts at some point. From what I understand neither Hermione or the Weasley’s have managed to do their school shopping yet. I just hope everything goes smoothly."

Sirius placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, Hariel. I can’t say that it won’t hurt if it doesn’t go as expected, but, well, let’s not go borrowing trouble, we’ll figure it out when we need to.”

Hariel smiled half-heartedly at Sirius, she knew he was right, and she had no intention of telling Ron and Hermione, let alone the other Weasley’s, most of what she had found out this summer. She wasn’t ready. Neville knew and accepted it, and apart from being a bit more protective than he was inclined to be at times, hadn’t made a big deal. Though now that she thought about it, it could just be that he’d always felt protective due to the connection they shared through their parents, but now that they were closer he felt more able to show it.

With their strategy in place, the trio finished their breakfast and made their way to Diagon Alley, Hariel's heart fluttering with anticipation for the reunion with her friends.


As Sirius, Neville, and Hariel entered The Leaky Cauldron, they spotted the Weasleys and Hermione seated at a table, engrossed in conversation and still finishing their breakfast. Mrs. Weasley's voice carried over the buzz of the pub, filled with a mixture of worry and frustration.

"I just don't understand where Hariel could be. She’s supposed to be staying here," Mrs. Weasley fretted, her tone laced with concern as she glanced around the room.

Mr. Weasley attempted to reassure her, his voice calm but tinged with worry. "Now, Molly, I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation. Perhaps she has already eaten and is in the alley."

Meanwhile, Fred and George, ever the jesters, couldn't resist adding their own commentary to the situation, riling their mother up further. “Maybe-“ George started.

“She's off fighting-” Fred grinned, his smile widening as he watched his mother begin to frown at them.

“Dragons or solving-” George continued mischievously, snickering.

“Mysteries," They quipped together with a mischievous grin. Outright laughing as Mrs Weasley turned to them.

“Stop with that nonsense Fred, George. Don’t be ridiculous!” It looked like Mrs Weasley was gearing up to start an impressive rant before she was distracted by Hermione.

Hermione herself looked torn between amusem*nt and concern, exchanging worried glances with Ron as they murmured quietly to each other. "Her letters didn't mention anything about her plans changing," Hermione said, her brow furrowed with worry.

“I’m sure she’s fine, Molly dear,” Mr Weasley said, stopping further conversation, especially as his eyes widened when he spotted Neville, Hariel and Sirius walking towards their table. “In fact, here she comes now, althou-” Mr Weasley didn’t get to finish what he was saying before Mrs. Weasley's head whipped around at the sight of Sirius, Neville, and Hariel approaching, her expression a mix of relief and concern. Without hesitation, she jumped out of her seat and hurried over to Hariel, engulfing her in a tight hug before Hariel could react.

Hariel immediately stiffened at the unexpected embrace, feeling uncomfortably confined in Mrs. Weasley's tight hold. She had never enjoyed unexpected contact, especially from those she didn’t know especially well. It had taken most of the summer for her to become comfortable with the unexpected embraces and affectionate contact that she got from Sirius, Neville, Remus and Augusta. She still wasn’t entirely comfortable, but she didn’t jump a foot in the air whenever it happened now. This all meant that she struggled slightly, trying to extricate herself from the embrace, her discomfort evident on her face.

"Mrs. Weasley, please," Hariel murmured softly, her voice muffled against Mrs. Weasley's shoulder, "I can't breathe."

Meanwhile, Hermione and Ron, their concern evident, also rose from their seats. “Hariel!” They called out in concern, rushing over to her.

As Mrs. Weasley released Hariel from the tight embrace, Hariel instinctively took a step back, creating some distance between herself and Mrs. Weasley. The barrage of questions from Hermione, Ron, and Mrs. Weasley left her feeling overwhelmed and flustered.

Mrs Weasley’s voice rose louder than anyone else’s and before another word could be spoken, she exclaimed, ”Oh, Hariel dear, where have you been? We were so worried when we arrived and you weren't at The Leaky Cauldron!"

"Yes, we kept looking around for you but couldn’t see you,” Hermione spoke over Mrs Weasley.

Ron continued, ”And then we were wondering if something happened!"

Hariel, her mind racing, struggled to find the right words to explain her absence amidst the flurry of inquiries.

"I-I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley. Things have changed over the summer. I-I-I I’ve not been staying at The Leaky Cauldron since the start of the summer.” Hariel stuttered, overwhelmed by the barrage of questions, feeling claustrophobic as they encircled her, reaching a hand back and feeling the reassuring grasp of Sirius’ calloused hand.

"But why didn't you let us know? We were worried when you weren’t here when we arrived!” Mrs Weasley exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. Hariel could feel eyes from all over the pub looking in their direction, whispers starting up. It made for face flush from the attention, wanting to end the public display that was going on.

“I’m very sorry to have caused you concern, it wasn’t something that I wanted to put in a letter. But please, let’s collect ourselves and discuss this calmly.” Hariel spoke as she began ushering them back to the table, keeping her voice low to stop from being overheard.

Hermione couldn’t wait until they had all sat down again, bursting out “But where were you? We were expecting you to meet us at The Leaky Cauldron!”

Taking a deep breath to regain her composure, she felt Sirius standing behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders in support. She didn’t need to turn round to know that his mouth was twisted in displeasure. Sirius, she had found, was extraordinarily protective and didn’t like people who made her uncomfortable, whether they realised it or not.

He had freely admitted it was one of his faults, but not one he felt compelled to improve because it was about protecting her. It was why he was accompanying Neville and Hariel to Diagon Alley that day, he knew he would be inundated by people and it might have been better to allow Remus or Andromeda to accompany them, but he wanted to be there himself. Besides, he’d missed taking her to Dragon Alley the first time, he wanted to be with her now.

Mrs Weasley continued shrilly once they had all sat down. ”But you could have sent a message! We were all so worried about you!”

As Mrs. Weasley finished speaking, the others noticed Sirius and Neville. Ron and Hermione couldn't hide their surprise.

"Wait, Neville?” Ron exclaimed, looking between Hariel and Neville as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.

"What are you doing here?” Hermione asked abruptly, her eyes swinging between the two and back to Ron, her brow furrowing as Hariel didn’t speak.

Hariel raised an eyebrow at the reaction from her friends and exchanged a meaningful look with Neville, silently acknowledging the many truths the two had shared over the summer, especially given the rather lukewarm reaction seeing Neville had revealed. Turning back to face Ron and Hermione, she offered a small smile.

“Well, there’s been a lot of change this summer like I said. We've been spending some time together this summer."

Neville nodded in agreement, chiming in to clarify.

“Yeah, we've... uh, we've had a lot to catch up on, and with Hariel not staying with her relatives this summer, we’ve been able to become better friends.”

The atmosphere shifted slightly as Ron and Hermione exchanged startled glances, both frowning before they turned back to Hariel and Neville.

“Okay, so you’ve been spending more time together, but suddenly being so close?” Ron said, his voice tinged with jealousy.

Hermione nodded in time with Ron, frowning as she chimed in, "Yes, it's rather surprising, considering you two didn't seem all that close before."

Hariel shifted uncomfortably, feeling the weight of their curiosity. "Well, it's a bit of a long story," she began, choosing her words carefully. "It all started at the beginning of summer..."

She took a deep breath, recalling the events that had unfolded. "I went to Gringotts to get some money after leaving the Dursleys'. While I was there, I met with my account manager, and that's when I learnt more about my Potter heritage."

Ron's eyes widened in surprise, "Your Potter heritage? What do you mean?"

Hariel nodded, "Yeah. Well I didn’t really know anything about the Potter’s or all the responsibilities that came with it. It was...overwhelming, to say the least."

Hermione leaned in, her curiosity piqued, “What responsibilities? What does that have to do with Neville?"

Hariel sighed, “I found out that the Potter’s have the Duchy of Caernarfon, which was shocking, anyway. I also found that my parent’s will had never been read. Well, after the will reading, things got a bit complicated. I found out Sirius wasn't my parent's secret keeper, which led to his trial." She paused, a somber tone creeping into her voice. "Anyway, Augusta Longbottom, Neville's grandmother, invited me to stay with them for the summer."

Ron and Hermione exchanged surprised glances, trying to process the sudden revelation.

Mrs. Weasley interjected abruptly, her voice tinged with a mix of concern and reproach, "But, Hariel dear, you could have stayed with us. You know you're always welcome. You didn't need to go to the Longbottoms'."

Hariel started to respond, "I know, Mrs. Weasley, but..."

Before she could finish, Mr. Weasley's gaze shifted to Sirius, his brow furrowing in confusion. "Hold on a moment," he interjected, peering closely at Sirius. "Who are you?"

Mrs. Weasley's head snapped in Sirius' direction, her eyes narrowing with suspicion, "Yes, who are you?" she echoed, her tone sharp.

Sirius straightened, a regal air surrounding him as he eyed the Weasley parents. "I am Lord Sirius Black, Duke of Blackmoor," he announced with a hint of authority, his voice carrying the weight of his noble lineage, Hariel knew he hated putting on that tone of voice, but he knew how to and he used it to his advantage when he thought he might need to. "And I am also Hariel's godfather."

He paused for a moment before continuing, addressing Mrs. Weasley's earlier comment. "As much as we appreciate your offer, Mrs. Weasley," Sirius said firmly, "Hariel couldn't have stayed with you. Augusta Longbottom has custody of her, as dictated by her parents' will and familial connections. It's in Hariel's best interest, and mine, that she stay there until I am fully recovered.”

Mrs. Weasley's sharp exclamation of "Sirius Black!" pierced the air, drawing the attention of everyone in the bustling pub. Hariel felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment, mortified by the sudden outburst and the spotlight it cast upon her and Sirius. Neville, standing beside her, straightened his posture, a protective stance taken in response to the tension in the room.

Sirius, his expression shifting to one of guarded defiance, narrowed his eyes at Mrs. Weasley. He remained composed, though the flash of annoyance was evident in his gaze. The unexpected confrontation had disrupted the peace of the moment, and Sirius braced himself for whatever reaction might follow.

Mrs. Weasley's tirade continued, her voice carrying a mixture of indignation and concern. "Hariel can't stay with you, Black! You're dangerous, and it's unthinkable for her to be in your care. How dare you come into polite society after all that you've done!" Her words rang out, causing a ripple of discomfort among the other Weasleys, who exchanged mortified glances.

Mr. Weasley, sensing the escalating tension, attempted to interject, his voice calm but strained. "Molly, please, let's not make a scene..."

But Mrs. Weasley was undeterred, her determination unwavering. “I'll speak to Dumbledore about Hariel staying with us. It's the best option for her, and she deserves a proper upbringing."

Hariel's eyes narrowed with a mixture of anger and defiance, her fists clenching at her sides. The unjust accusations stung, fuelling the fire of her indignation. She met Mrs. Weasley's gaze squarely, refusing to back down.

Meanwhile, Sirius raised an eyebrow at the unseemly display, his expression a blend of resignation and quiet amusem*nt at Mrs. Weasley's fervent disapproval. He remained silent, but his gaze held a glint of defiance, a silent challenge to the accusations hurled his way.

Sirius's voice cut through the tension with a firmness that demanded attention. "Sit down, Madam Weasley. This display is unbecoming." His tone brooked no argument as he addressed Mrs. Weasley directly. "The headmaster of Hariel's school has no control over who her guardians are and where she stays over the summer. Hariel's placement is according to her parents' wishes, and as neither you nor your husband were acquaintances of James or Lily, what makes you think the courts would accept your application?"

He paused, his gaze steady as he continued. "Hariel will be duch*ess of Caernarfon when she turns sixteen. She needs the guidance of those who have similar responsibilities. And, in any case, I have not been granted custody yet. I need further healing before I can take on full custody. Hariel's custody will remain with Augusta until such a time."

With a measured breath, Sirius continued, his voice steady despite the rising tension. "I have healed remarkably well, not that it is any of your business. But given the length of my imprisonment, it was decided a year at minimum would pass before I would be considered for custody. But residing in the same place was encouraged, and Augusta has graciously allowed it. Please show some decorum. We are in a public place and do not need to air disagreements so publicly." His words were firm, and Hariel was sure that she wasn’t the only one who detected the hint of distaste this encounter had given Sirius for Mrs Weasley.

Mrs. Weasley's shocked expression was palpable, her gaze lingering on Sirius with a mixture of surprise and perhaps a hint of indignation. Beside her, Mr. Weasley closed his eyes momentarily, a silent acknowledgment of the situation's embarrassment before he opened them again and turned to address Sirius.

“Lord Black, I... I apologise," Mr. Weasley began, his tone sincere as he spoke directly to Sirius. "I'm sorry for the misunderstanding. It was wrong of us to jump to conclusions without understanding the full situation. We appreciate the clarification."

His apology was genuine, a testament to his desire to maintain goodwill despite the tension. It was a small step towards reconciliation in the midst of the heated exchange.

Sirius nodded graciously at Mr. Weasley before turning to address the group. "Thank you. Now, I believe the sole purpose of our visit is for the children to gather school supplies. Hariel and Neville already have most of what they need; they just need to grab a few books. Why don't I go with Hariel and her friends while the rest of you finish your shopping? We don't have long before we need to head home."

His suggestion was met with nods of agreement from the others, and Mrs. Weasley offered a strained smile after a sharp look was directed at her from Mr Weasley. "Yes, that sounds like a good plan. We'll meet back here in a couple of hours then."

Hariel breathed a sigh of relief, grateful for Sirius's intervention. "Thank you, Sirius. That sounds like a great plan. I really need those books."

Neville chimed in, "Yeah, thanks, Sirius. Let's go get those books."

With the plan settled, the group split up, Sirius leading Hariel and her friends towards the bookstore while the rest of the Weasleys set off on their own shopping errands.

As they followed Sirius, Neville, and Hariel through the bustling streets of Diagon Alley, Hermione and Ron exchanged nervous glances. The tension from the earlier encounter with Mrs. Weasley still lingered in the air, but Hariel's friendly demeanour helped ease their nerves.

Hariel turned to Ron with a curious smile. "So, Ron, how was your trip to Egypt? Did you have fun visiting your older brother?"

Ron's expression brightened at the mention of his trip. "Yeah, it was brilliant! Bill showed us around all these amazing places, like the Egyptian tombs and the bazaar. Oh, and Fred and George tried to trap Percy in one of the tombs! It was hilarious when mum caught them, I didn’t think she could go so red!”

Ron’s voice trailed off as he mentioned his mum, but Hariel did her best not to change her expression, encouraging Hermione to add her own holiday into the conversation.

Hariel listened intently, nodding along as Ron recounted his adventures. Then, she turned to Hermione. "And Hermione, how was your trip to France? Did you enjoy exploring it despite not being able to find the entrance to the French alley?"

Hermione's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "It was absolutely fascinating! We visited museums, art galleries, and historical landmarks. I even got to practice my French a bit! I admit I was upset but it was still a lovely holiday and I learnt a lot. I always enjoy going on holiday with my parents.”

As they chatted, the tension of the earlier confrontation began to fade away, Hariel didn’t think it would fade completely for some time, she was somewhat disturbed by how Mrs Weasley had reacted, especially because, while she had stayed with the Weasley’s for part of the summer the year before, she really didn’t know her that well.

As they navigated through Diagon Alley, the group made their way to various shops, ticking off items from their Hogwarts supply list. Ron led the way, explaining that he had already obtained a new wand from Ollivanders.

“Dad took me to get a new one after I got home at the beginning of the summer, said that I shouldn’t have a broken wand anymore,” Ron explained, rubbing the back of his neck.

Hariel cringed slightly as she remembered how Ron’s wand had broken the previous year, flying Ron’s dad’s car to Hogwarts really hadn’t been her best moment. “At least you're all set now, Ron."

Neville nodded in agreement. "Yeah, having a reliable wand is crucial, I managed to get a new wand this year, Gran finally gave in when she realised how little my dad’s wand was working for me."

Once they had gathered the necessary potions ingredients and parchment from Scribbulus Writing Implements, Hermione piped up, her eyes alight with excitement. "Can we go to the Magical Menagerie next? I've been meaning to get an owl to make contacting my parents slightly easier! I know the school has owls that I can use, but I really think I’d like my own.”

Hariel nodded, looking over to Sirius to see he had been trailing behind slightly but he inclined his head in agreement when she caught his eye, so she responded, "Sounds like a great idea! Let's go check it out."

With Hermione leading the way, they made their way to the Magical Menagerie, Ron piping up by saying he’d already gotten some rat tonic for Scabber’s because he had rushed out with his dad that morning, Scabbers was resting in Ron’s room back at the inn.

As they stepped into the Magical Menagerie, the air was filled with a cacophony of sounds and a riot of colours. Creatures of all shapes and sizes flitted and scurried about their enclosures, each one more fantastical than the last.

Hariel's eyes widened in wonder as she wandered away from the others, drawn to a display of colourful winged creatures fluttering gracefully in a large aviary. She watched in fascination as the creatures soared and twirled in the air, their iridescent wings catching the light.

Meanwhile, Hermione made a beeline for the man at the front desk, her curiosity piqued as she bombarded him with questions about the various different breeds of owl in the shop. She listened intently as he told her about the best breeds for long distance post, those who were swift, those difficult to track and intercept.

Sirius headed over to the section of the shop dedicated to owl treats. He perused the shelves, examining the assortment of delectable treats designed to appeal to the discerning palate of magical owls. Neville followed close behind, casting curious glances at the array of treats on display.

Ron, torn between following Hermione and Hariel, eventually decided to stick with Hermione, quietly stepping beside her at the counter as she continued to question the man behind it. The poor man looked more overwhelmed as Hermione’s questions never seemed to let up.

As Hermione bombarded the man at the desk with questions about different owl breeds, her inquisitive chatter was suddenly interrupted by a loud yowl. Startled, she turned to see a large ginger cat with a squashed face bounding into the conversation, its tail held high in the air.

The cat came to a graceful halt between Hermione and the man at the desk, sitting back on its haunches and regarding Hermione with a curious gaze. With an air of nonchalance, it lifted one paw to its mouth, delicately licking at a claw as if to punctuate its entrance.

Hermione blinked in surprise at the unexpected interruption, momentarily taken aback by the audacity of the cat's intrusion. She exchanged a bemused glance with the man at the desk, who chuckled softly at the feline's antics.

Unexpected though the interruption was, Hermione quickly regained her composure and directed her attention back to the man at the desk, though her curiosity about the eccentric cat lingered in the back of her mind.

As Hariel's attention shifted away from the commotion caused by the ginger cat, she found herself drawn to the back of the store where a group of cat like creatures lounged in their cages. Among them, what looked like a sleek black kitten with strikingly bright blue eyes and fairy like wings caught her eye.

Intrigued, Hariel approached the cage quietly, her steps cautious as she didn't want to startle the small creature. The creature regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and wariness, its blue eyes shimmering in the dim light of the store and its wings fluttering rapidly.

As Hariel knelt down to get a closer look, the creature padded over to the front of the cage, its tiny nose twitching inquisitively. There was something about the way it watched her, an intelligence and awareness that seemed to extend beyond its small frame.

Captivated by the creature's beauty and demeanour, Hariel felt a connection stir within her, a sense of kinship with this solitary creature. She reached out a hand, offering a tentative gesture of friendship, and smiled as the creature leaned forward to sniff her fingers, its gaze never wavering from hers.

Sirius and Neville approached quietly, joining Hariel as she knelt by the cage where the black creature resided. Sirius observed the interaction between Hariel and the creature with a warm smile, his eyes reflecting a sense of fondness for the scene unfolding before him.

As Hariel reached out her hand to stroke the creature's paw, Neville watched with a gentle expression, his features softening as he observed the quiet bond forming between his friend and the small creature.

The creature, emboldened by Hariel's gentle touch, leaned closer to the cage, its blue eyes fixed on her face with a mix of curiosity and trust. Hariel's heart swelled with warmth at the connection she felt with the creature, a silent understanding passing between them.

Sirius, sensing the moment, placed a hand on Hariel's shoulder, his touch reassuring. "Looks like you've made a friend, Hariel," he remarked, his voice soft with approval.

Hariel glanced up at Sirius and Neville, a bright smile lighting up her face. "Yeah," she said, her voice filled with quiet excitement. "I think I have." With a sense of contentment, she continued to stroke the creature's paw, cherishing the newfound bond between them.

Sirius leaned in closer to Hariel, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper as he explained the nature of the creature she had taken an interest in.

"You see, Hariel," Sirius began, his eyes glinting with excitement, "what you've stumbled upon here isn't just any ordinary cat. It's a sióg feile, it translates literally from Irish to fairy feline.” He paused for dramatic effect, watching as Hariel's eyes widened with intrigue.

"Sióg feile are magical creatures, deeply connected to the essence of magic and nature," Sirius continued, his tone reverent. "They're known for their mischievous nature, often elusive and difficult to spot. But once you've earned their trust, they're fiercely loyal companions."

Hariel listened intently, hanging onto every word Sirius spoke about the mysterious creature before her.

"They have the remarkable ability to grow to the size of a large dog," Sirius went on, "and they're incredibly intelligent. Some say they possess the gift of communication, able to converse with humans if they so choose."

As Sirius finished his explanation, Hariel's eyes sparkled with wonder and excitement. She turned her attention back to the sióg feile, watching as its wings fluttered again, before the kitten like creature nudged her hand with its head.

As the sióg feile playfully nipped at Hariel's finger, she instinctively drew her hand back, hissing softly at the sudden sensation. Neville and Sirius both started at the unexpected action, their expressions a mix of surprise and concern. However, Sirius's surprise quickly turned into a wide grin as he observed something remarkable unfolding before them.

"Look there," Sirius exclaimed, pointing to a faint golden thread shimmering in the air between Hariel's finger and the sióg feile. "It seems you've caught its attention, Hariel."

Hariel glanced between her finger and the sióg feile, her curiosity piqued by the golden thread that seemed to connect them. Sirius stepped closer, his voice tinged with excitement as he explained the significance of what they were witnessing.

"This," Sirius began, gesturing to the golden thread, "is a familiar bond. Sióg feile, much like other magical creatures, choose their companions. It appears this little one has chosen you, Hariel."

Hariel's eyes widened in amazement as she absorbed Sirius's words. The idea that the sióg feile had chosen her as its companion filled her with a sense of wonder and awe. She tentatively reached out her hand again, this time offering it to the sióg feile with newfound understanding and acceptance. As their gazes met, she felt a spark of connection, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between them.

With a sense of excitement and anticipation, Hariel smiled at the sióg feile.

Hariel's expression shifted to one of concern as she turned to Sirius, her brows furrowed with worry. "But what about Hogwarts?" she asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. "I already have Hedwig, and I can't have another pet at Hogwarts."

Sirius met her gaze with a reassuring smile, his eyes reflecting understanding. "Familiar bonds are special, Hariel," he explained gently, shaking his head slightly. "Hogwarts has made exceptions in the past, and they'll certainly make one for you. Besides, having a sióg feile as a companion is a rare and extraordinary privilege."

Hariel nodded slowly, absorbing Sirius's words. The idea of having a sióg feile as her companion at Hogwarts filled her with a sense of comfort and reassurance. With a grateful smile, she turned back to the kitten, her worries eased by Sirius's reassurance. She knew that this bond was something truly special, and she felt incredibly fortunate to have been chosen by such a magical creature.

Sirius nodded decisively, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I'll go and speak to the man at the front desk," he said, before turning to Neville. "Neville, could you grab everything Hariel will need for her new companion?"

Neville nodded eagerly, already moving to gather the necessary supplies as Hariel carefully opened the cage and lifted the kitten out. The sióg feile's gaze remained fixed on her, its bright blue eyes reflecting a sense of curiosity and connection. Cradling the kitten in her arms, Hariel made her way to the front of the shop where Sirius was speaking with the man at the desk, his voice earnest as he discussed acquiring the sióg feile.

Meanwhile, Hermione and Ron had disappeared further into the shop, engrossed in their own exploration of the magical creatures on display. With her new companion nestled against her, Hariel felt a sense of warmth and excitement coursing through her veins, grateful for the unexpected bond that had formed between her and the enigmatic sióg feile.

Sirius's negotiation skills were at play as he haggled down the price of the kitten with the man at the desk. The man initially demanded 20 galleons, but Sirius held his ground, pointing out that Hariel and the feline shared a familiar bond, making it unlikely for the creature to accept another owner.

Scowling at Sirius’s argument, the man relented, albeit with a sigh, and agreed to lower the price to 8 galleons. With the deal struck, Sirius exchanged the necessary currency as well as what was owed for everything Hariel would need for her kitten as Neville brought it to the front.

As they stepped out of the magical menagerie, Hariel, Neville, and Sirius were laden with their purchases, including Hariel's newfound feline friend, who seemed quite content perched on her shoulder. Sirius efficiently shrunk down their packages, making them more manageable to carry.

Neville turned to Hariel with a question about the cat's name and gender. "So, Hariel, what are you going to name him? And is he a boy or a girl?"

Hariel gently stroked the cat's fur as she pondered Neville's question. "He's a boy," she replied softly, her gaze drifting to the curious creature on her shoulder. "As for his name, I'm not sure yet. Maybe I'll find some inspiration in Flourish and Blotts. We just need to wait for Hermione and Ron.”

As Hermione and Ron emerged from the shop, their voices carried a heated undertone, clearly engaged in a disagreement. Ron's expression was one of exasperation, while Hermione's was determined.

"What were you thinking, Hermione?" Ron exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration. "That ginger cat tried attacking Scabbers while I was in there earlier!"

Hermione's eyes flashed with defiance as she retorted, "It doesn't matter, Ron! He's beautiful, and I've always wanted a cat.”

“A cat! You went in there for an owl!” Ron exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

Hermione sniffed, “Well, that was only a thought, I can still use the school owls, and besides, I just wanted a pet and as soon as I saw him I couldn’t resist.” Ron rolled his eyes in response before they came to a stop besides Hariel, Sirius and Neville.

The tension between them was palpable, contrasting with the excitement surrounding Hariel's new feline companion.

Ron and Hermione blinked in surprise as they noticed Hariel's new companion perched on her shoulder. Hermione's eyes widened with fascination, and she couldn't contain her excitement.

"Oh, Hariel, is that a sióg feile?" Hermione exclaimed, her voice filled with awe. "I've read about them before! Sióg feile are incredibly rare and very magical creatures. They have strong connections to magic and nature. They're known for their mischievous nature but also for their loyalty once they've chosen someone to bond with."

Hermione's enthusiasm spilled over as she shared her knowledge of sióg feile with Hariel and Ron, her excitement evident in her voice.

Hariel smiled, “I know Hermione, Sirius told me when I first found him. He’s beautiful! And that’s a lovely cat Hermione.”

“Oh, well, thank you Hariel.” Hermione said, taken aback as she looked at Sirius. Sirius raised an eyebrow in response before looking away and back towards Hariel.

“Right, I believe the final stop is for books, so lets head to Flourish and Blotts.” Sirius said, clapping his hands and leading the way.

As they perused the shelves of Flourish and Blotts, Hariel's attention was caught by several intriguing titles. She reached for a book on Ancient Runes and Arithmancy, essentials for her elective studies, before her gaze wandered to a captivating volume about sióg feile. The allure of learning more about her new companion was irresistible.

Among the shelves, Hariel discovered additional books that further piqued her interest in Albion's history, nobility, and royalty. Titles like: Echoes of Albion: A Historical Journey

Noble Blood: The Heritage of Albion's Aristocracy

Regal Realms: Tales of Albion's Royalty

Majestic Lineage: Albion's Royal Family Through the Ages

Legends of the Realm: Stories from Albion's Courts

These titles could offer Hariel a deeper understanding of Albion's rich cultural heritage and provide insights into her own royal lineage. All of them were added to her basket before she made her way to the front of the store to pay.

As Hermione glanced at the titles of the books Hariel was purchasing, her expression changed and she frowned down at the books. With a thoughtful expression, she turned to Hariel and asked about the books she had chosen.

"Hey, Hariel, why are you buying those books?" Hermione inquired, her brow furrowing slightly. “They have some odd titles. And you have the Ancient Runes and Arithmancy texts there, you aren’t taking those subjects.”

Hariel smiled and gestured to the stack of books on the counter. "Well, I did some studying over the summer and found Runes fascinating and Sirius and Augusta said that Arithmancy is useful, especially if I combine it with Ancient Rune,” she explained, pointing to the relevant textbooks. "But these other ones are about Albion's history, nobility, and royalty. With my learning of the Dukedom the Potter’s held, it’s really important that I know how to interact with others so I don’t accidentally insult someone and cause a feud of some sort. I’m really lucky I haven’t already to be honest. No one told me about any of this stuff.”

Hermione's expression shifted to one of arrogance and her voice shifted as well, becoming more arrogant and condescending as her face settled into an expression of determination, "But, Hariel, England doesn't have a magical royal family," she stated. "And I don't understand why you'd say you have the Duchy of Caernarfon. Magical folk don't have nobility like Muggles do. It all comes under the muggle world in the end really, at least that’s what I’ve read.”

Hariel paused, considering how to respond to Hermione's statement. The arrogance and condescension that littered her tone struck Hariel the wrong way, especially when she talked about the books she had read about it, Hariel had no idea what books they were, but they were most definitely wrong. She knew out of all her friends, Hermione was the one who would have the most difficulty understanding this, she took what she read as fact, not thinking about the bias that could be in the book from the author, and she had never really grasped that books and professors could be wrong. She took a moment to gather her thoughts before explaining, "Well, Hermione, it's a bit complicated. You see, magical Britain is called Albion, it’s something Binns hasn’t covered, but anyway, Albion has its own history, its own royalty and traditions. Religions are different, with most of Albion’s citizens celebrating the wheel of the year and worshipping the Celtic gods and mother magic. My family has ties to Albion's magical nobility, and the Duchy of Caernarfon is part of that heritage."

Hermione's brow furrowed as she processed Hariel's explanation. “That’s not true Hariel, when I looked into the history of Wizarding Britain, it said that it all came under the muggle royal family. That was a more recent book than the ones your buying as well. And why are wizards still celebrating the wheel of the year, that’s pagan, and barbaric if you ask me. As are the Celtic gods.” she said slowly, “I mean, there isn’t a magical royal family is there? I’ve never heard of one, and the books I’ve read haven’t mentioned anything about it. Besides, I’ve never seen anyone celebrating those festivals at Hogwarts. We celebrate Halloween and Christmas there. Ron’s family do as well.”

“Hermione, please do not insult the gods!” Hariel exclaimed, eyeing around them wearily, even though she knew it unlikely for them to get involved in matters of opinion. As she looked around she couldn’t help but notice some of the other wixen in the shop were eyeing Hermione quite unpleasantly. “Not everything pagan is barbaric and you’d do well to learn more about it before expressing those opinions!”

Hermione looked quite taken aback from the vermence in Hariel’s voice as she looked at her, “Sorry Hariel, I, I’ll try to remember that in the future.” Hermione said, her eyes wary as she took in the anger that had crossed Hariel’s face.

Hariel sighed at that response, she wasn’t sure how sincere that apology had been. It was one of the things about her friend that annoyed her to no end, once she thought she knew something, it was almost impossible to get her to see a different perspective. She was getting better, and Hariel supposed at 13 they were all going to make mistakes, Hariel certainly had and still did, but Hariel dearly wished that Hermione would grow out of this tunnel visioned approach to learning.

Standing taller, Hariel began trying to explain to Hermione what she had learnt over the summer, “In the early 15th century the last magical monarch of Albion, King Arthur Pendragon VIII died with no heir. At that point the muggle royal family gained some limited amount of control, but not much. Wixen don’t want to be ruled by muggles Hermione, especially not with witch hunts ongoing throughout that time. You’ve got to remember Hermione that wixen believe heavily in tradition. Those of noble blood, like the Potter’s, are old lines that date back hundreds if not thousands of years. The families are heaped in traditions and wixen society doesn’t change much due to how long wixen can live. Advancements in spell craft, potions and healing are made, as well as in runes and other things, but in general, the traditions that our ancestors had are carried through the ages because wixen know the gods exist, they know to give respect to Mother Magic for their gifts. Hogwarts doesn’t teach this but they should because it’s so important for those of muggle backgrounds to understand,” she replied as they gathered their purchases and headed out of Flourish and Blotts together.

They left Flourish and Blotts with everyone following along behind, Hermione deep in thought as they headed back to The Leaky Cauldron.

As they returned to the Leaky Cauldron, Hermione remained lost in thought, her mind clearly occupied by the conversation they had just had. Hariel exchanged a glance with Sirius, who nodded subtly, indicating they had some time before they needed to depart.

Deciding to join Ron and Hermione, Hariel motioned for Neville to follow as they settled around a nearby table. Sirius, on the other hand, chose a separate table, engrossing himself in the Daily Prophet. As he read, his expressions ranged from mild amusem*nt to outright disdain, occasionally shaking his head or rolling his eyes at the news he encountered.

Sitting with Ron and Hermione, Hariel sensed Hermione's preoccupation with their earlier conversation and decided to tentatively question her. "Hey, Hermione, is everything alright?" she asked gently.

Hermione looked up, snapping out of her reverie. "Oh, sorry, Hariel. I was just thinking about what you said earlier," she admitted, her tone thoughtful. “I’m just not sure where you found that information. The books I read were all very clear and there was nothing about what you talked about in them. We don’t have any classes about it at Hogwarts. Surely if it’s such a huge part of the wizarding world they would teach us all about it! No one has ever mentioned the royal family to me and I’ve never heard of anyone having any kind of noble title in the wizarding world.”

Ron, who had been listening attentively, chimed in, “You don’t know about the nobility and the royal family?”

Hermione shook her head, looking at Ron in confusion. “No one’s ever said anything to me in my hearing at least, and the books I’ve read have never mentioned anything, in fact they say the exact opposite of what you are all talking about now.”

Neville sighed, exchanging a look with Hariel. “I’m not sure what books you’ve read Hermione, but I can assure you that they are wrong. The Wixen Traditions class was stopped before our parents were at school and there is very little in terms of history at Hogwarts, mostly because of Binns and what his class covers. Others have been removed over time.”

“As to why no one talks about the royal family, well, people don’t like to talk about not having the Pendragon’s rule us anymore. They held the magic of Albion together, the nobles and the Wizengamot have made an effort to keep it together but it’s not the same. The bonds that the royal family had with each wixen have a dull ache because there isn’t a reigning monarch.” Ron said as he joined the discussion. Hariel, Neville and Hermione all turned to him in surprise, not expecting him to say any of that. Noticing their look of surprise Ron shook his head, grumbling, “Don’t be so surprised! I like history when it’s not about goblin rebellions. Bill used to tell me stories of the royal family when I was little and mum was distracted by Ginny.”

Hariel nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. “Sorry Ron, I just didn’t expect it. But you should definitely talk about it more because that was really interesting.” Hariel shook her head before focusing back on Hermione. “You said you didn’t understand the religions that are worshipped in Albion and pointed out that Hogwarts celebrates Halloween and Christmas. Those muggle traditions have made their way into wixen society.”

“But why have they then? If wizards, sorry wixen? Don’t like it?” Hermione asked, frowning as she said wixen.

“Wixen is the accepted term for witches and wizards as a whole. It’s a better way to talk about a group. Older, but more accepted in general. Anyway, they were brought in to make muggleborns feel more comfortable away from home by Dumbledore despite protests from wixen families. Over time, Hogwarts stopped celebrating wixen holidays and just celebrated the muggle ones. It’s part of the friction between muggleborns and pureblood.” Neville explained, watching Hermione carefully.

“But isn’t that a good thing? Making muggleborns more comfortable? To help them fit in? Ron your family celebrates Christmas and Halloween!” Hermione said, frustrated.

Biting her lip, Hariel considered how to answer, but before she could Sirius, who she hadn’t noticed had wandered over, pulled up a chair and spoke up. “Let me ask you this Miss Granger, if you went to India, would you go there expecting them to change their culture and how they live for you? Or would you accept and respect their culture, traditions and religions while you were there? Why should wixen, whose families have worshipped and respected these traditions, festivals and gods for hundreds of years have to change how their society is because of those coming into it. Muggleborns stopped making an effort to learn about and join the culture of this new world they were apart of. It’s not your fault, you weren’t being taught what you should know anymore. But I noticed, even at school, not just from muggleborns but others, that they had stopped respecting Mother Magic and what she has gifted us. Even if you never worship the same gods as us, the wheel of the year is about celebrating and giving thanks to Mother Magic for the magic she has blessed us with.

“As for why the Weasley family celebrate the muggle holidays, I don’t know why. They didn’t used to.” Sirius said, looking at Hermione as she mulled over what he had said.

Hermione bit her lip as she considered what she had learnt. It was all so different, but it made sense in a way, she hadn’t thought about anything like that when she entered the magical world, and while she had looked into it briefly, she was far more focused on her classes and learning as much actual magic as possible, as opposed to learning about the culture of the world she had entered.

“Why do your family celebrate Christmas and Halloween Ron?” Hermione asked, watching as Sirius, Hariel and Neville exchanged glances before turning their attention to Ron.

Ron shrugged, “I dunno really, I remember when I was very little that we didn’t but as I got older mum insisted on celebrating the muggle holidays. I know Bill and Charlie don’t agree, that they celebrate the wixen holidays but mum doesn’t exactly tell us why we celebrate that way. I think Percy and the twins celebrate wixen holidays but they aren’t vocal about it if they do. I’ve always been interested, Bill talked about it with me a little over the summer, but mum always interrupted whenever she heard.” He looked pensive as he said this.

Hermione’s eyes widened at that response and she turned to look at Sirius shyly. “Is it because of the influx of muggle traditions that has made the divide so big? I hadn’t thought about it the way you said, about going somewhere and just expecting them to change to believe what you do. Do you, are there any books I could read about it, books that are better than the ones I have read before?” Hermione asked.

Sirius’ eyebrows rose as he considered Hermione more carefully. He had underestimated her, he still worried about the response she would give when she found out about Hariel’s Pendragon legacy, but perhaps with the right knowledge they could ensure that Hermione understood the importance of the role Hariel would play.

“I don’t have any with me, but I will ensure that Hariel packs some books for you to look at Miss Granger, to help you understand the world you now live in.” Sirius said before responding to another of her questions. “It’s not just about the lack of understanding that muggleborns bring in and their disinterest in learning about the world they live in, but most muggleborns leave Albion to return to their muggle families and the muggle world. It endangers Albion and wixen society. It didn’t use to be so bad, muggleborns would be brought in, integrated into society via a fostering system so that they would learn about the world they were entering.

“But some wixens believed that muggleborns didn’t need the fostering system and that they needed to be eased into the wixen world, and to slowly be introduced to the culture of the world they were now a part of, because of that, traditions and holidays disappeared from Hogwarts, with muggle holidays replacing them, until its almost impossible to celebrate the wixen holidays at Hogwarts. They are’t illegal, the rhetoric hasn’t spread that far, but if something doesn’t change, I can see that happening.” Sirius sighed heavily, a dark look on his face.

He didn’t agree with his family on many things, but this, this was one of the things he did agree with. Wixen society couldn’t continue to decline in this way. The holidays they celebrated gave strength to magic, with fewer celebrating every year, Mother Magic grew weaker. He thought it likely why Hariel’s inheritance test had shown the Pendragon legacy so easily. He was sure other Potter’s had had one before, likely a concealment ritual had been done to conceal the information until it was deemed the right time. Mother Magic had deemed the timing was right.

“What can be done to stop it though?” Hariel asked, a horrified look on her face. She’d felt Mother Magic’s presence during their celebration of Lughnasadh. It worried her that there were wixen who would attempt to outlaw such a beautiful thing.

Sirius smiled darkly, “Augusta, Amelia and I have a plan for the governors meeting coming up to restore the wixen traditions class, and we have a plan for the Wizengamot as well. Don’t worry Hariel.” Neville and Hariel shivered as Sirius chuckled darkly. Sometimes they forgot how intimidating Sirius could be.

They sat in a thoughtful silence for a while, until Ron cleared his throat and said, “Hey Hermione, do you think I could borrow those books Lord Black is going to lend you after you’ve finished them. I, I think I want to learn a bit more about all of this.” Ron waved his hadn’t around to elucidate what he meant.

“Oh really! Yes absolutely Ron, we could look at them together. You’ve all given me so much to think about, I can’t believe I didn’t look into it more, I should have known that there would be something different, but no one mentioned anything.” Hermione exclaimed with a smile on her face. Ron smiled back, nodding his head in agreement.

Hariel grinned, before biting her lip, maybe now would be a good point to tell Hermione that she tended to be very tunnel visioned. “Hermione, would you have believed anyone? I mean, after you had read whatever books you did, which by the way, at some point you need to give me because there is something wrong with those books and I want to know who wrote them. You tend to be very stubborn about what you read, you’re only conceding now because you have three wixen raised telling you about it.” Hariel winced as she finished saying this, that was far blunter than she meant to say.

Hermione blinked at Hariel in astonishment, Neville and Ron gaping at her as well while Sirius shook his head, his eyes twinkling as he looked at her.

“It’s no wonder you’re a Gryffindor little star,” He murmered to her, making Hariel blush before turning back to Hermione.

“I didn’t realise I did that. It’s just, for so long books were my only friends, I suppose I give them more power over me than I should.” Hermione said blinking, glancing at her friends as she did so.

“Sorry Hermione, I didn’t mean to be so blunt! I just, I think you sometimes believe so ansolutly about what adults and books say that actually, at times you don’t think for yourself,” Hariel said carefully, aware that she may have hurt Hermione with her words.

Hermione smiled at Hariel slowly, nodding her head in response as Ron and Neville let out a breath of relief that there wasn’t going to be an argument between the girls. Reaching over and grasping Hermione’s hand, Hariel sighed in relief, she’d been really worried that she would have changed too much for her friends to accept, but they seemed interested in delving into things she’d turned her interest to instead. It was a huge relief for her. Neville squeezed her hand and smiled at her. He was relieved for her.

As the rest of the Weasleys returned to the table, Hariel and her friends exchanged quick goodbyes, promising to see each other again on the Hogwarts Express the next day. Sensing the need to depart swiftly, Sirius ushered them towards the Floo Network before Mrs. Weasley could interject.

With a last wave to Ron, Hermione, and the rest of the Weasleys, Hariel, Neville, and Sirius stepped into the fireplace, vanishing in a swirl of green flames as they were whisked away to Longbottom Hall.

Arriving safely back at Longbottom Hall, they were greeted by the familiar warmth of home, a sense of tranquility settling over them as they reflected on the day's events. Hariel felt more confident now that she’d seen how Ron and Hermione had reacted and how they were both more interested in the traditions and culture that would dominate her life. She would be a figurehead for all wixen in Albion, it was important that she lead by example in this aspect of her life so it was a relief that it seemed like her friends would support her. She still wasn’t ready for anyone else to know, but perhaps soon.

Now, Hariel thought as she looked over at her new companion, she just had to think of a name for her sióg feile.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (22) The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (23)

Left to right: Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley


Hopefully you weren't too disappointed with Ron and Hermione, they will remain friends, but it's not an instant fix, they need to learn and grow a little, but in the end they will absolutely support Hariel. It may seem like they've started that journey already but, they are 13 and I remember being that age and my best friend not talking to me for 2 months because I stood on her foot. Petty but hey, teenagers.

So yeah, just remember that there will be ups and downs in their friendship, just like in canon.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter and the next one should be out next weekend, where finally, they are off to Hogwarts!

Chapter 10: Return to Hogwarts


Morning all!

First things first, apologies for the late update, work has been crazy busy and I was so drained that sitting down and writing has just been something I have not had the energy for in the last couple of weeks. I am now on holiday though, so hopefully should be able to write some more chapters and get back to my regular update schedule of updating once a week.

Secondly, thank you for all the support and wonderful comments, it's allowed me to break through the small amount of writers block I had about editing this chapter because originally I wrote chapter 9 and this one very differently, with a supporting Ron and Hermione in chapter 9 and then them being very unsupportive in this chapter, so I had to figure out how to make them merge because for the plot, I kinda need them to fall out, however rest assured, once they get the sticks out of their arses they shall be the supportive friends we know and love.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the first light of dawn filtered through the curtains of her room at Longbottom Hall, Hariel stirred from her slumber, her mind already buzzing with thoughts of the day ahead. The summer had been a whirlwind of revelations, challenges, and new beginnings, and as she lay in bed, she couldn't help but reflect on all that had transpired.

From the moment she had been led to Rangrok's office in Gringotts and all the revelations that were had there, to the harrowing ritual to remove the horcrux from her, the summer had been filled with moments of both darkness and triumph. The bond she had forged with Sirius had deepened, and she found herself relying on his guidance and support more than ever before. Neville, too, had been a constant source of strength, his unwavering loyalty and friendship grounding her in times of uncertainty. Augusta was the grandmother she had never had, and she relied on her teaching of etiquette and wixen society to help her navigate Albion and the new school year, hopefully without insulting anyone.

But amidst the challenges, there had been moments of joy and discovery. Meeting her sióg feile companion the previous day had been a revelation, a comfort that she would enjoy as she left the first home she had ever really had. She was ready to head back to Hogwarts for her third year, she felt more confident this year than she had in years previously. She knew she had more support as well.

Pushing back the covers, Hariel swung her legs out of bed and made her way to the window, throwing open the curtains to greet the new day. The air was crisp with the promise of autumn, and as she took in the sight of the rolling hills surrounding Longbottom Hall, she felt a surge of excitement building within her.

Hariel's choice of attire reflected not only her newly discovered sense of style but also her proud heritage. The knee-length dress she selected was a vision in blue and silver, the colours of the Potter family crest. Crafted from fine acromantula silk, the dress featured delicate embroidery along the neckline and hem, intricate patterns of intertwining vines and stars that shimmered in the light.

The bodice of the dress hugged her figure gracefully before flowing out into a gently flared skirt, allowing for ease of movement as she moved about. The sleeves, sheer and billowing, added an ethereal touch to the ensemble, the silver threads woven into the fabric catching the light with every movement.

Over the dress, Hariel draped an open summer robe in a deep, sapphire blue, the colour reminiscent of the midsummer sky. The robe was made of lightweight fabric, perfect for the transition from summer to autumn, and was adorned with subtle accents of silver embroidery along the edges. As she moved, the robe flowed behind her like a cloak of magic, adding a regal elegance to her ensemble.

With her attire complete, Hariel turned her attention to her hair, her fingers deftly working to create an elaborate updo. Pulling strands of hair back from her face, she wove them into intricate plaits and twists, securing them in place with silver hairpins adorned with tiny stars. The rest of her hair was pulled into an elegant knot on the back of her head, the deep ebony strands gleaming in the morning light.

As she surveyed her reflection in the mirror, Hariel couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in her appearance. With her dress representing her Potter heritage and her hair appropriately affixed according to wixen traditions, she felt ready to face whatever the day had in store. Her outward appearance served as a subtle yet powerful indication to everyone around her that she had not only learned but fully embraced her heritage over the summer, emerging stronger and more confident than ever before.


As Hariel entered the breakfast room, the familiar faces of Neville, Augusta, Sirius, and Remus greeted her. The room was alive with the sound of conversation as they discussed their plans for the day.

Sirius, leaning back in his chair, smiling as he enjoyed the sound of happy conversations going on around him and the relaxed atmosphere, outlined the logistics of their journey to Platform 9¾ and onto the Hogwarts Express. "We'll take the Floo network to the platform, Hariel, Neville. It’s the easiest and quickest, and without a doubt the safest option for you Hariel. Augusta, Remus, and I will accompany you all, to keep you safe but to see you off as well."

Augusta nodded in agreement, her expression relaxing into a small smile as she looked between Hariel and Neville.

Hariel nodded, relieved that they were all going. It was the first year that she’d actually have people there to see her off to Hogwarts, she was looking forward to it, to being normal for once.

Remus chimed in, "I'll be joining you on the train, for whatever reason Dumbledore wants me to travel on the train with the students this year, unusual and somewhat concerning but it plays into our plans to keep watch over you both so I haven’t questioned it. Better for him to think I’m blindly following his orders.”

Sirius cleared his throat, gaining the attention of the others in the room. He reached into his pocket, pulling out two small, ornate hand mirrors. With a mischievous smile, he presented them to Hariel and Neville.

"These are communication mirrors," Sirius explained, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "They're much quicker and more efficient than letters. All you have to do is say the person's name of the corresponding mirror, and you'll be able to see them and hold a conversation in real-time."

Hariel's eyes widened with surprise and gratitude as she accepted the mirror from Sirius. Neville's expression mirrored hers as he took the second mirror.

Sirius continued, his tone enthusiastic. "I have one, Augusta has one, and so does Remus. I intend to make more for Andromeda, Ted, William, Amelia and Rangrok, but I haven't had the time yet. As soon as I finish them I’ll hand them out to the rest of the council, they'll all be linked together, allowing us to stay connected no matter where we are."

Hariel and Neville exchanged looks of excitement and appreciation. The prospect of being able to communicate with their loved ones so easily filled them with a sense of comfort and security.

"Thank you, Sirius," Hariel said, her voice filled with gratitude. "This means a lot to us."

Neville nodded in agreement, his smile reflecting their shared appreciation.

“They aren’t just for easy communication, although that was part of it. This is about safety as well. These mirrors allow us to contact each other quickly and securely. I will always have my mirror on me, as will the rest of the council. We ask that you carry them in your bags or on your person as well.” Sirius said looking both Hariel and Neville in the eye. They both nodded when they saw how seriously he was taking this and how solemn Augusta and Remus looked as well. Even as they took in the gravity of the situation, with their new communication mirrors in hand, they felt even more prepared to head back to Hogwarts for their third year.


As they stepped out of the Floo onto Platform 9¾, Sirius, Augusta, Remus, Neville, and Hariel were greeted by the familiar sight of the Hogwarts Express. The gleaming train stood before them, puffing gently with steam as it awaited its departure.

It was precisely 10 o'clock, an hour before the train was due to leave. Augusta had suggested they arrive early to avoid the crowds and ensure a smooth journey. Hariel and Neville's trunks had been shrunk and stored in their pockets until they boarded the train, ready for the start of the new term.

Hariel's new sióg feile, which she’d named Shadow, rested contentedly on her shoulder, his bright eyes taking in the bustling platform with curiosity. His presence was already a comfort to Hariel, knowing that, though excited, she was leaving Sirius and Augusta who had shown her care and love over the summer. She was ready to see her friends, both new and old, though she worried how they would mix, but it didn’t make having to leave them any less bittersweet. She was going to miss them.

For a moment, they all stood just staring at the Hogwarts Express. It was a familiar sight to all, and for the adults at least, a sense of nostalgia for their own school days was bought up.

Finally Sirius shook himself out of his memories, turning to face Hariel and Neville. “You should go and find a compartment now while its quiet. Put your trunks away and then come back out to say goodbye.” Sirius suggested as he placed a gentle hand on each of their shoulders.

Neville and Hariel nodded, acknowledging Sirius's suggestion. They knew how hard it was to find an empty compartment when it got busier, the upper years always got the best ones but they were right on time to be able to choose. Neville and Hariel set off to find a suitable space near the back of the train.

Having walked most of the way down the platform, they finally found a compartment that was big enough for the potential numbers that may appear to share the compartment with them. With practiced precision, they withdrew their shrunken trunks from their pockets and tapped them with their wands, watching as they expanded to their full size. Together, they carefully placed their belongings inside the compartment, ensuring everything was securely stowed away.

Satisfied that their trunks were safely stored, Neville and Hariel returned to the platform, ready to join their guardians for final farewells before the train departed. As they made their way back, Hariel and Neville noticed the platform beginning to fill up as students began to arrive at the station. Hariel and Neville weaved their way through the throng of students and families, heading back to Sirius, Remus and Augusta.

Hariel and Neville approached the spot where they had left Sirius, Augusta, and Remus, their eyes widening in surprise as they spotted Andromeda, Ted, and Tonks joining the group.

"Look who decided to join us," Sirius said with a grin, his eyes sparkling with affection as he gestured towards Andromeda and Ted.

Hariel and Neville exchanged smiles, feeling warm that Andromeda and Ted had decided to join them to see them off.

“Tonks! We didn’t expect to see you here!” Hariel exclaimed, waving at Tonks.

Tonks grinned back, her hair changing colours in excitement. "Wouldn't miss seeing you off for the world, Hariel. Plus, I wanted to make sure you behave yourself on the train, can’t have my favourite two munchkins misbehaving before you even get to Hogwarts!” she teased, earning a laugh from the group.

“Like you Nymphadora? I believe I remember a fair bit of trouble you yourself manage to get into on the Hogwarts Express during your time at school!” Andromeda said, her eyes twinkling in amusem*nt as Tonks blushed, her hair turning a rosy hue to match her darkening cheeks.

“Mum!” Tonks exclaimed causing Neville and Hariel to laugh and Sirius to try to muffle his snickers by clearing his throat.

Augusta's laughter subsided as she noticed Amelia and Susan approaching, her expression shifting to one of warmth and welcome.

"Amelia, Susan, what a pleasant surprise," Augusta greeted them with a smile. "It's lovely to see you both here."

Amelia returned the smile, her eyes crinkling at the corners with genuine warmth. “I always make the time to see Susan off on the Express, it just so happens I have two other students that I want to see off at the same time,” she replied, her tone amused as she eyed Neville and Hariel, seeing the amusem*nt they were finding as Tonks battled to get her hair to behave.

Susan beamed over at Hariel and Neville, her eyes shining with excitement. “It also means I don’t need to track you down on the train, I’ve already found you. Hannah’s going to join us when she gets here. I don’t know about the others,” she exclaimed, bouncing on the balls of her feet.

“That’s great Susan, we already have a compartment, we’ve put our trunks in there but we should probably go back soon in case anyone decides to move them so they can claim it for themselves.” Hariel said, moving forward to stand next to Susan.

“Brilliant, at least we don’t have to fight to find a compartment this year.” Susan grinned, theatrically wiping her hand across her forehead.

The adults all smiled at the three children, joking around and acting like children should. Exchanging looks with Amelia and Augusta, Sirius knew this would be the last year that Hariel could afford to be that free with her composure in public. While hopefully the rest of Albion wouldn’t know about her royal status in the next year, public scrutiny would go up as she got older. At thirteen, the duch*ess of Caernarfon could joke around with her friends on the platform, at fourteen she would be too old for what the more ancient and traditional families would consider unseemly behaviour. It wasn’t fair, the adults knew, but it was the way she would be expected to act as she began to grow up. Hopefully her friends would support her and they would know at least some of what she was keeping secret in order to help her and understand why she couldn’t act in such a way.

Clearing his throat, Remus glanced at his watch. “I believe its time to make our way onto the train, Neville, Susan, Hariel. We wouldn’t want to miss it.” Remus said.

Startled, Hariel looked over at the clock on the platform, seeing that they only had 15 minutes. Nodding, Hariel and Neville hurried over towards the adults, Susan moving back over to her aunt.

Hariel practically flew into Sirius’ arms, tightening her hold on him when it seemed like he was going to release her. “Be good Hariel, study hard, don’t let anyone lead you astray. Keep up with the friendships you’ve formed this summer. You’ve made me so proud Hariel, you’ve worked so hard despite everything that’s been thrown at you in such a short period of time. I couldn’t be prouder and I know Lily and James would feel the same. I love you little star, make sure to keep your communication mirror on you, I’ll talk to you tonight.” Sirius whispered in Hariel’s ear. It made her tighten her grip around his neck again.

“I love you Siri, thank you for everything. I’ll call you tonight. I love you so much. Thank you for helping me!” Hariel whispered back, pulling back to swipe at the tears welling in her eyes. She didn’t want to leave him, but she knew she needed to. Sirius was going to be busy with the board of governors at Hogwarts, the Wizengamot and sorting out the Black estate which had been left to gather dust since his grandfather had died two years before.

“Be careful, little star. Call me immediately if you think somethings wrong, and remember that you need someone with you if the Headmaster asks to see you. I love you.” Sirius said, eyeing her anxiously. If Sirius had had his way, Hariel would be homeschooled until she took the throne. He’d lost that particular argument with the council, they thought it important that she make connections with her peers.

Sirius kissed Hariel on the forehead before letting her go, allowing her to move on to Augusta as Neville moved over to Sirius.

Leaning forward to wrap her arms around Augusta, Hariel hugged her gently as Augusta patted her on the back. “Thank you for taking me in this summer Augusta, for everything! You’ve helped me so much.”

Augusta laughed, her eyes a little wet as they pulled back from the hug. “It was the least I could do Hariel. I don’t think it’s come up, but your father was my godson. It’s why I agreed to step up Hariel. I couldn’t leave James’ daughter to try to navigate everything you found out on your own. You’ve more than gained a place in my heart since then, dear girl. You’ve worked so hard, I am so proud of you. When the time comes you will take Albion by storm.” Augusta said, cupping Hariel’s cheeks as Hariel blinked up at her with wide eyes. Despite all the time they had spent together this summer, this was the first time Augusta had talked about her father. “Now, off you go, go and say the rest of your goodbyes and onto the train with you.” Augusta shooed her off, not allowing her to say anything more.

Nodding, Hariel moved off to say goodbye to Andromeda, Ted, Amelia and Tonks before Remus, Neville, Hariel and Susan began to walk down the platform to their compartment. Entering it, Remus quickly checked to make sure everything was alright before turning to the three students.

“Alright, I’m going to go to the compartment next door, if you need me I’ll be there. I don’t think you want me crowding you as you catch up with your friends.” Remus smirked as he moved toward the door, shaking his head as he heard their quiet laughter.

As the train began to chug forward, Hariel, Neville, and Susan waved to their guardians as they passed them before settling into the cozy compartment, eager to catch up since they had last seen each other. Susan wasted no time in diving into the conversation.

"So, Hariel," Susan began, her eyes alight with curiosity, "How did Weasley and Granger react when they saw you? I bet they were surprised!"

Hariel sighed, recalling their reactions vividly. “Oh, They were very surprised I think. We met them at the Leaky Cauldron and I think they just didn’t know what to think. Between Mrs Weasley’s reaction to Sirius which, the less said the better, and the changes I’ve made this summer which I know have been major. It was all a little awkward. I don’t think Hermione fully grasped the difference in our positions and doesn’t necessarily accept the very real problems that wixen have with muggles. Sirius gave her a sort of, broken down version to try to explain why there is a problem with muggles and muggleborns, but I don’t know how much of her initial surprise will stick. Ron didn’t say much, which I think was the most surprising thing of all,” she joked half heartedly. “But he also knew more about wixen history and traditions than I thought he would, so I found that surprising,”

Neville nodded in agreement. "Yeah, they were definitely caught off guard, I think Hermione’s issue is that she’s never really bothered to look into the history of Albion, so everything about the noble classes and the missing royal family seemed to go over her head. She has a very muggle view of it, which surprised me a little.” he added.

“I don’t think it’s that surprising. Hermione, I know how much she wants to fit in, but in doing so she alienated more than a few people because of her lack of social graces,” Here Hariel grimaced as she thought of Hermione’s first few months in the wixen world, “But she then proceeded to read books that, I don’t even know how they were published, they had inaccurate information in and once she deemed that she knew enough about that subject, she just didn’t look into other sources. Sirius gave me some books for her to read and I have the ones I’e bought this summer with me as well. I just worry that when she finds out the way the Wizengamot is run and how most of the seats belong to various noble families.” Hariel sighed again, rubbing her head. “I don’t know, Hermione is very much someone who want to have a voice, so finding out how difficult that may be, well, I don’t imagine it will impress her that much.” Here Hariel sighed and then gave Neville and Susan a grimace, “I don’t think she’s going to be happy with all the social expectations that I’ll have this year now that I know, especially because my last two years at Hogwarts, through ignorance, I’ve utterly ignored almost everything I should have been doing.”

Susan listened intently, worrying her lip as she listened. “At least it is more positive than you feared Hariel, she plans to learn more about the world she is now a part of, thats something good! But Hariel, just remember it’s not up to you to educate someone about the way the world works and what happens when you essentially join an entirely new country because that’s what Albion is in comparison to its muggle counterpart, give her the information, both Weasley and Granger, but let them form their own opinions.” she sighed, seeing how anxious the potential of losing her friends was making Hariel. In an attempt to cheer her up she exclaimed, “At least you’ll have us! We’ll support you Hariel.”

Hariel smiled in thanks, still worrying at the potential of losing Ron and Hermione as friends, but at least she had the friends she’d found this summer. She knew that they would support her.

As the conversation shifted to their anticipated classes, Hariel's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she spoke about her excitement for Ancient Runes. "I find Ancient Runes absolutely fascinating," she explained, her voice filled with passion. “I’m really excited about learning more about it. I’ve done a bit of reading for it this summer,”

Here Neville interrupted, his eyes twinkling as he said jokingly, “A bit?” Hariel’s lips twitched in amusem*nt and Susan covered her mouth to hide her laughter, before Hariel continued.

“But I’ve not tried any practical applications. I just find it so interesting, how, by understanding the runes that you use, you can then use different combinations to create new spells. I think that is amazing and its something that I want to do one day!"

She continued, delving deeper into the subject. “I also find that one of the most intriguing aspects of Ancient Runes is its application to warding. Using them and embedding them in ward stones you can layer protections on top of each other. I found it amazing when I was looking through the different types of wards there were and then I got to thinking about what would happen if you layered them in different orders or placed one inside another. I don’t actually know if that’s possible, but it would be incredible if you could! It would potentially create stronger protective wards.” Hariel’s voice was filled with enthusiasm and Susan and Neville stared for a moment in amusem*nt, the passion in her voice no longer taking them by surprise but they still found amusem*nt in how fascinated Hariel had become by the subject.

Susan nodded her head slowly in agreement, still shocked at how passionately Hariel had been talking about runes before telling them that she was most excited for Arithmancy. "Arithmancy is equally fascinating," she chimed in. "It's the study of magical numbers and their significance. Certain magically powerful numbers can be used to predict the future or uncover hidden truths. It’s a far more reliable method for predicting the future than divination”

Neville rolled his eyes playfully at Susan's enthusiasm, though he couldn't help but smile. "While I'm looking forward to all our new classes," he interjected, "Herbology will always hold a special place in my heart. There's just something incredibly satisfying about working with plants and seeing how they can be used in so many different ways."

He went on to describe the myriad applications of Herbology, from brewing potions to healing injuries and even enhancing magical properties. As they continued their discussion, the excitement for the new school year grew, each of them eager to delve into the wonders of magic that awaited them.

It isn’t long after their discussion about classes that Neville pulled out a deck of cards and so Hariel, Susan, and Neville engaged in a lively game of Exploding Snap, the sudden knock at the compartment door jolted Hariel out of her concentration. With a startled yelp, she jumped as the deck exploded in a burst of cards, causing a cascade of laughter from her friends.

Quickly regaining her composure, Hariel rose from her seat to answer the door, a smile spreading across her face as she recognised the familiar faces waiting outside. "Hey, come on in!" she exclaimed, waving them into the compartment.

Daphne, Tracy, Hannah, Padma, and Parvati entered, their excitement palpable as they stowed their trunks above the seats and settled in. With the compartment now filled with laughter and chatter, the group resumed their game of Exploding Snap.

As Neville glanced around the compartment, his expression a mixture of amusem*nt and mock distress, Daphne couldn't help but laugh at his exaggerated plight. "What's wrong, Neville? Feeling a bit outnumbered, are you?" she teased, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Rolling his eyes good-naturedly, Neville responded with a grin, "Seems like it. Surrounded by all you girls, I'm definitely in the minority here."

His remark elicited laughter from the rest of the group, the jovial atmosphere filling the compartment with warmth. Amidst the laughter, Hariel's voice piped up shyly, a light blush staining her cheeks that she hoped would be put down to the laughing she’d just done at Neville’s expense.

"Daphne, where are Blaise and Theo?" she asked, her gaze shifting between her friends as she awaited their response.

Tracy and Daphne exchanged a look before Tracy sighed and responded with a weight of soberness, her sigh punctuating the heaviness of her words. "Theo's situation is a bit complicated," she began, her tone measured. "His grandfather raised him and encourages his friendships with us, as Theo’s inclusion in our group indicates, and unlike some of the other families associated with... well, you know who," she paused briefly, her expression pensive, "Theo doesn't have those ties because his grandfather never followed him. But Theo’s father did before his subsequent arrest and imprisonment, so he’s always been cautious, especially at the start of the school year. He tries to navigate Slytherin House carefully, to avoid any unnecessary trouble. Theo is more than capable of defending himself, but he prefers to not have to deal with the inconvenience of it all, so he makes of a show of appearance so the rest leave him alone.”

She glanced around the compartment, gauging the reactions of her friends before continuing. "Blaise, being the good friend that he is, goes with Theo for support. It's tough for both of them, but they're doing their best to manage." Tracy’s words cut through the silence that had fallen in the compartment.

Hariel worried her lip in thought before looking over at Daphne and Tracy, “Would it be dangerous for Theo to be seen with me? Given that I’m the ‘Girl Who Lived’?” Hariel asked, rolling her eyes slightly at the obnoxious title.

Daphne's response carried a sense of reassurance, her tone confident as she addressed Hariel's concerns. "No, Hariel, it wouldn't be dangerous for Theo to be seen with you, some might expect answers but Theo is not likely to give any,” she began, her words deliberate. "Theo tends to be more cautious than he really needs to be. In Slytherin, there's a strict hierarchy, but as third years, we're not really a part of that hierarchy yet. Tracy and I showed our faces before making our way here for the same reason, although its not quite as necessary for us. Anyway, a lot of the problems the Slytherins had with you was your lack of acknowledgement of your heritage, as soon as they see you this year they’ll know that’s no longer true.”

She leaned in slightly, her expression earnest. "Theo's also incredibly magically powerful, more so than many in our year. He does this at the beginning of the year to make sure they'll leave him alone for the rest of it. But," she added, her tone turning thoughtful, "it would still be wise for us to be cautious when we meet, just to make our lives easier in Slytherin, for those who won’t be so easily swayed by you acknowledging your heritage.”

Tracy nodded in agreement, chiming in, "Maybe we should find a room near the library for this year if we plan to study and hang out more often. It would give us a safe space away from prying eyes." Her suggestion carried a sense of practicality, considering the dynamics of Slytherin House and the need for discretion in their interactions.

Daphne then smirked wickedly before turning to Neville, a reading quality in her voice. “Don’t worry, Neville," she said, her tone sparkling with humour. "Theo and Blaise will be along soon. You won’t be the only male then.”

Neville's grin widened, rolling his eyes in good humour. Hariel couldn't help but hide a smile, feeling a sense of anticipation at the thought of seeing Theo soon. With the tension eased and the anticipation of their friends' arrival, the relaxed atmosphere returned to the compartment, setting the stage for a pleasant journey ahead.

Not long after, Theo and Blaise entered the compartment with an air of confidence, their presence commanding attention as they surveyed the occupants. As the others shuffled slightly to make room, Theo's eyebrows raised in mild surprise at Blaise as he sported a wicked smirk, his eyes glinting mischievously.

Blaise made his way to the seat opposite Hannah, his smirk never faltering as he settled in. Meanwhile, Theo's gaze drifted around the compartment until it landed on the only available seat, next to Hariel. With a nod of acknowledgment, he made his way over and took the vacant spot beside her, a small smile playing on his lips as he greeted the others.

Hariel's cheeks flushed with colour as she turned towards Theo, her expression a mixture of relief and gratitude. "I'm so glad you came," she admitted quietly, her voice tinged with sincerity. "I was worried after what Tracy and Daphne said."

Theo shook his head dismissively, a casual shrug accompanying his response. "It's more about keeping up appearances," he explained, his tone relaxed. "I don't need Malfoy sticking his nose where it doesn't belong any more than he already does." He paused, a charming smirk gracing his features as he added, "And besides, nothing would keep me away from you."

Hariel's blush deepened at his words, a shy smile forming on her lips as she met his gaze. The warmth in Theo's eyes reassured her, banishing any lingering doubts as she settled back into the comfort of their friendship.

As the conversations restarted with the others, Hariel found herself mustering her courage to engage Theo in discussion. "So, Theo," she began, her voice laced with genuine curiosity, "what class are you most looking forward to this year?"

Theo's eyes lit up with enthusiasm as he responded, "I love runes. It's definitely the class I'm most excited about. I've been studying them for years already, but there's always something new to learn."

Hariel's expression brightened at the mention of runes, her passion for the subject evident as she eagerly joined in. "Oh, I love runes too!" she exclaimed, a spark of excitement in her eyes. "Especially when it comes to spell crafting. Do you have a favourite rune for spellwork?"

As Hariel and Theo delved deeper into their discussion about runes for spell crafting, their discussion became more animated with hand gestures and enthusiasm, seemingly ignoring everyone else in the compartment.

"I've mostly researched the Elder Futhark runes," Hariel confessed, her voice tinged with enthusiasm. "They're the old English runes, and they have such a rich history."

Theo nodded thoughtfully, his expression contemplative. "Elder Futhark runes are definitely powerful," he agreed. "But personally, I find the old Nordic runes to be more versatile. They have a wider range of applications in spell crafting."

Hariel's eyes sparkled with curiosity as she leaned in closer, eager to learn more. "What makes the old Nordic runes so versatile?" she asked, her voice filled with genuine interest.

"The old Nordic runes," Theo explained, his tone animated, "have a unique energy to them. Each symbol carries not only its literal meaning but also a deeper, more esoteric significance. This allows for greater flexibility in spell work, as you can combine multiple runes to create intricate and powerful magical effects."

Hariel listened intently, her mind buzzing with possibilities. "That's fascinating," she remarked, a smile playing at the corners of her lips. “Over the summer I’ve become so interested in the history of Albion and the way the runes are a part of that. It lead me into the interest in runes themselves. I studied them whenever I had a free moment over the summer, but I haven’t been able to dedicate as much time as I’d like. I changed my electives to runes so I could continue to study them. It's incredible to think about the ways they can be harnessed for magic."

Theo nodded in agreement, his eyes alight with passion. "Absolutely," he replied. "And when you understand the intricacies of each rune, you can unlock new magical potential."

As their conversation continued, Hariel and Theo exchanged ideas and theories, their shared enthusiasm for runic magic binding them together in a lively exchange of knowledge and discovery. In that moment, surrounded by friends and fuelled by their mutual passion for learning, they felt a sense of connection and camaraderie that transcended mere academic discourse.

They were all enjoying catching up before Hariel blinked in surprise as Ron and Hermione barged into the compartment, their expressions a mixture of surprise and annoyance. She exchanged a quick glance with Theo, Blaise, and the others, sensing the tension in the air.

Hermione's voice cut through the silence, her tone accusatory. "We've been looking everywhere for you, Hariel," she said, her brow furrowed in frustration. "Why didn't you come to find us?"

Ron’s face began to scowl as he pointedly looked around the compartment, his eyes narrowing as they landed on the Slytherins. "And what's with all these Slytherins?" he demanded, his voice dripping with disdain. “Since when are you friends with them?”

Hariel felt a pang of frustration at Ron's words, but she kept her composure, meeting his gaze evenly. "I'm sorry, Ron, Hermione," she said, her voice calm but firm. "I was having a conversation with my friends. We were discussing our classes and—"

Ron cut her off, his expression incredulous. "Your friends?" he repeated, his tone skeptical. "But they're Slytherins, Hariel. You can't trust them.” Hermione’s lips pursed as she surveyed the compartment and Hariel hoped she would step in but she just sighed and shook her head.

Hariel bristled at Rons implication and Hermione’s lack of involvement, her patience wearing thin. "That's not true," she countered, her voice tinged with frustration. "Theo, Blaise, Daphne, Tracy—they're all good people. Just because they're in Slytherin doesn't mean they're all bad."

Ron scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Yeah, right," he muttered under his breath, crossing his arms over his chest.

Before the tension could escalate further, Neville interjected, his voice calm but firm. "Let's not start an argument, guys," he said, casting a meaningful glance at everyone in the compartment. "We're all heading back to Hogwarts, and we're going to be spending the next year together. We should try to get along."

There was a moment of tense silence as Ron and Hermione exchanged glances, seemingly considering Neville's words. Eventually, Hermione shook her head, her expression tightening. "No," she said, her tone firm. “I can’t, they’ve treated us awfully Hariel, I don’t understand why you would let a friendship develop.”

Hariel shook her head her gaze steady as she met Hermione's eyes. “It wasn’t them that have treated us poorly Hermione,” she said, her voice hard. “Don’t paint everyone from the same house with one brush. Theo, Blaise, Daphne and Tracy have never done anything to us. If you don’t want to stay here and be civil, fine, but don’t expect me to agree with your bigotry.”

With that, the tension in the compartment ramped up, an undercurrent of unease running through the air. “How could you say that Hariel? Hermione and I have been your best friends and been with you for everything! Why are you abandoning us now?” Ron demanded, his voice angry.

“I’m not abandoning you! I’ve expanded my friendships over the holidays! What’s so bad about that? Just because you see a snake on someones robes and think evil, doesn’t mean I do!” Hariel said calmly, though inside she was bubbling with rage.

“Hariel! That’s not what were doing! But actions speak louder than words! They’ve never been kind to us!” Hermione said, tears beginning to well up in her eyes.

Hariel sighed, feeling her anger begin to give way. “Hermione, that wasn’t Daphne, Tracy, Theo or Blaise. That was Malfoy. Don’t conflate the two. Malfoy is the one who’s been awful, not them.”

Hermione shook her head, a stubborn glint in her eye that nearly made Hariel groan, when Hermione got it into her head about something, it was almost impossible to reason with her. “No, Hariel, I’m sorry. Even if it was Malfoy, they didn’t do anything to stop him. As far as I’m concerned, they’re as guilty by association.” With that Hermione turned and left, Ron following behind, throwing a last glare into the compartment.

Hariel groaned, covering her face. That wasn’t how that was supposed to go.

She felt a hand rest on her shoulder and she turned to look who’s it was, her wet emerald eyes meeting a pair of sapphire ones. “I’m sorry Hariel. I know that’s what you were worried about.”

Sighing before sitting up, she looked around the compartment and all her friends were looking at her with sympathy. Shrugging her shoulders, Hariel sighed again, something she seemed to be doing a lot of. “Its not your fault. It was always going to be tricky, but I thought we’d made progress in Dragon Alley, unfortunately prejudice runs deep with Ron and Hermione, well, she’s too stubborn for her own good and can hold grudges. I hoped for something different, but I’ll give them time to calm down before trying to reason with them again.”

“You can still be upset, even if you were somewhat resigned to it Hariel. I don’t know Weasley well, but given that I’ve shared a dorm with you and Hermione for two years, I’ve heard more than enough subtext to know how stubborn she is and how eventually, a cooler head prevails,” Parvati said, reaching over to grasp one of Hariel’s hands.

Neville spoke then, his voice tinged with regret, “They were interested in knowing more Hariel, this was just a shock. Give them time, they’ll come around. Before you know it, Hermione will be coming to you for the books Sirius promised to lend her, you know she can’t resist reading about something she doesn’t know. And Ron, well, his temper will always flare quickly, but it cools quickly too. Just give them time.” Hariel nodded and smiled weakly.

“I know, I’d just hoped to not have that confrontations all. We’ll see.” Hariel said as she sat back up, giving everyone a reassuring smile. “Anyway, enough of this, we’re still hours away, shall we play another game of exploding snap?” Hariel asked.

The others shared concerned glances before agreeing, and soon the atmosphere, while not quite as happy as it was, was back to being comfortable.


The train began to slow down and Tracy frowned as she glanced out of the window, her brow furrowed in confusion. "This doesn't make sense," she muttered, her voice tinged with concern. "We can't be there yet."

Padma nodded in agreement, her expression mirroring Tracy's unease. "It's not dark enough," she pointed out, gesturing to the dimming light outside. "We still have a couple of hours to go, at least."

Hariel exchanged a worried glance with Neville and the others, a sense of apprehension settling over the compartment. The train slowing down unexpectedly was unusual, and it left them all feeling unsettled.

Blaise leaned forward, his voice low as he spoke. "Do you think something's wrong?" he asked, his eyes flicking nervously to the window.

As Blaise voiced his concerns, a sudden chill permeated the air, causing shivers to run down everyone's spines. The compartment grew colder by the second, and the once steady glow of the lights began to flicker ominously. Exchanging alarmed glances, Hariel felt a knot of fear tightening in her chest.

Ignoring the unnerving atmosphere, Hariel rose from her seat, her curiosity overcoming her apprehension. With hesitant steps, she made her way towards the door, her hand trembling as she reached for the handle. But before she could grasp it, a skeletal hand materialised out of the darkness, causing her heart to lurch with terror.

The compartment door creaked open slowly, revealing a figure cloaked in tattered robes, its hood pulled low to conceal its face. A sense of dread washed over Hariel as she stared at the shadowy figure, her mind reeling with fear.

The air seemed to crackle with an otherworldly energy, and distant screams echoed in Hariel's ears, filling her with a primal sense of dread. The figure turned towards her, its gaze piercing through the darkness with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

As the figure drew closer, the screams grew louder, reverberating through the compartment with an eerie resonance. Hariel felt her breath catch in her throat, her heart pounding in her chest as a wave of fear washed over her.

Suddenly, the compartment began to flicker and warp, reality bending and twisting around her in a dizzying haze. Desperately, Hariel tried to cling to consciousness, but the overwhelming terror proved too much to bear.

Hearing a final, ear-splitting scream, Hariel's vision blurred, darkness consuming her as she collapsed to the floor, her body overcome by the chilling grip of unconsciousness.

As the dark figure turned its attention towards the others in the compartment, panic and fear spread like wildfire among them. But before the menacing presence could draw any closer, a sudden burst of brilliant white light illuminated the cramped space, taking the shape of a majestic wolf.

The radiant aura of the spectral wolf surged forward, driving back the sinister figure with its fierce intensity. The shadowy entity recoiled, its form waning as it retreated into the darkness by the radiant power of the wolf.

As the dazzling light slowly receded, the tension in the compartment began to ease, replaced by a collective sense of relief. Amidst the fading glow, Remus Lupin stood in the doorway, his wand raised defiantly, his presence a beacon of reassurance in the midst of turmoil.

With a grateful sigh, the occupants of the compartment relaxed, their anxiety melting away in the wake of Remus's intervention.

“Are you all alright?” Remus asked gruffly, rifling through his pockets for something as he scanned the children in front of him with his eyes.

“We are Remus, but Hariel fainted when the dementor entered the compartment.” Neville said shakily causing Remus to whip his head to where Hariel was laying on the floor of the compartment.

Hurrying over to Hariel, he knelt down next to her and cupped her cheek, turning to them and asking what happened.

“The train began to slow down and we knew we weren’t at Hogwarts yet, its too light out. Hariel stood and went over to the door, but before she could open it, the dementor did.” Here Hannah had to stop, her voice trembling too much to continue.

Looking over at Hannah, Blaise took over, “The dementor seemed to just focus on Hariel, it didn’t seem to care about the rest of us until Hariel collapsed, only then did it turn its attention to us. Then you came Mr Lupin.”

“Thank you, and its Professor Lupin, I’m your new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. She should be okay, I have some chocolate for you if you wait just a moment.” Carefully laying Hariel back down on the floor, Remus turned to rummage in his robes again before pulling out some chocolate and handing it out.

As he was doing that, Hariel began to stir, groaning softly before slowly sitting up, looking around the compartment and at everyone looking at her. “Who was screaming?” She asked, beginning to get to her feet. Remus turned his attention back to her, hurrying to help her into a seat and crouching down in front of her, offering her some chocolate.

“No one screamed, Hariel.” Daphne said shakily, her hand reaching out and grasping Tracy’s.

Remus sighed before turning to the children, smiling a sad smile at the shaken forms sitting in the compartment. “Eat the chocolate Hariel, it’ll help you feel better. As for the screaming, dementors bring out the worst memories a person has, it sucks all the joy and happiness from a person, leaving only fear and despair.” Remus explained, eyeing Hariel carefully before standing up as some colour returned to her cheeks.

“I need to go and check on the other compartments. Are you all going to be okay?” Remus asked, looking around the compartment.

Nodding their heads, he checked on Hariel one last time before leaving, dreading having to tell Sirius that a dementor had attacked Hariel.

As Remus left the compartment they all fell into silence, thinking. Hariel sighed before taking another bite of chocolate, eyeing everyone who seemed to be looking over at her whenever she looked away.

“Are you sure your okay Hariel?” Susan asked gently. Her mind whirling as she tried to figure out why there were dementors on the Hogwarts Express.

“I am now, promise. I just hope to never run into those things ever again. What are they?” Hariel asked, shaking ever so slightly from the memory. She hadn’t heard what Remus had said when he explained. A pale hand grasped hers, holding one of hers in both, she glanced out of the corner of her eye to see Theo shrugging unapologetically but tightening his hand at the same time. Giving Theo a trembling smile, she turned back to Blaise as he began to speak.

“They’re called dementors, they guard Azkaban prison. They are the worst sort of creatures imaginable, they suck all the joy out of everything, feeding on happy memories. They spread fear and despair and leave you feeling hollow and depressed after. Chocolate helps to combat the effects a dementor causes.” Blaise explained as coherently as he could. Hariel nodded and murmured her thanks before saying they should be getting changed into their school robes.

They all nodded and the boys left the compartment so the girls could change quickly before they swapped. Soon they were all ready for their arrival at Hogwarts. The lights of Hogsmeade station could be seen in the distance.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (24)



Just in case you didn't read the note at the beginning, rest assured this fall out with Ron and Hermione will not be of a long duration and they will be back to the close friends we know and love once they've adjusted their world view a little.

Also, meant to add a picture of Neville because some of you asked but it wouldn't load and I got bored of waiting, I'll do that at the end of the next chapter.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Chapter 11: Welcome Feasts and History Lessons


Hi guys, here's the next chapter, hope you enjoy it! We are finally at Hogwarts!

I've had a bit of writers block recently and cannot for the life of me write chapter 16, hopefully it will clear by the time we get there, but we'll see! Still a bit of the ways from that yet.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the Hogwarts Express pulled into Hogsmeade Station, the sky darkened ominously, heavy raindrops pelting the platform. Hariel and her friends hastily disembarked, their robes billowing in the wind as they darted towards the shelter of the waiting carriages. The carriages, drawn by invisible forces, swayed gently as they made their way up the winding path towards the castle.

Inside their carriage, Hariel could feel the tension that had lingered since their encounter with the Dementor on the train. Neville sat beside her, his expression troubled, while Parvati tried to lighten the mood with small talk, though her eyes betrayed her unease.

The rain drummed against the windows, casting a gloomy shadow over their journey. Hariel's thoughts drifted back to the chilling moment when the Dementor had entered their compartment, the icy grip of fear still fresh in her mind. She clenched her fists, willing herself to push aside the lingering sense of dread.


As they neared the castle, the imposing silhouette of Hogwarts loomed ahead, its turrets and towers shrouded in mist. Despite the storm raging outside, there was a sense of comfort in the familiar sight of the castle, a sanctuary amidst the chaos of the outside world.

With a jolt, the carriage came to a stop outside the towering oak doors of Hogwarts. Hariel and her friends stepped out into the pouring rain, their robes soaked through as they hurried inside, seeking refuge from the storm.

Inside the castle's entrance hall, the warmth of the torches lining the walls provided a welcome contrast to the chill outside. The sound of laughter and chatter filled the air as students reunited with friends and made their way towards the Great Hall for the start-of-term feast.

As they reached the entrance to the Great Hall, they all exchanged quick farewells, splitting up to head to their respective house tables. Hariel, Parvati and Neville followed the stream of Gryffindor students towards their table.

The Great Hall was a sight to behold, its towering ceilings adorned with floating candles and its long tables gleaming with polished silverware, the ceiling flashing with lightening and rumbling with thunder, reflecting the storm raging outside.

At the front of the hall the Sorting Hat awaited its first wearer, its brim twitching in anticipation.

Taking her seat among her fellow Gryffindors, Hariel couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort flow through her. Hogwarts had been her first home, the first place that she felt like she’d really belonged since her parents had died. As much as she would miss Sirius and Augusta and Longbottom Hall, she couldn’t help smiling at the familiar surroundings and feeling a sense of comfort to be back inside the castle again.

Students continued to pile into the hall, waving and talking to each other as they were reunited with friends they hadn’t seen on the train ride up to the castle. Soon though, the volume died down and everyone turned to face the back of the hall as Professor McGonagall entered the hall, nervous first years following behind her as she strode towards the front of the hall, gathering in front of the Professor’s table, the Sorting Hat sitting on a stool in front of them.

Abruptly, the old Sorting Hat opened its mouth to speak, it’s song echoing through the hall.

In the Great Hall where candles flicker bright,
Where students gather on this wondrous night,
I am the Hat that knows your deepest desire,
To guide you to the house that will inspire.

Let us speak of Gryffindor, bold and brave,
Where courage dwells and valour paves the way,
In lion's den, the fearless ones reside,
With hearts of fire and courage as their guide.

Next, Hufflepuff, where loyal hearts do dwell,
In fields of gold, they tend their friendships well,
With patience and kindness, they will strive,
In their hands, loyalty shall thrive.

Then comes Ravenclaw, where wisdom reigns supreme,
In towers high, they chase the scholar's dream,
With minds sharp and knowledge vast,
In pursuit of truth, their will steadfast.

Last but not least, Slytherin's cunning and ambition,
Where resourcefulness is the key to their mission,
In serpent's lair, they plot and scheme,
Their ambition like a river's stream.

But listen closely, for there's more to tell,
A tale of Albion where ancient secrets dwell,
For Pendragon’s rise in the misty night,
Guiding Albion through dark into the light.

A new era dawns, a time of change and fate,
Where a Queen will rise to meet her destined state,
So heed my words and choose with care,
For your destiny awaits, beyond compare.

Quickly, whispers began to spread, the mention of the Pendragon’s causing looks to be exchanged and discussions started. Hariel shared an alarmed look with Neville, the both of them falling into a near inaudible whisper.

"How could the Sorting Hat know anything about a new queen?" Hariel whispered, her brow furrowed with concern.

Neville shook his head, his expression troubled. "I'm not sure, but perhaps it's just a coincidence. No one knows about your... lineage, everyone’s been so careful not to mention it, there’s no way anyone can have any knowledge, right?”

Hariel nodded slowly, though uncertainty lingered in her eyes. "Right. It's just... strange to hear it mentioned like that."

As they fell silent, Hariel couldn't shake the feeling of unease that settled in her chest. The mention of the Pendragons felt like a warning that her heritage wasn’t going to stay secret for long. It concerned her that there might be some who already had some idea.

As Neville and Hariel settled back into their seats, they could hear Professor McGonagal calling for silence, before a spark from Dumbledore’s wand went up and the Great Hall fell silent.

“Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. First years, when I call your name, please come up and sit on the stool to be sorted.” She said before beginning to call the first years up to be sorted. The sorting passed in a blur, Hariel too caught up in her own thoughts to pay attention to the first years being sorted, only managing to catch that Daphne’s younger sister, Astoria Greengrass, went to join her sister in Slytherin.

Finally the sorting was completed, with each house gaining a significant amount of first years added into their house, when Hariel had leaned over to mention it to Neville, he’d whispered back that it wasn’t so surprising, this years first years had been the ones born after Voldemorts defeat and so it made sense that there were more children in this years cohort than in the previous year, wixens feeling safer and being able to settle down and start families after the war had ended.

Dumbledore stood up and waited until everyone was silent and looking his way before speaking, “Welcome back students and faculty alike for another year at Hogwarts. To our new students, we welcome you into the beginning of your magical education, for our seventh years, your last year at school begins before leaving for the wider world.” He began, Hariel could hear Ron groaning further down the table, mumbling about hurrying it up.

“A few announcements before we begin. Professor Lupin has agreed to be our Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor this year. Let us all give a welcome to our new Professor,” Dumbledore said to a round of applause, Hariel and Neville grinning at each other as they clapped, excited about Remus’ lessons. They knew how much fun he could be from their lessons over the summer. “Another change to our staff this year, Professor Kettleborn has decided to retire, so our very own Rubeus Hagrid will be taking over the class as our new Care of Magical Creatures Professor,” Again Dumbledore paused for the applause that erupted from the students at this announcement.

“Finally, the Ministry of Magic have decided to station dementors, the guards of Azkaban, around Hogwarts due to the information obtained during the trial and exoneration of Sirius Black as they search for Peter Pettigrew,” Here as Dumbledore paused Hariel could feel the eyes of the populace of Hogwarts looking at her speculatively.

Neville and Parvati shifted closer in support. Hariel kept her face composed, using what she had learnt from Augusta, Amelia and Andromeda over the summer to present a serene countenance, intending to show she was unbothered by the stares even though on the inside she felt incredibly uncomfortable with hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at her. Fortunately, Dumbledore then began to speak again.

“I have been assured that they will not venture onto the grounds, but I caution you all to be careful, dementors do not distinguish between the innocent and the guilty. Now, on that note, I believe we all have a feast to enjoy.” He finished and, as he sat down, foods of all sorts appeared on the table.

Hariel, Neville, and Parvati helped themselves to the food that appeared on the Gryffindor table, their conversation turning to Dumbledore's speech. Parvati leaned in, curiosity shining in her eyes as she addressed Neville and Hariel.

"What do you think Professor Lupin will be like as a teacher?" she asked, her voice tinged with excitement.

Neville pondered the question for a moment before responding. "I think he'll be great. He's really knowledgeable about Defence Against the Dark Arts. Knows loads about creatures and how to defend against them.”

Hariel nodded in agreement. "Yeah, he's brilliant. He'll be an excellent professor. He makes his lessons really fun, he likes to do practical lessons, says that you learn more if your doing something.”

Their conversation was interrupted by Lavender Brown, who sat on Parvati's other side, chiming in with a curious expression. "Why would you two know what Professor Lupin is like as a professor?"

Neville exchanged a glance with Hariel, unsure how much to reveal. “Well,… with everything that happened this summer, Hariel’s parents will was read, Professor Lupin was at the will reading. Anyway, he taught us some stuff over the summer,” he replied cautiously. “He said it was for practice, guess we know why now.” Neville laughed, exchanging a look with Hariel.

Lavender's eyes widened with interest, but before she could press for more information, Seamus Finnegan, who’d been listening in, turned to Hariel, “Why were you with Neville over the summer Hariel? Don’t you spend it with your relatives?” He asked.

“Oh, um… well after my parents will was read, it was discovered that they explicitly stated that they didn’t want me to go to my relatives if they died. They’d left a long list of guardians in their will, Neville’s gran was one of them and she took me in over the summer. I imagine my guardianship will change over this year though.” Hariel smiled as she said this, thinking of the family she’d found and re-met over the summer. It had been the best summer she’d ever had, even with all the lessons she’d had.

“Why would it change again? Surely Lady Longbottom wouldn’t mind keeping your guardianship?” Lavender asked as she leaned around Parvati to ask.

“Is it because of Lord Black, Hariel?” Parvati asked, tilting her head slightly to give Lavender more room.

“Lord Black? You mean Sirius Black? What does he have to do with anything?” Dean Thomas, another Gryffindor in their year asked as he moved down, closer to Seamus who was sitting opposite her.

“Oh, Sirius is my Godfather, he’s named as the first guardian in my parents will. With his exoneration he’s able to take over my guardianship again but he has to be medically cleared first. He’s made a faster recovery than his healers expected, but it will probably take most of the year for him to be ready to have physical guardianship of me.” Hariel said, smiling brightly as she thought of all the plans Sirius had for when he was able to take over. They planned to move to Caernarfon Manor when he was able, probably spend the Yule holidays there with the rest of the council as they hadn’t managed to find the time to visit over the summer.

“Physical guardianship? What does that mean?” Dean asked, his brow furrowed. “Isn’t that just guardianship in general? That’s what it means in the muggle world at least,” Neville was shaking his head as Dean finished speaking.

“No, its different in the magical world Dean, there’s two different types of guardianship. Physical is the one your thinking of, where the guardian makes the decisions and you live with them, but then, for example in Sirius’ situation, there’s something called magical guardianship. He isn’t well enough to look after Hariel on his own yet, but he is well enough to make decisions. For example, where she goes to school, who she stays with. Things like that. Sirius has magical guardianship and he gave physical guardianship to gran when it reverted back to him after he was freed. He’ll have both by the summer at the latest, but gran gave him a room in Longbottom Hall this summer so he could recover and Hariel and he could get to know each other again.” Neville explained, doing his best to explain the complexities of Hariel’s situation.

“Right, so usually parents have both physical and magical guardianship?” Dean asked, looking confused as he looked between Hariel and Neville.

Lavender, Seamus and Parvati were nodding their heads, before Hariel spoke, “Essentially yes, if my parents were still alive or if Sirius had never been wrongfully imprisoned, then he, or they would have both physical and magical guardianship, the same as any parents. But for example, your custody Dean, is split into physical and magical because you’re a muggleborn. Your parents have physical guardianship because they’re your parents, but because they aren’t magical, they can’t make decisions based on what you do in the magical world, so when a muggleborn enters Albion they are appointed a magical guardian who works with the parents to ensure their protection and ensure the parents understand the full facts on the kinds of decisions that may need to be made in wixen society. I’t’s not so much that the magical guardian has autonomy to make decisions for you without your parents input, more that they are there to explain and, once the decision is made, the magical guardian deals the the wixen side of things the muggles just aren’t able to do due to in being in Albion. A magical guardian needs parental permission before making any decisions for their charge, at least in the case of muggleborns. It’s slightly different for me because Sirius is supposed to have both, but that is a very complex situation that I won’t go into.” Hariel explained patiently, Lavender and Seamus looking at her in surprise. She bit her lip in response to the looks, anxious because she knew that it wasn’t the type of thing she would have known the year before.

“Wait, so who’s my magical guardian? I’ve never met them!” Dean said, his voice rising slightly and attracting the attention of some of the older years, Fred and George scooting over to join the discussion.

“You should have!” Fred said as grabbed a bread roll from one of the baskets, dropping his plate and glass down next to Neville.

“Magical guardians are supposed to help you choose your electives for third year, give you an idea of what jobs are out there and what you need to take to be able to do them.” George finished, dropping down at Seamus’ side.

“So who would my magical guardian be?” Dean asked, crossing his arms as he looked over at them.

“Most likely-” Fred started.

“Dumbledore or-” George said.

“McGonagall!” They said together, grinning mischievously at Dean as he head kept turning to each of them.

“Best thing to do is go to McGonagall in the morning to ask her, what electives are you taking?” Neville asked as he shrugged when Dean turned to him. “Until you know who they are, you can’t file a complaint for neglect about them. You should have had contact with them in your first month of Hogwarts, with regular meetings with your parents to ensure that your interests are being followed. Magical guardians used to introduce you to the Kingdom of Albion and the traditions that encompass our world but that’s fallen out of favour, about the same time the traditions class was pulled from Hogwarts. If you haven’t then its a clear case of neglect and I’ve got to wonder how many other muggleborns haven’t had contact with their magical guardians either.”

The others nodded in agreement and Hariel couldn’t help but frown. It was concerning that there were others who were being left ignored by their magical guardians. Ignorant of their places in society and the electives they needed for the jobs they want to do, not to mention ignorant of the customs, traditions and history that governed Albion. She had assumed that she was a one off, someone trying to control and keep her ignorant and they all had a very good idea of who. Carefully looking out of the corner of her eye, she could see that Dumbledore was frowning lightly as he looked towards her group at the Gryffindor table. Turning back to the conversation so he didn’t notice her looking, she caught that they were explaining to Dean what Albion was.

“-its basically magical Britain. But its called Albion because in 436 AD King Arthur Pendragon and his husband Merlin united the magical portions of Briton under their leadership, separated it from the muggle world and named it Albion. It became the Kingdom of Albion then. Éire soon joined for protection as well and the Pendragon’s were the Monarchs that lead the magical portions of the Kingdom from then on. When the Saxons began invading, King Arthur fought them away from the borders of Albion, keeping wixen safe from the invading armies, so while they plundered muggle Britain, they weren’t able to invade Albion. Especially once Merlin reinforced the barriers, essentially making Albion completely separate. Anyway, the line of Pendragon’s remained unbroken until King Arthur VIII who died without any heirs. He ascended the throne in 1322 at the age of 80 and died in 1592 at the age of 350 years old. Without the line of kings, Albion had to find other ways to govern, but there’s no one to hold the Ley Lines of Albion and to upkeep the protection that Merlin reinforced to keep the saxons out.” Lavender explained, her voice gaining more enthusiasm as she spoke. It made the rest of the third years blink in astonishment, they’d never heard Lavender speak so passionately about an academic subject before.

“How do you remember all that? I know the general but I can’t remember it all!” Seamus exclaimed, looking at Lavender with wide eyes.

Lavender blushed, looking down shyly before shrugging, “My mum loves history, she used to tell me stories about the history of Albion and I guess it all stuck and I enjoyed reading about it when I got older.”

“It’s amazing Lavender! You’ll have to tell us more about what you know!” Hariel exclaimed, smiling at her.

Dean was still looking at her with wide eyes before he turned his attention back to the conversation. “I didn’t know there was magical royalty! And all that stuff about King Arthur! Why don’t they teach us about this stuff? It sounds far more interesting than goblin rebellions!” Dean huffed looking very put out.

Everyone exchanged looks and shrugged, they had no idea why they weren’t taught this stuff at school, it was important but the adults didn’t seem to care overly much about what they were taught by Binns, if they did he would have been replaced by now.

“No idea, my good friend!” George said, slinging an arm around Dean.

“No indeed, we do know though-” Fred continued grinning.

“That your magical-” George smirked as he watched them look between the twins.

“Guardian is supposed to-” Fred said.

“Teach you a lot about-” George’s eyes twinkled as he spoke this, watching the mounting frustration build between the third years.

“All of this!” They finished together, everyone's eyes darting between the two as they spoke.

Neville groaned as he put his head in his hands. “I wish you two wouldn’t do that, its so confusing!” Hariel couldn’t help but laugh at Neville when he said this, seeing him pout petulantly as he looked at her giggling at his discomfort.

As the conversation wound down, they focused on finishing their meal. The clatter of plates and the hum of conversation filled the Great Hall as students indulged in the delicious food that was before them.

The warmth of the candles flickering overhead and the friendly chatter of their classmates instilled a sense of peace in Hariel, it was a very jolly atmosphere, like all her worries would fade away.

With satisfied smiles, they pushed their empty plates aside and leaned back in their seats, groaning slightly at how full they were and how much they had indulged in the feast. As the last echoes of conversation faded away, Hariel began to feel tired, all the conversation and the good food making her quite ready to head up to the dorm and to bed.

Before they could do that however, Dumbledore’s voice echoed through the Great Hall, commanding attention as he stood from his place. He smiled benignly before speaking.

"Now that you've all been fed," Dumbledore began, his voice carrying easily across the room, "Breakfast will commence at 7 o'clock sharp tomorrow morning. Your heads of house will distribute your schedules at that time."

With a final nod and a twinkle in his eye, Dumbledore wished them all a good night. After he had finished speaking the Gryffindor prefects called for their house to stand.

Rising to their feet, Hariel, Neville, and Parvati joined their fellow Gryffindors as they made their way out of the Great Hall. The atmosphere was lethargic, students tired from the long journey and late feast, all ready to settle into their beds.

As they ascended the stairs to Gryffindor Tower, Hariel heard her name being called.

“Miss Potter, please come and see me before heading to Gryffindor tower.” McGonagall said as she followed the Gryffindors out of the Great Hall. Frowning and wondering what McGonagall could want so early in the year, she followed her up to her office, noticing belatedly that Hermione was following her as well. Biting her lip, Hariel snuck a look at her friend before giving her a small smile, hoping to break the ice from the argument they had had on the train.

Hermione frowned slightly and turned away, not saying anything as she walked quicker so she was in front of Hariel. Hariel sighed quietly before entering the office door McGonagall held open for her.

Hariel entered the room and looked around, she had never been in McGonagall’s office before so she looked around the room in curiosity, seeing various books on transfiguration decorating the shelves, a tea set on the side. Settling into one of the red velvet chairs that was opposite the desk, Hariel saw that Hermione had settled in the other. McGonagall herself settled behind her desk before piercing Hariel with sharp eyes.

“Miss Potter, I was told you had an unfortunate encounter with one of the dementors on the Hogwarts Express?” Hariel saw out of the corner of her eye that Hermione whipped her head round to stare at Hariel as McGonagall spoke, her eyes wide.

“I did Professor, I’m alright though, Professor Lupin gave me some chocolate to help with the after effects and checked me over.” Hariel nodded. McGonagall’s expression relaxed minutely as she observed Hariel’s expression, her eyes scanning for any deception that she might be able to detect before nodding briskly.

“Very well Miss Potter, that was not the only item I needed to address with you this evening. Earlier in the summer I received an owl from Lady Longbottom asking that your electives of Divination and Care of Magical Creatures be switched to Ancient Runes and Arithmancy. Is this correct?” McGonogal asked, raising an eyebrow when Hariel nodded enthusiastically.

“Absolutely Professor! I spent a lot of time reading over the summer and I grew fascinated with Ancient Runes, when I mentioned that I wished I’d chosen it as an elective to Augusta she told me she’d owl you to change it? Sirius and Augusta were horrified that I’d chosen to take Divination, they said that unless I was a Seer there was very little that would be useful in that class due to the curriculum being more focused on the art of seeing the future as opposed to those aspects of Divination that most wixen can access. Sirius suggested I change Care for Arithmancy as well and he would be able to help me with it in case I got stuck?” Hariel’s voice ended in a question as she observed McGonagall’s face as she spoke, she didn’t think that her eyebrows could get any higher.

Seemingly shaking herself out of her shock, McGonagall nodded again. “Well I am glad to see you are beginning to take your studies more seriously Miss Potter, I expect to see you working harder this year. None of that will be a problem. You may return to the tower now, the password is Fortuna Major.”

Nodding Hariel stood to leave, as she turned she could see Hermione staring at her in shock. co*cking an eyebrow at her, Hariel waited for her to say something but Hermione just turned away again with a shake of her head. Hariel sighed before shrugging, moving to the door and leaving to head up to the tower, her bed was calling her and the communication mirror was laying heavy in her pocket.


Hariel entered the Gryffindor common room, the crackling fire casting dancing shadows across the room. The space was deserted, the usual buzz of activity replaced by a quiet stillness. Undeterred, she made her way up the stairs to the third-year girls' dormitory.

Pushing open the door, she found Parvati and Lavender already in bed, their curtains drawn shut. Hariel spotted her trunk at the end of one of the beds and silently made her way over, careful not to disturb her dorm mates.

Entering the bathroom, she quickly changed into her nightclothes, the warm glow of the lanterns bathing the room in a soft light. Once ready, she returned to her bed and closed the curtains, enveloping herself in a cocoon of privacy.

With a flick of her wand, Hariel cast a silencing charm, ensuring that any noise she made wouldn't disturb her sleeping roommates. Settling into her bed, she allowed herself to relax, the events of the day finally catching up to her.

Knowing that she shouldn’t close her eyes yet, she opened them before grabbing the communication mirror she’d placed on the covers before changing. Hariel's fingers traced the smooth surface of the communication mirror as she whispered, "Sirius Black," into its depths. Almost instantly, the mirror shimmered, and Sirius's face materialised before her.

"Hey there, Hariel!" Sirius greeted, his face breaking into a wide grin at the sight of her.

"Hey Siri," Hariel greeted, managing a small smile before Sirius's concerned expression caught her attention. "I'm alright," she said, though the weariness in her voice betrayed her words.

Not believing her, Sirius pressed Hariel further, “What’s happened Hariel?”

Sirius listened attentively as Hariel recounted the tension with Ron and Hermione. He frowned slightly at the mention of the argument but offered his perspective with a reassuring tone.

"It's understandable, Hariel. Change can be unsettling for some people, especially when it's someone they've known for a long time. Ron and Hermione care about you, but they might need a bit of time to adjust to the changes you've gone through and the new friends that you have."

Hariel nodded, appreciating Sirius's understanding. "I hope you're right," she said softly, a hint of uncertainty in her voice.

Sirius smiled reassuringly. "Give it time, Hariel. True friendships can withstand a lot. Just be yourself, and they'll come around. Is that all that’s upset you?”

Shaking her head, Hariel grimaces before looking back at Sirius. "Hey Siri," Hariel began, her voice tinged with a mixture of exhaustion and concern. "I need to tell you about something that happened on the train today.”

Sirius's expression shifted, his attention fully focused on Hariel. "What happened?" he asked, his tone serious.

Hariel took a deep breath before recounting her encounter with the dementors. "There were dementors on the train," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "They came into our compartment, and I—I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was terrifying, it felt like I’d never be happy again. I heard someone screaming but Daphne said no one screamed."

Sirius began to scowl, anger painted clear across his face before clearing it and looking at Hariel. "Are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine worry.

Hariel nodded, though the memory of the dementors still sent shivers down her spine. "Remus was there," she continued, her tone grateful. "He chased the dementors away with a Patronus. But it was... it was terrifying, Sirius."

Sirius's expression softened with understanding. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Hariel," he said, his voice filled with empathy. “I never wanted you to experience the presence of dementors. Do you know why they were there, they aren’t suppose to leave Azkaban.”

Hariel nodded her head, “Dumbledore said the Ministry sent them, they’re looking for Peter Pettigrew and the dementors are supposed to be guarding the school this year because of that.”

Her words didn’t reassure Sirius and his face darkened in anger, Hariel could tell that he was furious, and he began to rapidly speak, his voice rising slightly as he worked himself up.

Sirius' anger boiled over as he launched into a heated rant about the Ministry's actions. "It's utterly ridiculous," he exclaimed, his voice heated in anger. "Placing dementors at Hogwarts? Without notifying the Board of Governors!"

His words dripped with disdain as he continued, his tone growing more incredulous by the moment. "Do they have any idea what they're risking? Exposing innocent students to those soul-sucking creatures... It's unforgivable."

Hariel listened in silence, her heart warm as she listened to Sirius. It was a new feeling to be able to go to an adult that she trusted with things, but Sirius was just proving why she could trust him with her worries.

“They're fools, the lot of them, don’t worry about the students, oh no, because the dementors are so controllable. Most adult wixen can’t produce a patronus, let alone school children!” Sirius continued, his voice simmering with indignation. Suddenly turning back to her, Sirius took a deep breath before calming down. “Don’t worry Hariel, I’ll sort it. I can guarantee that Amelia and Augusta didn’t know about this. Get some sleep, little star, classes start tomorrow, you’ll need to be well rested. I’ll update you when I know more.”

Hariel nodded, grateful for Sirius's unwavering support. Despite the unsettling events of the day, knowing that Sirius was willing to stand up for her and her classmates gave her a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos.

Saying good night to Sirius, Hariel settled into bed. She couldn't shake off the unsettling events of the day. The image of the dementor loomed in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts. Despite Sirius's reassurance, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease.

With a heavy sigh, she reached over and placed the communication mirror on her bedside table. It glinted softly in the dim light of the dormitory, a silent reminder of the connection she had with Sirius.

Curling up beneath the covers, Hariel closed her eyes, willing herself to push aside her worries and drift off to sleep. She focused on the rhythm of her breath, letting it soothe her restless mind.

As sleep finally began to claim her, Hariel whispered a silent prayer for a peaceful night's rest, hoping that tomorrow would bring a brighter day. And with that thought lingering in her mind, she succumbed to the embrace of slumber, ready to face her first day of classes the following morning, fresh faced and well rested.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (25)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (26)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (27)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (28) The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (29)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (30)The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (31)

From left to right first line: Professor McGonagall, Professor Dumbledore, Lavender Brown, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnegan

From left to right second line: Fred and George Weasley, Neville Longbottom


Hopefully you enjoyed the chapter, I added the picture of Neville because some of you asked for it to appear again. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and as for Professor McGonagall, I didn't make a picture for her because Maggie Smith just embodied that character for me and whenever I picture McGonagall it's Maggie Smith as her that I get.

Chapter 12: Surprise Appearances and the First Day of Class


Hi all! I don't even have an excuse for not updating last week, I honestly forgot and then I kept meaning to update after work but I hate updating after work because I tend to miss more.

The good news is I have finally been able to write chapter 16 which was giving me so much trouble so there is a positive and I have made a start on chapter 17 as well.

I hope you enjoy the chapter and I appreciate all the feedback and support you give me!


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The morning sun peeked through the curtains of Gryffindor Tower, casting a warm glow over the dormitories. Hariel stirred in her sleep, feeling a sense of anticipation for the day ahead. As she slowly opened her eyes, she found herself greeted by the familiar sight of the canopy above her bed, swaying gently in the breeze from the open window.

With a yawn, she stretched her limbs and swung her legs over the side of the bed, ready to start her day. As she got dressed and prepared for breakfast, her mind drifted back to the events of the previous day—the encounter with the dementor on the train, the argument with Ron and Hermione, and the comforting words of Sirius.

Ready for the day, she made her way down to the common room. Hariel couldn't help but feel excited. She always enjoyed returning to Hogwarts, but this time she had more friends around her, and, biting her lip, and thinking about Ron and Hermione, she hoped that they would come around and she could introduce them to her new friends.

Entering the bustling common room, Hariel was greeted by the sight of Gryffindors of all years milling about, chatting animatedly as they prepared for the day ahead. Neville and Parvati were already waiting for her, their faces brightening as they saw her.

"Morning, Hariel," Neville greeted, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Ready for the first day of classes?"

Hariel returned the smile, nodding in affirmation. "Absolutely. I'm looking forward to hearing what we’ll be learning this year, and our electives!”

With that, the trio made their way to the Great Hall for breakfast, joining the throng of students as they filled the long tables. As they took their seats, Hariel smiled as the rest of the third years filled in the seats around them, even Ron and Hermione doing so, despite sitting slightly further away. Hermione kept sneaking glances at Hariel, but looking away when Hariel turned to look over at her.

Plates of food appeared before them, Hariel and her friends began to tuck into their breakfast. They laughed and chatted amongst themselves, their conversation began to turn their upcoming lessons.

As Hariel, Neville, and Parvati were about to finish their breakfast, a hush fell over the Great Hall as the doors swung open, revealing the school governors, Sirius at the head of the group. Whispers rippled through the hall as students and teachers alike turned their gaze toward Sirius and the governors, curious to know the reason for their visit. Hariel’s eyes widened in surprise at the unexpected sight of Sirius at Hogwarts, watching as his presence commanded attention. Sirius stood tall and confident as he began to lead the governors into the hall.

Hariel exchanged a puzzled glance with Neville and Parvati, wondering what could have prompted Sirius to appear at Hogwarts so suddenly with the school governors on the very first day of class.

Reaching the head table, Sirius stepped forward, turning so he was facing the students, his voice ringing out clear and authoritative as he addressed the gathered crowd. "Good morning, everyone," he began, his words carrying easily across the hall. "I apologise for the interruption on your first day of class, but we, the school governors, would like to speak to you briefly before you begin your learning today.”

Before Sirius could continue, Dumbledore interrupted him. “Sirius, my boy, are you sure this is necessary?" he interjected, his tone carrying a hint of anger that he seemed to be trying to hide behind a benign smile. "Perhaps you and the governors would come up to my office..."

However, Sirius cut him off sharply, his voice firm and commanding. "Headmaster," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument, "you will address me as Lord Black. I am no longer at student at this school. While we will discuss other matters with you, we are currently speaking to the students. ”

The Great Hall fell silent, all eyes fixed on the exchange between Sirius and Dumbledore. The tension in the air was palpable as the two authority figures faced off, their differing opinions on the matter evident to all.

With that, Dumbledore stepped back, allowing Sirius to continue speaking to the school. Hariel leaned in, her curiosity piqued as Sirius continued to speak, his words drawing her attention like a magnet. “Due to concerns raised over the summer because of the events last year, as well as concerns that were raised just yesterday, the governors convened late last night to address the issues we feel need fixing at Hogwarts. We are concerned about students safety and well-being at Hogwarts, and the very real danger students are in due to the dementors surrounding the school.” He explained. Hariel watched as students began to whisper.

"As a result," Sirius announced, swiftly cutting the whispers off, "additional security measures will be implemented to ensure the protection of everyone within these walls. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of safety and security.”

Sirius continued, his voice unwavering. "Additional security measures will be implemented immediately," he declared, his words resonating with authority. "Aurors will patrol the grounds, and extra precautions will be taken during Hogsmeade weekends to ensure the safety of students in the village."

Dumbledore's expression remained inscrutable as he listened to Sirius' pronouncement. After a moment of silence, he nodded solemnly. "Very well, Lord Black," he conceded, his tone resigned. "I trust that you and the governors will handle this matter with the utmost care."

Sirius's voice echoed through the Great Hall as he continued speaking without acknowledging Dumbledore’s words. "Furthermore," he declared, his tone commanding attention, "We will be viewing different classes as we implement these changes, this is nothing for you to concern yourselves over, we are looking to improve the school and thus it is important that we observe the subjects taught. A governors meeting has been called for this afternoon. As a result, classes for the afternoon are cancelled to allow the faculty to attend."

A murmur rippled through the hall as the students processed the unexpected news of cancelled classes. Some exchanged curious glances, while others whispered excitedly about the prospect of an unexpected break on the very first day back.

Sirius paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in before addressing the students once more. "Enjoy your breakfasts," he said with a slight smile, his demeanour softening slightly. "And look forward to the changes coming to Hogwarts this year."

With that, Sirius swept out of the hall, his departure leaving a sense of anticipation in his wake. As he left, he cast a parting remark to Dumbledore, his voice carrying a hint of determination. "We will meet you in your office in half an hour to discuss the contents of the meeting with the faculty this afternoon," he stated firmly before disappearing from view, the other governors following behind.

Hariel listened intently, her mind racing as she processed Sirius' words. She couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that steps were being taken to address the threat of the dementors, but she also couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the back of her mind. What did Sirius mean ‘observe the subjects taught?’ And ‘improve the school?’ Hariel thought back over the summer, scanning her memories for any mention of changes at Hogwarts that the adults had discussed, but nothing was coming to mind. Glancing over at Neville she could see the same confusion in his eyes that she was feeling, the both of them shrugging before turning their attention back to the rest of the hall.

The hall had erupted into a murmur of discussion, students exchanging opinions and speculating on the implications of the new security measures. Hariel looked toward the head table, seeing the glances that the professors were exchanging.

The third-years exchanged glances and whispers, their minds abuzz with speculation, Dean spoke up first. "Maybe it's just about the dementors," he suggested, his brow furrowed in thought. “Because of what happened on the train, with them coming aboard and what not, I bet they weren’t supposed to do that!”

Lavender nodded in agreement, her expression thoughtful. "Or perhaps it's about additional security measures," she added. "With everything that’s happened over the last two years, sorry Hariel!” Here Lavender shot an apologetic glance at Hariel, who shrugged and smiled wearily, not offended. It did always seem that she ended up in the middle of something. “Is it really a surprise that the governors are intervening now?”

They all looked at each other thoughtfully before Seamus chimed in. “What if it's something to do with the Forbidden Forest?" he mused. "You know, like new rules or something. That place is full of creatures that should not be near a school!”

Hariel listened to their theories, considering each one carefully. "It could be related to either of them, but the dementors are probably what has forced them to intervene,” she said, her gaze distant as she thought aloud. “They should never have been on the train, I doubt many students know how to defend themselves against one, I certainly don’t.”

Parvati nodded in agreement, her expression serious. “It was terrifying when they came into the compartment. It nearly kissed you Hariel!” She exclaimed, Hariel winced as it caused the rest of the third years to look her way, their eyes wide and she saw a few older students look over as well. Seeing the attention her thoughtless comment had drawn, Parvati hurriedly continued, “Or maybe it's about the staff," she suggested quickly. “Everyone knows the Defence position is cursed. We had a new professor first year as well as last year, and now Professor Lupin. Perhaps they're discussing how to break the curse?”

Neville, looking thoughtful, pondered their theories before offering his own. "What if it's about Hogwarts itself?" he proposed. "You know, like changes to the curriculum or updates to the school's defences. The school is over a thousand years old, it wouldn’t be too much of a guess that occasionally the wards need updating.”

As they mulled over their theories, the third-year students couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation building within them. Whatever the reason for the governors' meeting, it was clear that the new school year was off to an intriguing start.

As Professor McGonagall distributed the schedules, the third-year students eagerly took hold of their parchment, eyes scanning over the neatly written timetable. Hariel's gaze flickered down the list, anticipation building as she mentally mapped out her day.

"Charms with the Ravenclaws first," Parvati noted, a hint of excitement in her voice. “That should be good, least it should be a fairly quiet class.”

Neville nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that should make the class an easy one for this year, at least in terms of house politics.”

Dean frowned slightly as he read further down the schedule. "History of Magic with the Hufflepuffs next," he muttered, his tone less enthusiastic. "That's always a snooze fest, maybe the governors will do something about that. The history you were telling us last night was so much more interesting.”

Lavender sighed, echoing Dean's sentiment. "At least it's not too long," she remarked, trying to find a silver lining in their schedule.

Seamus perked up as he reached the next class. "Transfiguration with the Ravenclaws again!" he exclaimed, a grin spreading across his face. “Least there won’t be any sabotage during that, I hate transfiguration, I can never get it right.” He finished miserably.

Hariel smiled at Seamus, feeling amusem*nt bubble up, Seamus always managed to blow something up on the first day of class, it would be a toss up if it was charms or transfiguration. She then added her own thoughts, “And then DADA with the Slytherins,” she added, her tone thoughtful. She didn’t think it would be too bad, after all she was friends with a few of the Slytherins now, although she knew Malfoy and his cronies would do their best to make the lesson as miserable as possible. Hopefully Remus would be able to stop that. “That’ll be an interesting one.” She added when she noticed her friends were all looking at her. Neville and Parvati grinned at her as the others turned back to their schedules.

Standing, they made their way out of the Great Hall. It was buzzing with excitement and speculation as other students finished their breakfasts, eagerly anticipating what the governors could be meeting about. They didn’t usually intervene in Hogwarts, hadn’t done so for centuries if they discounted the previous year when Dumbledore had been removed, so speculation was high about what had caused them to intervene now. The unexpected turn of events had injected an air of anticipation into the school, signalling that the new school year would be anything but ordinary.

The third-year Gryffindors gathered their bags, and as she left the Great Hall, Hariel couldn't shake the feeling that the governors meeting was the start of big changes for Hogwarts. Her stomach clenched in anticipation.

They all chatted animatedly as they made their way to the Charms classroom. Ron and Hermione trailing behind, whispering to each other. The corridors buzzed with the energy of students talking about the unexpected events of that morning while rushing to get to their first class of the day.

"I wonder what charms we'll be learning this year," Parvati mused, adjusting the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "Maybe something more advanced?"

Neville nodded thoughtfully. "Could be. Professor Flitwick always likes to challenge us."

Dean grinned, his eyes bright with excitement. "I'm hoping we get to learn some new defensive charms," he said eagerly.

Hariel's expression mirrored Dean's enthusiasm. "That would be useful," she agreed, her mind already racing with possibilities. "But I'm also hoping we'll get to explore some more intricate charms, ones that require real precision."

Seamus chuckled, falling into step beside them. "Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it'll be interesting," he said optimistically. "Charms is always fun."

Lavender grinned as she looked over at Seamus. "Definitely. I enjoy watching you blow up your first attempt at any spell!” They all laughed as Seamus rolled his eyes, grinning wryly and shrugging.

With their anticipation building, the third-year Gryffindors pushed open the door to the Charms classroom.


In the Charms classroom, the Gryffindors eagerly dove into their first lesson of the year. Professor Flitwick, with his characteristic enthusiasm, introduced them to the charms they would be learning throughout the term, outlining the intricacies of each spell and the practical applications they held in the Wixen World.

As the lesson progressed, they were introduced to the Cheering Charm, a spell designed to lift the spirits and bring joy to those around. The Gryffindors and Ravenclaws listened attentively as Professor Flitwick demonstrated the incantation and wand movements.

With practiced flicks of their wands and precise pronunciation, the students began to cast the Cheering Charm on each other, the classroom filling with laughter as the spell took effect. Hariel, Neville, Parvati, and the others eagerly practiced, their determination driving them to perfect the spell under Flitwick's watchful eye.

Throughout the lesson, Flitwick moved among the students, offering words of encouragement and gentle corrections where needed. His infectious enthusiasm spurred them on, and soon they were casting the Cheering Charm with confidence, the room alive with the sound of laughter and cheering.

By the end of the lesson, most of the class had mastered the spell to Flitwick's satisfaction, those who hadn’t were given homework to carry on practising in order to master the spell. Their smiles bright and their spirits lifted they filed out of the classroom, Hariel couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment, she had never mastered a spell in the first lesson before, renewing her determination to take her classes more seriously.

Heading off to History of Magic, they made a rambunctious group as they laughed through the halls. Entering the classroom, all the cheer and happiness was drawn out as the atmosphere changed to one of lethargy as they sat, Professor Binns already beginning his lecture.

As Professor Binns continued his monotonous lecture on yet another goblin rebellion, Hariel's attention was drawn to movement at the back of the classroom. She watched with growing curiosity as the Hogwarts governors silently filed in to observe the lesson.

Among them, Hariel caught sight of Sirius, his presence in the classroom both surprising and concerning. Their eyes met briefly, and Hariel sensed a silent message conveyed in Sirius's expression. He shook his head almost imperceptibly, a signal for her to remain quiet and patient.

Feeling a mix of confusion and apprehension, Hariel turned her attention back to Professor Binns, struggling to maintain focus as the history lesson dragged on. Her mind raced with questions about the sudden appearance of the governors and Sirius's cryptic message. What could be happening at Hogwarts this year?

As the lesson finally drew to a close, Hariel couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered. With a silent vow to find out more, she gathered her belongings and followed her classmates out of the classroom, her thoughts consumed with the appearance of Sirius and the governors.


Entering the transfiguration classroom, Hariel swiftly took a seat besides Neville as Professor McGonagall delved into the intricacies of Transfiguration. Hariel found her mind drifting, unable to fully concentrate on the lesson. She was grateful for Neville's timely nudges whenever her attention wavered too far, bringing her back to the present moment.

Despite her best efforts, Hariel couldn't shake the weight of the earlier encounter with the Hogwarts governors, especially Sirius's cryptic message. The mystery surrounding their unexpected presence lingered in her thoughts, overshadowing the academic content of the class.

McGonagall's stern voice penetrated Hariel's preoccupied mind as she emphasised the importance of attention to detail and precision in Transfiguration. It was a reminder that mastering the advanced concepts would require unwavering focus and dedication, qualities Hariel feared she might struggle to maintain in her current state of distraction.

As the lesson drew to a close, Hariel resolved to redouble her efforts and immerse herself fully in her lessons. Whatever was happening she would find out soon enough. With renewed determination, she gathered her belongings and headed to DADA.


As Hariel settled into her seat in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, she couldn't help but notice the subtle changes in the atmosphere. The room seemed to crackle with a sense of anticipation, heightened by the presence of the Slytherins entering the room.

Daphne's keen eyes quickly found Hariel and Neville, prompting her to slide into the seat beside Hariel. Their unexpected proximity drew a scowl from Ron, who seemed to be engaged in conversation with Hermione nearby.

Despite the tension between Gryffindor and Slytherin, Hariel greeted Daphne with a polite nod, acknowledging her presence before turning her attention to the front of the classroom. She wondered what awaited them in their first DADA lesson of the year, hoping it would provide some distraction from the lingering mysteries surrounding the Hogwarts governors and the ominous presence of the Dementors.

As Remus stepped forward to address the class, his presence commanded attention, and the room fell silent as he began to outline the curriculum for the year ahead. His voice was steady, yet there was an underlying warmth that put the students at ease.

"Good morning, class," Remus began, his gaze sweeping over the eager faces before him. "As you know, this year we will be delving deeper into the realm of Defence Against the Dark Arts. While we will certainly build upon the foundational spells and techniques you've learned in your first two years, we'll also be exploring new territory."

He paced back and forth at the front of the room, his hands clasped behind his back as he continued. “Your third year is a pivotal time in your magical education. It's when we begin to study magical creatures and the defensive strategies that can be employed against them. Understanding the creatures that inhabit our world is essential for any wix, as is knowing how to protect yourselves and others from potential threats."

Remus paused, allowing his words to sink in before he spoke again. "Throughout the year, we'll cover a range of topics, from the properties of various magical creatures to the spells and charms used to repel or incapacitate them. It's important to approach this subject with both curiosity and caution, as our knowledge will be our greatest asset in the face of danger."

He locked eyes with each student, his expression serious yet encouraging. "I expect your full attention and dedication in this class, as the skills you learn here may one day save lives."

With that, Remus concluded his introduction, leaving the students buzzing with anticipation for the year ahead. As they settled into their seats, Hariel grinned over at Remus, his eyes twinkling back before he began the lesson.

“The first creature we will study this year is something called a boggart. Who can tell me what they know about a boggart?” Remus eyed Hermione speculatively as her hand shot up eagerly, nodding at her, indicating for her to answer the question. "Yes, Miss …?"

“Granger Professor,” Hermione answered his unspoken question.

“Miss Granger, what can you tell us about boggarts?"

Hermione straightened in her seat, her expression determined as she began to speak. "A boggart is a shape-shifting creature that takes on the form of whatever its observer fears the most. It's a dark creature, often found lurking in places where there is a strong presence of fear or negative emotions. Boggarts are typically not dangerous in and of themselves, but their ability to mimic one's worst fears can be incredibly unsettling and even harmful if left unchecked."

She paused briefly, scanning Remus’s face before continuing. "In order to confront a boggart, one must learn to overcome their fear and project a form onto it that is comical or absurd. This disrupts the boggart's ability to feed off of fear and renders it harmless. The incantation for the spell used to repel a boggart is riddikulus, which, when used in conjunction with an image conjured in ones mind, causes the boggart to become a caricature of your greatest fear.”

Hermione's explanation was met with rolls of eyes from some of the others in the class while Remus smiled, pleased with her response. "Very good, Miss Granger. You've provided an excellent overview of boggarts and the methods used to deal with them. As we delve deeper into this unit, we'll explore different strategies for confronting boggarts and honing your defensive skills."

With that, Remus turned to the rest of the class, ready to lead them through their first lesson on boggarts and the practical applications of defence against these shape-shifting creatures.

Remus continued the explanation, delving into the intricacies of the spell used to repel a boggart. He demonstrated the wand movements and incantation, ensuring that each student understood the technique thoroughly. Throughout the lesson, he offered encouragement and guidance, correcting their form and pronunciation as needed.

As the class neared its end, Remus announced, "For our next lesson, I've arranged for us to practice on a boggart. This will give you the opportunity to put the theory we've discussed today into practice." He emphasised the importance of remaining focused and confident in the face of their fears.

With that, he dismissed the class, reminding them to review their notes and practice the spell before their next lesson. The students filed out of the classroom, talking amongst themselves about the lesson and how different it was from the two years of lessons they’d had at Hogwarts.

Hariel nodded to her friends in Slytherin, exchanging brief smiles with them, before making her way down to the Great Hall for lunch. The chatter and laughter of students filled the air as she entered, the bustling energy of the room enveloping her.

Joining her fellow Gryffindor third years at the table, she found them already deep in conversation about their lessons so far. Neville was animatedly recounting their charms lesson, excitedly demonstrating the cheering charm they had learned, while Parvati and Lavender spoke about history, the grimaces on their face spoke volumes about what they thought about the lesson.

Taking a seat amongst them, Hariel joined in the discussion, sharing her own insights and reflections on the day's classes. The excitement of her friends buoyed her spirits, easing the tension she had felt earlier in the day.

As they enjoyed their meal together, Hariel carefully scribbled a note on a piece of parchment, folding it neatly before passing it to Neville, who sat across from her. Their eyes met briefly, and she gave him a small nod, indicating the note. Neville took it with a curious expression, unfolding it to read the message.

The note simply asked if he wanted to meet with the others in the library that afternoon. Neville's eyes widened in surprise, but a smile slowly spread across his face as he nodded in agreement.

With a grin, Hariel felt a sense of anticipation building within her. The prospect of reuniting with the others brought a spark of excitement to her afternoon plans, and she couldn't wait to catch up with them. She was resolutely not thinking about anyone in particular that she was looking forward to seeing.

As lunch came to an end and the students began to disperse from the Great Hall, Hariel exchanged eager glances with Neville, both of them looking forward to seeing the others in the library later that day.

Hariel watched as Neville made his way over to Susan and Hannah at the Hufflepuff table, her heart pounding with anticipation. She could see him speaking quietly to them, gesturing subtly in her direction. Susan and Hannah listened intently, their expressions shifting from curiosity to understanding as Neville relayed their plan.

As Neville returned to her side, Hariel could see the smile tugging at his lips. With Neville's quiet assurance and her own excitement, Hariel felt confident that their plan would come together smoothly.

Hariel's gaze met Daphne's across the Great Hall, and she conveyed her silent message with a subtle tilt of her head towards the exit. Nudging Parvati gently, she directed her attention to the Slytherin table. Parvati followed her gaze and then understood, rising from her seat to approach the Ravenclaw table where Padma sat.

As Parvati reached Padma and began to speak in hushed tones, Hariel felt a surge of excitement. Everything was falling into place, their plan unfolding seamlessly. She glanced back at Neville, who was watching their progress with a satisfied smile.

Hariel led the way out of the hall, Susan, Neville, and Hannah trailing behind her in animated conversation. She guided them out into the corridor, the chatter of the Great Hall fading behind them.

Positioning herself near an alcove she had discovered the previous year, Hariel glanced back at her companions, a smile playing on her lips. This spot offered a perfect vantage point; from here, they could observe anyone entering or exiting the Great Hall without being easily noticed themselves. It was a place Hariel had used the previous year to scope out the Great Hall during the Heir of Slytherin nonsense.

Hariel leaned against the wall, her eyes fixed on the grand doors of the Great Hall. She was eager for the others to join them, wanting to catch up on everything that had happened since the train.

As Hariel stood by the alcove, her eyes scanning the bustling corridor, she couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth as Neville, Susan and Hannah continued their animated conversation about transfiguration, which Hufflepuff had had first that morning while Neville and Hariel had been in charms, comparing notes and discussing setting up a regular meeting time to go over homework when the professors began to give it out.

Parvati and Padma emerged from the Great Hall, their animated conversation carrying across the space. Hariel's smile widened as they approached, seamlessly blending into their circle. The group fell into easy conversation, their voices mingling with the echoes of passing students.

Watching the doors, Hariel grinned when Daphne, Tracy, Blaise and Theo exited, catching Theo’s eye and nodding in the direction of the library, blushing shyly when he raised an eyebrow and smirked in response. He nodded before turning to the other Slytherins, gesturing to the direction of the library. Seeing the nods, Hariel smiled before turning to her Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Gryffindor friends and began leading them to the library.

As Hariel and her friends made their way towards the library, she couldn't help but steal glances at Theo, who was following along behind with the others. Their eyes met, and a shy smile tugged at her lips, accompanied by a subtle blush, turning around again and studiously ignoring Neville who was grinning, seeming to always be able to catch whenever she was feeling flustered around Theo.

Just as Neville opened his mouth to tease her, she pointedly stood on his foot as she opened the doors to the library, grinning at his hiss of her name. “Hariel!”

“Don’t tease then!” She hissed back, rolling her eyes when he began to grin again.

As Hariel led her friends into the library, she navigated through the aisles with purpose, her footsteps quiet against the polished wooden floor. They passed by the familiar rows of towering bookshelves until they reached a section tucked away behind the Divination section. Here, hidden from the bustling main areas of the library, lay a secluded spot that Hariel had discovered during her first year at Hogwarts.

With a sense of familiarity and comfort, Hariel approached a concealed alcove nestled between two shelves. It was a small, cozy space, outfitted with a table and enough chairs for everyone. The dim light filtering in through the dusty windows lent an air of secrecy to the area, further enhancing its appeal as a hidden sanctuary.

As they settled into their seats, Hariel couldn't help but smile at the memories this place held. It had been her refuge during moments of solitude, a haven where she could escape the prying eyes and the whispers of her peers. Now, it served as the perfect setting for her gathering with friends, a place where they could study, talk, and laugh without fear of interruption.

With Madam Pince patrolling the other side of the library and rarely coming this far back due to a lack of students, Hariel felt reassured that their meeting would remain undisturbed. Here, in this hidden corner of Hogwarts, they could enjoy each other's company in peace, surrounded by the comforting presence of books and the warmth of friendship.

As they all settled in, Neville's quizzical expression caught her attention. She smiled sheepishly, realising that she had indeed kept this special place to herself.

“How did you find this place Hariel? I’ve never been this far back in the library before.” He said, looking around the space thoughtfully.

Hariel's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as Neville's words brought attention to her secret hideaway. She shifted uneasily in her seat, feeling a pang of vulnerability at revealing this intimate part of her past to her friends.

"Yeah, it's... it's sort of my spot," she admitted quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I found it during my first year here, when... when I needed a place to just... be alone."

Her gaze remained fixed on the tabletop, avoiding the curious looks of her friends. In that moment, she felt exposed, as if the walls of her sanctuary had suddenly become transparent, revealing the vulnerability she had hidden away for so long.

But as she glanced up, she was met with understanding smiles and nods of empathy from her friends. They may not have known about this place before, but they understood her need for solitude, the desire to escape from the pressures of school and the scrutiny of the student body.

"It's perfect, Hariel," Parvati said softly, her voice warm with reassurance. "Thank you for sharing it with us."

Hariel felt a surge of gratitude wash over her at her friends' acceptance. In their understanding gazes, she found solace, realising that she was not alone in her need for refuge. Here, in this hidden corner of Hogwarts, surrounded by those who cared for her, she felt a sense of belonging that she had only just begun to feel over the summer.

As they gathered around the table in the secluded alcove of the library, Hariel's friends exchanged curious glances, their minds buzzing with speculation about the upcoming governors' meeting. Blaise leaned forward, his expression thoughtful as he kicked off the conversation.

"I reckon it's mostly to do with the dementors. The Ministry is nuts to post them around the school. I sent a letter to my mother last night, she won’t have got it yet of course, she went back to Italy after she dropped me off at the station, but she’s going to be furious when she reads about what happened on the train.” He said, his voice low as he glanced around at the group. “I can’t have been the only one to send a letter last night."

Tracy nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Yeah, I sent a letter as well, I haven’t heard back, but it would have gotten there late last night or early this morning. Mum probably wouldn’t write back straight away. It doesn’t surprise me that, since the governors have been informed, they're planning to tighten security even more," she chimed in. "Especially after what happened on the train."

Daphne, ever the pragmatist, added her own perspective. “This is just the kind of situation the governors needed to intervene in Hogwarts, especially now that Lord Black is here. With someone filling the Black seat again, its no wonder that its this year they are taking more of an interest. Hariel, who’s holding your proxy for your seat on the board of governors?”

“My solicitor, William Blackwood. We thought it would be a good idea for someone more impartial to hold the proxies for the board of governors and on the Wizengamot.” Hariel murmured, her brow furrowed as she hadn’t thought about how Sirius being free had meant that the board had more active members now, with her seat having a proper proxy for the first time since 1981 when her father had died. It meant that there was a bigger possibility of pushing change through.

Theo, who had been listening quietly, spoke up next. "Or maybe they're planning to address the rumours about the Pendragons," he suggested, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "I mean, it's not every day that the Sorting Hat mentions the return of the royal family during the Welcome Feast."

Susan and Hannah exchanged intrigued glances, their curiosity piqued by Theo's theory. "That's true," Susan agreed, her brow furrowed in thought. "But what could the governors possibly have to say about that?”

Hariel shot a panicked look to Neville who had been sitting quietly next to her, his hand moving to squeeze hers under the table as he shook his head. Hariel took a deep breath and nodded, hoping her panic hadn’t been obvious. Looking around at her friends she caught Theo’s eye, his face speculative as he looked at her before his brows furrowed in thought.

Hariel bit her lip before taking a deep breath to calm herself down. She knew she would eventually tell her friends her secret, but she wasn’t ready yet. It was all still too new, despite having had the whole of the summer to get used to it, for the most part she had been trying to avoid thinking about it too deeply, focusing on what she would need to know, as opposed to the stark truth that in three years she would be expected to be queen of an entire kingdom. She wasn’t anywhere near ready for that. She knew it would happen, she felt duty bound to see it through, but it was a terrifying prospect and she wasn’t ready for anyone else to know yet.

Fortunately, apart from Theo, who was still looking at her thoughtfully, everyone else seemed to have missed her panic. She felt herself blush and quickly looked away as she caught Theo’s eye, the attention for the first time beginning to feel uncomfortable.

Parvati and Padma, who had been listening intently, offered their own ideas. "Perhaps they're seriously discussing changes to the curriculum," Padma suggested, her tone thoughtful. “Afterall, its common knowledge that classes have been steadily removed from Hogwarts over the last 100 years.”

This made Hariel’s eyebrows shoot up, especially when she saw the others nod in agreement. She hadn’t known there used to be more classes at Hogwarts.

Neville, jokingly, offered a more lighthearted perspective. "Maybe they're just having a tea party," he joked, eliciting a chuckle from the group.

Hariel listened to her friends' theories with a mixture of amusem*nt and curiosity. As the conversation continued, the theories grew more and more wild, each one more outlandish than the last as they each tried to out do each other. Yet she couldn’t ignore Theo’s eyes on her, especially as he was not adding to the discussion of the others, but seemingly deep in thought, his eyes never leaving Hariel.

Hariel bit her lip anxiously, maybe she would need to tell her friends sooner than she had planned, it looked like one of them had already figured it out, or he would soon.

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (32)

Professor Flitwick


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, hopefully I'll be back to my regular schedule now. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and are looking forward to the next one.

The picture of Professor Flitwick is from the Philosophers Stone because I've always preferred the visual of him in that film as opposed to the later films.

Chapter 13: Governor’s Meetings and Changes to Come


Hi all, sorry about the long wait, I’ve been struggling to find time to sit down and write lately. I’ve decided to update every other week because I think it’ll just take the pressure off a bit.

Now onto the bad news, I broke my laptop yesterday, fell off a table and now the screen is cracked and it’s unusable till I get it fixed. The only reason this chapter is going out today is because thank goodness everything is on my iPad as well and it was pretty much all edited already.

However, there is no way I can write a whole chapter on my iPad, I will go insane, I barely managed to finish doing the little tidy up edits I did this morning and while I had to race back to work to grab my work laptop I’d left there yesterday assuming whatever work I’d do over the weekend I could do on my own, I don’t have access to the story to write it on my work laptop and to be honest, it’s not something I would do with it anyway.

So basically, I don’t know when my laptop will be fixed and until it is, you’ll have to bare with I’m afraid, really sorry!

But I wanted to get you a chapter today because I know how frustrating it can be when you think there’s an update and then it’s just an authors note, so hopefully having this (very) long chapter will help. Unfortunately there’s no pictures today as, again, no laptop to make them. I’ll add them to the chapter when everything is back up and running.

Anyway, enjoy!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

As the door of Dumbledore's office swung shut, the atmosphere within became charged with tension. Sirius stood tall and resolute, flanked by the other school governors, while Dumbledore regarded them with a calm demeanour that barely concealed his underlying unease and anger.

"Sirius," Dumbledore began, his voice tinged with a hint of reproach, "While I understand your concerns, barging into Hogwarts with such demands is hardly the most diplomatic approach."

Sirius met Dumbledore's gaze squarely, his expression unyielding. "With all due respect, Headmaster, the safety of the students should be our utmost priority. Allowing the Ministry to station dementors around the school without proper consultation or approval is, quite frankly, unacceptable. I also might remind you Headmaster, it is Lord Black. I am no longer an errant school boy.”

Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a flicker of irritation, though he maintained his composed façade. "I assure you, Lord Black, the decision was not made lightly. The presence of dementors was deemed necessary to address the rising threat that Peter Pettigrew may pose now that his crimes have been uncovered."

Sirius scoffed, his frustration evident. “I don’t believe that Pettigrew, having hidden himself for 13 years, would jeopardise his hiding place due to my release. He would be a fool to do so. And Peter, while cowardly, in the interest of his own survival, is no fool. And, to address your reasons for the dementors staying at Hogwarts, they have already caused more harm than good. You cannot deny the toll their presence has taken on our students in just a single night, they should never have been allowed so close to children, as evidenced by the incident on the Hogwarts Express."

Dumbledore's expression softened slightly, a hint of remorse shadowing his features. "You have my deepest apologies for that unfortunate incident. Rest assured, steps will be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of the students moving forward."

Sirius narrowed his eyes at Dumbledore, the remorse seemingly sincere in his voice, but not nearly convincing enough since his rose-colored glasses had been thoroughly removed. “That is why we are here Headmaster. Steps are being taken, the first of which is the removal of those foul creatures from the grounds of a school, full of children who are not able to protect themselves from them. The governors have a duty to oversee the welfare of the school, and we cannot stand idly by while the students are in danger. There may have been a lax attitude to the running of this school and the hands off approach the governors have taken for centuries, but that ends today."

Dumbledore’s eyes flashed in anger, and as Sirius watched closely he could see Dumbledore’s face tense before he smoothed it out and inclined his head in acknowledgment, his gaze betraying a flicker of resignation. "Point duly noted, Sirius. I shall endeavour to foster a more collaborative approach in the future.”

Sirius arched his eyebrow, shaking his head before speaking, “See that you do Headmaster, and I hope I do not have to repeat myself again when I say that you are address me as Lord Black. We are not on such familiar terms.

“Onto our next issue. We had been intending to meet earlier in the summer, but events were carried out in a manner as to which we could not find the time and so our meeting was scheduled for today before we were informed about the dementors. We are concerned about the curriculum being taught at Hogwarts, how it compares to what was taught in the past and what is being taught at our sister schools around the world.” Here Sirius held his hand up, forestalling any response the headmaster could make before continuing,

“As such, we the governors, shall be auditing the classes around the school this morning, before meeting and discussing what we have observed and the changes that may need to be made. We shall inform you of the decisions that we make this afternoon when we meet with the staff.”

It was plain to see the anger painted upon Dumbledore’s face now, his eyes narrowed as he looked at Sirius. “I might ask, Lord Black, why you are the spokes person for our esteemed governors? After all, you can hardly be fully healed from your,” Here Dumbledore paused, before his eyes twinkled as he said, “Time away.”

Sirius himself remained composed, his mind healing had ensured that the implication of his incarceration in Azkaban, while unpleasant, the effect it had on him was well hidden.

“As you are well aware Headmaster, the Board of Governors was formed by the Founders as a way to ensure the school would continue to be run as they wished it to be, away from the influence of the Government with the blessing of the Monarch at the time.” Here Sirius paused his impromptu history lesson to clear his throat, allowing Dumbledore to stew in silence. “The Governors at the time took an oath, similar in the ones the monarch takes when they ascend the throne in the way that is binding, to ensure the best interests for both Hogwarts and her students.”

“I am aware of this Lord Black, this does not prove your mental competency.” Dumbledore snapped in frustration, eyes blazing as he glared at Sirius from behind his desk.

“I was getting to that Headmaster, a little patience.” Sirius smirked and the portraits on the walls could be seen hiding their snickering at Dumbledore’s glare. “The oath, which includes swearing to Mother Magic to uphold the beliefs and values the Founders wanted to foster in their students and the curriculum they wished to teach, but also that those serving on the Board of Governors must be of sound mind.

“You must know Headmaster, just how far mind healing has developed in the last century. I am mentally competent to hold both my Wizengamot seat, and the Board of Governors seat as well.” Here Sirius finished, eyebrow raised as he looked at Dumbledore expectantly.

Dumbledore seemed to have calmed himself down at this point, breathing deeply before smiling benignly. “I was aware of that, I just wasn’t aware of how you became the spokesperson for the Governors Sirius. After all, Lucius was the Head of the Board last year.”

Sirius glared at Dumbledore but before he could interrupt Augusta stepped in. “The Malfoy’s do not have a seat on the Board Dumbledore, surely you know that.” She sneered here, looking at him imperiously before interrupting him as he went to speak, “The Malfoy’s are a Noble house, only those from the Most Ancient and Noble Houses have a seat on the Board, as they were the families around when the school was founded. Truly Headmaster, I would have thought you knew that.

“Lucius was using Sirius’s seat via his connection to the Blacks through his wife, on the assumption that the young heir Malfoy would inherit.”

“A false assumption I should say.” Sirius said, eyes twinkling mischievously.

Glaring at Sirius for his interruption, even as her lips twitched in humour, Augusta continued, “We voted Sirius as the head this morning when he asked us to meet him at the gates. It rotates yearly, as you should know, and Sirius has ideas that… intrigued us.” Augusta finished, stepping to stand next to Sirius and placing a hand on his shoulder.

“I…see, may I know what ideas you have for Hogwarts?” Dumbledore asked, his expression resigned as he looked at the board of governors across from him.

"Indeed, Headmaster, speaking to my goddaughter and Heir Longbottom over the summer, and some of their friends, I grew concerned about some of the things I was hearing. As we have already said, the curriculum and the quality of instruction provided at Hogwarts is of paramount importance to us. As a result we will be looking to bring classes back that have been allowed to be removed, we will be evaluating the professors and the quality of instruction they give, and replacing them if needed. We shall go over how we plan to introduce these in the meeting with staff this afternoon, but suffice to say, you should expect changes to be coming to Hogwarts to ensure that the education our students get is of the highest standard.” Sirius finished speaking and the board of governors looked over at Dumbledore.

Dumbledore's expression tightened imperceptibly, his grip on the arm of his chair tightening imperceptibly. "I understand your concerns, Lord Black, but I must remind you that the curriculum and the appointment of professors falls under the purview of the headmaster. It is my responsibility to maintain the integrity and tradition at Hogwarts."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, his tone firm but measured. “Usually it is, but in the Hogwarts charter there is a clause that in the case the board feels the Headmaster is not maintaining the standards of teaching expected, and the curriculum set down by the Founders, the board is given the authority to audit the school, and if their findings are such that action must be taken to restore Hogwarts as the premier school in the Wixen world, then the board has the right to become involved in the running of the school until they are satisfied that the students are getting the standard of education expected.

“All current members of the board take the same oaths our ancestors took Headmaster, to uphold what the Founders wanted. We are concerned and so we are enacting this clause to allow us to either, if you are so sure the school is run as it should be, step back again, or ensure that standards are raised to where they are supposed to be.” Sirius said this all pragmatically, very aware that at least some members of staff at Hogwarts were not performing their duties as they should.

"Very well, Lord Black," Dumbledore conceded, his tone reluctant. "I shall afford the Board of Governors the opportunity to conduct their evaluation and shall endeavour to cooperate in all matters pertaining to the welfare of Hogwarts and its students."

With that, the tension in the room began to dissipate, though some remained between Sirius and Dumbledore. As the meeting drew to a close, Sirius and the governors departed, leaving Dumbledore to ponder the implications of their discussion and the potential changes that lay ahead for Hogwarts.


Sirius turned to the rest of the governors after they had left Dumbledore’s office. ”Very well," Sirius declared with authority, his gaze sweeping over the assembled governors. "Let us commence with the evaluations. We shall begin our scrutiny of the staff and classes this morning, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the educational landscape at Hogwarts.

"We shall reconvene this afternoon to deliberate upon our findings and chart a course of action for the betterment of Hogwarts," Sirius announced.

His words carried a sense of urgency, emphasising the importance of their task and the need for swift action. With a nod from Sirius, the governors departed to observe the classes being taught at Hogwarts.

They commenced their evaluation process, starting with the Transfiguration classroom. There, they observed Professor McGonagall's adept and disciplined teaching style, which garnered their approval. Her patient yet firm approach in guiding students through the complex magic of transfiguration impressed the governors, setting a high standard for the rest of the evaluation.

Moving onward, the governors proceeded to the Runes and Arithmancy classes. In both instances, they found the instruction to be satisfactory, with students engaged in their studies and demonstrating a solid grasp of the material. The governors nodded in approval, recognising the efforts of the professors in fostering a conducive learning environment.

However, their assessment was far from over, and they remained vigilant as they continued their evaluation, mindful of the need to ensure the highest standards of education at Hogwarts.

As the governors entered the History of Magic classroom, their keen eyes quickly discerned a concerning lack of engagement among the students. Despite the presence of Professor Binns, who droned on about historical events, the students appeared disinterested, their attention wandering aimlessly.

Furthermore, upon closer examination of the lesson content, the governors noted discrepancies with the established third-year curriculum. The material being covered did not align with the expected topics for that year level, raising questions about the effectiveness of the instruction provided in the classroom.

Sirius, in particular, observed the scene with a furrowed brow, silently acknowledging what Hariel and Neville had told him about History of Magic over the summer. Having been taught by Professor Binns himself, he knew that the class was an issue, but it seemed to have worsened in the intervening years since he himself was a student. He exchanged knowing glances with his fellow governors, their shared concern evident as they made mental notes for their upcoming discussion.

This observation served as a critical piece of information for the governors, highlighting areas where improvements were necessary to uphold the quality of education at Hogwarts.

Sirius caught Hariel's gaze as she turned around, her eyes briefly meeting his before he shook his head subtly, indicating to her that he would explain the situation later. Understanding the unspoken message, Hariel nodded imperceptibly, a sense of curiosity mingling with her concern.

Despite the urge to inquire further, Hariel maintained her composure, focusing on the lesson at hand while storing away the encounter with the governors for later discussion. With Sirius's assurance weighing in her mind, she returned her attention to the classroom.

As the governors departed from the history classroom, their murmurs carried a tone of dissatisfaction with what they had observed. The lacklustre engagement of the students and the departure from the prescribed curriculum left them unsettled. However, their mood shifted as they made their way towards the charms classroom.

There, they found Professor Flitwick's teaching methods to be exemplary. His thorough explanations, patient instruction, and ability to create an environment conducive to learning elicited unanimous approval from the governors. They watched with keen interest as Flitwick infused his lessons with a touch of flair, fostering an atmosphere where students could flourish and thrive.

Impressed by what they witnessed, the governors exchanged nods of approval and whispered among themselves, acknowledging Flitwick's dedication and effectiveness as an educator. It was a reassuring sight, offering them hope amidst their earlier concerns about the state of education at Hogwarts. With renewed optimism, they continued their evaluations, eager to assess the remaining classes and faculty members.

As the governors ventured out onto the grounds, they observed Professor Sprout's hands-on teaching approach with a keen eye. They witnessed the palpable passion she shared with her students, evident in her animated gestures and enthusiastic demeanour.

Gathering around a cluster of students, Professor Sprout engaged them in a lively discussion about the plant they were studying that day. Her knowledge was expansive, and she imparted it with a blend of expertise and genuine excitement. The students, in turn, were captivated by her words, hanging on her every instruction.

As the lesson progressed, the governors watched as the students enthusiastically participated in the practical aspects of the class. With Professor Sprout's guidance, they dug into their tasks with diligence, applying what they had learned with focused determination.

Throughout the lesson, Professor Sprout emphasised safety measures, ensuring that the students understood the importance of handling magical plants with care. She outlined precautionary steps to prevent accidents, underscoring the need for vigilance and responsibility in their studies.

Impressed by Professor Sprout's dedication and the students' eagerness to learn, the governors exchanged approving glances. It was clear that Professor Sprout's hands-on approach and commitment to safety was contributing to a rich and rewarding learning experience for all involved. The governors continued their evaluations, eager to witness more exemplary teaching in action.

As the governors ventured further into the grounds, they came upon Madam Hooch's first-year flying lesson. They observed attentively as she patiently explained the fundamentals of gripping the broom to her eager young students. Her instructions were clear and concise, delivered with a reassuring tone that put the novice flyers at ease.

However, their approval waned as they took note of the sorry state of the school brooms. With visible wear and tear evident on many of them, the governors exchanged concerned glances and muttered amongst themselves about the safety implications.

Sirius, in particular, expressed dismay at the condition of the brooms, remarking with a touch of sarcasm that they appeared to be the same ones from his own time as a student at Hogwarts. His comment underscored the urgency of addressing the issue, as it was evident that the outdated and dilapidated equipment posed a significant risk to student safety.

As they continued to observe the flying lesson, the governors made a mental note to prioritise the procurement of new brooms and implement measures to ensure the safety of future flying lessons. It was imperative that students were provided with the necessary resources and equipment to learn and practice flying in a secure and supportive environment.

They moved further into the grounds, observing Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class with keen interest, noting the palpable passion he exuded for the subject. His enthusiasm was infectious as he introduced the students to a diverse array of magical creatures, each one accompanied by Hagrid's animated descriptions and anecdotes.

However, as they continued to observe, it became evident to the governors that some of the creatures Hagrid had chosen for the fourth-year students might not be entirely suitable. There were murmurs of concern among the governors as they watched the students interact with creatures that posed potential risks due to their size, temperament, or magical abilities.

While they appreciated Hagrid's dedication to providing hands-on learning experiences, they recognised the importance of ensuring the safety of the students. There were discussions among the governors about the need to review and adjust the curriculum to ensure that it aligned with the students' level of experience and maturity.

As they left the Care of Magical Creatures class, the governors engaged in a thoughtful discussion as they made their way back to the castle, deliberating on the best course of action to support Hagrid in refining his lesson plans for Care of Magical Creatures. They recognised the importance of striking a balance between providing exciting learning opportunities and ensuring the safety of the students, particularly considering the potentially hazardous nature of some magical creatures.

Concerns were raised about Hagrid's intention to introduce a hippogriff in the upcoming lesson for third-year students. While hippogriffs were magnificent creatures, they were also known for their proud and sometimes unpredictable nature. The governors expressed reservations about exposing third-year students to such a creature without adequate preparation and supervision.

Suggestions were made regarding additional training and support for Hagrid to help him plan lessons that were both engaging and safe. This could include providing resources on creature behaviour and handling techniques, as well as collaborating with experienced professors to develop appropriate lesson plans. The governors also discussed the possibility of enlisting the help of trained professionals or magical creature experts to assist with the care and handling of more challenging creatures.

Overall, the governors were impressed with the passion Hagrid had shown, but also were committed to ensuring that Hagrid received the support he needed to provide a rewarding and educational experience for his students while prioritising their safety. As a new professor, they understood the importance of fostering a positive learning environment in which students could develop a deep appreciation for magical creatures while also learning to respect and responsibly interact with them.

Retreating back to the castle, they headed to the Muggle Studies class, Sirius observing the lesson with a furrowed brow, his lips pursed in contemplation. As the lesson unfolded, it became increasingly evident to him that the curriculum being taught was severely outdated and failed to accurately reflect the complexities of modern Muggle society.

The content being covered in the lesson seemed to harken back to a bygone era, focusing on rudimentary aspects of Muggle life that were no longer relevant or representative of contemporary society. Sirius recognised the importance of providing students with a comprehensive understanding of Muggle culture and technology, this was to ensure the continuation of keeping the Statue of Secrecy, but the curriculum being taught, Sirius thought, was actually more likely to allow the children to break it due to the ignorance of what modern muggles were capable of.

The material being presented fell short of addressing the nuances and advancements of Muggle society in the present day. There was a glaring absence of topics such as modern technology, global politics, and cultural diversity—essential aspects of understanding the Muggle world in the current era.

Sirius sighed inwardly, realising that the inadequate Muggle Studies curriculum was doing a disservice to the students, depriving them of valuable knowledge and insights that could better prepare them should they venture into muggle areas of the world. As the governors exited the classroom, Sirius made a mental note to address the need for a thorough overhaul of the Muggle Studies curriculum during their subsequent discussions.

As the governors entered the astronomy classroom, they engaged in a conversation with Professor Sinistra about her lessons and the challenges students faced attending midnight classes. Professor Sinistra expressed her concerns about the late-night schedule, acknowledging that it often posed difficulties for students, especially with regards to fatigue and academic performance.

The governors listened attentively, identifying the importance of addressing this issue to ensure that students could fully engage with the subject matter without the hindrance of exhaustion. They brainstormed ideas with Professor Sinistra, exploring alternative approaches to teaching astronomy that would accommodate students' schedules more effectively.

One suggestion that emerged from their discussion was to explore the possibility of shifting astronomy classes to daytime hours. This would allow students to attend lessons at a more reasonable time, alleviating the strain of late-night studies and enabling them to better focus on their coursework.

The governors and Professor Sinistra agreed to further investigate this option, considering logistical details such as classroom availability and curriculum adjustments. They were hopeful that by making astronomy classes more accessible, they could enhance the learning experience for students and promote academic success in the subject.

The governors were pleased with Professor Sinistra's preparedness and the quality of her lesson plans for astronomy. Despite the inconvenience of nighttime classes, they understood the value of her instruction and were impressed by her dedication to the subject.

While they acknowledged the current limitations imposed by the nighttime schedule, they remained optimistic about the possibility of implementing changes to improve the situation. They believed that with careful planning and collaboration, they could find a way to adjust the timing of astronomy classes to better accommodate students' needs.

Overall, the governors agreed that astronomy was an important and valuable part of the Hogwarts curriculum, and they were committed to finding a solution that would enhance the learning experience for students while addressing logistical challenges associated with nighttime instruction.

As the governors entered the Divination classroom, they were immediately struck by the thick haze of incense that permeated the air, making it difficult to breathe comfortably, let alone focus on learning. The overpowering scent filled the room, creating a stifling atmosphere that seemed to hinder rather than enhance the educational experience.

Concerned about the health and well-being of the students, the governors noted the adverse effects of the heavy incense on the learning environment. They knew that effective teaching required an atmosphere conducive to concentration and engagement, neither of which seemed achievable under the current conditions of the Divination classroom.

Realising the need for immediate action to address the issue, the governors discussed the possibility of implementing changes to improve the classroom environment. Providing a safe and comfortable learning space was essential for fostering academic success and ensuring the overall well-being of the students at Hogwarts.

Observing the students in the Divination class, the governors couldn't help but notice a sense of lethargy among them. Despite the efforts of the professor and the mystical ambiance of the room that she had created, the students appeared disengaged and uninspired. It was evident that the heavy reliance on incense and the esoteric nature of the subject were not resonating with the majority of the class.

Furthermore, the governors questioned the practicality of offering Divination as a subject in terms only for sight, considering the limited number of individuals with true seer abilities. While the study of prophecy and foresight held cultural and historical significance in the wixen world, that was not all divination was used for. It would be far more effective and practical to teach students the art of scrying, palmistry, cartomancy and others, all of which came under the broad umbrella of Divination.

Reflecting on these observations, the governors began to contemplate how they were going to move the focus of the class back to where it should be, and not to focus on the aspect of divination that only those with an innate gift could access.

Leaving the divination classroom with headaches, they made their way down to the dungeons and entered the Potions classroom. As they entered they were met with a tense atmosphere. The sharp voice of Professor Snape echoed through the room as he berated a fourth-year Hufflepuff for his potion-making mistake. The student, visibly flustered and intimidated, attempted to salvage his work under Snape's critical gaze.

Observing this interaction, the governors exchanged concerned glances. It was evident that Professor Snape's teaching style leaned heavily towards intimidation and harsh criticism, creating an environment of fear rather than fostering a conducive learning atmosphere. They noted the lack of encouragement or constructive feedback, which could hinder students' confidence and impede their progress in mastering potion-making.

Despite Snape's formidable reputation as a Potions master, the governors recognised the importance of nurturing and supporting students in their academic pursuits. They understood that effective teaching required a balance of discipline and encouragement, empowering students to learn and grow from their mistakes rather than fear retribution.

The governors observed with increasing concern as Professor Snape provided minimal instruction to the students. While the ingredients and instructions were listed on the board, Snape failed to offer any further guidance or explanation on potion-making techniques. Instead, he seemed to expect the students to produce perfect potions without adequate teaching or support.

This lack of effective instruction was troubling to the governors. They understood that potion-making required precise measurements, timing, and technique, all of which needed to be taught and practiced under the guidance of an experienced instructor. Without proper instruction, students were left to navigate complex potion recipes on their own, leading to frustration, confusion, and inevitably, poor results.

As they watched the students struggle with their potions, the governors grew increasingly alarmed. It was evident that Snape's teaching approach was hindering rather than facilitating learning. By withholding crucial information and guidance, he was setting his students up for failure, fostering an environment of anxiety and apprehension rather than fostering a love for potion-making and magical experimentation.

With each passing moment, the governors became more convinced of the urgent need for intervention. They recognised that Professor Snape's teaching methods were not only ineffective but detrimental to the students' academic growth and well-being.

The governors observed with growing concern as Professor Snape moved around the classroom, hovering over students and scrutinising their work with an intimidating demeanour. His presence seemed to instil a sense of nervousness and anxiety among the students, causing them to make mistakes and falter in their potion-making efforts.

Potions was undeniably one of the most crucial subjects for students at Hogwarts, requiring precision, attention to detail, and mastery of complex magical techniques. It was essential for students to receive thorough instruction and guidance from their professor to develop the necessary skills and confidence in potion-making.

As they left the classroom, the governors exchanged grave looks, silently acknowledging the urgency of the situation. They knew that decisive action would be required to rectify the problem and restore a positive learning environment in the potions classroom. With determination and resolve, they vowed to address this matter promptly and implement necessary changes to support the students' success in mastering the art of potion-making.

As the governors observed the Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA) lesson, they were initially pleased by the atmosphere of engagement and the content being taught. Students were actively participating in learning defensive charms and curses, demonstrating a keen interest in the subject matter.

However, upon closer observation, the governors noticed subtle signs that hinted at the underlying challenges faced by the DADA curriculum. The frequent turnover of professors in the position had taken its toll on the students, evident in their demeanour and approach to the class. Despite the current professor's efforts to deliver effective instruction, the residual effects of past disruptions lingered, manifesting in occasional disruptions and inconsistencies in students' progress.

Recognising the importance of stability and continuity in the DADA curriculum, the governors acknowledged the need for a long-term solution to address the recurring issue of professor turnover. They discussed strategies to attract and retain qualified instructors who could provide consistent and reliable leadership in the DADA classroom, ensuring a more seamless learning experience for students.

Despite the challenges posed by past disruptions, the governors remained optimistic about the potential for improvement in the DADA program. They affirmed their commitment to supporting initiatives aimed at enhancing the quality and continuity of instruction in Defence Against the Dark Arts, reaffirming their dedication to providing students with the best possible education in magical defence and combat.


In the quiet confines of an empty classroom on the ground floor, the governors gathered around a long table, each taking a seat and gathering parchment, quills and ink to start making notes on their observations from the morning. The atmosphere was tense, filled with a palpable sense of urgency and determination as they prepared to discuss their observations from the morning's evaluations.

With furrowed brows and quills poised over parchment, they began to jot down their individual notes, documenting their impressions of each class they had visited. Each governor meticulously recorded details about the teaching methods, classroom environment, and student engagement they had observed, striving to capture a comprehensive picture of the strengths and weaknesses of each subject.

As they wrote, the scratch of quills against parchment echoed softly in the room, punctuated by occasional murmurs of agreement or dissent as they compared their observations and exchanged insights. It was a collaborative effort, with each governor contributing their unique perspective and expertise to the collective assessment of Hogwarts' educational standards.

Amidst the scribbling of notes and thoughtful deliberation, a sense of purpose and resolve permeated the air. The governors were united in their commitment to uphold the highest standards of education at Hogwarts and ensure that every student received the quality instruction and support they deserved to thrive academically.

Together, they meticulously documented their findings, laying the groundwork for the discussions and decisions that lay ahead. With each stroke of the quill, they moved closer to their goal of implementing meaningful changes that would elevate the educational experience for all students at Hogwarts.

As the house elves appeared to deliver lunch and refreshments, Sirius cleared his throat, signalling the beginning of the meeting. With a stack of notes before him, he glanced around the table, meeting the eyes of each governor before he began.

“Let's start with charms," Sirius declared, his voice steady and authoritative. He leaned forward, indicating that he would lead the discussion on this particular subject.

With a nod, Lady Arista Greengrass, a slight figure that disguised her lethality with a wand, spoke up. "In the charms classroom, we observed Professor Flitwick's teaching methods to be exemplary. His patient explanations and encouraging demeanour fostered an environment in which students felt confident to experiment and learn. The practical nature of his lessons allowed students to apply theoretical knowledge in a hands-on manner, resulting in deeper understanding and retention of the material."

Lord Cornelius McLaggen, a tall, distinguished figure with a keen eye for detail, added, "Furthermore, Professor Flitwick demonstrated a keen awareness of individual student needs, providing personalised guidance and feedback to ensure that each student reached their full potential. His enthusiasm for the subject was infectious, inspiring students to engage actively and strive for excellence in their magical studies."

As each governor shared their observations and insights, a comprehensive picture of the charms classroom emerged. It was evident that Professor Flitwick's teaching methods had garnered widespread praise and admiration among the governors, reflecting his dedication to fostering a supportive and dynamic learning environment for his students.

As the discussion shifted to Transfiguration, the governors continued to share their observations and assessments of Professor McGonagall's teaching methods. Similar to the charms classroom, the consensus was overwhelmingly positive. Lord Thaddeus Nott, a figure still tall despite his his age, remarked, "Professor McGonagall's mastery of Transfiguration is undeniable. Her lectures are clear and concise, and she effortlessly blends theory with practical application. Students are challenged to think critically and creatively, honing their magical abilities under her expert guidance."

Moving on to Herbology, the spritely figure of Lord Gregory Ollivander chimed in, "Professor Sprout's passion for Herbology is palpable. Her hands-on approach to teaching fosters a deep appreciation for magical flora and fauna among her students. Under her tutelage, students develop practical skills and an understanding of the intricate relationships between plants and potions."

When the discussion turned to Astronomy, Augusta expressed her concern about the late-night classes. "While Professor Sinistra's expertise in Astronomy is commendable, the late-night schedule poses a challenge for student engagement and well-being. We need to explore alternative scheduling options to ensure that students have ample opportunity to participate in Astronomy lessons without sacrificing their rest and academic performance."

Similar sentiments were echoed for Runes and Arithmancy, with both professors receiving high praise for their dedication and effectiveness in teaching these specialised subjects. However, it was noted that Astronomy was the only class that needed adjustments in terms of scheduling to better accommodate student needs and optimise learning outcomes.

Arista Greengrass took charge of the discussion on Care of Magical Creatures, acknowledging Hagrid's unwavering passion for the subject. "It's evident that Professor Hagrid possesses a deep love and enthusiasm for magical creatures," Arista began. "However, it's equally clear that he requires support and guidance to ensure that his lessons are both safe and educational."

Several governors voiced their concerns about the suitability of the creatures Hagrid had introduced to his classes, particularly for younger students. "While Hagrid's enthusiasm is admirable, we must prioritise the safety of our students," Thaddeus emphasised. "Introducing potentially dangerous creatures to fourth-year students is a risk we cannot afford to take."

In light of these concerns, suggestions were made to provide Hagrid with additional assistance and resources to enhance his teaching effectiveness. "Perhaps we should consider appointing a co-teacher to work alongside Hagrid for the year," proposed Cornelius. "This would not only provide Hagrid with the support and guidance he needs but also ensure that our students receive a well-rounded and safe education in Care of Magical Creatures."

The idea of bringing in a co-teacher received general consensus among the governors, who agreed that it would be a prudent measure to support Hagrid in his role as the new Care of Magical Creatures professor. They resolved to further explore this option and devise a plan to implement it effectively for the benefit of both Hagrid and the students.

Clearing his throat to command attention, Sirius addressed the issue of Muggle Studies with a tone of concern. "It's apparent that the current curriculum in Muggle Studies is sorely outdated," he began, his voice carrying a note of urgency. "The topics being taught are relics of a bygone era, irrelevant to the world our students inhabit today."

Some governors nodded in agreement, others unsure as they hadn’t ventured into the muggle world much. They acknowledged however the need for a significant overhaul of the Muggle Studies curriculum. "We must ensure that our students receive an education that prepares them for the realities of the modern world should they choose to explore the muggle world," Gregory remarked. "Muggle Studies should provide valuable insights into Muggle culture, technology, and society, equipping our students with the knowledge they need to navigate a world that is becoming more different as the years pass."

Suggestions were made to update the curriculum to include more relevant and practical topics, such as contemporary Muggle technology, cultural trends, and social developments. "We need to engage our students with topics that are meaningful and applicable to their lives," Sirius added. "By modernising the curriculum, we can enhance the quality of education in Muggle Studies and better prepare our students for the challenges they will face beyond Hogwarts."

Augusta nodded in agreement with the proposals put forth, recognising the importance of revitalising the Muggle Studies curriculum to meet the needs of current students. She emphasised the need for collaboration and innovation in developing a curriculum that would engage and inspire students, ensuring that Muggle Studies fulfilled its role as a relevant and valuable subject at Hogwarts.

"As we observed the Defence Against the Dark Arts class," began Arista, "I must admit I was pleased with the engagement and enthusiasm of the students."

"Indeed," Thaddeus added, "but let us not forget the hippogriff in the room. The curse on the DADA position is a matter of grave concern. We cannot ignore the detrimental effects it has had on both students and faculty."

Cornelius McLaggen nodded solemnly. "Agreed. The lack of consistent, quality teaching in DADA has undoubtedly hindered the students' progress in mastering defensive magic. We owe it to them to investigate this curse thoroughly and find a solution."

"But how do we go about determining if there truly is a curse?" questioned Gregory, leaning forwards. "And even if there is, how do we lift it?"

"We may need to enlist the expertise of cures breakers and enchanting specialists to come in," suggested Arista Greengrass. "They could help us analyse the history and nature of the curse, as well as devise a way to break it or implement countermeasures to mitigate its effects."

"It's imperative that we address this issue swiftly," emphasised Augusta severely. "The integrity of Hogwarts' education is at stake, and we cannot afford to let this curse continue to undermine the teaching and learning of Defence Against the Dark Arts."

With determined nods from the others, they resolved to take decisive action in investigating and addressing the curse on the DADA position, ensuring that students would receive the quality education they deserved in this vital subject.

Turning to the topic of Divination, Sirius addressed the governors with a furrowed brow, indicating the seriousness of the matter at hand. "Now, let's discuss Divination," he began, his tone reflective of the challenges posed by this particular subject.

"It's become apparent that Divination is in need of serious scrutiny," Sirius continued, his voice carrying a note of concern. "The current approach to teaching Divination seems to lack practicality and relevance, relying heavily on the seeing aspect of divination that offers little value to our students as they cannot access it."

Several governors nodded in agreement, acknowledging the deficiencies in the Divination curriculum. "Divination is a subject that requires careful balance," Thaddeus Nott remarked. “When I attended Hogwarts we did not try to learn to look into the future with crystal balls, we used black mirrors to scry the present for what we were looking for. While it's important to honour the noble art of seeing, we must also ensure that our students are equipped with practical skills and knowledge that will serve them in their futures and ones they can use! Very few widen have the gift to see, our students should be able to use the aspects on divination they can to their fullest potential. As such, a return to those skills that those of us without the gift of sight can use would benefit the students and the curriculum, many underestimate how scrying can help you, how cartomancy can warn you and what can be understood from your dreams as Mother Magic and the gods guide you.” The room fell silent as the governors all listened to Thaddeus, Augusta was reminded that Theo may call Thaddeus his grandfather but Thaddeus was actually his great grandfather, by far the oldest wixen in the room, older than Dumbledore, possibly one of the oldest in Albion. Thaddeus had survived two wars, watched his son and grandson fall under the thrall of a madman and continued to live and raise his great grandson with the values and expectations he had failed to instil in his son and grandson.

Thaddeus Nott remembered a Hogwarts quite different from the Hogwarts of today, and watching him keenly, Augusta could almost see a new lease in life to him as they sat discussing how they could restore Hogwarts to her former glory, as it had become evident that the school was far from where it should be.

Cornelius expressed skepticism about the efficacy of Divination as a subject altogether. "We must question whether Divination truly has a place in the Hogwarts curriculum," he said. "Given its speculative nature and limited applicability, perhaps it's time to reconsider its inclusion and allocate resources to subjects that offer more tangible benefits to our students."

Sirius listened attentively to the various perspectives offered by the governors, recognising the complexity of the issue. "It's clear that there are different opinions on Divination as a subject. Perhaps, for the intermediacy of the year as we begin making changes we go with Thaddeus’s ideas for the subject, and if by this time next year we can see no further need for the subject, we evaluate its relevance and effectiveness as a subject taught at Hogwarts." he remarked.

As the discussion on Divination unfolded, the governors grappled with the question of how best to address the shortcomings of the subject where it had not been taught as Thaddeus had described in nearing two centuries.

Engaged in a thorough discussion, the governors reached a consensus regarding the future of Divination at Hogwarts. Recognising the subject's potential value, they agreed that Divination did indeed have a place in the curriculum. However, they would need to meet with Professor Trelawny to ensure she understood the changes she would need to make to the teaching of the subject, as well as the changes to her classroom due to the incense permeating the air.

With the framework for reform in place, the governors resolved to implement these changes in the coming academic year.

As the discussion shifted towards the state of History of Magic, the governors expressed unanimous dissatisfaction with the current curriculum. It was evident to all present that the subject was in dire need of reform.

"It's a disgrace," remarked Arista furiously, voicing the sentiments shared by the group. "Our students deserve to learn about the rich history of our own land, not just random goblin rebellions from around the world. I had forgotten that was all Binns taught, I should have remembered from my time as a student, it is clear we have been far too lax as a board to have allowed that to continue for so many years.”

Sirius, his expression stern, emphasised the importance of incorporating the history of Albion into the curriculum. "Our students need to understand their own heritage," he asserted. "They should be learning about the Pendragons, the ancient kingdoms and the joining of them, the pivotal events that shaped our nation."

The governors collectively agreed that History of Magic should focus on the specific history of Albion in the first few years, before encompassing global wixen history and how it all interconnects. "We need to ensure that our students have a comprehensive understanding of their cultural heritage," remarked Cornelius with a frown. "It's essential for their education and identity."

They discussed the importance of including topics such as the joining of Albion under the leadership of the Pendragons, the founding of Hogwarts, the roles of notable wixen in Albion's history, and significant magical events that shaped the nation. "Our students should be proud of their magical heritage," emphasised Sirius. "It's our responsibility to ensure that they receive a well-rounded education that reflects the richness of our history."

With a clear consensus reached, the governors resolved to overhaul the History of Magic curriculum to better align with the educational needs and cultural identity of the students at Hogwarts. They committed to incorporating the history of Albion into the curriculum, ensuring that future generations of wixen would have a deeper understanding and appreciation of their magical heritage.

In the discussion about Potions, the atmosphere in the room turned tense as the governors expressed their dismay over the teaching methods employed in the subject. Sirius, his brow furrowed with concern, opened the conversation with a pointed observation.

"It's clear that there are significant issues with the way Potions is being taught," Sirius began, his voice tinged with caution. "Professor Snape's approach lacks the necessary guidance and support for our students."

Augusta spoke up, echoing the sentiments of many. "Potions is a crucial subject, but it's being taught in a manner that's detrimental to our students' learning," she remarked. "There's a lack of clarity in instruction, and Professor Snape's demeanour creates an intimidating atmosphere that inhibits learning."

Cornelius nodded in agreement. "It's not enough to simply expect perfection without providing proper guidance," he added. "Our students need clear explanations, constructive feedback, and encouragement to excel in Potions."

Sirius emphasised the importance of fostering a positive learning environment in Potions. "We need to ensure that our students feel supported and empowered to succeed," he asserted. "Professor Snape must adopt a more constructive approach to teaching, one that nurtures our students' talents and fosters a love for the subject."

The governors exchanged thoughtful glances, recognising the urgency of addressing the shortcomings in the Potions curriculum. They agreed that immediate action was needed to implement changes that would benefit the students and enhance their educational experience.

As the discussion unfolded, differing perspectives emerged among the governors regarding Professor Snape's proficiency in Potions versus his effectiveness as a teacher.

Thaddeus, acknowledging Snape's expertise in the field of Potions, remarked, "There's no denying that Professor Snape possesses exceptional knowledge and skill when it comes to Potions. His mastery of the subject is unparalleled."

However, Gregory countered, "While Professor Snape may excel as a Potions master, his abilities as a teacher leave much to be desired. Teaching requires more than just knowledge; it demands patience, empathy, and the ability to effectively communicate with students. It has not been so long since I myself was a student, I was taught by Professor Snape my last two years at Hogwarts. His teaching methods have not changed, if anything they are worse.”

There were nods by several of the governors, with some of them voicing their concerns about Snape's teaching demeanour, citing his often harsh and intimidating approach in the classroom. "It's not enough to be knowledgeable if you can't impart that knowledge to your students in a way that encourages learning," Augusta pointed out. "Professor Snape's abrasive manner can discourage students and hinder their academic progress."

Others expressed reservations about Snape's favouritism and perceived bias in the classroom. "There have been instances where certain students receive preferential treatment while others are unfairly singled out for criticism," Arista noted. "A fair and equitable learning environment is essential for fostering academic growth and success."

Despite differing opinions, all governors agreed on the need for improvement in Snape's teaching methods. They recognised the importance of addressing these concerns to ensure that students received the quality education they deserved. With a commitment to promoting excellence in teaching and learning, the governors resolved to work towards implementing changes that would benefit both students and faculty alike.

With a collective determination, the governors resolved to work together to reform the teaching methods in Potions, ensuring that future generations of Hogwarts students would receive the guidance and support they needed to thrive in the subject.

As the discussion moved forward, they looked at the results of the proceeding years, to check the results of the subjects they were most concerned about.

"Bring us the records of the NEWTs exams for the past 15 years," Sirius asked calmly.

A house-elf appeared promptly, carrying a stack of dusty scrolls and parchment. With a flick of his wand, Sirius levitated the records onto the table, and the governors began to pour over them, their expressions growing increasingly grave with each passing moment.

"Merlin's beard," Thaddeus exclaimed, peering closely at the results. "These scores are abysmal.” His eyes were wide with shock.

"Indeed," Augusta agreed, shaking her head. "Look at the decline in Defence Against the Dark Arts scores over the years. It's alarming."

"And Potions," Arista added, pointing to another set of results. "The failure rates are unacceptable. This cannot continue."

Sirius frowned deeply as he studied the records, his mind racing with the implications of what they were seeing. The decline in academic performance across various subjects was stark and troubling, indicating systemic issues within the school that needed urgent attention and had needed for over a decade, if not longer.

"We must address these issues immediately," Sirius addressed the governors resolutely. "The quality of education at Hogwarts is deteriorating, and it's our responsibility to rectify it."

The other governors nodded in agreement, their determination mirrored in their eyes as they resolved to take decisive action to improve the standards of education at Hogwarts.

As the governors scrutinised the results, they found a pattern emerging. Subjects such as Transfiguration, Charms, Herbology, Runes, Arithmancy, Astronomy, and Care of Magical Creatures consistently showed satisfactory performance over the years. However, their attention was drawn to the alarming decline in scores for History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Potions, and Muggle Studies.

"The disparity is stark," Cornelius remarked, shaking his head in dismay. "These core subjects are the foundation of a wizard's education. We cannot afford to overlook this."

Gregory, furrowing his brow, pointed to the downward trend in certain subjects. "History of Magic, for instance. Our students are not being taught the rich tapestry of our history, for the muggleborns the culture that they are entering is being ignored. Instead, they're learning about goblin rebellions from distant lands."

Sirius grimaced as he examined the results for Potions, noting the high failure rates and lack of proficiency among students. "Severus Snape may be a skilled Potions Master, but his teaching methods leave much to be desired. We cannot allow our students' education to suffer under subpar instruction."

The governors exchanged concerned glances, recognising the urgent need for intervention to address the deficiencies in certain subjects. It was clear that changes were necessary to uphold the standards of education at Hogwarts and ensure that students received the quality instruction they deserved.

Indeed, upon closer examination, the issue with Potions became more evident. While superficially, it might seem that the subject was functioning adequately, a deeper analysis revealed a stark truth: the number of students opting to take NEWTs in Potions was alarmingly low, with only around five students per year electing to pursue advanced study in the subject.

"This is troubling," remarked Thaddeus, furrowing his brow in concern. "Potions is a fundamental aspect of magical education. Such a low enrolment in NEWTs indicates a lack of interest or confidence among our students."

Sirius nodded grimly, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "It's not just about the numbers; it's about the implications. Potions is essential for many careers, including Healing, the Aurors and curse breaking. If our students are not adequately prepared in this subject, it could hinder their future prospects."

The governors exchanged troubled looks, realising that the issue with Potions ran deeper than initially perceived. It was clear that remedial action was needed to address the root causes of the problem and ensure that Potions received the attention and focus it deserved in the curriculum.

As the governors delved deeper into their examination of the curriculum, their dismay only deepened. They discovered a stark contrast between the comprehensive array of subjects offered two centuries ago and the drastically reduced selection available in recent years. What once was a rich tapestry of magical knowledge had been whittled down to the bare essentials, leaving behind a shadow of the robust education system that had once flourished at Hogwarts.

"Where have all the subjects gone?" Arista lamented, shaking her head in disbelief. "Wixen traditions, customs, and culture... Enchanting for NEWT students... Magical theory, wandless magic, languages, politics, world history, warding, healing, alchemy, illusion, spell crafting, law, duelling... They've vanished from the curriculum entirely!”

Thaddeus frowned as he looked down at the list of subjects, his brows furrowing. “I knew that the subjects offered now were fewer than what I learnt as a student, but seeing the stark contrast of subjects that have been removed is unsettling. Our children are not being adequately prepared for the future. It is no wonder that spell advancements and healing advancements have not been made as often as they used to be in Albion, people don’t have the knowledge to do it. We used to be one of the leading powers in advancements and discoveries, how far we have fallen,” Thaddeus muttered at the end, frowning heavily.

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon the gathered governors as they contemplated the implications of such a profound loss. These subjects were not merely academic pursuits; they were the foundation upon which wixen society stood. Without them, students were deprived of essential knowledge and skills vital for their development and deprived of skills that could lead to careers, stifling the potential of discoveries and innovation that could advance their society.

"We cannot allow this erosion of magical education to continue," Sirius declared, his voice tinged with determination. "It is our duty as governors to ensure that Hogwarts provides a comprehensive and enriching learning experience for all its students. We must take immediate action to restore these vital subjects to the curriculum and revitalise the educational standards of our school."

With a shared sense of resolve, the governors pledged to embark upon a journey of reform, determined to reclaim the lost treasures of magical knowledge and restore Hogwarts to its former glory as a bastion of excellence in wixen education.

“Let’s go over what we have decided.” Sirius said, looking over at the rest of the governors.

The discussion then went over what they had decided, acknowledging the need for support and guidance for Hagrid, recognising his passion for magical creatures but also the necessity for structured lesson planning and appropriate creature selection.

"Muggle Studies requires a knowledgeable instructor who can provide our students with accurate and relevant information about the Muggle world," stated Sirius. "We must ensure that our students are equipped with a comprehensive understanding of both magical and non-magical societies."

As for Astronomy, the governors were determined to find a solution to the issue of late-night classes. "Teaching Astronomy during the day would be ideal," suggested Arista. "We'll explore options to adjust the schedule or curriculum to accommodate daytime lessons, ensuring that our students can engage with the subject without compromising their rest and well-being."

With these challenges identified, the governors resolved to address them swiftly, seeking solutions that would enhance the quality of education and provide the support necessary for both students and faculty at Hogwarts.

The governors recognised the critical role of the heads of houses in overseeing the well-being and academic progress of the students at Hogwarts. However, they were further dismayed to discover that the heads didn't have sufficient time to fulfil their responsibilities effectively. It was evident that additional support and resources were needed to ensure that the heads could carry out their duties adequately.

"We must provide the heads of houses with the necessary support to fulfil their obligations," Augusta asserted. "They should have the time and resources required to conduct regular checks on the students, monitor their academic performance, and provide guidance and support as needed."

Cornelius suggested implementing a system of deputy heads or assistants to assist the heads of houses in their tasks. "Having deputy heads or assistants could alleviate some of the workload on the heads and ensure that all students receive the attention and support they require," he proposed.

The governors agreed that addressing the workload of the heads of houses was essential for maintaining the well-being and academic success of the students at Hogwarts. They resolved to implement measures to provide the necessary support and assistance to the heads, ensuring that they could fulfil their responsibilities effectively.

As the governors delved deeper into the scheduling and historical records, they made a significant observation regarding the frequency of core classes. It became apparent that core classes, essential for the students' education, only met three times a week. Upon further examination of past records, they discovered a previous practice where each core class was taught by at least two professors per subject. One professor catered to the first through fourth years, while another handled the fifth through seventh years.

"This scheduling arrangement ensured more regular class meetings and comprehensive coverage of the curriculum," remarked Thaddeus as the other governors turned and asked him if this was what he had experienced. "With classes meeting less frequently, students may not be receiving the depth of instruction necessary for their academic development."

Augusta concurred, adding, "Increasing the frequency of core class meetings is crucial for providing students with ample learning opportunities and ensuring they master the material effectively."

Recognising the importance of regular class meetings, the governors discussed the feasibility of reinstating the practice of having multiple professors per subject to accommodate the different year groups. They acknowledged that this adjustment would require careful planning and coordination but deemed it necessary to enhance the quality of education at Hogwarts.

As the governors delved deeper into the Hogwarts charter, they came across provisions regarding the responsibilities of faculty members, particularly Professor McGonagall. Despite her exemplary performance in managing multiple roles—teaching a core class, serving as the head of Gryffindor House, and holding the position of deputy head—concerns arose regarding the workload placed upon her.

"It's commendable how Professor McGonagall has handled her duties thus far," remarked one of the governors. "However, it's clear that no one individual should bear the weight of so many responsibilities."

"It's simply not sustainable in the long run," added another governor. "We must ensure that our faculty members are not overburdened, as it could compromise the quality of education and their well-being."

After thorough deliberation, a proposal was put forth to alleviate Professor McGonagall's workload by redistributing her responsibilities. The governors discussed the possibility of appointing another staff member to assume either the deputy head position or the head of Gryffindor House role, allowing Professor McGonagall to focus more effectively on her core teaching responsibilities and leadership duties.

"While Professor McGonagall's contributions are invaluable, we must prioritise her well-being and ensure she has the support necessary to excel in her roles," concluded one of the governors. "It's essential for the overall functioning of Hogwarts and the welfare of its staff."

As the governors contemplated ways to modernise Hogwarts while staying true to the founders' vision, they recognised the potential benefits of separating the roles of heads of houses from teaching positions. This would ensure that the heads could devote more time to student mentorship and guidance without the constraints of teaching schedules.

"It's a forward-thinking approach that aligns with our goal of providing the best possible education for our students," remarked Gregory. "Having dedicated heads of houses available throughout the day could significantly enhance the support system for our students."

However, the discussion swiftly turned to practical considerations, particularly regarding budgetary constraints. The governors acknowledged that implementing such changes would require careful financial planning and resource allocation.

"While the idea has merit, we must be mindful of the financial implications," cautioned Thaddeus. "We need to ensure that we have the necessary resources to support these changes without compromising other essential aspects of Hogwarts."

The governors resolved to explore potential solutions to address budgetary concerns while still prioritising the well-being and academic success of the students. They recognised the importance of striking a balance between innovation and fiscal responsibility in their efforts to move Hogwarts forward into a new era of excellence.

Augusta's request for financial information proved to be a pivotal moment for the governors. As they reviewed the budgetary details provided by the diligent house elf, they were astonished to discover a significant surplus. This surplus stemmed from the reduction in classes over the years, resulting in fewer professors and thus lower operational costs.

"This surplus presents a remarkable opportunity for us to initiate the changes we've discussed," remarked Sirius, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "With the excess funds at our disposal, we can begin implementing improvements that will elevate the quality of education at Hogwarts."

The governors quickly began brainstorming ways to allocate the surplus towards essential enhancements. They discussed investing in updated curriculum materials, hiring additional staff members to support teaching and student welfare, and reintroducing the classes that had been removed from the curriculum.

"We have a unique chance here to not only address longstanding issues but also to transform Hogwarts into a beacon of academic excellence," declared Augusta, her voice filled with determination. "By investing wisely in our students' education, we can attract more international wixen to our halls."

With a clear vision and the financial means to support it, the governors forged ahead with their plans to revitalise Hogwarts and ensure that future generations of students received the outstanding education they deserved.


As the governors prepared for their meeting with the staff, they meticulously compiled notes and organised a comprehensive agenda. Sirius, taking the lead, re-stated the urgency of addressing the school's security concerns and advocated for the removal of the Dementors from Hogwarts.

"Given Pettigrew's absence for the past twelve years, the likelihood of his sudden appearance at Hogwarts now, merely because I am free, is exceedingly slim," Sirius asserted, his tone resolute.

The governors then delved into a detailed discussion of the observations they had made regarding the professors earlier that morning. They critically analysed each instructor's teaching methods, identifying areas for improvement and commendation alike.

With a clear understanding of the immediate changes required, the governors outlined their priorities for enhancing Hogwarts' educational standards. From updating the curriculum to bolstering staff support and facilities, they devised a comprehensive plan to elevate the quality of education offered at the school.

Finally, the governors embarked on a discussion of the long-term vision for Hogwarts. They articulated their aspirations for the school, envisioning it as a beacon of academic excellence that nurtured and empowered future generations of witches and wizards.

Armed with their meticulously crafted agenda, the governors approached the forthcoming meeting with determination and purpose, poised to enact transformative changes that would shape the future of Hogwarts for years to come.

As the students filed out of the Great Hall, the governors entered, taking their seats at the Ravenclaw table. They had strategically chosen this location for its spaciousness, ideal for accommodating the number of individuals required for the forthcoming discussion.

As the professors arrived and took their places opposite the governors, the doors to the hall closed, signifying the commencement of the meeting. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation as both parties prepared to engage in a crucial debate about the future of Hogwarts.

With all eyes fixed on the governors, a palpable sense of gravity descended upon the assembly. It was evident that significant decisions lay ahead, and the fate of the school hung in the balance.

Clearing his throat to command attention, Sirius began the meeting by reiterating the concerns he had expressed to the governors regarding the presence of Dementors.

“We have decided unanimously that the dementors will be removed from Hogwarts. There is very little chance that Pettigrew will leave his hiding place now and they are a danger to the students of Hogwarts.” Sirius announced.

His words were measured, each syllable imbued with a sense of urgency and determination. Sirius's gaze swept across the room, ensuring that all present were attuned to the gravity of the situation.

"It is imperative that we address this matter with the utmost urgency," he continued, his tone firm and resolute. "While the Ministry may have deemed it necessary to station Dementors here, the governors were not informed and we have deemed them harmful. We are not negating the security concern and so have been in contact with Madam Bones, who has agreed to provide Aurors to patrol the school on a rotation and additional Aurors will be posted in Hogsmeade for the weekends the students are there.”

There was a palpable tension in the air as Sirius paused, allowing his words to sink in. It was clear that he expected full cooperation and engagement from the educators in resolving this pressing issue.

"The decision is final," Sirius declared, his voice carrying a sense of finality. It was evident that Sirius was determined to strike a balance between ensuring the safety of the school and its inhabitants while also upholding the values of freedom and independence that Hogwarts represented.

His announcement was met with a mixture of relief and apprehension among the assembled professors. While the removal of the Dementors was undoubtedly a welcome development, the prospect of heightened security measures lingered in the minds of many.

"We must remain vigilant in the face of potential threats," Sirius concluded, his gaze sweeping across the room. "But let it be known that Hogwarts shall always stand as a beacon of knowledge, learning, and above all, safety for all who dwell within its walls.”

“Lord Black, I really must insist tha-” Dumbledore was cut off by the glare Augusta was aiming at him.

Sirius, undeterred by Dumbledore's protestations regarding the security provided by the Dementors, swiftly steered the meeting towards discussing the observations made that morning in various classes.

"We have noted," Sirius began, his voice carrying a tone of authority, "that in classes such as Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, Runes, and Arithmancy, the teaching standards were commendable."

He glanced around the room, meeting the eyes of each professor present, ensuring his words resonated with them. "The professors exhibited impressive teaching pedagogies, and the students displayed a commendable grasp of the subject matter."

Sirius paused, allowing his words to sink in before continuing. "The results from the past 15 years speak for themselves. It is evident that these core subjects have been taught with dedication and proficiency, resulting in consistently positive outcomes."

His words were met with nods of agreement from some of the professors, acknowledging the validity of his assessment. However, there were others who remained skeptical, their expressions betraying their reluctance to accept the evaluation.

"It is imperative," Sirius emphasised, his tone firm, "that we build upon these strengths and strive for excellence in all aspects of education at Hogwarts."

With that, Sirius signalled the end of the discussion on the core subjects, preparing to address the next item on the agenda.

Sirius shifted the focus of the meeting towards Astronomy, acknowledging Professor Sinistra's commendable efforts in planning and executing her lessons. "Professor Sinistra," Sirius began, addressing the Astronomy professor directly, "your dedication to your subject matter is evident, and your teaching methods are commendable."

He paused briefly before continuing. "However, it has come to our attention that the timing of your lessons, conducted during the night, poses a significant challenge for both students and faculty alike."

Sirius then outlined a proposed solution. "In order to address this issue, we propose the implementation of a novel approach: the enchantment of a classroom ceiling to simulate the night sky. This would allow Astronomy classes to be conducted during daylight hours, providing students with a more conducive learning environment."

He acknowledged the complexities of such a task. "I understand that this endeavour will not be without its challenges. However, with the combined resources and expertise of our esteemed faculty, I am confident that we can create a classroom that has a similar effect to the ceiling of the Great Hall we are in right now."

Sirius concluded by inviting input and collaboration from the professors. "I urge each of you to contribute your insights and expertise to this endeavour, as we work towards enhancing the educational experience for our students at Hogwarts."

Sirius shifted the discussion towards Defence Against the Dark Arts (DADA), acknowledging Professor Lupin's commendable efforts in teaching the subject. "Professor Lupin," he began, addressing Remus directly, Remus’s lips twitching at the seriousness of the address, "your dedication to imparting crucial defensive skills to our students is commendable."

However, Sirius highlighted a significant concern. "It has become apparent that despite the exemplary teaching you will bring this year, the students have been subjected to inconsistent instruction in Defence Against the Dark Arts over the years."

He then addressed a pressing issue. "Moreover, there is speculation regarding a curse associated with the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor, which has resulted in a revolving door of instructors and disrupted the continuity of students' education in this vital subject."

Sirius stressed the importance of resolving this matter. "In order to provide our students with the consistent and effective instruction they deserve, it is imperative that we investigate and, if necessary, break this curse."

He concluded by emphasising the significance of this endeavour. "By addressing this issue, we can ensure that our students receive the comprehensive and reliable training they need to defend themselves against the dark forces they may encounter in the wixen world."

Sirius nodded, affirming the plan to engage Curse-Breakers from Gringotts to investigate the curse afflicting the Defence Against the Dark Arts position. "It's imperative that we take swift action to safeguard our students and faculty," he remarked, his tone reflecting the gravity of the situation.

He elaborated on the decision. "Curse-Breakers from Gringotts will be summoned this weekend to conduct a thorough examination of Hogwarts, with a specific focus on identifying and neutralising any curses present within the school premises."

Sirius emphasised the importance of this endeavour. "Their expertise will allow us to not only address the curse plaguing the Defence Against the Dark Arts post but also to identify and eliminate any other potential threats that may pose a danger to our students' safety."

He concluded with a firm resolve. "Our priority is to ensure the security and well-being of everyone within the Hogwarts community, and we will spare no effort in achieving this goal."

Sirius shifted the discussion to Hagrid, acknowledging the enthusiasm and dedication he displayed toward his Care of Magical Creatures class. "We commend Professor Hagrid for his unwavering passion for the subject," Sirius began, his tone reflecting a blend of appreciation and concern. "However, it has become evident that he may benefit from some guidance regarding the selection of creatures suitable for each year group."

He continued, outlining a proposed solution. "To provide Professor Hagrid with the necessary support and ensure the safety of our students, we suggest the appointment of a co-professor who can collaborate with him this year." Sirius explained that this additional faculty member would assist Hagrid in refining his lesson plans, selecting appropriate creatures, and ensuring that the curriculum aligns with the students' educational needs and safety requirements.

"It's essential that we offer Hagrid the guidance and assistance he needs to deliver effective and responsible lessons," Sirius stated, underscoring the importance of providing a supportive environment for both faculty and students at Hogwarts.

Sirius swiftly transitioned to the topic of Divination, addressing the need for a revamped approach to the subject. "In our assessment of Divination, we've recognised the importance of providing students with a broader understanding of the skills and practices associated with the discipline," he articulated, his voice carrying a sense of determination.

"Divination encompasses a wide array of arts beyond fortune-telling," Sirius elaborated, emphasising the need to impart this comprehensive knowledge to students. "We must equip our students with the understanding of these various skills, rather than focusing solely on elusive prophetic abilities possessed by a select few."

He proposed a proactive solution to address this issue. "To revitalise the Divination curriculum and ensure its relevance and accessibility to all students, we will explore the possibility of bringing in additional expertise to assist in teaching this subject," Sirius announced, underscoring the commitment to provide a comprehensive and enriching education to the students of Hogwarts.

Continuing his discourse, Sirius addressed the pressing matter of Muggle Studies. "Our examination of the Muggle Studies curriculum has revealed significant shortcomings," he declared, his tone resolute yet measured. "It has become apparent that the current curriculum is outdated and fails to accurately represent the complexities of the Muggle world."

Sirius stated the need for immediate action to rectify this issue. "To address this deficiency, we will be enlisting the expertise of individuals well-versed in Muggle affairs," he announced, highlighting the importance of bringing in knowledgeable professionals to modernise and enhance the Muggle Studies curriculum. "Their guidance will ensure that our students receive a comprehensive and accurate understanding of the Muggle world, preparing them for the realities they may encounter beyond the wixen community."

Addressing the topic of Potions, Augusta stepped in, adopting a stern yet diplomatic tone. "Our assessment of the Potions curriculum and teaching methods has revealed several concerning issues," she stated firmly, his gaze sweeping across the assembled professors. "We were dismayed by the evident bias displayed in the classroom, the inadequate level of instruction provided to students, and the harsh treatment observed during our visit."

She directed her attention specifically to Professor Snape, maintaining a level of professional decorum despite the gravity of the situation. "Professor Snape, we hold all members of the Hogwarts faculty to the highest standards," Augusta asserted, her tone conveying a sense of expectation. "It is imperative that students receive fair and equitable treatment in the classroom, and it is incumbent upon us as educators to foster a supportive and conducive learning environment."

Augusta articulated the urgent need for improvement while offering a clear deadline for remediation. "We expect to see demonstrable progress in the coming weeks," she declared firmly, her tone leaving no room for ambiguity. "You have until the Yule break to address the issues we have identified and implement necessary changes to enhance the quality of instruction in Potions."

Interrupting any potential rebuttal from Snape, who was sneering and opening his mouth to speak, Sirius swiftly shifted the discussion to another pressing matter. "Now, onto a matter that demands urgent attention," he proclaimed, his tone commanding the room's full attention. "It is abundantly clear that Professor Binns' tenure as the History of Magic professor has become untenable."

Sirius's voice held a note of unwavering resolve as he articulated the severity of the situation. "The observations made during our visit to the History of Magic classroom were deeply concerning," he continued, his expression reflecting his profound disappointment. "Students were not engaged, learning was stagnant, and it is nothing short of a travesty that this substandard instruction has persisted for so long."

Turning to the assembled faculty, Sirius conveyed the gravity of the decision that lay ahead. "It is imperative that we take immediate action to rectify this situation," he declared firmly, his tone brooking no dissent. "We cannot allow our students to continue to languish in a classroom where their academic growth is stunted."

With a firm nod, Sirius signalled the conclusion of this crucial discussion, leaving no doubt as to the gravity of the situation at hand.

With a brisk transition, Sirius delved into the intricacies of the Hogwarts Charter, shedding light on the discoveries made and the ensuing plan of action. "Upon scrutinising the Hogwarts Charter, we unearthed glaring omissions—classes that were once integral to the fabric of our curriculum but have since been inexplicably removed," he began, his voice resonating with a sense of purpose.

"Our foremost priority is the expeditious reintroduction of the Wixen Traditions, Customs, and Culture classes," Sirius emphasised, his words carrying the weight of urgency. "These classes are paramount in bridging the cultural gap for our Muggle-raised students and fostering a deeper understanding of our heritage."

Sirius's gaze swept across the room, compelling his audience to grasp the significance of their collective endeavour. "We will move swiftly to implement these classes, with the aim of revitalising our curriculum and enriching the educational experience of our students," he declared resolutely.

As murmurs of agreement and disagreement rippled through the assembly, Sirius underscored the commitment to restoring the essence of Hogwarts' educational ethos. "Additionally, we shall commence the groundwork for the gradual reintroduction of other essential subjects that have long been neglected," he announced, his tone imbued with unwavering determination. "Our goal is to reclaim the breadth and depth of our curriculum, ensuring that future generations of students benefit from a well-rounded magical education."

With a decisive nod, Sirius concluded this pivotal segment of the discussion, leaving no doubt as to the magnitude of the reforms set in motion.

With a firm resolve, Sirius interjected, swiftly diverting the conversation from Dumbledore's impending response. "We have identified ample room within our budget to reintroduce these classes," he asserted, his voice commanding attention as he addressed the governors and professors gathered before him.

"The funds previously allocated to these now-defunct classes can be reallocated towards the implementation of our proposed reforms," Sirius continued, his words punctuated by the weight of practicality. "By reinstating these essential subjects, we anticipate an influx of students attracted to the enriched educational offerings Hogwarts will provide."

His gaze swept across the room, meeting the eyes of each individual present, his conviction unwavering. "The potential increase in enrolment will not only offset any additional costs incurred but also contribute to the overall growth and prosperity of our institution," Sirius concluded, leaving no room for doubt regarding the feasibility and benefits of their proposed initiatives.

As the implications of his words settled upon the assembly, Sirius stood poised, ready to navigate the ensuing discussions with determination and pragmatism.

Sirius proceeded to delineate the findings unearthed from the depths of the Hogwarts charter, his tone measured yet resolute as he broached the matter of the Heads of Houses. "As per the stipulations outlined in the Hogwarts charter," he began, his voice carrying the weight of authority, "the duties assigned to the Heads of Houses far exceed the constraints of time allotted within their schedules."

With a thoughtful pause, he then presented the proposed solution crafted by the governors. "In light of these constraints, we propose a fundamental restructuring of the role of Heads of Houses," Sirius declared, his words infused with a sense of purpose. "Specifically, we suggest appointing individuals to these positions who are not currently serving as professors."

He elaborated on the rationale behind this strategic shift, emphasising the imperative of accessibility and availability for student welfare. "By selecting Heads of Houses who are not actively engaged in teaching duties, we ensure their unfettered availability to students throughout the day," Sirius explained, his vision for a more responsive and supportive system coming into focus.

"Their expanded availability will enable them to fulfil their duties more effectively," he continued, "including the oversight of student welfare, academic progress, and disciplinary matters." Sirius concluded his proposal with a firm conviction in its potential to enhance the quality of support and guidance provided to Hogwarts students.

As the significance of his proposal resonated within the room, Sirius remained poised, prepared to address any queries or reservations that may arise, steadfast in his commitment to fostering a nurturing and supportive environment within the hallowed halls of Hogwarts.

The governors deliberated on the practicalities of their proposed changes, acknowledging that the restructuring of the Heads of Houses would require careful planning and coordination. "While we understand the significance of this adjustment," Arista interjected, "we must ensure a smooth transition for all parties involved."

Echoes of agreement reverberated around the table as they discussed the timeline for implementation. "Indeed," Sirius concurred, "such a change cannot be rushed. We must allow for adequate time to select and prepare suitable candidates for these roles."

With a collective nod of assent, the governors turned their attention to the scheduling reforms. "Traditionally, Hogwarts has maintained a system of two professors per core subject," Cornelius remarked, "facilitating a more rigorous academic regimen for our students."

Sirius elaborated on this point, emphasising the tangible benefits of such a structure. "By reinstating this model," he explained, "we can ensure that core classes meet more frequently, providing students with enhanced opportunities for engagement and mastery of the material."

As they hashed out the logistical details, the governors remained steadfast in their commitment to academic excellence, determined to forge a path forward that would elevate the standard of education at Hogwarts. With each decision made, they moved closer to their shared vision of a school where every student could thrive and excel.

The governors commended Professor McGonagall for her exemplary dedication and the remarkable achievements of her students. "Your commitment to excellence is truly commendable," one of the governors remarked, "but we must acknowledge that the current workload is untenable for any one individual."

With genuine concern for Professor McGonagall's well-being, they extended an offer for her to relinquish either her Head of House or Deputy Head position until the proposed restructuring could be implemented. "We understand the gravity of this decision," Sirius interjected, "and want to ensure that you have the support you need to continue your invaluable contributions to Hogwarts."

Professor McGonagall, though taken aback by the proposition, listened attentively as the governors elaborated on their rationale. After a moment of contemplation, she expressed gratitude for their concern and assured them that she would consider their offer carefully before providing a response. "Your consideration is deeply appreciated," she said with a nod, "and I will give this matter the attention it deserves."

The governors, recognising the urgency of their decisions, gave Professor McGonagall until the end of the day to deliberate on which position she would relinquish. They assured her that whatever her decision, they would fully support her.

Continuing with the agenda, Sirius announced that a member of the governors would be present at Hogwarts throughout the year, rotating weekly to ensure regular oversight. Additionally, they would collectively visit the school at least once a month to conduct classroom observations and facilitate the implementation of necessary changes. Sirius reassured the staff that additional personnel would be available by the weekend, as they had identified potential candidates to fill the vacant positions, at least on a temporary basis.

This proactive approach underscored their commitment to fostering a supportive and conducive learning environment at Hogwarts, where both students and faculty could thrive.

Sirius concluded the meeting by urging the professors to carefully consider the proposed changes and familiarise themselves with the Hogwarts charter. He requested that they refrain from immediate questions and instead take time to digest the information provided. Assuring them that the governors would promptly commence recruiting suitable candidates to fill the necessary roles, Sirius officially dismissed the meeting.

As the governors exited the hall, leaving the professors in a state of shock, the weight of the impending transformations at Hogwarts hung heavily in the air. It was evident that significant shifts were on the horizon, promising both challenges and opportunities for all involved.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, things are starting to change at Hogwarts now, I wonder how everyone’s going to taken that?

I love reading your comments and thank you for all your support!

Chapter 14: Changes Told and Friendships Reforged


Hi, I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to get this chapter up! My laptop is still broken, I have managed to borrow one from my dad but trying to write on it yesterday caused me to realise that would not be happening because it kept freezing on me. On the other hand, before my laptop broke I had ordered a new phone which and that is what I have used to edit this chapter. So if there are typos please let me know because while my phone is far better than the laptop I am borrowing and my iPad which is probably about 10 years old now, it is still a phone and I am always making typos when texting so yeah.

But, still far better and I have been able to write chapter 18 which is good, so I should be getting back into my fortnightly posting again!

Hope you all enjoy the chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Sirius Black strode purposefully through the corridors of Hogwarts, his footsteps echoing against the ancient stone walls. The changes to Hogwarts would be immense, and he knew many, staff and students alike, would struggle with it, but he and the rest of the governors knew that these changes needed to be made. Hogwarts had been left to stagnate for too long. Changes were coming, whether the wixen world was ready or not. Hogwarts would just be the first.

As he continued through the halls, his eyes scanned the students he passed, ignoring the curious whispers that picked up as he walked down the ancient halls. He had promised Hariel an explanation that morning and he would ensure she got it, if he didn’t he had no doubt that she would go looking for one and doubtlessly, would end up in trouble as a result. Furthermore, he wanted to make sure she was alright. The last thing he had ever wanted was for Hariel to come face to face with dementors. It was why the governors had moved as swiftly as they had, the idea of those abominations near defenceless children caused a shudder to run through Sirius.

As Sirius approached the library, the heavy wooden doors creaked open, revealing the hushed tranquility within. Stepping inside, he was met with the scent of old parchment and the soft rustle of pages being turned. Hariel and her friends were nestled in a cozy corner, their heads bent over books and parchment, engrossed in their studies.

Sirius made his way towards them, his presence drawing their attention. Hariel looked up, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. Neville, seated beside her, greeted Sirius with a nod, his expression reflecting a blend of concern and interest.

"Sirius!" exclaimed Hariel, her voice carrying a note of surprise. "What brings you here?"

Sirius offered them a reassuring smile, though his mind was still consumed by the weight of the governors' decisions. "I came to make sure you were okay Hariel," he began, his voice gentle as he reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder, glancing down at the parchment she was writing on before continuing. "And to offer an explanation about what's been happening."
Hariel and Neville exchanged a glance, their curiosity had been burning since Sirius had arrived that morning, especially when he had appeared in their history lesson that morning. Sensing their intrigue, Sirius settled himself into a nearby chair, his posture relaxed yet attentive.

"I know you must have questions," Sirius continued, his gaze sweeping over the group. "The governors have made some significant decisions regarding Hogwarts, and I wanted to make sure you were aware of some of the changes that will be taking place throughout the year, more particularly the immediate changes that will be happening."

Hariel leaned forward as Sirius began to recount the governors' directives, Hariel and her friends listening intently, their expressions shifting from curiosity to concern. They absorbed the changes with astonishment, exchanging glances as Sirius continued to explain.

Once Sirius had finished, there was a moment of silence as Hariel and her friends processed the information. Then, Hariel spoke up, her voice steady with determination.

"Thank you for telling us, Sirius," she said, her eyes meeting his with unwavering resolve. "That’s a lot of changes in a very short space of time!" Her friends nodded in agreement, Hannah and Tracy seemed a little shocked at all the information they had just been given.

Sirius nodded in agreement, smiling softly at the close knit group that had formed over the summer. It pleased him that Hariel had gained such good friends that summer and that they were keeping their friendship as the new school year started. He knew she would need the support that they could provide. It reminded him that he needed to check in with Hariel, making sure that she wasn’t too worried about what the Sorting Hat had sung.

Bending down to press a kiss to the crown of Hariel’s head, Sirius began to depart, promising that he would speak to her a little later.

With a final nod of farewell, Sirius left the library, his thoughts already turning towards the tasks that lay ahead. Changes were coming to Hogwarts, but with the support of its students and staff, he was confident that the future of the school would be brighter than ever before.

And as he walked away, the echoes of his footsteps fading into the distance, Sirius couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty. Hogwarts was on the cusp of transformation, and he was determined to see it through to the end.


Hariel turned back to her friends, a mix of emotions swirling within her. "Well, that was unexpected," she remarked, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty.

Neville nodded in agreement, his brow furrowed in thought. "It's a lot to take in, isn't it?" he replied, glancing around at their group.
Susan, her expression thoughtful, spoke up next. "I can't believe they're really going to remove the dementors," she mused, her eyes reflecting relief mixed with disbelief.

Hannah, always practical, chimed in. "And the changes to the school, more lessons... It's going to be a lot of work for the professors," she noted, her tone reflective.

Parvati and Padma exchanged a glance, their expressions mirroring each other with uncertainty. "But maybe it's for the best," Padma offered, her voice soft, biting her lips as she looked around the group, “It means a better education for everyone."

Daphne, ever the realist, spoke up. "It's going to be a challenge, that's for sure," she remarked, her tone pragmatic. "But if anyone can adapt to it, it's us."

Hariel nodded, a sense of determination settling within her. "We'll just have to support each other through it," she said, her voice firm with resolve. "Together, we can handle anything that comes our way. I do wonder how the other students will cope though, when do you think the governors will announce the changes?"

“Probably at dinner, it would make sense. Lord Black did say that some of those changes would be implemented immediately,” Theo said in response, his tone thoughtful.

As their discussion continued, Hariel and her friends found that they were becoming more excited at the prospect of the changes, especially when they began to theorise on the different classes that Sirius had talked about adding to Hogwarts, though he had not given them names, just said that additional classes would make their way back into Hogwarts. Theo adding that his grandfather always talked about many different classes that were available to take for the students when he was at Hogwarts.

With their discussion winding down, Hariel and her friends made their way to the Great Hall for dinner. As they approached the imposing double doors, they exchanged nods and smiles before parting ways, each heading toward their respective house tables.

Hariel walked with purpose, heading directly to the scarlet and gold adorned table. She took a seat among her fellow Gryffindors, greeted by friendly smiles and cheerful chatter, Neville settling in beside her, nudging her to get her to make space for him beside Seamus and Dean. Parvati climbing into the space saved next to Lavender opposite, grinning as Lavender immediately turned to her and began talking.

As the students took their seats and began to enjoy their dinner, the Great Hall buzzed with the excitement of the evening ahead, none of the students had missed the governors observing their lessons that morning and speculation was running rampant as they speculated on what the meeting between the staff and the governors could have been about that afternoon.

As the students settled at their respective house tables, halfway through dinner the student's attention was drawn to the entrance of the Great Hall once again, where the Board of Governors, led by Sirius, made their second appearance of the day.

Sirius stood at the front of the group, his demeanour resolute as he turned to address the students gathered in the hall. His voice, firm and commanding, cut through the chatter, commanding the attention of all present.

"Attention, students of Hogwarts!" Sirius's voice rang out, echoing off the walls of the Great Hall. "As you may have noticed in your lessons this morning, the governors came around to observe and take note of the subjects being taught and student engagement. We then had a meeting between ourselves and then with the staff this afternoon. Many decisions have been made and I will now inform you of some important changes that will be taking place within our beloved school."

The students fell silent, their eyes fixed on Sirius as he continued to speak, his words carrying a weighty significance that hung in the air.

"We, the Board of Governors, have undertaken a thorough evaluation of Hogwarts and have identified areas in need of improvement. Rest assured, these changes are aimed at enhancing the quality of education and ensuring the safety and well-being of all students."

A murmur of curiosity rippled through the hall as Sirius paused, his gaze sweeping over the attentive faces of the students before him.

"In the coming days and weeks, you will witness changes taking place within the curriculum, staffing, and overall structure of Hogwarts," Sirius announced, his tone unwavering. "While change may be met with uncertainty, I urge you to embrace it with an open mind and a willingness to adapt."

“The first changes that will be taking place with immediate effect will be the retiring of Professor Binns and the hiring of a new History of Magic professor who will start after the weekend.” Here Sirius had to pause as the students began to talk before taking his wand out and shooting red sparks into the air, silencing the hall once again. “Thank you, please refrain from speaking until I have finished. The next piece of information I wish to impart is the re-introduction of the Wixen Traditions, Customs and Culture class that was a core part of the Hogwarts curriculum but has since been removed. This will be re-introduced after the weekend with it being compulsory for all year groups. There are more changes to come over this year and in the forthcoming years, however, these are the changes that will affect you immediately.” With that, Sirius concluded his address, his words hanging in the air as the students absorbed the gravity of the impending changes. As the Board of Governors retreated from the Great Hall, the students remained, their minds buzzing with questions and anticipation for what lay ahead.

As whispers filled the air in the Great Hall, Neville, Hariel, and Parvati exchanged meaningful looks, their minds already swirling with thoughts about the impending changes. Around them, Gryffindors began speculating, their voices hushed but filled with curiosity and anticipation.

"I wonder what other changes they're talking about," Seamus murmured, glancing around at his fellow third years.

Lavender furrowed her brow in thought, her gaze drifting towards the head table. "It must be something significant, they’ve only informed us about the changes that are happening immediately, which means that there are likely going to be other changes to come,” she remarked, her voice barely audible over the murmurs of her fellow Gryffindors.

Dean nodded in agreement, his expression thoughtful. "I hope it's something that will make Hogwarts even better," he said optimistically.

As the speculation continued to swirl around them, Neville, Hariel, and Parvati exchanged another glance, a silent agreement passing between them. They would keep what they knew between their group until Sirius announced more of the changes to come.

As Seamus, Lavender, and Dean continued their speculative chatter, their voices growing more animated with each passing moment, Hariel, Parvati, and Neville listened attentively, their expressions thoughtful but withholding any comments for the time being. They absorbed the conjecture swirling around them but added little to the conversation themselves.

The discussion soon drew the attention of some of the older students, who joined in with their own perspectives. Some voiced optimism, eager to embrace any improvements that might come their way, while others remained cautious, unsure of what the future held.

Hariel glanced around at the mix of hopeful and uncertain faces, a sense of anticipation building within her. Whatever changes were on the horizon, they would undoubtedly shape the course of Hogwarts for years to come. She exchanged a knowing look with Parvati and Neville, silently acknowledging the weight of the moment. Hariel knew that Sirius would see these changes through come what may, she had come to know her godfather rather well over the summer, and the look of determination in his eyes told her he was committed to this cause and would make sure to succeed.

Finishing her dinner and murmuring a goodnight to her housemates, Hariel made her way towards the common room, a flicker of unease passing through her when she caught Theo's eye. His puzzled expression lingered, and she couldn't shake the feeling that he was onto something. She knew it was ridiculous, there was no way anyone could figure out her secret from the small things she had let slip but even still, the weight of her secret pressed down on her with each step she took.

She bit her lip nervously, a surge of apprehension coursing through her. Even though she was sure that it would be impossible to work out her secret from the small clues, Theo's keen observation skills were not to be underestimated. Hariel knew that there would come a time when she would need to confide in her friends, when she would want to confide in them, but she was not ready yet. Despite the bond they had developed and deepened over the past few months, there were depths to her past that she wasn't ready to reveal and she definitly wasn’t ready for them to know. It may seem silly, but to Hariel, once they knew it made it all the more real. She logically realised them not knowing didn’t make it less so, but if they did not know, it could seem like an abstract dream when she was with them.

With a quick glance over her shoulder, Hariel hurried on, determined to keep her secret safe for a little while longer. But in the back of her mind, the knowledge lingered, a reminder of the fragile balance she maintained between her present and her future.


As Hariel settled into her bed, exhaustion weighing heavily on her after the whirlwind of the first day of classes and the unexpected revelations about the impending changes at Hogwarts, her gaze fell upon a note resting on her bedside table. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, she reached for it, fingers trembling slightly as she unfolded the parchment.

The note, elegantly written, caught Hariel's attention. With a mixture of curiosity and caution, she unfolded it and began to read:

Dear Hariel,

I hope this message finds you in good spirits, despite the tumultuous events that have recently transpired at Hogwarts. I trust you are well, but I felt compelled to reach out to you in light of the changes that loom on the horizon.

You may wonder how I am aware of these impending alterations, but rest assured, my intentions are not malevolent. I have my sources, ones that grant me insights into the inner workings of our esteemed school.

As the winds of change sweep through Hogwarts, they carry with them both promise and uncertainty. The changes that await you are significant, and they will impact us all in ways we may not yet comprehend. As someone who has become accustomed to navigating the murky depths of secrecy, I urge you to remain vigilant and prepared. Secrets as weighty as yours have a tendency to unfurl in unexpected ways.

Yet, in the midst of this uncertainty, know that you are not alone. Though my identity remains veiled in shadows, consider me a friend – a silent ally who stands with you, offering support and understanding from the depths of anonymity.

Stay vigilant, Hariel, and remember that even in the darkest of times, there are those who stand ready to offer aid and solace.

Until we meet,

A Friend

With the note in hand, Hariel's mind raced with questions. Who could this mysterious sender be, and how did they know about her secrets? As she pondered these questions, a sense of both intrigue and apprehension settled over her.

The words written on the page danced before her eyes, a mysterious message from the enigmatic letter writer who had been reaching out to her for some time now. The note spoke of the changes looming over Hogwarts, hinting at secrets and the inevitability of their exposure. Hariel's heart raced as she absorbed the implications, the weight of her own hidden truth pressing down on her.

Closing her eyes for a moment, she let out a soft sigh, the weight of uncertainty settling over her like a heavy cloak. Who was this mysterious friend who seemed to know so much about her, yet remained elusive? With a furrowed brow, Hariel whispered the question to herself, the words hanging in the air as she pondered the mystery that had consumed her thoughts for so long.

Shaking her head and realising her thoughts were just racing in circles, Hariel settled down to sleep, eyes closing as she began to dream.


Hariel found herself in a large stone throne room, the throne occipied by a figure she knew well, having studied him in her history books over the summer. King Arthur VIII's voice echoed with wisdom and reassurance as he addressed Hariel. "Greetings, descendant of my forefather's brother, blood of our noble lineage," he began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of history.

"Though time may separate us, our bloodline binds us together, connecting past, present, and future in an unbroken chain of destiny."
Hariel listened intently, captivated by the ancient king's words. She felt a sense of belonging, as if she were part of something grander than herself. "You carry within you the legacy of our ancestors," King Arthur continued, his gaze unwavering. "Embrace it, for it is a gift and a burden, a beacon of hope in times of darkness. Trust in yourself, trust in those closest to you. Prepare and learn well, for that shall prepare you to rule when that time comes."

As Hariel gazed upon the spectral figure of King Arthur VIII, she felt a surge of courage and determination. "I will honor our legacy," she vowed, her voice echoing in the ethereal realm of dreams. "I will stand strong in the face of adversity and uphold the values of our lineage."

King Arthur's smile widened, a glimmer of pride shining in his ancient eyes. "You are destined for greatness, young one," he proclaimed. "May the light of our shared heritage guide you on your journey, and may you find strength in the knowledge that you are never alone."


With those words, the dream began to fade, the image of King Arthur VIII gradually dissolving into the mists of slumber. Yet, as Hariel drifted back to wakefulness, she carried with her the echoes of his wisdom and the reassurance that she was part of a legacy that spanned the ages, a legacy she was destined to bring back to its former glory.

As Hariel's eyelids fluttered open, she found herself in the familiar surroundings of her dormitory. The remnants of her dream lingered in her mind, casting a hazy veil over her thoughts. Sitting up in bed, she rubbed her eyes, trying to shake off the remnants of sleep.

The memory of King Arthur VIII's spectral presence lingered in her mind, vivid and surreal. She couldn't shake the feeling of connection she had felt in his presence, the familial feeling she only really felt around Sirius, Augusta and Neville which she knew was ridiculous, because even if that had been King Arthur VIII, they were so distantly related they may as well have not been related at all. After all, Hariel was descended from the younger son of Arthur and Merlin, who had married into the Potters, and Arthur VIII had been descended from the elder son.

With a furrowed brow, Hariel pondered the significance of her dream. Was it merely a product of her overactive imagination, or did it hold deeper meaning? She couldn't deny the sense of reassurance and purpose it had instilled within her.

As she mulled over the dream, Hariel couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of determination. Whatever changes were coming to Hogwarts, whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and conviction, guided by the echoes of her ancestral legacy.

With a deep breath, Hariel pushed aside the lingering thoughts of her dream and prepared herself for the day ahead.


Hariel's footsteps echoed softly as she descended the spiral staircase leading to the common room. Despite her best efforts, the memory of the dream kept swirling around in her mind. She had thought to sit in the common room, the flickering fire that cast dancing shadows across the room would help ease her mind. The dancing embers lent a cozy warmth that was particularly inviting on this crisp autumn morning.

To her surprise, Hermione was already there, engrossed in a thick tome, her brow furrowed in concentration.

Hariel paused at the foot of the stairs, hesitating momentarily before deciding to join her. As she settled into a chair by the fire, she greeted Hermione with a tentative smile, which was met with a brief nod of acknowledgment before Hermione returned her attention to her book.

Undeterred by the initial lack of conversation, Hariel reached for a book of her own, the pages whispering softly as she turned them. The quiet murmur of voices drifted through the room, a comforting backdrop to the rustle of parchment and the crackling of flames.

Lost in the world of words, Hariel allowed herself to be transported to distant lands and bygone eras, each page offering a tantalising glimpse into realms unknown. The weight of the week's events slowly began to lift from her shoulders, replaced by a sense of tranquility and calm.

As the morning sun filtered through the windows, casting dappled patterns of light upon the worn rug, Hariel found herself immersed in the timeless dance of storytelling, her mind soaring on the wings of imagination. And in that quiet moment, surrounded by the familiar comforts of her first home, she felt a profound sense of peace settle over her soul.

The parchment crackled softly as Hariel turned its pages, her eyes scanning the carefully inked words that chronicled the final days of King Arthur VIII's reign and the measures he had implemented to safeguard the future of Albion.

In the waning days of his rule, King Arthur VIII faced a realm fraught with uncertainty and turmoil. As the last scion of the Pendragon bloodline, he bore the weight of Albion's destiny upon his shoulders, a burden he carried with steadfast resolve.

Aware of the precariousness of his lineage and the looming specter of succession, King Arthur VIII enacted a series of far-reaching decrees aimed at ensuring the continuity and stability of his kingdom. Among these measures was the establishment of a council of trusted advisors, charged with overseeing the affairs of the realm in his absence.

With meticulous foresight, the king outlined a clear path of succession, delineating the parameters by which his rightful heir would be identified and confirmed. Recognising the importance of legitimacy and lineage, he mandated the preservation of ancestral records and the adherence to strict protocols in matters of inheritance.

Yet, perhaps most crucially, King Arthur VIII sought to imbue his subjects with a sense of unity and purpose, instilling in them the values of honor, duty, and loyalty that had defined the Pendragon dynasty for generations. Through his unwavering leadership and unwavering commitment to the welfare of his people, he sought to ensure that Albion would endure, its legacy continuing long after his passing.

As Hariel delved deeper into the account, she couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence for the king who had shaped the destiny of their realm. His legacy loomed large, a beacon of guidance in uncertain times, serving as a reminder of the enduring power of leadership and the importance of stewardship in the face of adversity.

As Hariel continued reading, Hermione hesitated, her fingers nervously tracing the edge of her book as she debated whether to bring up the topic that had been weighing on her mind. She stole another glance at Hariel, who appeared engrossed in her reading, seemingly unaware of Hermione's internal struggle.

Summoning her courage, Hermione leaned forward slightly, her voice gentle yet tinged with apprehension. "Hariel, can we talk?"

Hariel looked up from her book, her expression momentarily stunned before softening into an expression of puzzlement. "Of course, Hermione. What's on your mind?"

Hermione took a deep breath, her gaze meeting Hariel's as she gathered her thoughts. "I've been doing some thinking about our argument, about your Slytherin friends and Albion's culture... and my lack of understanding of it."

Hariel listened attentively, a curious furrow forming between her brows. "Go on, Hermione."

Hermione bit her lip, her words coming out in a rush as she tried to articulate her thoughts. "I realise now that I've been too quick to judge and dismiss things that I don't understand. I saw you with your friends and I felt like you were being taken away. You went through all these changes over the summer and I didn’t know about it! At least, not until right at the very end. I've been so focused on my own perspective that I haven't taken the time to learn about yours, and for that, I'm truly sorry."

Hariel's expression softened with empathy, her hand reaching out to gently grasp Hermione's. "Hermione, I might have new friends but, besides Ron, you were one of my first. You aren’t being replaced, but,” Here Hariel paused and sighed, shifting so she was closer to Hermione, “You need to understand that Neville and I, we share a connection through our parents, we got really close over the summer and he’s like the brother I always wanted. As a result he introduced me to his friends. Yes, some of them are Slytherins, but Hermione, you can’t paint all of them with the same brush, just like we are all different in Gryffindor, the Slytherins are all different as well. That’s what really upset me, you didn’t even give them a chance. You just saw the colour of their robes and assumed that they were the same as the likes of Malfoy. You seemed really interested in learning about Wixen culture when we were in Diagon Alley, but you don’t really seem interested now. I know it's not easy trying to navigate different cultures, especially when you're not familiar with them."

Hermione shook her head, a determined glint in her eyes. "No, but that's not an excuse. I want to learn, Hariel. I want to understand the wixen world better, wixen culture, your friends... everything."

Hariel's smile was warm and reassuring as she squeezed Hermione's hand. "I appreciate that, Hermione. And I'm here to help you every step of the way."

As they talked, Hariel felt a sense of relief, everything wasn’t forgiven yet, she felt that Hermione needed to apologise to her other friends as well for the way she behaved, but it was a step in the right direction.

“Hariel, can you tell me more about the wixen world?” Hermione asked hesitatingly.

Hariel's smile widened at Hermione's question, a sense of warmth and camaraderie filling the space between them. "Of course! Where should we start?"

Hermione pondered for a moment before suggesting, "Maybe we could begin with some basics about Albion's history and traditions? I know there's a lot to cover, but I'm eager to learn."

Hariel nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good place to start. We can take it step by step, and I'll do my best to answer any questions you have, but please remember I only started learning about it this summer!"

With a sense of anticipation, Hariel and Hermione began discussing the rich tapestry that was Albion’s history. As they talked and exchanged insights, their friendship began to mend, strengthened by their mutual curiosity. And amidst the flickering flames of the common room fire, their friendship was reignited, stronger than before, with more understanding of each other as individuals.

"Hermione, let me tell you about Albion's history," Hariel began, her voice calm and measured. "It all starts with King Arthur and Merlin, figures of immense significance in Albion. They played pivotal roles in uniting Albion against the Saxons, forging a kingdom where magic flourished."

She gestured animatedly, painting a vivid picture with her words. "Together, they established Camelot as a beacon of magical prowess and righteousness. But perhaps their most significant achievement was the separation of magical Albion from Muggle Briton, ensuring that our magical heritage remained untainted and protected."

Hermione listened intently, her eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and fascination. "So, King Arthur and Merlin were not just legendary figures but instrumental in shaping the magical landscape of Albion?"

Before Hariel could respond, Hermione interrupted, her brow furrowed in thought. "Wait a minute, I always thought King Arthur was just a myth. And Merlin, well, I thought he was a Muggle legend. Are you saying they were real and had magic?"

Hariel nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Yes, Hermione. In Albion's history, King Arthur and Merlin were very much real, and they possessed extraordinary magical abilities. Their feats are legendary within our community, they created the foundation for the wixen world that we live in today."

As Hermione processed this revelation, Hariel continued to elaborate on the intricacies of Albion's history, bridging the gap between myth and reality with each word she spoke. Together, they embarked on a journey through time, exploring the enchanted realms of Albion's past and unlocking the secrets that lay hidden within its mystical tapestry.

"As the Pendragon dynasty flourished, Albion enjoyed an era of prosperity and stability," Hariel continued, her voice resonating with reverence for the ancient lineage. "Merlin and Arthur, bound by both love and destiny, married and became the progenitors of the Pendragon bloodline. Their union heralded an age of unparalleled magic and majesty, a golden age as it were, where the Pendragons ruled over Albion with wisdom and benevolence."

She paused, her gaze distant as she delved into the annals of history. "For over a millennium, the Pendragon dynasty endured, its legacy etched into the very fabric of Albion's soul. Each successive ruler, bearing the mantle of their forebears, upheld the values of honor, courage, and magic that defined our realm."

Hariel's expression softened, a hint of sadness tingeing her words. "But all dynasties must eventually come to an end. With the passing of Arthur VIII, the Pendragon line faced an unprecedented crisis. Arthur, having no heirs and no siblings to whom he could pass the throne, left Albion teetering on the brink of uncertainty."

She glanced at Hermione, her eyes reflecting the weight of Albion's history. "And thus began a period of tumultuous transition, as Albion grappled with the absence of a clear successor to the throne. The fate of our realm hung in the balance, its future shrouded in uncertainty."

As the echoes of Hariel's words lingered in the air, Hermione absorbed the weight of Albion's history, her mind racing with questions and contemplating a question.

“But couldn’t Arthur VIII just have appointed a successor? Surely there were laws in place, or he could have passed some to make it legal?” Hermione asked.

Hariel nodded solemnly, her eyes reflecting the weight of centuries-old tradition as she explained. "You're right, Hermione. In many kingdoms, succession might be a matter of appointment or inheritance laws. But in Albion, it's far more complex."

She gestured towards the ancient tapestries that adorned the common room walls, their threads woven with the stories of Albion's past. "Albion is not just a kingdom governed by mortal laws; it's intertwined with the very fabric of magic itself. Our realm is crisscrossed by ley lines, channels of magical energy that course through the land, connecting its every corner."

Hariel's voice carried the reverence of one who held deep respect for the sacred ties that bound Albion's fate. "The Pendragons, as descendants of Merlin and Arthur, are not just rulers; they are stewards of Albion's magic. Their bloodline is blessed by the gods, infused with the essence of our realm's very soul."

She paused, allowing Hermione to absorb the gravity of her words before continuing. "The ley lines, Hermione, they're more than just conduits of magic. They're the lifeblood of Albion, carrying with them the gifts and blessings bestowed upon our realm by the gods. Without a Pendragon monarch to anchor and guide them, Albion's magic would falter, its essence dimmed."

Hariel's gaze turned towards the flickering flames of the common room fire, a profound sense of duty etched into her features. "To ensure the continuity of Albion's magic, the Pendragon bloodline must endure. It's not just tradition; it's a sacred duty passed down through generations, a bond that transcends mortal understanding."

As the weight of Albion's legacy settled over them, Hermione nodded, her mind racing with newfound understanding. Hariel nodded, her expression grave as she delved into the intricacies of Albion's political landscape. "Arthur VIII foresaw the challenges that would arise in the absence of a monarch. He understood that Albion's stability depended on a strong foundation of governance, even in the absence of a Pendragon ruler."

She gestured towards the pages of her history book, their words illuminated by the soft glow of the common room fire. "Arthur VIII enacted laws and decrees, entrusting the Ministry of Magic with a portion of his authority to govern Albion in his stead. The Wizengamot, as the highest court of wixen law, became the cornerstone of Albion's legal system, ensuring that justice and order prevailed in our realm."

Hariel's voice held a note of admiration for the king who had shaped the course of Albion's destiny. "Arthur VIII was wise beyond his years. He knew that the Pendragon legacy could not be allowed to falter, even in the face of uncertainty. That's why he established measures to safeguard Albion's future, to preserve the sacred bond between our realm and the gods,”

She sighed, the weight of centuries-old secrets heavy upon her shoulders. "But even Arthur VIII's foresight had its limits. He knew that an heir existed, somewhere in the vast tapestry of Albion's lineage, but the identity of that heir eluded him. He entrusted the hope of Albion's restoration to future generations, to those who would seek out the lost threads of our legacy and weave them into the fabric of our realm once more. Without a Pendragon on the throne, the ley lines have stagnated, however, because Arthur VIII knew there was an heir, the kingdom had not destabilised completely. It’s not sturdy, but fragments remain and with the hope a a restoration of the monarchy, the magic and connection to the gods will be restored,”

As Hermione listened intently, Hariel's words wove a tale of duty, sacrifice, and the enduring legacy of kings long past.

Hermione's eyes widened with a sudden realisation, the implications of the Sorting Hat's words dawning on her like a brilliant sunrise. "The Pendragons... they're returning," she breathed, her voice filled with awe and wonder.

Hariel nodded, tryng to muster a sense of excitement that she didn’t entirely feel, to some extent she was excited, to restore Albion to all its glory was something she looked forward to, it was everything that came with it she was unsure about. "Yes, it seems so. The Sorting Hat's message wasn't just a mere product of hope and speculation—it was a declaration of a new era, a resurgence of Albion's golden age."

As the significance of their conversation settled upon them, Hermione breathed out, her heart brimming with anticipation for the future. The return of the Pendragons meant more than just the restoration of a royal bloodline; it heralded a time of hope and renewal, a chance for Albion to reclaim its glorious heritage and forge a path toward a brighter tomorrow.

“What do you mean by gods Hariel?” Hermione asked, her brow furrowed in confusion.

As the crackling of the fire filled the room, Hermione's question lingered in the air, prompting Hariel to delve into the intricate beliefs that adorned the wixen world. "Well," Hariel began, her voice carrying a reflective tone, "much like in the Muggle world, different countries and cultures in the wixen world worship different gods."

She paused, searching for the right words to convey the complexities of wixen belief systems. "In many wixen traditions, there's a concept of pantheons, where different gods and goddesses hold sway over various aspects of life and nature," she explained. "Mother Magic, or the essence of magic itself, often intertwines with these pantheons, sometimes taking on different names and forms but remaining essentially the same divine force."

Hermione listened intently, her curiosity piqued by the parallels between magical and Muggle beliefs. "So, it's like different facets of the same diamond," she mused, trying to grasp the concept.

Hariel nodded, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Exactly," she agreed. "It's like Mother Magic is the thread that binds them all together, weaving a tapestry of belief that spans across cultures and civilizations."

As they pondered the intricate web of wixen beliefs, Hariel couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at the diversity of wixen traditions and the underlying unity that connected them all. In that moment, amidst the warmth of the common room and the flickering glow of the fire, Hariel felt closer to Hermione than ever. Her friend was beginning to truly step into the world of magic, not just being fascinated by what she could do, but becoming fascinated by the culture that existed in it.

Hariel's explanation wove a tapestry of understanding, threading together the intricate relationships between magic, belief, and lineage. "The pantheons work in harmony to maintain order in the world," she continued. "They tend to gravitate towards regions where they have the most worshippers, where their influence is strongest."

She gestured towards the crackling flames of the fireplace, as if drawing a map of the wixen world in the flickering shadows. "In Greece, it's the Greek pantheon that holds sway atop Mount Olympus," she explained. "But here in Albion, the Old Religion, the Celtic pantheon, reigns supreme."

Hariel's gaze turned distant, her thoughts drifting to the legends and myths that had shaped the history of their land. "The Pendragons fit into this because of Uther and his crimes against magic," she continued, her voice tinged with solemnity. "Merlin, a being made of magic itself, was sent down to stop the massacre, and the Pendragons, as his descendants, carry that gift."

She paused, the weight of history settling upon her shoulders. "They're not divine themselves," she clarified, "but they're intricately connected to the magical currents that flow through our world, bound by blood and destiny to uphold the balance between magic and mankind."

As Hermione listened, Hariel's words seemed to unlock a deeper understanding of the forces at play in their world, illuminating the hidden ties that bound them to the ancient rhythms of magic and belief. In that moment, amidst the quiet of the common room, they glimpsed the vast tapestry of destiny that stretched out before them, woven with threads of magic and mystery, waiting to be unraveled.

As the common room began to fill with the chatter of students returning from their weekend activities, Hariel couldn't help but smile as she noticed Hermione lost in thought beside her. There was a newfound depth in Hermione's eyes, a glimmer of understanding that seemed to illuminate her features in the warm glow of the fire.

Hariel leaned back in her chair, content to let the quiet moments stretch out between them, grateful that Hermione was willing to open her mind and explore the world that she found herself in.

As Neville approached with a look of concern etched on his features, Hariel greeted him with a warm smile and a reassuring shake of her head. She wanted to convey to him that there was no need for concern, that whatever had been troubling them, they seemed to be getting past it, though Hariel would remain on guard.

With a glance and a gentle smile, she hoped to ease Neville's worries and let him know that she was alright.

Hermione seemed to wake from her reverie as Neville approached and she asked, “Hariel, where did you find out about all of this? How did you know to go looking for all this information? You wouldn't have last year.”

Hariel smiled as she answered, “I went to Gringotts to get some money and I ended up in front of my account manager. That meeting, which should have been simple, ended up taking a lot longer and I leant a whole lot more that I didn’t expect!”

Hermione's eyes widened in astonishment as Hariel revealed the source of her newfound knowledge. "Gringotts? Really?" she echoed, her tone a mixture of surprise.

Hariel nodded, a hint of excitement in her expression. "Yes, exactly. Because my account manager had not seen me before, I had to do an inheritence test to prove I was who I said I was and then it revealed all of this information abut the Potters that I didn't know about, it meant I ended up doing a whole lot of reading until I went to stay with Neville, and then the reading never really stopped!"

As she spoke, Hariel's enthusiasm was palpable, her hands gesturing animatedly as she recounted her discovery. "I spent the entire summer diving into my family history, with Neville, Augusta, and Sirius by my side. We poured over historical texts to help me learn about the wixen world, looked at the customs and traditions as well, while I was also introduced to the most common religion in Albion, It was defintitely a summer of discovery!"

Hermione listened intently, hanging on Hariel's every word. "And what did you find?" she asked eagerly, her curiosity piqued.

As Hariel continued to explain her family's history to Hermione, she carefully omitted certain details, choosing instead to focus on the broader strokes of her ancestral heritage. Hariel talked about how the Potters had been granted a dukedom as a mark of gratitude by the Pendragons and then explaining to Hermione the different levels of nobility that existed in Albion.

In reality, Hariel's exploration of her heritage had been driven not just by curiosity, but also by a growing sense of duty and destiny. As the heir to the Pendragon legacy, her future as the Queen of Albion loomed large on the horizon, a weighty responsibility that she carried with both trepidation and determination.

As she spun her tale for Hermione, Hariel chose her words carefully, crafting a narrative that hinted at the truth without fully exposing it. And as Hermione listened, captivated by the story unfolding before her, Hariel couldn't help but wonder how much longer she could keep her true identity hidden, and what the future held for her as the heir to a legacy that spanned centuries.

As Hermione, Neville, and Hariel engaged in conversation, a sense of relief washed over Hariel. Despite the recent tensions and misunderstandings, she found solace in the familiarity of her friendships. Hermione, with her brilliant mind and unwavering determination, had always been a steadfast companion, even when their perspectives clashed.

Despite the progress Hariel had made with Hermione that morning, she couldn't shake the worry that lingered in the back of her mind regarding Ron. His reaction to the news of her Slytherin friends had been less than favorable, and she feared that their friendship might not recover as a result. Ron had not reached out yet like Hermione had, he had ignored her as much as possible and it hurt. Ron had been her first friend ever and she did not want to lose that, even if he was acting like a arse right then. Despite their differences and occasional disagreements, Ron had always been there for her when she needed him most.

As she reflected on their friendship, Hariel couldn't help but hope that Ron would eventually come around. She knew that his loyalty and steadfastness were qualities she cherished deeply. Perhaps with time and patience, they could overcome this hurdle and emerge stronger than before.

But for now, Hariel focused on the present moment, finding comfort in the return of her friendship with Hermione.


Hope you enjoyed the chapter, I’m spending today trying to sort out the images that have seemingly decided not to work anymore, so I’m going to try and do that. Thank you again for all the support, I’m really glad everyone is enjoying the story! And woooo! Over 100,000 words! Never thought I’d write that much!

The Return of Albion - Booknerd458 - Harry Potter (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

Address: 2865 Kasha Unions, West Corrinne, AK 05708-1071

Phone: +3512198379449

Job: Design Planner

Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.